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Thread: 80s/90s anti steroid push
01-19-2019, 06:29 PM #1
80s/90s anti steroid push
Why was there such a large push against steroid use in the 80s/90s
Seems like this was all over the media and social programming that steroids where bad
Was it because of sports and doping or something else?
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01-19-2019, 06:38 PM #2
01-19-2019, 07:12 PM #3
No discussion of this can be complete without the infamous Ben Affleck after school special LOL
01-19-2019, 08:26 PM #4
-Mostly, it was the new threat that was effecting people's children or so they thought. Adults were targeted because of the role models that they were for kids.
-Kids were just as dumb then as they are now and so they just put any damn thing they could find in their body without concern for the future.
-The internet didn't exist so no one had access to knowledge or a source.
-The science and art of stacking and how to use even the most common steroids was absolutley primitive. Look how much this site had changed since its inception.
-But, back to the original point, it was a lot of hype caused by the idea that middle-class boys were potentially (many were) hurting themselves.
01-19-2019, 09:42 PM #5
One big reason here. Dont watch the whole video it is boring as hell.
Not much was known about them and they were demonized by olympic sports countless times.
Media back then was nothing like it is today. Misinformation flowed and people were allowed to say that "steroids made me crazy" or "stteroids gave me a brain tumor" or "steroids made me fk my cousin".
You couldn't hop on google and in five minutes shut down the greatest medical studies like today.
For that reason culture ruled the media, which is totally the opposite of today. Now, media rules the culture as you know. It was a chain system and no one questioned it.
Today someone asked me how Jim Varney (Ernest) died. I told them it was a drug overdose which is what my uncle had told me years and years ago.
Well, it was lung cancer. God knows how many times I spread that mistruth over a couple decades.
Personally, I wish everyone was still dumb and living off rumors. Too many brain surgeon/rocket scientist/economic advisor/pharmacist/engineer/architect/doctors out there. Every damn one of them becoming blind sheep by manufactured crisis and epidemic, at every news story.
The misinformation is still there surrounding steroids but it is much less prominent. Every time a Dallas Mccarver or Rich Piana dies though, it makes it surface. I actually love shutting it down when the common moron spouts off shit they have no clue about. You can just ask them questions and let them dig their own grave.
Btw thats the best way to win an argument.
01-19-2019, 09:53 PM #6
You are not kidding about how times have changed.
Everyone thinks they either know everything because they Google shit or simply because they get some knowledge from Facebook feeds.
Back in the day you has to actually read a fucking book or like you said get info from spread rumors.
Do I love the advantages of getting knowledge so fast ? As long as it's trusted sources , I fucking love it, ESP when I'm recommended a book to read ... It's great but yo ...
Everyday I ask myself "how are so many people so fucking dumb and think they are so smart"
It's the same thing with people driving ... 19 years ago people drove horrible, but for some reason almost everyone on the road it seems as if they just got their fucking license.
We have more advancedments and yet people keep getting more arrogant and fucking dumb.
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01-19-2019, 09:54 PM #7
10 years ago * I'm old but not that old , no offense to the vets haha
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01-19-2019, 09:56 PM #8
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I’d say the movie “Bigger, Stronger, Faster” would be a good start.
01-19-2019, 11:18 PM #9
I don't know anyone who has ever used steroids
01-20-2019, 12:51 AM #10
Attachment 175556
Dr king said it best
Prob is that I do believe that some "people" can't handle what others can mentally - steroid /drug wise
Watching that ridiculous Ben Affleck garbage really reminded me of a few folks.
Some folk can't take a personality change - it starts fvcking with them in the wrong way
And, of course all of these mentally handicapped toads become anti anything advocators.
Personally, I have been over reading propaganda bull shit - look, I do injections on my own, prescribed by no one - but, I don't reuse or share needles - no way, go figure. . . I thought that's how we all spread shit around, we share needles right?!
Then u find spikes on the gym bathroom floor
"We" Always ruin everything ourselves
People can't get along on anything - ever & can't handle their own shit
01-20-2019, 01:02 PM #12
Only problem w the logic that some people can't handle it therefore make illegal.. Is alcohol. Plenty of people kill eachother under the influence of it Every day, so why cant we ban that?
01-20-2019, 01:19 PM #14
Hmm, i dont know how thats the case. That was a great documentary and i think it changed peoples minds about AAS use
I was watching something the other day and they mentioned steroids over and over again from the 90s so it led me to ask this question here, i remember briefly the sports controversy from the 80-90s and i was wondering what caused this
I'm too young to remember so was wondering where it all came from
Unfortunately I think Arnold had a big play in stigmatizing AAS use in the 80s-90s, he was openly against the use of testosterone and other compounds as I think Arnold helped Regan or Bush (i dont remember) in banning these substances and expanding the role of the government to add these drugs to harsher drug laws/classifications
I figured i would ask since we have some older and wiser folks who may remember
01-20-2019, 01:22 PM #15
Well i hate to say this on here but if we're all being honest here AAS use does have a lower life span affect doesn't it
We keep saying steroids never killed anyone but all of the science we have seen with heavy dosages and how it affects the heart and grows the internal organs, this can't be healthy at all
now i may be setting myself up for failure here, but come if we are all being honest here this shit does have a lower life span just by using some of these compounds do they not??
01-20-2019, 01:25 PM #17
Let me start by saying this isn't an attack on anyone, but i have stumbled on a few other places online and I have noticed people discussing infections and actually not following proper injections or safe injection technique
There are people out there who reuse the needles and syringes??? Why would anyone do this, are you really trying to save a buck by reusing something that you inject into yourself and get whatever is on the needle or in the syringe into the blood stream over and over again, are you guys serious? I saw that thread and maybe someone here knows the one im talking about but why would anyone reuse syringes or worse NEEDLES!, you're asking for an infection by doing this
01-20-2019, 01:27 PM #18
Well thats HRT being done a proper way, low enough doses to keep you steady and balanced sounds great but HRT isn't something i have a concern with, its some of the other compounds being run, also I probably should shut up now but DNP , DNP sounds extremely dangerous from what I have been reading on it but people still take it
Ironically DNP at low doses is extremely neuroprotective and has tons of benefits lol
01-20-2019, 01:41 PM #20
Yikes, im not familiar with it at all but from what i have heard/read it burns your insides and its an industrial chemical so i dont understand DNP at all.. not familiar with it
01-20-2019, 02:05 PM #21
I definitely agree with the point about Arnold. God bless him and it doesn't much affect my high opinion of the guy but, your right. It seems like one of those situations where a person, hypocritically denounces their past and any and all associated with it instead of owning it and moving on the hard way. But by denouncing, they are able to cleanse themselves of the things that their new snobby and highbrow group finds repugnant (without personal knowledge) to join the new group and keep social climbing. It lacks character and particularly loyalty to oneself and to the group of which one used to be a part.
That should be the repugnant part. Fucking Buss-driver, dthrowing his friends under the buss and driving right over them! Now I'm getting a little upset.
WHO DAT!Last edited by Quester; 01-20-2019 at 02:11 PM.
01-20-2019, 02:19 PM #22
Well look quester, i dont hate Arnold for that at all, i think he did what he had to for political power and pressure but still if we're throwing out blame I think Arnold is the guy with his speeches about fitness and how bad steroids are who started this whole thing about steroids being bad. At the time the media and political pressure already had a reason to go after steroids because of sports so than Arnold steps in and starts campagining with the republican party about anti steroids
He is the cause and probably the main guy who was the anti AAS which allowed the US govt/DEA to bring in new legislation against testosterone
01-20-2019, 02:32 PM #23
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01-20-2019, 02:42 PM #25
No, i dont see an issue with what you said. I watched it a few times and while the documentary didn't have a whole positive look into steroids i still think it didn't really have a negative look at it either. From what i saw it was kind of neutral, asking the question why steroids are bad or why are drugs "bad" in general
There was a case of some young high school football player who lost his life and his family started the campaign against drugs. I may be wrong here since i dont remember this 100% but he may have also been using other drugs and he had depression as well so how is that steroids fault?
Yeah i am familiar with fat burners and the whole ec stack thing ad I used that in the past. From what i remember it increased the core body temperature pretty high with these fat burners, the stuff i used before im sure is illegal by now
01-20-2019, 02:44 PM #26
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well DNP can be found in nature .. its technically non GMO, organic, all natural, vegan, etc. and all that good stuff
it just happens to also be used as a "chemical" , but hey even water is used in industrial chemical plants.
there is a lot of fear mongering and scare tactics surrounding DNP . but its nothing new. been used for fat loss for nearly a hundred years. its like everything else, you got to be careful and know what the heck your doing before you ever think about using it
01-20-2019, 02:47 PM #28
Do you happen to have a link or thread somewhere around here on DNP? I'm not familiar with this and a few other things as i have mentioned before but how would you run something like this? I remember reading a few years ago some guys went over board and took so much they had to continuously eat carbs and make sure all of their nutritional needs where met or DNP has some kind of negative effect on the body? Like i said im not familiar with this but if this has been discussed in detail around here might need to make some reading time
Well come on give me a break, when i heard DNP was an industrial chemical it made me think DNP = toxic waste for fat loss
01-20-2019, 02:50 PM #29
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01-20-2019, 02:52 PM #31
01-21-2019, 01:26 AM #32
Please expand upon this, I'd like to know more. All I've heard about DNP is in one direction, and, so far, I have thought, surely there is a supporting side or I wouldn't be hearing the negative so much that it is just a trend.' On the other hand, if a portion of the good is good and a portion of the bad isn't, I'd definitely like to know more about it.
Arnold. He's true to exercise, and I don't hat him. In context to my generation he truly helped people to get off their asses.
3:48ish and on
Lookup " enhancedathelete dnp truth, dr tony huge, coach Trevor" those guys break dnp down well. In reality insulin is literally hundreds of times more dangerous than dnp...
01-23-2019, 11:30 AM #34
Ever hear the expression, "If it bleeds, it leads"? That's the mantra of television network news. People love watching a train wreck and they're more drawn to bad news than to good. Or to quote late newsman Eric Sevareid, “The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”
The same thing was going on in pro cycling with EPO, only it lagged a bit because EPO didn't get into professional sport until probably some time after 1986 (it wasn't isolated in the laboratory until 1984). There was a spate of young cyclists dying in the early '90s and the news glommed onto the fact that many of them had been taking EPO. But the truth was that by then about half the people in pro cycling were experimenting with EPO and not a single one of the autopsies on these young men incriminated the EPO. In fact many of them had previously undiagnosed heart ailments.
And as with steroids , the press went out of its way to dramatically overstate the dangers of using EPO. When a member of the press tried (in vain) to lecture Lance Pharmstrong's dope doctor, Michele Ferrari, on the dangers of EPO, Ferrari replied, "EPO is not dangerous, its abuse is. It is also dangerous to drink ten liters of orange juice.”
The press immediately condensed this to "Ferrari says EPO is no more dangerous that orange juice." Which is a deliberate mischaracterization meant to make him sound like an extremist.
Sports media was still pillorying Ferrari for this 'cavalier' statement until three years ago when sports journalist Mark Johnson published a book titled, "Spitting in the Soup: Inside the Dirty Game of Doping in Sports," which essentially vindicated what Ferrari had said. Johnson looked at all those suspicious cyclist deaths, as well as accidental misuse of EPO in the medical community and concluded that there in no medical evidence that anyone ever has been killed by EPO. Or even had their health seriously damaged. In fact he quoted one noted hematologist saying that EPO “...appears to be almost nontoxic.”
But promoting the myth that EPO kills suited the sport's overlords because they saw themselves as tasked with the mission of preserving the "purity" of the sport, which doping threatened to sully. But the fact is there were competitive cyclists busted for doping all the way back in the 1860s, and there was absolutely NO anti-doping enforcement in pro cycling until the late 1960s. And it suited the mainstream media because bad news sells.Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 01-23-2019 at 05:06 PM.
Juice should be treated here the same as it is in Canada - too much to ask for I suppose. . .
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