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  1. #41
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    Along with this, I decided which side of the law I am on. It's just what I have to work with.

    Ain't life a trip though. I respect animals, they do what they are meant to do - Live. We can make decisions to try to enhance ourselves. . . Oh life.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    I partially agree with what you said about the abuse. I have a pretty thorough understanding of addiction and consequences of such- which makes me believe abuse is a term loosely used. Someone very close to me who has the necessary credentials and life experience to make such a statement said to me that there are many fortunate people who are privileged enough to enjoy drugs and never really abuse them and become addicts. Addiction is a disease and the characteristics of an addict include substance abuse. The person who told me this suffers addiction and has been clean for many many years. That person has to constantly maintain the relationship of fellow addicts as a form of support, because without that, life is unmanageable. Even after use of drugs have stopped, an addict is still an addict - therefore making them different from me IMO

    On my shoulder, I have the angel and devil. They often have intelligent conversations about choices I am about to make. When they are done talking, I make and educated decision. Get juiced
    My devil is a big juice head and just kicks the living snot outa the angel on a regular bases...I didnt say all my decisions are good lol

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    My devil is a big juice head and just kicks the living snot outa the angel on a regular bases...I didnt say all my decisions are good lol
    i just got 2 devils...

  4. #44
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    I understand your view and totally respect your analogy. Would you agree though, that their is a difference between using drugs and abusing drugs? For example if I cycle 2-3 times per year I would consider my self a user. If I am pinning whatever I can get my hands on and constantly changing doses and switching chemicals like underwear, that might constitute the word abuse.
    In my opinion, if you use AAS to reach physical goals, you have to abuse them to achieve your goals. So in what we do, I say we abuse them. To use them(not abuse) would be for like TRT, aneimia, bone dsiorders, muscle wasting due to cancer/aids. They I consider users.

    Now I don't want people to think I'm trying to justify my choices. I'm actually very proud of my life and accomplishments, and wouldnt change anything given the chance. (except more LBM) I dont care what others think or say because I am awesome and thus just the way it is (lol just kidding) What I'm trying to identify is if there is common feeling about the topic. Abuse vs use! I say if your life is manageable and your quality of life is good, if you are a contributing member of society- you're not an addict and there definitely is a difference between you and an addict.
    I think you can become addicted to feeling like a god. In essence, that is what it is like. For instance, I can go bust shoulders at the gym, then go to Kmart just because I want to let the women get to see me, as they desearve it. lol. That kind of feeling. The feeling that you feel you are doing a service by letting women be in your presence. It is cocky, but it is truely how you feel. I am not really like that, but it is how I feel.

  5. #45
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    Warmouth, hitting on chicks at Kmart? Really? No AAS needed just a job to score Kmart ass lol

  6. #46
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    Warmouth, I like your response. You've helped me come to terms a bit more. Not like my choices are changing... But more like I have some fuel for responses when faced with these statements.

    Having said that, I'll still defend it with the regular downplay when need be. As long as my old lady never sees a negative reaction out of my cycling I have no worry

    Has this thread made anyone else wanna start up a fresh cycle? I'm gonna start planning it now for my next bulk! LoL

  7. #47
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    Almost everyone is addicted to something. drugs, caffeine, nicotine, sex, biting fingernails....... Laws and social norms determine how its demonized. Id rather be a jacked up juice head than a skinny nail biter with cigarette breath!!! Fug em

  8. #48
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    My brother had a speech impediment as a child. We grew up playing dungeons and dragons.

    Adulthood came. We kept to ourselves.

    Many of you will never know what it is to truly suffer with the human condition. If shooting some juice makes me feel like one of the guys.. well.. fuk it, And **** you.

    Hope this helps.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper
    My brother had a speech impediment as a child. We grew up playing dungeons and dragons.

    Adulthood came. We kept to ourselves.

    Many of you will never know what it is to truly suffer with the human condition. If shooting some juice makes me feel like one of the guys.. well.. fuk it, And **** you.

    Hope this helps.
    Everyone makes their own decisions and at the end of the day, who really cares what people think. I'm pretty sure we all have a similar human condition... That's why we all choose to use/abuse roids.

    Got my next cycle on hand. Excited and don't give a funk what people think

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Everyone makes their own decisions and at the end of the day, who really cares what people think. I'm pretty sure we all have a similar human condition... That's why we all choose to use/abuse roids.

    Got my next cycle on hand. Excited and don't give a funk what people think
    ive started collecting gear for my 1st cycle (1st of many)

    i don't care what people think either.. so might buy one of these :
    Click image for larger version. 

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  11. #51
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    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420

    ive started collecting gear for my 1st cycle (1st of many)

    i don't care what people think either.. so might buy one of these :
    <img src=""/>
    As much as I agree with that attitude or thought process, I must say make sure you still do things properly. In no way do I promote steroid abuse and especially in younger people. I have seen first hand what steroids to soon can do to a man. My brother started cycling to young and has a whole heap of problems because of it.

    Be a safe as possible and have fun. Your making decisions now that affect the rest of your life!

    Other than that little disclaimer, do what you do bro! And PM me the link to buy those shirts lol

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    As much as I agree with that attitude or thought process, I must say make sure you still do things properly. In no way do I promote steroid abuse and especially in younger people. I have seen first hand what steroids to soon can do to a man. My brother started cycling to young and has a whole heap of problems because of it.

    Be a safe as possible and have fun. Your making decisions now that affect the rest of your life!

    Other than that little disclaimer, do what you do bro! And PM me the link to buy those shirts lol
    that's why im here to educate myself on the RIGHT way on how to use these compounds in the safest way possible..

    and ebay

  14. #54
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    Unfortunately most people look at it as "drug use". Like you said they dont take into acct all the hard word and dicipline that it takes too. I actually have a friend that still wont admit he is using, Ive known him for about 7 years and he actually got me back into training. Im almost positive hes on but I guess its too taboo where Im from. Ive only done 1 cycle so far so I dont thinki anyone thought it was AAS. The couple people that asked what I was doing I said I recently upped my protein intake. Which was the truth.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420

    that's why im here to educate myself on the RIGHT way on how to use these compounds in the safest way possible..

    and ebay
    Good call my brother. Pay close attention to the age in which your HPTA is fully developed and make sure not to screw with it before it has the chance to reach full maturity. You sound like a smart guy, so keep up the momentum and be careful!

  16. #56
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Warmouth, hitting on chicks at Kmart? Really? No AAS needed just a job to score Kmart ass lol
    HA HA!!!!! I am so glad this got bumped so I could see this. So freaking funny! My gym is beside a Kmart. It was just an analogy, but I do do this, lol. I dont go out of my way to go to Kmart, lmao <for real. I cannot stop laughing! This is ridiculous...

  17. #57
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    i had a big long post for this a-hole but i think ill just break it down real quik like this:

    hypocrite A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.

    1. God says for us not to judge. if hes judging u out of moral conviction hes a hypocrite..

    2. if he is judging u because its illegal and hes ever broken the speed limit in a car hes a hypocrite..

    3. if hes judging u because he sees steroids as a drug and hes ever been drunk hes a freaking hypocrite..

    whats the point? my point is more than likely whatever this asshole's reason is for making a statement like that makes him a freaking hypocrite!

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<---
    i had a big long post for this a-hole but i think ill just break it down real quik like this:

    hypocrite A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.

    1. God says for us not to judge. if hes judging u out of moral conviction hes a hypocrite..

    2. if he is judging u because its illegal and hes ever broken the speed limit in a car hes a hypocrite..

    3. if hes judging u because he sees steroids as a drug and hes ever been drunk hes a freaking hypocrite..

    whats the point? my point is more than likely whatever this asshole's reason is for making a statement like that makes him a freaking hypocrite!
    Well said 405!

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    i had a big long post for this a-hole but i think ill just break it down real quik like this:

    hypocrite A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.

    1. God says for us not to judge. if hes judging u out of moral conviction hes a hypocrite..

    2. if he is judging u because its illegal and hes ever broken the speed limit in a car hes a hypocrite..

    3. if hes judging u because he sees steroids as a drug and hes ever been drunk hes a freaking hypocrite..

    whats the point? my point is more than likely whatever this asshole's reason is for making a statement like that makes him a freaking hypocrite!
    I like that as well. Very well put. I'll be using this in debates lol

  20. #60
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    Well there is a lot of good arguments going on and some legitimate facts but I still disagree with it being the same (not talking legally) as a drug addict especially since it's perfectly legal some places and not others. In 7 days pot will no longer be considered an illegal substance for recreational use in my state so who knows what the future holds.

    Personally the couple of times I have had people accuse me to my face about taking steroids I call them out. #1 I tell them they are just being a hater and when was the last time they were in the gym? I go 5x a week for XX years and I eat 3x what they do but healthy so I grow muscle not fat. I also tell them put their money where their mouth is and if they pay for a drug test and put up at least $1K as a bet either put up or shut up. So far everyone has backed down. Then you invite them to work out with you and again they typically shut up.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    Well there is a lot of good arguments going on and some legitimate facts but I still disagree with it being the same (not talking legally) as a drug addict especially since it's perfectly legal some places and not others. In 7 days pot will no longer be considered an illegal substance for recreational use in my state so who knows what the future holds.

    Personally the couple of times I have had people accuse me to my face about taking steroids I call them out. #1 I tell them they are just being a hater and when was the last time they were in the gym? I go 5x a week for XX years and I eat 3x what they do but healthy so I grow muscle not fat. I also tell them put their money where their mouth is and if they pay for a drug test and put up at least $1K as a bet either put up or shut up. So far everyone has backed down. Then you invite them to work out with you and again they typically shut up.
    Words of a warrior! Sounds like a good challenge and most people who make the accusations or just call us out are generally pvssys anyway and probably never go to the gym or seriously TRY to build muscle. And if they do work out They walk around the gym with their loose fitting wife-beaters flexing their biceps and picking up random weights with no set schedule.

    How often have you been given the speech about "I don't use a routine because muscle confusion will make you grow faster" LOL

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    i had a big long post for this a-hole but i think ill just break it down real quik like this:

    hypocrite A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.

    1. God says for us not to judge. if hes judging u out of moral conviction hes a hypocrite..

    2. if he is judging u because its illegal and hes ever broken the speed limit in a car hes a hypocrite..

    3. if hes judging u because he sees steroids as a drug and hes ever been drunk hes a freaking hypocrite..

    whats the point? my point is more than likely whatever this asshole's reason is for making a statement like that makes him a freaking hypocrite!
    Steroids are a crime and we not only choose to do them but look for ways to justify our behavior...isn't that really hypocrisy at it's best??

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Steroids are a crime and we not only choose to do them but look for ways to justify our behavior...isn't that really hypocrisy at it's best??
    depends on where you live i guess...

    i wanna live in Thailand

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Steroids are a crime and we not only choose to do them but look for ways to justify our behavior...isn't that really hypocrisy at it's best??
    Jay-walking is a crime, spitting is a crime... Heck, in toronto its still a crime to drag a dead horse on yonge street...

    Committing a crime doesn't make you a bad person. If steroid use or abuse- however you want to title it- doesn't affect anyone but yourself, whats the big deal?

    Hypocrite? Yup, thats because I don't feel the law dictates who is good or bad, because certain laws don't seem to have any meaning while others do


  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Jay-walking is a crime, spitting is a crime... Heck, in toronto its still a crime to drag a dead horse on yonge street...

    Committing a crime doesn't make you a bad person. If steroid use or abuse- however you want to title it- doesn't affect anyone but yourself, whats the big deal?

    Hypocrite? Yup, thats because I don't feel the law dictates who is good or bad, because certain laws don't seem to have any meaning while others do

    So basicly your thought is that you should be allowed to do ANYTHING you want as long as it doesn'y effect someone else? The law totaly dictates who is good and who is bad lol...

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    So basicly your thought is that you should be allowed to do ANYTHING you want as long as it doesn'y effect someone else? The law totaly dictates who is good and who is bad lol...
    LoL I suppose we could agree to disagree. And to clarify, so long as what you do doesn't endanger anyone or anything, it should be acceptable. We live in a controlled society and I am no robot! Neither are you lunk, you badass juicemonkey! You're a CRIMINAL YOU BAD MAN! lol oh man this is funny I'm actually lol'n

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Steroids are a crime and we not only choose to do them but look for ways to justify our behavior...isn't that really hypocrisy at it's best??
    attempting to justify your behavior does not make u a hypocrite. condemning someone for something you yourself are guilty of does.. in reality if u look honestly enuff we are ALL hypocrites! this is why God commands us not to judge others. we are not in a position to be able to. which is the point i was trying to make. obviously we judge people all the time. but its a goal to strive towards (not judging).

    BTW i have never done steroids illegally! so i can judge u all! (j/k)

  28. #68
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    I think I want to sell everything and move to Thailand.

    EDIT: Whos with me!?

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by wh1spa View Post
    I think I want to sell everything and move to Thailand.

    EDIT: Whos with me!?
    wh1spa if ud only caught me a few yrs ago!

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by wh1spa
    I think I want to sell everything and move to Thailand.

    EDIT: Whos with me!?
    I'd rather move thailand and sell steroids ! Lol jkz

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    wh1spa if ud only caught me a few yrs ago!
    Fvck, we could run riot over there, With the knowledge on this forum, and a little cash, we could be running a Gym and pumping out future MrO's by the hundreds.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    I'd rather move thailand and sell steroids! Lol jkz

    Oh im sorry im sorry, What I said was... How would you like to suck my balls. Mr Garrison

    Lol JK, what I meant was, sell all my belongings and move to Thailand

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    attempting to justify your behavior does not make u a hypocrite. Condemning someone for something you yourself are guilty of does.. In reality if u look honestly enuff we are all hypocrites! This is why god commands us not to judge others. We are not in a position to be able to. Which is the point i was trying to make. Obviously we judge people all the time. But its a goal to strive towards (not judging).

    Btw i have never done steroids illegally yet!! So i can judge u all! (j/k)

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by wh1spa

    Oh im sorry im sorry, What I said was... How would you like to suck my balls. Mr Garrison

    Lol JK, what I meant was, sell all my belongings and move to Thailand
    I know, I was adjusting the statement for me because i don't own anything worth selling lol

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    Words of a warrior! Sounds like a good challenge and most people who make the accusations or just call us out are generally pvssys anyway and probably never go to the gym or seriously TRY to build muscle. And if they do work out They walk around the gym with their loose fitting wife-beaters flexing their biceps and picking up random weights with no set schedule.

    How often have you been given the speech about "I don't use a routine because muscle confusion will make you grow faster" LOL
    LOL yeah I have heard that several times. Most guys who do go to the gym regularly spend 2/3 of their time either doing cardio or looking at the girls and have no clue how to lift properly to gain muscle as you say. Technique is a huge part of it.

    I have been asked when at they guy by guys 1/2 my size why they can lift more than me. I try to tell him in a nice way that their form sucks. You dont see me swinging the wight or jerking it to get it to move but I use slow smooth motions. I'm also not doing 30 reps unless I'm warming up and work to failure on rep 6-8 to build size. I'm not worried about being the strongest in the gym because there will always be someone stronger and I am at higher risk of getting hurt again.

    Yeah typically they guys who do say something who are in the gym have been going for 3-6 months and they think they have reached their genetic potential. lol When I say I have been going 4-5 days a week for x# of years even when injured they back down and especially when you pull the $1K bet card. Now of course if you are BIG, I mean obviously huge then just LOL in their face, call them a little man who is little minded and he needs to go do some research before he talks about something he has not experience with or knowledge about just like with women. Then tell him nicely if he ever has a serious question or wants some help feel free to come talk to him otherwise stop acting like a 5th grader.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by wh1spa View Post
    I think I want to sell everything and move to Thailand.

    EDIT: Whos with me!?
    If you know anything about me you know my answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    wh1spa if ud only caught me a few yrs ago!
    I'm with your brother.

    Quote Originally Posted by >Good Luck< View Post
    I'd rather move thailand and sell steroids! Lol jkz
    I would not want to try to compete with the local licensed pharmacies and you would have to pay out a lot of tea money to stay in business but still expect to get pinched one day just as an example no matter how much tea money you have paid and then it will be your worst nightmare sitting in a Thai prison.

    Quote Originally Posted by wh1spa View Post
    Fvck, we could run riot over there, With the knowledge on this forum, and a little cash, we could be running a Gym and pumping out future MrO's by the hundreds.
    Obviously you have not been there, there are a LOT of BIG BIG boys already there for aas vacation and competitions. Last time I was there a guy staying in my hotel was a dead ringer in looks and size for Lou Ferrigno back in the 80s Incredible Hulk days.

    Quote Originally Posted by wh1spa View Post
    Oh im sorry im sorry, What I said was... How would you like to suck my balls. Mr Garrison

    Lol JK, what I meant was, sell all my belongings and move to Thailand
    Good plan, the moving to Thailand part. Now get over there for a visit.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 12-03-2012 at 01:49 AM.

  37. #77
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    I don't do drugs < They do me.

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    I don't do drugs < They do me.
    I used to be an drug addict, but now I just love steroids !

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Good plan, the moving to Thailand part. Now get over there for a visit.
    Haha, as much as I would love too, maybe in a few years, once I have finished engineering degree I guess?

    Ive been for a few weeks, was with my ex girlfriend at the time. Could have had so much more fun.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by wh1spa View Post
    Haha, as much as I would love too, maybe in a few years, once I have finished engineering degree I guess?

    Ive been for a few weeks, was with my ex girlfriend at the time. Could have had so much more fun.
    if only u had known then what u know now! good 'ole hindsight!

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