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  1. #1
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    What would you do?

    Looking for some opinions on how to handle a situation.

    I was talking to the old lady in bed last night, we've been going through a rough patch lately, not sure if its the tren or what but I just dont seem to have strong feelings for anything lately. Anyways we were talking and she tells me that one of her male friends was flirtin with her at a club he was singing at (she's a singer and he is aswell, they have worked together in the past quite a bit and talk on the phone about work (music) every week and text). This was a few weeks ago, she never mentioned till now. Apparently he was staring at her the whole time he was singing and coming to find her & talk between each set. Then when she left he texted her when he finished and ask if she was lying next to me, she said no (I was at work & this was at like 2:30 am) and she said something how there was lots of girls checking him out or something and he replies "there was only one girl there I was interested in" (her), she said she had the feeling he was flirting with her all night. She never told me about any of this until last night and even then it was like pulling teeth to get it out of her and she was lying about what was said until she finally told me (she deleted the texts, has done this in the past). I trust her and really dont beleive she'd ever cheat, but trust is pretty much gone, not really asking how to handle things with her, Ill figure that one out.

    What would you do about the guy? Ive never liked this guy cause I always felt he had a thing for her. He showed me serious disrespect and feel I need to make an example, or I could just drop it. Would you find this guy in person, confront him, and react based on what he says? Contact him via phone or whatever? Or just drop it & if it happens again, deal with appropriatly?

    If I am going to stay with her one worry I have is the country music communty is pretty close around here and it could hurt her career if I go take care of this guy.
    I know most would handle this different, just picking some brains.

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Well your girl feels the uncertainty with your feelings toward her. That is apparent by the conversation. I have no advise on that. But if you want to stay with her you need to have a talk with the guy. Let him know you know and you won't tolerate that bullshit. If he gets mouth show him what tren does. Kidding. Just assure him it will not be tolerated.

  3. #3
    diesel101's Avatar
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    Never make a decision on emotion bro,first instinct would be to go beat his a$$ in the ground but all that will do is end up with you going to jail.(Even though it would make you feel better).None of my business but youre old lady could probaly shut him down with a short conversation and then I would just drop it and if he is smart he will crawl back into the hole he came from.Good luck and hope everything works out for you and her.

  4. #4
    jasc's Avatar
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    I would explain to your gf how the situation makes you feel and see how she reacts. Ask her to express her lack of interest to the guy and explain to him that she is in a relationship and his actions make her uncomfortable. If his actions do not cease then go let your presence be known and if need be pull him aside and tell him yourself. If the disrespect continues meet him out one night and give him a little preview of what kind of trouble his actions will bring. If all else fails let the Tren prevail.

  5. #5
    Soar's Avatar
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    Best way to go is getting your woman to deal with the guy. She's gotta explain he's taken or he's gonna keep on creeping in.

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    There is a reason your girl told you ANY of this! If she was looking to cheat she would have done it and you would probably be none the wiser. She can feel the situation and is trying to get your attention. Just like little kids, adults often time will use bad behavior to get any sort of attention they desire from someone theycare about.

    Sure it wasn't easy to tell you...but consider she could have not told you at all or lied entirely. It's a signal she is sending...she want's your attention, your affection....YOU!

    Keep in mind the tricks Tren can play on your mind and your emotions. My wife knows the routine when I'm using that stuff and helps keep things real and in perspective!

    As far as dealing with the guy goes...I'm not sure anything can be won by speaking to him. Are you going to have a discussion with every guy that looks twice her way? Just explain calmly to her that you do not appreciate his beahavior andd that you feel it's inappropriate. Explain that if the shoe were on the other foot she would feel the same way and ask her to please put a stop to the inappropriate behavior.

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Better to talk to your girl than the guy. Make sure she knows you love her and wouldn't want to lose her. Tell her it makes you uncomfortable that someone she spends a lot of time with is pursuing her and ask if she can shut him down.

    You say you are going through a rough patch, so it is more important to make sure she likes you than to deal with a "disrespect" issue.
    Last edited by JohnnyVegas; 01-10-2013 at 01:51 PM.

  8. #8
    milky01623's Avatar
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    I would get someone else to drop the word out that you know of his doings and that your certainly not the type of guy to upset :-)

  9. #9
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    tuff one dude..

    she couldve not told u at all and the fact that she did tell u makes me think shes not interested.
    i went thru something similar with my wife a couple years ago. the guy flirting with her was having his own marital probs and playing the "im depressed and need a friend" card.. just so happened the shoulder to cry on was my wife. she was trying to be helpful, being a christian woman she looks at everything like: "what would the Lord want me to do?"

    well what i did is got the guys number from her and started texting him myself just talking to him not about my wife but his own personal problems. once i got to know him i actually saw he wasnt a bad guy. i too tried to do what i thought God would want me to do. in the end he kinda just faded away..

    ur situation is different but u def wanna spend some time thinking about how to handle it. any guy can do the obvious get in his face and set him straight or threaten him and he probably would expect that. the time may come where thats what has to be done or more but i dont think that time is now. i agree with jasc that ur wife is going to be the most effective at getting him to back off because if shes not interested in him then he will go elsewhere (usually unless hes a real whacko).

    i know its hard but if ur wife is a singer and is gonna be out singing wherever that may be this prob isnt the first time and it definitely wont be the last time it happens. IMO u would prob fare well with her to show appreciation for her honesty (even it it didnt come easily) and talk to her about how u feel and that u hope she handles the situation the way u know she can (assuming she doesnt want u to step in which i would get clarified).

  10. #10
    alex18's Avatar
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    i think this needs to be something that your Mrs handles herself, if you were 20 years old id say go beat his ass...but we're older and wiser now. Let her deal with it, tell her you trust her to deal with it how she see's fit. Then drop the subject, and then make sure things are so happy at home she could never even consider 'texting' him back or allowing him to flirt at work. Dont go over board with affection or anything, just simple things like nice comments 'you look so beautiful today!'.... you drop her a text at work ' i love you, wish i was there!' bla bla you know the drill... do the damn dishes... i think it was you who mentioned on a previous post this week that she cooks you breakfast all the time? (may be wrong) switch it up and make her breakfast.

    99% of women only notice and allow attention from other males if they are not 100% happy at home.. but if you empower and trust her to handle this im sure she will be really pleasantly surprised.... you mean your not gonna break his jaw? no hunny.... (not yet anyway, you wisper haha)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    There is a reason your girl told you ANY of this! If she was looking to cheat she would have done it and you would probably be none the wiser. She can feel the situation and is trying to get your attention. Just like little kids, adults often time will use bad behavior to get any sort of attention they desire from someone theycare about.

    Sure it wasn't easy to tell you...but consider she could have not told you at all or lied entirely. It's a signal she is sending...she want's your attention, your affection....YOU!

    Keep in mind the tricks Tren can play on your mind and your emotions. My wife knows the routine when I'm using that stuff and helps keep things real and in perspective!

    As far as dealing with the guy goes...I'm not sure anything can be won by speaking to him. Are you going to have a discussion with every guy that looks twice her way? Just explain calmly to her that you do not appreciate his beahavior andd that you feel it's inappropriate. Explain that if the shoe were on the other foot she would feel the same way and ask her to please put a stop to the inappropriate behavior.

    This nails it, IMHO.

  12. #12
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    There is a reason your girl told you ANY of this! If she was looking to cheat she would have done it and you would probably be none the wiser. She can feel the situation and is trying to get your attention. Just like little kids, adults often time will use bad behavior to get any sort of attention they desire from someone theycare about.

    Sure it wasn't easy to tell you...but consider she could have not told you at all or lied entirely. It's a signal she is sending...she want's your attention, your affection....YOU!

    Keep in mind the tricks Tren can play on your mind and your emotions. My wife knows the routine when I'm using that stuff and helps keep things real and in perspective!

    As far as dealing with the guy goes...I'm not sure anything can be won by speaking to him. Are you going to have a discussion with every guy that looks twice her way? Just explain calmly to her that you do not appreciate his beahavior andd that you feel it's inappropriate. Explain that if the shoe were on the other foot she would feel the same way and ask her to please put a stop to the inappropriate behavior.
    To be fair he did more than look twice. IMO
    But I'm running tren to. Lol

  13. #13
    Tron3219's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo

    To be fair he did more than look twice. IMO
    But I'm running tren to. Lol
    I'm not running anything but I'd b so inclined to plant my size 11.5 firmly in his ass...but that's just me lol

  14. #14
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    Appreciate the responses.

    Let me just clear up a few things.

    This happened when we were really happy with each other, things have gotten stale very recently.
    She didnt really come out and tell me, I was really digging if there was anything wrong and took me like 15 mintues to get this out of her and even then I asked if she deleted the texts she said no then I asked if I could see them and she said well maybe and when she "checked" they were gone, obviously
    She definately knows how I feel, I told her last night and she will be staying with a friend for a few days until we figure this out (not the first time she's deleted texts from guys)
    Dont think she will/has cheated or is trying to get my attention because I had to dig this info from her
    i can deal with guys hitting on her, its going to happen alot because of her profession but I cant deal with dishonesty
    She's My gf of about 1.5 years not wife

    Last time something like this happened I asked why she didn't tell the guy to buzz off (she knew him much less and were barely friends) she said she didn't want to lose a "contact" in the industry, she soon after cut contact with him though.

    You guys are probally right about letting her handle it though. Ill most likely put that ball in her court and see how she handles it. If and when I bump into him I really dooubt Ill be able to stop myself from saying/doing something though. Appreciate the wise advise of you old timers.
    Last edited by S&S_ShovelHead; 01-10-2013 at 10:58 AM.

  15. #15
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    I'm sorry but this is beyond simply not getting upset about. I would confront him personally, be the Alpha that you are and display some dominance. I'm not saying you need to pick a fight, but you need to do like what was suggested and say this will not be tolerated. He knows you are together, are you guys married? If so he has seriously crossed the line, and made it obvious he wants to do something with your girl, a lot more obvious than a little flirting or just looking. He's trying to do something about it. I understand some girls get mad if you push their "friends" away, but we all know he's not interested in being just a friend. Doesn't seem like you should handle this in some ***** fashion, be a man. I could see just talking to the girl if it wasn't to this point and you didn't know what you know now.

  16. #16
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    Honestly I would even be tempted to threaten him if he tells her you guys had this talk that you are going to kick his teeth in. You know at the end if you were able to have a civil conversation, just kind of throw it in but be dead serious in your eyes. Unless you don't really want to be with her anymore, but that should be on your terms not his.

  17. #17
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    i have a van, shovel and lime ( i also have a woodchipper and a few pigs but that costs more) .... I'll cut my hourly rate in half for you... let me know if you need me...


  18. #18
    diesel101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alex18 View Post
    i have a van, shovel and lime ( i also have a woodchipper and a few pigs but that costs more) .... I'll cut my hourly rate in half for you... Let me know if you need me...


  19. #19
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    He's the thing- this guy can't do anything that SHE doesn't allow or want him to do. That puts the ball back into the court of your old lady.

    I think you need to address it with her as to why she is making the effort to RELAY this information to you as well as why does she want to talk to him in any manner? Reality is- if she wants to cheat she WILL cheat regardless of what you have to say about. You can't haul off and beat dudes ass if it happens because he can't just trip and fall on top of her with his cock sliding in; on accident. She has to allow whatever happens- end of story. That being said; if this dude keeps pushing.. its because she's allowing it. She can close that door- she hasn't. If she doesn't, there is a reason she's not. THAT is where the actual problem is.

  20. #20
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    There is a reason your girl told you ANY of this! If she was looking to cheat she would have done it and you would probably be none the wiser. She can feel the situation and is trying to get your attention. Just like little kids, adults often time will use bad behavior to get any sort of attention they desire from someone theycare about.

    Sure it wasn't easy to tell you...but consider she could have not told you at all or lied entirely. It's a signal she is sending...she want's your attention, your affection....YOU!

    Keep in mind the tricks Tren can play on your mind and your emotions. My wife knows the routine when I'm using that stuff and helps keep things real and in perspective!

    As far as dealing with the guy goes...I'm not sure anything can be won by speaking to him. Are you going to have a discussion with every guy that looks twice her way? Just explain calmly to her that you do not appreciate his beahavior andd that you feel it's inappropriate. Explain that if the shoe were on the other foot she would feel the same way and ask her to please put a stop to the inappropriate behavior.
    I agree with Lunk,

    2nd i dont see how she was dishonest. Because she didnt tell you? You dont need to know everything. Especially if she handles it. Look how mad you are. What good did it do by telling you? If my wife told me about every guy that hit on her would would have to sit down for a long conversation daily. She will tell me about some if it serious or something funny some douche did. If you trust her you shouldnt really care. Now if she tell him to stop and he wont then fine deal with him.

    Also i would be happier if she deleted the text. If she saved them she obviously wanted them for a reason and like it to go back and re read the flirts.
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  21. #21
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Hi. Just my .02. She needs to handle this. There is an art to letting guys down as to not offend him and maintain a biz relationship. But she needs to be firm. She can't leave the impression that she could be interested later. For example, I appreciate our biz relationship but i am unwilling to jeopardize my personal relationship with "your name". I am committed to "your name". I am sure you will come to understand the feelings I have for "your name" once you find that someone that makes me feel as special as "your name". Keep looking and you will find her when you least expect it.

    I always end with a big smile and move straight to biz. If he says anything in response that he is interested she needs to say, no. I value what I have with "your name" and I love him. What could be possibly say after that??

    As far as her not blurting it out the details could be for several reasons. ESP if u the jealous type or a hot head, etc... Don't get caught up on this minor detail. However deleting text lends me to think that she felt them sketchy. The only texts i delete r the ones i dont want others to see. But forgive and move on.

    thinking out loud here. i am not so sure this other dude is the problem, but just a symptom. You two need to work on your relationship. After less than 2 years shouldn't be stale. Relationships need to be cared for and nurtured unless u think this has run its course. If not, go after it and with gusto!!!

    Only my thoughts. Wish u the best.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Hi. Just my .02. She needs to handle this. There is an art to letting guys down as to not offend him and maintain a biz relationship. But she needs to be firm. She can't leave the impression that she could be interested later. For example, I appreciate our biz relationship but i am unwilling to jeopardize my personal relationship with "your name". I am committed to "your name". I am sure you will come to understand the feelings I have for "your name" once you find that someone that makes me feel as special as "your name". Keep looking and you will find her when you least expect it.

    I always end with a big smile and move straight to biz. If he says anything in response that he is interested she needs to say, no. I value what I have with "your name" and I love him. What could be possibly say after that??

    As far as her not blurting it out the details could be for several reasons. ESP if u the jealous type or a hot head, etc... Don't get caught up on this minor detail. However deleting text lends me to think that she felt them sketchy. The only texts i delete r the ones i dont want others to see. But forgive and move on.

    thinking out loud here. i am not so sure this other dude is the problem, but just a symptom. You two need to work on your relationship. After less than 2 years shouldn't be stale. Relationships need to be cared for and nurtured unless u think this has run its course. If not, go after it and with gusto!!!

    Only my thoughts. Wish u the best.
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Never make a decision on emotion bro,first instinct would be to go beat his a$$ in the ground but all that will do is end up with you going to jail.(Even though it would make you feel better).None of my business but youre old lady could probaly shut him down with a short conversation and then I would just drop it and if he is smart he will crawl back into the hole he came from.Good luck and hope everything works out for you and her.

    No way I'd put the responsibility of shutting this guy down solely on my lady. There are certain obligations we have toward our wives and helping them fend off unwanted deadbeats is one of them IMO.

    Apart from that this guy disrespected S&S by saying inappropriate things to his wife and he should let him know that behavior won't be tolerated by him.

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    Lots of great advice here I just had one thing to offer. Once a cheater always a cheater in my opinion. You've known this girl 1.5 years. Have you ever worked it into the conversation previously to ask if she has cheated / been cheated on? I've had my share of relationships and gotten the juicy bits of other peoples relationships. Theres always exceptions of course, extenuating circumstances, but for the most part once a cheater always a cheater.

  25. #25
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    My wife comes right out and tells me when a co worker or anyone else flirts w/her. She'll usually tell me that they were checking her tits out and they were so obvious it was laughable. A couple occasions we were at parties and freakin guys we've known for 20 years would make a pass at her when i wasn't around. We laugh it off. Actually, it's nice that she gets hit on. This way i can tell her "see, i told you were beautiful."

    Bottom line: You either trust her or you don't. If not, get the hell out now. If so, well, not a whole lot to talk about.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    My wife comes right out and tells me when a co worker or anyone else flirts w/her. She'll usually tell me that they were checking her tits out and they were so obvious it was laughable. A couple occasions we were at parties and freakin guys we've known for 20 years would make a pass at her when i wasn't around. We laugh it off. Actually, it's nice that she gets hit on. This way i can tell her "see, i told you were beautiful."

    Bottom line: You either trust her or you don't. If not, get the hell out now. If so, well, not a whole lot to talk about.
    We were walking out of a club and my wife had on something that shows why we spent good $. She was far enough ahead of me that this dumbass didnt see me. I is following her tits like a dog on a Tbone! I gain some ground and he realizes I'm with her...I give him a look and he rolls off with this "You have pretty eyes" line. Then looks at me and says "your wife really has pretty eye". I laugh and she get's pissed. She says (loud enough for him to hear). "Eyes...who the **** looks at my eyes when I have these" lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Lots of great advice here I just had one thing to offer. Once a cheater always a cheater in my opinion. You've known this girl 1.5 years. Have you ever worked it into the conversation previously to ask if she has cheated / been cheated on? I've had my share of relationships and gotten the juicy bits of other peoples relationships. Theres always exceptions of course, extenuating circumstances, but for the most part once a cheater always a cheater.
    She's never cheated past or present bu has been cheated on.

    I trust her, but not as much as before. She's told me before she thought his guy was attractive (not a big deal for me) then before all this last night she said she had a little crush on him before when they were working a lot together (while we were dating), also not a huge deal because I know when you spend a lot of time with someone of the opposite sex that you find attractive minor feeling could develop. My thinking is if you add alcohol and the right situation to this it could turn bad fast and the fact she will spend time with him just them two (for music) doesn't help

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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    She's never cheated past or present bu has been cheated on.

    I trust her, but not as much as before. She's told me before she thought his guy was attractive (not a big deal for me) then before all this last night she said she had a little crush on him before when they were working a lot together (while we were dating), also not a huge deal because I know when you spend a lot of time with someone of the opposite sex that you find attractive minor feeling could develop. My thinking is if you add alcohol and the right situation to this it could turn bad fast and the fact she will spend time with him just them two (for music) doesn't help
    and if you go after him, it could make you look like a jealous ass in her eyes and that you dont trust her and push her away more.
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    She's never cheated past or present bu has been cheated on.

    I trust her, but not as much as before. She's told me before she thought his guy was attractive (not a big deal for me) then before all this last night she said she had a little crush on him before when they were working a lot together (while we were dating), also not a huge deal because I know when you spend a lot of time with someone of the opposite sex that you find attractive minor feeling could develop. My thinking is if you add alcohol and the right situation to this it could turn bad fast and the fact she will spend time with him just them two (for music) doesn't help
    Take a step back and consider WHY she is telling you all of this my friend! She doesn't have to say any of this and could just as easily tell you she finds him repulsive and a pain in the ass!

    She is sending a message to you about how she is feeling in your relationship! Don't make me go all Dr. Ruth, listen to WHY she is saying the things she is saying!

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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I agree with Lunk,

    2nd i dont see how she was dishonest. Because she didnt tell you? You dont need to know everything. Especially if she handles it. Look how mad you are. What good did it do by telling you? If my wife told me about every guy that hit on her would would have to sit down for a long conversation daily. She will tell me about some if it serious or something funny some douche did. If you trust her you shouldnt really care. Now if she tell him to stop and he wont then fine deal with him.

    Also i would be happier if she deleted the text. If she saved them she obviously wanted them for a reason and like it to go back and re read the flirts.
    It's just that the last time this happened I told her if she tell me everything ill be fine with it. I'm not angry with her she got hit on obviously. When she hides shit it makes me wonder what was really said. If she did handle it properly I'd be a lot cooler with the situation but she didn't, she's not an assertive person and its just easier to ignore it for her.

  31. #31
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    Do you really like this girl or do you just like the P- and shes got nice T- and she gives good H-

    Something to consider.. 1.5 years is long enough you either think you WILL / MIGHT / WILL NOT end up with this girl in the end

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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    and if you go after him, it could make you look like a jealous ass in her eyes and that you dont trust her and push her away more.
    Yea I know, I've made that mistake in the past.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Do you really like this girl or do you just like the P- and shes got nice T- and she gives good H-

    Something to consider.. 1.5 years is long enough you either think you WILL / MIGHT / WILL NOT end up with this girl in the end
    Good question.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    It's just that the last time this happened I told her if she tell me everything ill be fine with it. I'm not angry with her she got hit on obviously. When she hides shit it makes me wonder what was really said. If she did handle it properly I'd be a lot cooler with the situation but she didn't, she's not an assertive person and its just easier to ignore it for her.
    I've said that to my wife also. And i never really got mad. Well never at her for it. But still i'm not expecting her to report in every incident.
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I've said that to my wife also. And i never really got mad. Well never at her for it. But still i'm not expecting her to report in every incident.
    No I wouldn't either. I never be upset when some random hits on her. She's hot and talented, it would surprise me if she didn't get hit on a lot. But this isn't some random dude. It's someone she's known for a while, that's met me numerous times and that she talks with alot and spends time 1 on 1 with.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by S&S_ShovelHead View Post
    No I wouldn't either. I never be upset when some random hits on her. She's hot and talented, it would surprise me if she didn't get hit on a lot. But this isn't some random dude. It's someone she's known for a while, that's met me numerous times and that she talks with alot and spends time 1 on 1 with.
    i understand. I think in her mind that's why she didn't tell you. Because it would be a bigger incident especially if she needs to keep a business relationship with him. I think she needs to do what GGR said. And if then he still continues then you get involved.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    There is a reason your girl told you ANY of this! If she was looking to cheat she would have done it and you would probably be none the wiser. She can feel the situation and is trying to get your attention. Just like little kids, adults often time will use bad behavior to get any sort of attention they desire from someone theycare about.

    Sure it wasn't easy to tell you...but consider she could have not told you at all or lied entirely. It's a signal she is sending...she want's your attention, your affection....YOU!

    Keep in mind the tricks Tren can play on your mind and your emotions. My wife knows the routine when I'm using that stuff and helps keep things real and in perspective!

    As far as dealing with the guy goes...I'm not sure anything can be won by speaking to him. Are you going to have a discussion with every guy that looks twice her way? Just explain calmly to her that you do not appreciate his beahavior andd that you feel it's inappropriate. Explain that if the shoe were on the other foot she would feel the same way and ask her to please put a stop to the inappropriate behavior.
    I agree with everything except for how to handle the guy. I also your wife or girlfriend told you for a reason and besides wanting reassurance from you she wants you to do something about it.

    If it was me I would talk to the guy and let him know it I know what's going on it's not cool and if he does not keep things professional that eventually there will be a problem.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    No way I'd put the responsibility of shutting this guy down solely on my lady. There are certain obligations we have toward our wives and helping them fend off unwanted deadbeats is one of them IMO.

    Apart from that this guy disrespected S&S by saying inappropriate things to his wife and he should let him know that behavior won't be tolerated by him.
    Yeah I agree here for sure. Surprised more people aren't in favor of this.

  39. #39
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    Everyone hear makes some good points about her being honest and she wants attention from you not garth brooks.

    I have to say though his comment about lying next to you annoys me for you lol

  40. #40
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    There is no doubt that the dik is working it! But she obviously isn't interested in him or she would have NEVER shared the info. Much like the punk in the gym what can be gained from the confrontation. Your likely to cause more problems than you solve.

    She has to be responsible enough to shutdown the can't follow her around all day throat punching every dik that hits on her! Like Gixx said..confronting him is likely to drive more of a wedge and cause further problems.

    Don't get me wrong...if there is a percieved threat of my wife...I'll shatter every bone in your body with a ball bat...starting at the ankles and working my way up slowely! But...she is an adult and has to handle this, much like you would have to handle it if some women were making inappropriate advances towards you.

    Again..there is the adult way, and the school yard playground way!

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