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  1. #41
    Reed's Avatar
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    what the hell is going on in here you crazy kids

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    You guys dont get your story straight DSM and I will Straighten you ALL out...

    Maybe MadMatt if he is lucky...LOL
    ALL huh...?

  3. #43
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    reed, u looking fvkin great man...dont want to blow up ur head, but dammit man..
    great job so far.....

  4. #44
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    thanks thanks I took this last night flat but vascular as hell

    Right now carbing the HELL up. Piling in and it probably looks like I've gained some more muscle lol

    But appreciate. Saturday is the day then one more the following saturday. Gonna be awesome. Then growing!!! and getting BIGGER!! and of course lots of pizza, cheese cake, buffets and all the stuff I can't eat

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    reed, u looking fvkin great man...dont want to blow up ur head, but dammit man..
    great job so far.....

    You look awsome mate.

  6. #46
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Hey Reed, what are you feeding those snakes wrapped around your arms??

  7. #47
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    Aww guys I appreciate very much. Don't worry I gotta stay hungry AND humble in order for my progression to continue. I don't get paid so the comments are like money in my pocket I love it.

    Still gotta alot more work to do before i go national but thats all the fun right?

    T-Mos- currently lots of oats, rice cakes, sweet pototoes, brown rice. and I mean LOTS w/ a bit of protein

  8. #48
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    add another positive comment Reed, you are looking good bro

  9. #49
    Dancer's Avatar
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    jacked uuuuup cant wait for the contest photos

  10. #50
    Iron_Pig's Avatar
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    SeriousAss Giving out advice again??

  11. #51
    Iron_Pig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Talking of "BAD advice". You've avoided 2 replies of mine correcting your "BAD advice" in the PCT Forum.

    1. xpertz help needed! very low hormone levels, even though PCT finished for a while...

    2. No difference from cycle and PCT

    Serious Ass Strikes again

  12. #52
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    I don't think the guys is taking enough.

  13. #53
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    I am so glad that you were able ti straighen out his post T-Mos! That is why people should use 1/2 not .5 !! I hope everyone u nderstands this was more of a wake up to us tp read more carfully ! I already talked with the guys who posted on that thread and they were trying to apologize to me! I did not try and flame them , nor was i trying to call anyone out! It was as i said more of a wake up call for all of us hee, Me included!
    I wanted to say thanks to al for the support and understanding my way of thought! "SM" Seems to always have a problem and I do not thinkl he undesrtands why this board is even here! I hate getting into a "tissy" with another member but something about that "Kid" bothers me! Maybe thats it/.. He is a kid! Just needs to grow up
    Again, I am glad that 99% of us here are in agreement and understood what m,y point was!
    I mean come on , you would have to be a kid, He looks at my Avatar and then makes a remark that his 16year old sisters car is worth more than all 3 of mine!! I sent him a Pm just to let him know I want to know exactly what his siter drives! LOL Cause those 3 cars put together, are worth way over $100,000.00!! Again I am never one to brag, but if your sister is driving a $100,000.00 + car at 16, She is a much better person than I am!
    Last edited by ninesecz; 08-05-2009 at 06:37 PM.

  14. #54
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    No need to worry about SeriousASS anymore....he has been BANNED !!!!!

  15. #55
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    About time imo lol

  16. #56
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    The member with a smallest penis is gone.... ahhhhhhhhhh

    well a small loss

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    No need to worry about SeriousASS anymore....he has been BANNED !!!!!
    Best news I have heard all day!! Mybe he can find himself a nice corner somewhere!! I wonder what he is doing?? he must be going crazy with no outlet to flame all of us about all of us wanting him banned! Probably called a friend if he has some left and is telling them all about it!

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    No need to worry about SeriousASS anymore....he has been BANNED !!!!!
    though i have no real opinion, most of his issues are in the forums of this board i don't go to (i have no knowledge about steroids so i stick to the workout questions).. but with the little i do know of seriousmass, don't you feel he will just make another name and come right back????

  19. #59
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    great news tonight.......see ya later sm....

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206 View Post
    though i have no real opinion, most of his issues are in the forums of this board i don't go to (i have no knowledge about steroids so i stick to the workout questions).. but with the little i do know of seriousmass, don't you feel he will just make another name and come right back????
    yea probably,. but he won't be able to use that stupid name with those TINY pictures.....and with his attitude it won't take long to figure who he is again.....lolol

  21. #61
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    he sounds like that lexusios twat that got banned that dude has a twin brother ya know

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    I am so glad that you were able ti straighen out his post T-Mos! That is why people should use 1/2 not .5 !! I hope everyone u nderstands this was more of a wake up to us tp read more carfully ! I already talked with the guys who posted on that thread and they were trying to apologize to me! I did not try and flame them , nor was i trying to call anyone out! It was as i said more of a wake up call for all of us hee, Me included!
    I wanted to say thanks to al for the support and understanding my way of thought! "SM" Seems to always have a problem and I do not thinkl he undesrtands why this board is even here! I hate getting into a "tissy" with another member but something about that "Kid" bothers me! Maybe thats it/.. He is a kid! Just needs to grow up
    Again, I am glad that 99% of us here are in agreement and understood what m,y point was!
    I mean come on , you would have to be a kid, He looks at my Avatar and then makes a remark that his 16year old sisters car is worth more than all 3 of mine!! I sent him a Pm just to let him know I want to know exactly what his siter drives! LOL Cause those 3 cars put together, are worth way over $100,000.00!! Again I am never one to brag, but if your sister is driving a $100,000.00 + car at 16, She is a much better person than I am!

    Thanxs for you maturity in this matter.I guess I should have apologized to the board itself. I'm glad that T-MOS figured out the dosing typo.Good work bro!

    As far as seriousmass is concerned, The board didn't ban him, he really banned himself.

    Nine-still made the right call on this. I thank-you, I'm sure the OP does also, as well as the others here that try to contribute to the forum.

  23. #63
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    That mens a lot to me thanks bro!! I think Seroius Mass did re open with another account. I am ot positive though. But there ws a comment made on the original post by a gut with 4 posts his name is like 'Something"JayZ2K9

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    That mens a lot to me thanks bro!! I think Seroius Mass did re open with another account. I am ot positive though. But there ws a comment made on the original post by a gut with 4 posts his name is like 'Something"JayZ2K9
    He'll give away his identity sooner or latter.If you noticed, each of us write a certain way.And all though we don't know each other outside the forum, we have traits that we recognize about each other.

    The way he posts, it won't take long to figure out who his new alias is!

    Anyways, I'm not one for drama.

    Thanks for the respect, I appreciate it.

  25. #65
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    first off I didnt post to it.

    I think its a very valid pint and I for one am glad you brought it up. It is something we should watch for.

  26. #66
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    I will be honest, it is good to know that people on here to some aspect respect what I do and what I was trying to do! As most of you know I have never tried co ming off lika "know it all" and would never claim to know all! I still feed off advice from people like T-Mos, Swifto and some others, I love the posts and pics by JBM , Dukkit, and DSM and as most of you see, I ask a lot of questions myself about things I am unsure of or simply do not know for myself.. there are a lot of posts I look at but do not reply to cause there is no sense in answering if I am just B.S. ing people!! Again thanks to everyone for not thinking I was trying to be an S S Hole with this post! Was and never would be my intention!! man my typing has gotten a lot faster from all the posting!! (not much more accurate though LOL)

  27. #67
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    This thread is a good reminder that we all need to read and ask questions before we give out any advice.

    As for seriousass he was just like hollywoodjack and a couple others on this board that could not or should not give any advice.

    I believe once a member is caught lying about their age and stats should be banned right away.

  28. #68
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    I love yyou prone and you can lie to me any time you want.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    The followins paragraph was copied and pasted here from another post on this board. It is a perfect example why people have screwed up cycles and even after asking for help and trying to get things corrcted, they still end up all screwed up!! There are some people that posted on this topic after I guess not even really reading this guys post!! Then proceeded to offer advice about injection pain and syringe sizes and all without even mentioning his injection size and schedule! This guy is screwed up and according to the people who posted, he is doing nothing wrong except using the wrong needles!!
    This guy apparently injected
    10cc's (4000mg of test) and 10cc's (3000mg of deca ) just in his first week!
    and now is injecting 5cc's (2000mg of test) and 5cc's (1500mg of deca) each week and only 1 injection a week!

    People need to watch what they read a little more carefully!
    Here is the post!

    Well i have been reading alot of these posts and have learned alot. I am currently on my second week of my first cycle. Im on Test 400mg and Deca 300mg. First week i took 5cc of each on tuesday and the 5cc each on saturday. Second week im now taking 5cc of each once a week. Test on tuesday and deca on sat. I was using a 5/8" 25 g pin. I have learned that i should be using a 22-23 g and about 2"? I not going to ask alot about the pain because i have seen alot of post about that but im just going to say whats going on. Test isnt bad...deca leaves me in alot of pain for a least 3 days and the area swells. I think im just brusing basiclly. Im not iinfected no heat, no flu systems. I inject slow..deca i have only done in the glutes because im afraid of the pain it will cause anywhere else. If anyone has suggestions or comments maybe i am doing something wrong let me know....but i really would like to know something else....

    Look, I'll be blunt and to the point. (this is in the context of what the OP posted on, not what T-Mos said)

    This is NOBODIES fault but the **OPs**. He wasn't given the wrong advice and he had ALREADY started his cycle.

    Shouldnt he have a shred of common sense about what hes doing? Why the fvck are WE responsible for his life?
    It may be your obligation to fix it, it sure as hell isn't mine. You know why? Cause its not my ass thats on the line. He should care about himself enough not to make stupid mistakes like that.
    For somebody to make a mistake like that, that would have to require 1 of 2 things.
    Either 1 they're an idiot, or 2 made a typo (which has been said but I'm still speaking in context of the OP)
    Cause when I did my first cycle I researched to the point where there was NO ROOM FOR ERROR. Thats what an intelligent person does.
    You read more then one sticky and reach a consensus, a goldfish could do it.

    If I caught onto that (if I even gave advice which I don't) I would have laughed in my head and thought "what a dumbass". And I wouldn't feel a margin of guilt about him getting an abcess or infection. Matter a fact I would rather that happen so the OP could have his shit in check next time. And not go on passing up important fvcking detail.

    All in all people are saying its a typo but fvck, we're here to give people advice not save their lives. He had ALREADY started what if he never posted that thread? Then whos fault is it? His own.
    And people skim read everything in life cause we all don't have the time to be saving the world. Its a fact of reality, not a "wake up call". Get real, not bitchy. Maybe I'm bitching now but shit, I can't stand when anyone tells me (or the entire board) that **WE** have to wake up because other people on this forum have bird brains. Fvck that, I don't buy it.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Look, I'll be blunt and to the point. (this is in the context of what the OP posted on, not what T-Mos said)

    This is NOBODIES fault but the **OPs**. He wasn't given the wrong advice and he had ALREADY started his cycle.

    Shouldnt he have a shred of common sense about what hes doing? Why the fvck are WE responsible for his life?
    It may be your obligation to fix it, it sure as hell isn't mine. You know why? Cause its not my ass thats on the line. He should care about himself enough not to make stupid mistakes like that.
    For somebody to make a mistake like that, that would have to require 1 of 2 things.
    Either 1 they're an idiot, or 2 made a typo (which has been said but I'm still speaking in context of the OP)
    Cause when I did my first cycle I researched to the point where there was NO ROOM FOR ERROR. Thats what an intelligent person does.
    You read more then one sticky and reach a consensus, a goldfish could do it.

    If I caught onto that (if I even gave advice which I don't) I would have laughed in my head and thought "what a dumbass". And I wouldn't feel a margin of guilt about him getting an abcess or infection. Matter a fact I would rather that happen so the OP could have his shit in check next time. And not go on passing up important fvcking detail.

    All in all people are saying its a typo but fvck, we're here to give people advice not save their lives. He had ALREADY started what if he never posted that thread? Then whos fault is it? His own.
    And people skim read everything in life cause we all don't have the time to be saving the world. Its a fact of reality, not a "wake up call". Get real, not bitchy. Maybe I'm bitching now but shit, I can't stand when anyone tells me (or the entire board) that **WE** have to wake up because other people on this forum have bird brains. Fvck that, I don't buy it.
    I did not read all this but the first part but blunt and to the point, I have seen books written with less verbiage...

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    yea probably,. but he won't be able to use that stupid name with those TINY pictures.....and with his attitude it won't take long to figure who he is again.....lolol
    i agree with you. most people have a way of showing their true colors again.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    I did not read all this but the first part but blunt and to the point, I have seen books written with less verbiage...
    You do raise a pretty good point lol
    Couldnt have been any farther from the point then dsms cock to a vagina..

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