Quote Originally Posted by Eduke93 View Post
The list is endless… but to pin point one…

This was when I was a PT, I think I was about 19 or something so about 6 years ago. I was on the gym floor, monitoring the weights room. There was a little Chinese guy who has no idea what he was doing… English was ok but he had no gym etiquette.

Anyway, there was some dude doing flat dumbbell press on a bench, he had finished his set thrown his weights down in front of him and sat up at the end of the bench, head was facing down.. headphone on, in gym mode.

This Chinese dude, decided to sit on the end of the bench (where the benchers head goes) and started doing bicep curls… So the bencher grabs his weights after his rest and at this point still hasn’t noticed this dude sat on his bench doing curls, he threw his weights back, knocked the Chinese dude off the bench… weights went flying, glasses fell on the floor… he asked him what he was doing and he said I was curling the dumbbells and he shook his head and they went their separate ways.

I could have stopped it from happening, but I just watched it happen….

An embarrassing moment for me, some big dude asked me to spot him on the bench, I was about 17, he was benching, pushed out about 5 or 6, started to struggle, I leant over to help him a and a drop of sweat fell from my chin and landed on his face. He didn’t ask for a spot since..
I always have my headphones on in the gym and dont look at people who look like they need a spot, that way they cant ask. And if they do, I can pretend I cant hear them. Fuck a spot, roll the bar down your body to your waist and stand up, or risk your life and go for the suicide pins like a man!