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Thread: 10 mistakes women make in the gym

  1. #1
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    10 mistakes women make in the gym


    Really good read. Fellas, share with gf, wives, moms.....

    Once I started lifting in the gym proper, I was hooked! Wish had started sooner

  2. #2
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
    http://www.**************/training/1...ake-in-the-gym Really good read. Fellas, share with gf, wives, moms..... Once I started lifting in the gym proper, I was hooked! Wish had started sooner
    Not sure why web address was ****. I didn't do it.

    ************** is the site.

  3. #3
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
    Not sure why web address was ****. I didn't do it. ************** is the site.
    ********* dot com

  4. #4
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
    Dammit. ********* dot com
    I give up

  5. #5
    Iceberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
    I give up
    Lol. Pm me. The site please

  6. #6
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
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    I was all excited about reading that. :[

  7. #7
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnz4
    Lol. Pm me. The site please
    It will do the same thing in PM. Is it illegal to post a link?

    Just google search the title of thread....
    Last edited by GirlyGymRat; 12-03-2014 at 07:08 AM.

  8. #8
    Iceberg's Avatar
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    Got it

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    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    It will do the same thing in PM.

    Is it illegal to post a link?

    You can't post links to certain websites. If it gets asterisked, it means its a banned domain.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    you'll get a laugh out of this girly...

    so yesterday was legs. and I just finished up on the prone leg curl (tummy side down). I'm sitting there, resting, and this rather attractive Chinese (?) lady comes over and asks if I'm through. so I say I sure am, and so I go to the next station, which is the seated leg extensions, but it is facing the front of the prone leg curl station. so I'm just sitting there, her trainer close by, and she lays down facing me, with a low cut top, and begins to show me her goodies. And I'm watching, and staring, enjoying the show. Her trainer is there smiling to beat the band. Then I realized how obvious I was, staring at her goodies, and she's watching me stare at her goodies. So finally I stand up (I was actually sitting on a dumbbell in front of the machine, and was actually pretty close, like maybe three feet away) and I say maybe I better move so I'm not accidently staring at your boobs. So I'm walking away chuckling at the cheap thrill I just got.

    is this one of the "mistakes" on your list?

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    #1 mistake = wearing clothes.

    Why not just cut/paste the text?
    OK there is a lot I see so let me help a little.

    1. Adopting a Diet Program Advertised on TV
    Women will have greater long-term success if they invest some time making sure their own nutritious meals are ready to go and easy to assemble. They'll need to accept some responsibility, put in some footwork, educate themselves about nutrition, and stop being dependent on diet plans that D-list celebrities can't even stick to.

    2. Ignoring the Obvious
    Women need to take an honest look at their eating. A food journal can help. What are they eating, when are they eating it, and how does it makes them feel? Are they snacking, almost unconsciously, throughout the day? Are they eating their kids' leftovers? What seemingly innocent snacks are actually trigger foods that lead to overeating an hour later? How many calories are actually in that frappuccino? A food log will clue them in. As a bonus, a journal will teach them that eating larger portions of healthy foods always works better in the long run than portion-controlling junk. No koo-koo berry juice required

    3. Eating Fake Health Food
    Women looking for protein at the grocery store need to stick with meat and eggs, and then get their fiber from Mother Nature. Then if they want to supplement with protein or workout nutrition, they'd be wise to get it from a place that doesn't also sell motor oil and toothpaste.

    4. Obsessing Over Fat Loss and Not Eating for Hypertrophy
    How can women get to a place where they don't need to diet? By building more muscle and eating as though they want more muscle on their bodies. This doesn't mean eating crap; this means fueling up for workouts in order to work harder, pump nutrients into muscle cells, and feel muscles working.

    Then when they get to the gym, they'll need to actually try to build muscle. How? By lifting weights that are heavy enough to challenge them and by seeking the muscle ache and tightness that indicate work is being done. It's a lot different than just going through the motions with pink dumbbells while running on the fumes of their 100 calorie breakfast. It requires focus and an actual desire to build.

    It's true that it's tougher to gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time, but what women can do is build muscle so that their bodies eventually become better at burning fat even when they're not necessarily trying to. And if she brings up the old myth about "getting too big" with weight training, just have her read this.

    5. Having Emotional Hang-Ups and Judgment
    If women stopped attaching their self-worth to their eating habits and dealt with emotions in productive ways other than "comfort food", they'd be more inclined to eat appropriately. A long walk will clear the head better than a row of cookies. A good bonk in the sack is more stress relieving than a pint of ice cream. And going back to number 4, overindulgence wouldn't be such a big deal if they sought hypertrophy instead of fat loss. Hypertrophy is about growth, not restriction, and that change in thinking frees women from the constant cycle of trying to eat like a supermodel and falling off the wagon

    6. Overeating at Night
    If women ate substantially during earlier meals and fueled up appropriately for workouts they wouldn't struggle so much with nighttime cravings and second helpings of dinner or dessert.

    7. Not Eating Enough Protein
    Women need to calculate their protein needs and track their intake for a while to make sure they're getting enough. If they're struggling with body fat, a higher protein approach might have a major impact on their appetites and waistlines.

    8. Going to Extremes with Dietary Fat
    Women need a variety of fats, including some saturated fat, and would benefit from prioritizing omega-3 fatty acids, which are the most beneficial for decreasing inflammation and promoting fat loss. But females also need to realize that cravings for copious amounts of fat are a red flag that they're getting inadequate amounts of one of the other macronutrients, like carbs.

    9. Going to Extremes with Carbs
    Athletic females who want a lean and powerful body should make room in their diets for carbs, especially around their workouts. It'll make them more effective in the gym and better at building muscle. Sedentary women with little muscle would do well to rein carbs in.

    10. Eating Sweets to be Sweet
    This one's not so cut-and-dry. The solution is different depending on the female's situation and the people shoving pastries in her face. If it's not a homemade thing that someone slaved over, then she'll need to be assertive and keep her peers from dragging her eating habits down with theirs. A female trying to change her eating patterns for good will need to get her friends and coworkers used to hearing her say "I don't eat that stuff." But if the food that's being offered is indeed something someone near and dear baked, she's got a few options. She can say "thank you" and set it aside until she figures out what to do with it; she can say "thank you" and delight her loved one by indulging; or she can say "thank you" and lie about having a piece later on. This one's a tough call. What do you think?
    Last edited by lovbyts; 12-03-2014 at 06:48 AM.

  12. #12
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    You can't post links to certain websites. If it gets asterisked, it means its a banned domain.
    Oops. The site doesn't sell steroids but ok.

  13. #13
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    This is not the article you tool....but for many, diet is the problem which is difficult to admit but critical first step.

    I would have copied and pasted but my phone was truncating the pages....maybe later then I get on computer.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    #1 mistake = wearing clothes. Why not just cut/paste the text? OK there is a lot I see so let me help a little. 1. Adopting a Diet Program Advertised on TV Women will have greater long-term success if they invest some time making sure their own nutritious meals are ready to go and easy to assemble. They'll need to accept some responsibility, put in some footwork, educate themselves about nutrition, and stop being dependent on diet plans that D-list celebrities can't even stick to. 2. Ignoring the Obvious Women need to take an honest look at their eating. A food journal can help. What are they eating, when are they eating it, and how does it makes them feel? Are they snacking, almost unconsciously, throughout the day? Are they eating their kids' leftovers? What seemingly innocent snacks are actually trigger foods that lead to overeating an hour later? How many calories are actually in that frappuccino? A food log will clue them in. As a bonus, a journal will teach them that eating larger portions of healthy foods always works better in the long run than portion-controlling junk. No koo-koo berry juice required 3. Eating Fake Health Food Women looking for protein at the grocery store need to stick with meat and eggs, and then get their fiber from Mother Nature. Then if they want to supplement with protein or workout nutrition, they'd be wise to get it from a place that doesn't also sell motor oil and toothpaste. 4. Obsessing Over Fat Loss and Not Eating for Hypertrophy How can women get to a place where they don't need to diet? By building more muscle and eating as though they want more muscle on their bodies. This doesn't mean eating crap; this means fueling up for workouts in order to work harder, pump nutrients into muscle cells, and feel muscles working. Then when they get to the gym, they'll need to actually try to build muscle. How? By lifting weights that are heavy enough to challenge them and by seeking the muscle ache and tightness that indicate work is being done. It's a lot different than just going through the motions with pink dumbbells while running on the fumes of their 100 calorie breakfast. It requires focus and an actual desire to build. It's true that it's tougher to gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time, but what women can do is build muscle so that their bodies eventually become better at burning fat even when they're not necessarily trying to. And if she brings up the old myth about "getting too big" with weight training, just have her read this. 5. Having Emotional Hang-Ups and Judgment If women stopped attaching their self-worth to their eating habits and dealt with emotions in productive ways other than "comfort food", they'd be more inclined to eat appropriately. A long walk will clear the head better than a row of cookies. A good bonk in the sack is more stress relieving than a pint of ice cream. And going back to number 4, overindulgence wouldn't be such a big deal if they sought hypertrophy instead of fat loss. Hypertrophy is about growth, not restriction, and that change in thinking frees women from the constant cycle of trying to eat like a supermodel and falling off the wagon 6. Overeating at Night If women ate substantially during earlier meals and fueled up appropriately for workouts they wouldn't struggle so much with nighttime cravings and second helpings of dinner or dessert. 7. Not Eating Enough Protein Women need to calculate their protein needs and track their intake for a while to make sure they're getting enough. If they're struggling with body fat, a higher protein approach might have a major impact on their appetites and waistlines. 8. Going to Extremes with Dietary Fat Women need a variety of fats, including some saturated fat, and would benefit from prioritizing omega-3 fatty acids, which are the most beneficial for decreasing inflammation and promoting fat loss. But females also need to realize that cravings for copious amounts of fat are a red flag that they're getting inadequate amounts of one of the other macronutrients, like carbs. 9. Going to Extremes with Carbs Athletic females who want a lean and powerful body should make room in their diets for carbs, especially around their workouts. It'll make them more effective in the gym and better at building muscle. Sedentary women with little muscle would do well to rein carbs in. 10. Eating Sweets to be Sweet This one's not so cut-and-dry. The solution is different depending on the female's situation and the people shoving pastries in her face. If it's not a homemade thing that someone slaved over, then she'll need to be assertive and keep her peers from dragging her eating habits down with theirs. A female trying to change her eating patterns for good will need to get her friends and coworkers used to hearing her say "I don't eat that stuff." But if the food that's being offered is indeed something someone near and dear baked, she's got a few options. She can say "thank you" and set it aside until she figures out what to do with it; she can say "thank you" and delight her loved one by indulging; or she can say "thank you" and lie about having a piece later on. This one's a tough call. What do you think?

  14. #14
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Well it appears she was "offering". If her boobs are showing its so they can be seen. Soak it up!!!

    I have 34DD so I get looked over quite a bit as it is. I don't wear plunging necklines at the gym but certain positions seems to accentuate their appearance. I catch guys peeking-they can't seem to help themselves as most try so hard to not be as obvious as you. LoL.

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    you'll get a laugh out of this girly... so yesterday was legs. and I just finished up on the prone leg curl (tummy side down). I'm sitting there, resting, and this rather attractive Chinese (?) lady comes over and asks if I'm through. so I say I sure am, and so I go to the next station, which is the seated leg extensions, but it is facing the front of the prone leg curl station. so I'm just sitting there, her trainer close by, and she lays down facing me, with a low cut top, and begins to show me her goodies. And I'm watching, and staring, enjoying the show. Her trainer is there smiling to beat the band. Then I realized how obvious I was, staring at her goodies, and she's watching me stare at her goodies. So finally I stand up (I was actually sitting on a dumbbell in front of the machine, and was actually pretty close, like maybe three feet away) and I say maybe I better move so I'm not accidently staring at your boobs. So I'm walking away chuckling at the cheap thrill I just got. is this one of the "mistakes" on your list?

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    This is not the article you tool....but for many, diet is the problem which is difficult to admit but critical first step.

    I would have copied and pasted but my phone was truncating the pages....maybe later then I get on computer.
    Opps, youre right, my bad but it's still good info.

    OK this is the right one.

    1. Fear of Appearing Butch
    You've heard this one before, but it doesn't look like it's sinking in. You need to evolve beyond using rubber-coated dumbbells that have a clump of iron the size of a baby's fist on either side. In other words, you need to use heavier weights. Stop with the delicate little flower thing. Your muscles won't grow – won't get curvy – if you're pressing, squatting, or curling with weights that have roughly the same heft as your iPhone. Say hello to the 20 and 30-pound dumbbells, aspire to the 40 and 50-pound ones. Use weights that allow you to do between 8 and 15 repetitions.

    And don't play the age-old, "I don't want to get too big" card. Unless you're the one woman in a million that has such high Testosterone levels that female horses start to whinny nervously when you walk by, you're not going to suddenly sprout muscle from your ears and everywhere else. Neither will your muscles grow beyond your aesthetic ideal unless you start feeding them a lot more. Muscles don't grow out of thin air; you've got to supply them with protein and carbs. That's why men who lift weights eat barnyards of fowl, ranches of cattle, rivers of fish, barrels of protein powder, and vats of Cocoa Puffs. If you don't eat that way, you won't get "too big." (See mistake #9 for advice on when you should eat big.)

    2. Fear of Making an Ugly Face
    We just discussed using heavier weights, but we didn't discuss intensity. When you're lifting weights, you shouldn't be able to maintain the same facial expression as when you're getting a mani-pedi. Too many women just don't get down and dirty. There's rarely even a grimace or a bit of semi-feminine grunting. Look, building muscle requires some discomfort; it requires some pain. You might be able to look all pretty and composed for the first few reps, even while using an appropriately heavy weight, but you're ultimately going to have to make an ugly she-wolverine face on the last few highly-productive "money" reps where you coerce muscle into growing. No ugly face, no curvy muscle. No ugly face, no increased strength. Tank your outdated views of femininity. Screw how it looks or what anyone thinks.

    3. Absession
    Absession is not a new scent from Calvin Klein. Rather, it's being obsessed with working the abs or the waistline in general. Here's a shocker: everyone has a six-pack; you just have to whittle away enough fat so that it shows. Granted, you may want to build the abdominals so they're more pronounced, but stop thinking that you need to dedicate half your workout or more to working abs. Three or four hard sets of 15 to 20 – using resistance or using more challenging angles as necessary – a few times a week is all you need. Spend the rest of the time building overall muscle and doing activities that burn fat in general.

    4. Working the Abs Like a Powerlifter
    I know mistake #1 said to use heavier weights, but ab work is the one exception. For some reason, a lot of women already use heavy weights when working the midsection. Oddly, they think that working the waist with heavy weights is somehow going to make it smaller. Maybe... if we all lived in the Bizarro world. The waist is comprised of muscles and muscles respond to heavy weights by getting bigger. If you want a waist that's as broad as a tree stump, then have at it. If, however, you want the mythical wasp waist, stop working your abs with heavy weights. As mentioned in the previous tip, stick with weight or resistance that allows you to do roughly 15 to 20 reps. Most importantly, don't use weights while working your "side muscles," otherwise known as the obliques. The surest way to build a blocky waist is to do side bends while hanging onto dumbbells. Instead, work your obliques by doing a few sets of side planks a couple of times a week.

    5. Balancing on the BOSU
    I'll grudgingly admit that the BOSU ball probably has some merit in developing balance. As such, it might be useful for Cirque du Soleil performers. It also makes for a lovely post-modernist style chair. Beyond those functions, I see little use for it.

    Okay, I'm being overly snarky. Yes, the BOSU has some application for abdominal work or rehab work for people with hinky ankles and it can probably help with balance issues, but somewhere along the line, exercisers, most often women or their enabler-slash-trainers started using the BOSU as a weight-training accessory. They either put one foot on it to use with lunges or they put both feet on it while doing any number of traditional weight training exercises like dumbbell curls, lateral raises, overhead presses, or squats. Some morons have even taken this a step further by doing these same movements on a Swiss ball. (If you see someone doing the latter, feel free to hip check the ball and send them crashing to the ground.)

    The thinking is that lifting weights on an unstable surface makes the muscles work harder to keep you from doing a face plant, but balancing isn't the type of muscular effort that builds muscle. And, in order to keep your balance, you have to use lighter weights than you would otherwise.

    Lifting weights – even light ones – while standing on a BOSU will make your muscles fatigue much faster, forcing you to abort the set earlier than you normally would. You end up missing out on the "money reps," those reps at the end of a set where you activate the muscle fibers most responsible for growth. If all of that falls on deaf ears, consider that none of the major studies conducted on the BOSU have found it to build muscle any faster than doing the same exercises on solid ground.

    6. Too Much Aerobics
    I've got a question for you: Have you ever see a marathoner or even an accomplished jogger with a really good body? Probably not. They're either slightly emaciated, have a body with very few curves, or are plagued with the skinny-fat condition I talked about in the intro. They also have really ugly feet.

    Without going into all the hormonal or ************ permutations, let's just accept the scientific fact that the body would generally, during caloric deficits, rather sacrifice muscle than fat, and what is excessive endurance exercise but an artificially induced caloric deficit? Regardless, women especially are saddled with the myth that the more aerobic exercise they do, the better they'll look.

    Remember, you want muscle, and excessive aerobic exercise is death to muscle. There are far more effective ways to burn fat. Going for a brisk walk first thing in the morning is incredibly effective and it saves muscle. Similarly, brief bouts of high-intensity exercise in the form of sprinting or Tabata-style exercise-bicycling or weight training build muscle and burn fat simultaneously. In case you're not familiar with Tabata, it's a simple but brutal protocol where you do an activity as fast and hard as you can for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, and then do another exercise/rest cycle of 20 and 10 seconds. You do this for 4 minutes straight and then collapse into a spent but proud heap. You can do Tabata workouts with kettlebell swings, dumbbell squats, stationary bicycle sprints, or any number of other exercises.

    7. Workout Monogamy
    Mating for life, as swans, wolves, turtledoves, and Catholics are wont to do, has some biological advantages. Mating to your workout for life, however, has none. Too bad so many women ignore this fact. Whether it's from a lack of imagination or a misguided belief that "exercise is exercise" or that "there's only one way to lift a weight," some women keep doing the same routine year-in and year-out. They may have torn it out of a Shape or Cosmo that was lying in the doctor's office and since they've been healthy and haven't gone back to the doc's office and read some new magazines, they're still doing the same routine a year or two later.

    That's unfortunate because the body adapts to workouts whether they be weight workouts or aerobic workouts. That's why there are so many fat aerobics instructors. They've done the same routine for years and their neurological system is so accustomed to it that it costs them little in calories or effort to complete the workout. You need to cycle your workouts every four to six weeks. Emphasize legs in one cycle, shoulders or arms the next. Get new routines from articles right here on T Nation.

    8. Workout Promiscuity
    The opposite of the workout monogamist is of course the workout slut. While much more common among males, there are plenty of women who can't stick with a workout for very long. They try out a workout a few days, see that it hasn't yet given them an NFL cheerleader body, and then try something else. One manifestation of this is "CrossFit Fever." These women, not entirely sure of what constitutes CrossFit training, do a bastardized version where they perform non-stop, often non-sensical, semi-aerobic, semi-anaerobic conditioning work for 1 to 2 hours for no apparent reason, save to exorcise or exercise some professional or personal demons.

    In either case, their workouts are chaotic and ultimately produce rotten results. Find a logical, progressive workout that addresses your particular needs, builds muscle, burns fat, and makes you the queen of curves and give it 4 to 6 weeks to work. Then and only then should you change it up, even if it worked well (see step #7).

    9. Fear of Food
    Ready to have your dietary beliefs shaken, Jell-O like, to their core? Okay, here goes: It's virtually impossible – no matter what you eat – to gain any fat in the post-workout period, which is roughly defined as the hour-long timeframe after you finish lifting weights. While gaining fat during this period is highly improbable, it's highly probable that you will build some muscle during this same timeframe, provided you give your body the protein (and calories) it requires.

    It all has to do with insulin , the hormone that carries glucose and amino acids to muscle cells. Broadly speaking, insulin has two choices, it can either shuttle glucose and protein to storage in fatty tissue and the liver, or it can deliver those nutrients directly to muscle cells where they're used to fuel, repair, and grow muscle. The path it takes is determined by exercise – if you're lifting weights or just finished lifting weights, insulin will take the nutrients directly to muscle instead of storing it.

    Muscle is particularly sensitive to insulin during this workout/post workout period, so if you want to build muscle/curves, it's imperative that you eat during what we call the "peri-workout" period, which is comprised of the period just before, during, and after a resistance workout. So temporarily forget your calorie fears. Temporarily forget your carb fears, too, because this is when you definitely need to provide your muscles with the material it needs to build those curves. In general, have a protein/carbohydrate drink about 45 minutes to an hour before a workout and a substantial amount of protein and carbohydrates after a workout. In an ideal world, you'd also sip a protein/carb drink during the workout, too, but at the very least, make sure you don't skimp on that post-workout meal.

    Related:  10 Mistakes Women Make With Diets

    10. Juicing
    No, not juicing as in steroids . I'm talking about the plastic cups of pulverized, Osterized, barely palatable concoctions of kale, seaweed, wheat grass, and whatever other obscure vegetables or fruits the juicer is able to buy at a discount that so many women have permanently affixed to their hands when they walk into the gym.

    I know it seems contrary, even heretical, to suggest you stop or limit your consumption of these drinks, but hear me out. Vegetables and fruits contain simple sugars and more complex, harder-to-digest carbs. No problem there. However, when you blend up fruits and vegetables, you're breaking down all those normally hard-to-digest carbs into infinitesimally small pieces. Drink that stuff down and you're virtually bypassing much of the digestive process. All those sugars are presented to your bloodstream like flowers to your momma on Mother's Day. They get absorbed super quick, and your pancreas releases a surge of insulin to counteract all that sugar. It's virtually the same effect you'd get from shot-gunning a 24-ounce 7-11 Slurpie.

    Insulin shuttles off some of the sugar to muscle cells and the rest are stored (in the liver or as body fat), but then insulin levels dip below baseline and you get hungry again pretty fast. If you give in to that hunger, you're ingesting more calories than you might normally have and extra, unnecessary calories get stored as fat. What's more, if you do the juice thing often enough, you may actually develop some insulin resistance, which is the first step down the path to Type II diabetes.

    There's one more thing to consider, too. You probably wouldn't be able to eat all the fruits and vegetables that are in a typical fruit or vegetable smoothie if they were sitting there on a plate. They'd take up too much room in your stomach and even all that Spandex in your Lululemon pants wouldn't be able to flatten out your belly. However, pulverize all those fruits and vegetables down into primordial ooze and they, and all the calories they contain, fit in your stomach just fine. Juicing allows you to eat more than you normally could, which is never really good if you're trying to keep tabs on your body fat levels.

    I'm not suggesting that you give up all juices. Drink them in moderation, eat them in their un-pulverized, natural state, or simply employ one simple trick: just have the juice junction, jamboree, or whatever add a scoop of protein (whey or casein) to your drink. The protein will ameliorate the big insulin surge, not to mention giving your muscles some extra building blocks.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Well it appears she was "offering". If her boobs are showing its so they can be seen. Soak it up!!!

    I have 34DD so I get looked over quite a bit as it is. I don't wear plunging necklines at the gym but certain positions seems to accentuate their appearance. I catch guys peeking-they can't seem to help themselves as most try so hard to not be as obvious as you. LoL.
    I didn't realize I was obvious. I just thought I had a fortuitous seat only three feet away. So I was sitting there, three feet away, looking down her boobs, all the way to her naval between her cleavage (well almost). it was so obvious, yet I didn't become aware of it until I looked at her trainer and he had this big silly all knowing grin on his face. then it dawned on me. after a set, I sometimes just sit there and zone out, which is what I was doing...

    ....zoning out with a view!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Well it appears she was "offering". If her boobs are showing its so they can be seen. Soak it up!!!

    I have 34DD so I get looked over quite a bit as it is. I don't wear plunging necklines at the gym but certain positions seems to accentuate their appearance. I catch guys peeking-they can't seem to help themselves as most try so hard to not be as obvious as you. LoL.


    that can't be right?

    I don't know, I'd probably have to see it to believe it

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    wait! 34DD? that can't be right? I don't know, I'd probably have to see it to believe it

  19. #19
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
    [Once I started lifting in the gym proper, I was hooked! Wish had started sooner

    Not reading all of the rest of that awesomeness

    The problem is "lifting/fitness" is a very acquired taste. Specially for a female.

    I'd say about one out of 1k females is extremely fit - if that

    Wish it was different - but, oh well

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    Not reading all of the rest of that awesomeness The problem is "lifting/fitness" is a very acquired taste. Specially for a female. I'd say about one out of 1k females is extremely fit - if that Wish it was different - but, oh well
    True. It's an acquired taste for the fellas. There's plenty of out of shape fellas running about. Seems the mid thirties is a defining moment for many.

    I am in the higher percentile of fitness. Luv that but have to work on it every day :/

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    wait! 34DD? that can't be right? I don't know, I'd probably have to see it to believe it
    PM sent

  22. #22
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    This is why I love yoga pants
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    I also have 34dd times you want to see mine?

  24. #24
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    Shit - guys aren't no dif, not by much at least.

    Like if I say 1/1000 females, guys would be 1/850.

    Just the fit crowd(not even juiced) is so so small.

    It's like people are just naturally lazy or getting lazier.

    I have no clue how or why I changed. I get bored - I go to the gym, not lay out on the couch. Just makes me feel better.

    But, many people at all think like this. Like after seeing myself look better, I just don't see a reason why I should look fatter it worse.

    It's the journey - not the destination

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Shit - guys aren't no dif, not by much at least.
    Are you trying to tell us you are switching teams?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Are you trying to tell us you are switching teams?

    No yet, lol
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  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
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    ME TOO! : D haha

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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    No yet, lol
    Good answer.

    Well Girly, is that cut and paste better?

  29. #29
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    They have a follow up article, 10 mistakes women make with diets. I catch myself staring once in a while, sometimes it is hard to look away from a really hot women moving weight, it is quite the turn on.

  30. #30
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    I love seeing pics to girly
    who has more discipline woman or men?

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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey
    hot women moving weight, it is quite the turn on.
    Man, I thought I was the only one.

    Kinda wonder is they think the same shit about guys

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by derekkpapa1 View Post
    I love seeing pics to girly
    who has more discipline woman or men?
    My women have more discipline because I discipline them regularly. Spankings, that is what you meant, right?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    Good answer. Well Girly, is that cut and paste better?
    Yes thank you!!!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    Man, I thought I was the only one. Kinda wonder is they think the same shit about guys
    Data point of one. Hell yeah!!!! I can't be with an unfit guy. I have standards...high standards.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> >
    Shit - guys aren't no dif, not by much at least. Like if I say 1/1000 females, guys would be 1/850. Just the fit crowd(not even juiced) is so so small. It's like people are just naturally lazy or getting lazier. I have no clue how or why I changed. I get bored - I go to the gym, not lay out on the couch. Just makes me feel better. But, many people at all think like this. Like after seeing myself look better, I just don't see a reason why I should look fatter it worse. It's the journey - not the destination
    I do construction. 90% guys are unhealthy and overweight. Make fun of me for writing down what I eat and claim work is better than training. So yeah it's guys too.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    Data point of one. Hell yeah!!!! I can't be with an unfit guy. I have standards...high standards.
    Just wish people seen this shit like I do - a little at least. . . . Then, I'm the one talking shit when I call them fat. Yet, they get to go out for pizza while I live at them gym

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnz4 View Post
    I do construction. 90% guys are unhealthy and overweight. Make fun of me for writing down what I eat and claim work is better than training. So yeah it's guys too.

    This is the exact shit I hear & again - I'm the asshole when I call them fat filled skinbags, geez

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
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    yeah, check you out....

    ....and here I am checking my inbox "as if".........

  38. #38
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    The biggest mistake hot women make at the gym is that they don't go home with me often enough.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    yeah, check you out.... ....and here I am checking my inbox "as if".........
    Sorry. It's too hard to send pics in pm.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat
    Sorry. It's too hard to send pics in pm.

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