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  1. #1
    Razor is offline Banned
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    This went on facebook

    I but this up last night on facebook, its ****ing hilarious, only two people had any idea what they were talking about. One of them is a member here.
    I took all the names cept mine, I didn't bother to argue with anyone.

    Razor who takes steroids ?
    Like · · Unfollow Post · 19 hours ago near San Diego
    likes this.

    Guys with lil weiners!
    19 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 2

    for body building or other things?
    18 hours ago via mobile · Like

    I take a steroid , it in a inhaler form for asthma, so you have to be specific on what you want.18 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Razor Bodybuilding
    17 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Razor what if you dont have a small weiner and you still want to take them for bb?
    16 hours ago · Like

    Then you will shrink up from all ive heard and read on them.
    16 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Take whey protein or createin or something like that, it won't as quick of a build, but less risk.
    16 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Just take a pro hormone... You can gain just as much size without side effects, acne, "shriveling up". You can get just as ripped just have to be disciplined on your bulking cycle. Needs to be a "clean" bulk.
    15 hours ago via mobile · Like

    stfu lol no way u gain as much on pro hormones as u do off roids one and two depending on your age and your muscle maturity should help u deside weather u should do it or not pro hormones however are a good start as long as u kno that ur body is not growing as much naturally,
    15 hours ago · Like · 1

    Hush I gained 23 pounds on it you can do just as much trout is on roids he said he got more defined was the only difference
    15 hours ago via mobile · Like

    hahaha okay remi think what u think my homies made roids one and two i dont think u know anyone who was at 5.4 and 265 lbs all muscle at the age of 20 thats what steroids do and at least half the weight u gained was wated weight
    15 hours ago · Like

    I'll show you some water weight tuna.
    14 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3

    Wow.,.. all of you guys need to do a whole lot more research on what exactly anabolic steroids are. I only mention this as a pre-med student who is trying to become an endocrinologist in the field of research on human performance enhancement. A lot of plain wrong comments going on around here...
    14 hours ago · Unlike · 1

    Be over 25 years old, have had been working out steadily for at least 3 to 4 years min, get your fb % around 12 to 15%, max out your bodies own natural potential, do at least a year of serious research, and be extremely dedicated. Then you might be ready for gear. To do them safely and effectively anyways.
    14 hours ago · Unlike · 5

    don't cheat... nuff said
    12 hours ago · Like · 3

    chase has the best answer to this. but on what steroid to take that all depends on what youre trying to accomplish. i dont think steroids are cheating in any way shape or form. they help you get to a level that would be impossible to reach without them and you cant argue with me on that. find me one body builder that has competed in mr. olympia that doesnt take them. it can't be cheating of everyone who is competing is taking them.and as for PH doing the same thing as roids well.. they might have some similarities but you will see no where near the same gains of size and strength on a PH as compared to "real steroids". this is coming from someone who has done both. and i will tell you first hand PH's and steroids are on 2 completely different classes. the most i was ever able to get from a PH was about 20 lbs and mid strength gains repping around 250 on bench. and then on a cycle of a steroid called winstrol my strength gains were unreal repping 300 maxing at 325. and that was within the first three weeks of this cycle and as far as weight winstrol doesnt retain water it is very dry so i gained throughout the whole cycle 10 lbs but it looked like 25. find me a PH that will give you results like that
    8 hours ago · Like

    You can't tell me it isnt cheating when in any sport when an athlete is tested and steroids is something they use for performance they are either fined hella or given a huge suspension. Baseball players get busted for it all the time. Now obviously you will get results otherwise there would be no need to take them, but you are cheating yourself if you need to take them. I mean even you said you wont be able to gain the size and strength without. That is cheating. Steroids are not healthy for you by any means, I mean you can die from it. Now you can do whatever your heart desires an no one will stop you, but remember that most women and not attracted to jacked guys. I saw numerous things that proved it, don't believe me look it up. Now not sayin you won't get girls cause that is a stupid statement but I'm just saying most girls aren't attracted to your so called meathead. You should be happy that you gain 10 or so pounds on a bench cause you worked on that gain yourself not cause you needed steroids to do it, who are you trying to impress?
    8 hours ago via mobile · Like

    the reasons i take then is not to look good or get girls. i take them because i like the results i get from them. and yes if you are a professional athlete in a sport that has banned the use of them and you take them then it is cheating. before i ever thought about steroids i worked as hard as i could eating perfect lifting right doing everything right. and i just hit a wall and couldnt get any gains anywhere no matter what i did or how hard i tried and i wasnt happy with where i was. so i looked into and decided to take them. and i couldnt be happier with that decision. i did my research took them right and my gains were amazing and i had 0 side effects from them all they did was help me get to somewhere i wanted to be that would have been impossible to do any other way. i totally agree some guys just right into it cause they are lazy and dont want to push themselves naturally from the start and those are the guys that abuse it see the nasty side effects and end up really hurting themselves. there are 2 worlds to the people who take them the people like me who only use them as a last resort do their research and take them how you are supposed to. and then there are the "meatheads" who dont really care they take them irresponsibly. stack things that shouldnt be stacked and never do correct PCT. but i will tell you about the dedication and how proud i was of my gains even with taking them. i was more dedicated in that gym than anyone else i worked harder and ate better than any other guy that wasnt taking anything. i earned every pound of muscle i have and it wasn't easy so you cant say i shouldnt be proud of it
    7 hours ago · Like

    but would you have gained the muscle without it?
    7 hours ago · Like

    no i wouldnt have. and thats what im saying i tried everything to get the gains i wanted naturally and nothing worked no matter how hard i hit the gym or how good my diet was my body hit its max and i wasnt happy with it. i wanted more and the only way to get it was with roids. you cant call that cheating myself. maybe if i had just started taking them right off the bat. but i didnt
    7 hours ago · Like

    true, you gotta do what you gotta do. you support them, i am not so much. lets just agree to disagree
    7 hours ago · Like

    the whole point of this post though is people are gonna take em no matter what. stick to what chase said if you would really like to take them and you will be fine. abuse them and youre a dumbass end of story!
    7 hours ago · Like · 1

    and andrew im good with that. ha sorry i got so defensive its just one of those subjects for me.
    7 hours ago · Like

    i understand man, defend what you got to
    7 hours ago · Like

    this conversation makes me really miss screen shot porn pics. I'm assuming you're all young than me (I'm an old guy) , the long term effects
    6 hours ago via mobile · Like

    of using the roids aren't worth the short term gains. if you're not going to be competing for mr universe or whatever it just isn't worth it.
    6 hours ago via mobile · Like

    watch this......

    YouTube - (1/5) The Man Whose Arms Exploded Documentary - Loy Machedo's Favorite
    5 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Too many people have society's view on them and haven't done real research. Like any prescription drug, I can be bad if taken wrong or abused or good if you do it how you are supposed to. The rep they have is society and sports. Society loves what they do but is in denial hen they find out their favorite athlete has been taking them. There is a good documentary on Netflix, I forget what it's called.
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Just by reading the posts you have made me a believer. I will be hitting you up Cody and chase in 3 years when I'm 25.
    Last edited by Razor; 08-14-2012 at 11:21 AM.

  2. #2
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah people are just ignorant on the subject.

  3. #3
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Actually it is milder than what I expected to read so far. There are so many out there who believe all that is fed to them in the news. So all they know is steroids causes brain cancer and you lose you balls and penis shrinks to size of a child of 9. But it does not help when some ex athletes who used the crap out of them go on the news with a rare form of cancer saying steroid abuse did this to me. Then you have all these people who believe every word jumping on the band wagon to outright ban steroid use for any reason and so it becomes a schedule lll controlled drug. Funny we probably have what 20 to 30 thousand nationwide who use steroids . That's just a figure pulled out of air but the point is it is way far less using steroids than using outright illegal drugs which the public by the way seems to endorse. Even putting their own children on speed at the age of in Adderal. With the lame excuse of them being so called add. But that's ok because they are at least doing their good deed by stopping those mean 1 in 100,000 men and women who are using steroids in their daily regimen to get and stay healthy and fit. And where are these so called good doers now? Waiting in line at McDonalds...go figure...

  4. #4
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    yeah people are just ignorant on the subject.
    I like the part about it will shrivel up your weiner lol

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    A lot of people are ignorant and lazy....and the laziness feeds the ignorance.

  6. #6
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Actually it is milder than what I expected to read so far. There are so many out there who believe all that is fed to them in the news. So all they know is steroids causes brain cancer and you lose you balls and penis shrinks to size of a child of 9. But it does not help when some ex athletes who used the crap out of them go on the news with a rare form of cancer saying steroid abuse did this to me. Then you have all these people who believe every word jumping on the band wagon to outright ban steroid use for any reason and so it becomes a schedule lll controlled drug. Funny we probably have what 20 to 30 thousand nationwide who use steroids . That's just a figure pulled out of air but the point is it is way far less using steroids than using outright illegal drugs which the public by the way seems to endorse. Even putting their own children on speed at the age of in Adderal. With the lame excuse of them being so called add. But that's ok because they are at least doing their good deed by stopping those mean 1 in 100,000 men and women who are using steroids in their daily regimen to get and stay healthy and fit. And where are these so called good doers now? Waiting in line at McDonalds...go figure...
    You know, this is why I'm partially glad Canseco is going to do some videos here. We need celebrity sports figures clearing up the facts from the fiction in AAS. Truth is the average public isn't going to pay a single bit of attention to any survey, study or physician. They're getting their entire education on the topic from the TV. We need more household names speaking out in favour. The problem is we need people in the media clearing up the myths and misinformation.

    The general public is ignorant and lazy and this is how the MAN swayed public opinion on the matter. So, the AAS community should be playing their game.

  7. #7
    Hellhound1988's Avatar
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    i like how the one guy said that steroids are a drug and theres a right way and wrong way to take any drug, that was always my line when people would talk down on gear, would you take a whole bottle of aspirin? no. would you inject 10ccs of test in one injection? no, theres a right and wrong way, and the whole thing about steroids shrinking your dick? hahaha, when did it switch from shrinking the potatoes, to shrinking the meat AND potatoes? and i bet the majority of the people against it are out of shape fat slobs or bony twigs who are jealous that we have enough drive to go to the weightroom and change our bodies/lives let alone have the balls to take steroids (no pun intended)

  8. #8
    calgarian's Avatar
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    i just take it so it can reduce my dic size I am getting sick and tired of women complaining that it hurts alot and they cant hold their shit in after i fvck them

  9. #9
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian
    i just take it so it can reduce my dic size I am getting sick and tired of women complaining that it hurts alot and they cant hold their shit in after i fvck them
    ^^^keep quite when DSM is around or he'll want pics

  10. #10
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i just take it so it can reduce my dic size I am getting sick and tired of women complaining that it hurts alot and they cant hold their shit in after i fvck them
    Duct tape fixes everything, bro.

  11. #11
    ironbeck's Avatar
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    sorry couldn't read it all...just a bunch of diarrhea babble...

  12. #12
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    i just take it so it can reduce my dic size I am getting sick and tired of women complaining that it hurts alot and they cant hold their shit in after i fvck them
    Fat women have bad sphincter muscle control due to the passage of tons of half digested waste matter being forced through their bodies every day

  13. #13
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    sorry couldn't read it all...just a bunch of diarrhea babble...


    But, I did see the part that said it shrinks your dick. I personally started juicing also for that reason. My dick was so big it poked out of my girls mouth once. She said no more, you must get juiced. . . .

    People are ignorant for the most part and are afraid to learn anything.

    Theoretically juice can shrink your dick though. If you can't get it up I would consider it shrunk down.

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