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Thread: Mother fucking cigarettes

  1. #1
    Mdrock98's Avatar
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    Mother fucking cigarettes

    Stopped smoking for a while years back.. consistently in the gym. Running, boxed for a while and felt great, even though I was oblivious to the whole world around me as far as my jobs, corporate world bullshit and modern day slavery. Then fast forward 6 years later or so and I became not so oblivious to the life that I was living. Same old shit. Wake early as fuck. Work as a laborer outside in the elements, come home, scarf down a pre workout, go to the gym, come home, eat, sleep and do it over the next day.. Then it hit me, my God, everyday same bullshit, feels like ground hog day, everyday. I’m just a number to a company that doesn’t give a fuck about me, and have to obey by their rules or I can’t pay bills... go to the gym (which I love) but more or so recently it’s been “I have to go because I’m on gear” come home and it’s time to do it over again ... a month ago or so I didn’t give a fuck. I don’t get paid to lift. My job pays shit, and have to obey their bullshit rules. I said fuck it, bought a pack and drank some beers and smoked ciggs. I really don’t want to fall back into it.. because we all know the good that comes from it... whatever.

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  2. #2
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    STOP while you’re ahead. Old habits die hard bro.

    Cigarettes are fucking gross AND they’re expensive!

    Every time you wanna have a cig, do 25 push-ups instead. This year has been hard enough, don’t add to it

  3. #3
    Mdrock98's Avatar
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    Mother fucking cigarettes

    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    STOP while you’re ahead. Old habits die hard bro.

    Cigarettes are fucking gross AND they’re expensive!

    Every time you wanna have a cig, do 25 push-ups instead. This year has been hard enough, don’t add to it
    I have this pack left.. and work in the am.. I have next week off where I plan to attack and kick the habit again..

    Christ. This sucks.

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  4. #4
    Mdrock98's Avatar
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    I just flushed them. All of them. Wish me luck

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  5. #5
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mdrock98 View Post
    I just flushed them. All of them. Wish me luck

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    That’s the warrior spirit brother! Nice work, pulling for you!

    Now drop and give yourself 25!!!
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  6. #6
    Mdrock98's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    That’s the warrior spirit brother! Nice work, pulling for you!

    Now drop and give yourself 25!!!
    25 done. Your the shit bro. Thanks

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  7. #7
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Go get yourself some regular chewing gum with an intense flavor like Cinneburst or Big Red. When you want a smoke, have a stick of gum and give it time.

    I quit when I was 25 (and I'm 40 now) and that is what I did. With time, the feeling of "needing" a smoke fades away. And I can tell you I literally hate the smell of it now. If I can quit, you can too.
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  8. #8
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    What worked for me is I would pretend to smoke. Usually at a red light I would light up. So I started cracking the window. Bringing my fingers to my mouth. Inhale exhale. Put my fingers to the crack of the window. Over and over. That helped me a lot.
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  9. #9
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Cigarettes < lol

    How old r u?

    I just recently decided to pull the smokes - I been on/off for well over 2 decades - never a heavy smoker, maybe 1-5 a day max

    But, since my recent health scare & a strange coincidence that my neighbor’s husband stroked out at 53(from nicotine plaque, he had 3-5 back to back) he was an active guy too. I’m done. . . Had one yesterday when they cleared me to live. But, I’m over it - I’ll just keep smoking weed - I don’t even do the vape any more either

    I always needed a true reason to quit - got one now, all my now required to live procedures are a high stroke risk by themselves

    But, fuck smokes - have a life change. Miserable jobs/work make life a living hell

    Oh yeah, the way I quit - I stop mid pack

    Don’t b a pussy, look that shit in the eye - at least it’s what I do. Waiting till I’m all out or throwing away never works for me
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 08-21-2020 at 06:13 AM.
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  10. #10
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    i love smoking.

    i hate it and want to stop, but i so love it.
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  11. #11
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    i love smoking.

    i hate it and want to stop, but i so love it.


    That made me want a smoke - had one, or at least a tad over 1/2 of one

    Def a habit that gets deep under our human skin
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  12. #12
    almostgone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mdrock98 View Post
    I have this pack left.. and work in the am.. I have next week off where I plan to attack and kick the habit again..

    Christ. This sucks.

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    Throw them away now. You're going to quit smoking anyway.

    Edit: I see you trashed them. Well done!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  13. #13
    BG's Avatar
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    Just think you poisoning yourself with every puff. Like said above, quit now.

    Might be time to slow down with the gym, few days a week and spend your energy on finding as better job.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  14. #14
    Mdrock98's Avatar
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    I just can’t seem to justify working out and smoking. That’s really what is the driving edge to quit. To me it’s either smoke and be a fat ass.. not give a fuck or quit and continue gear, working out... I know it’s not possible, (at least for me) combining both. I wanted to go for walk/run couple days ago, and didn’t go because my lungs and breath were full of ciggs. I became disgusted at myself. So it’s either live a healthy, good looking, strong body life regardless of how shitty my life is.. (at least I have that) or whirl in a pool full of misery and smoke saying fuck it, get fat, avoid working out and not care. I’ll take the former.

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  15. #15
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Good insights! Stay strong!
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  16. #16
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Just think of all the extra money you'll have in your pocket when you don't have to pay for cigarettes. Let's say your brand costs $7 a pack and you smoke a pack a day. That's $2500 a year that you are spending to slowly poison and kill yourself.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    What worked for me is I would pretend to smoke. Usually at a red light I would light up. So I started cracking the window. Bringing my fingers to my mouth. Inhale exhale. Put my fingers to the crack of the window. Over and over. That helped me a lot.
    I can only imagine the look on the faces of the people in the vehicles next to you at those traffic lights. It's a wonder you weren't committed.
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  18. #18
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Dude vape bro

  19. #19
    slfmade's Avatar
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    I feel your pain bro. I'm a diehard conservative and I'm all for an individuals rights to do whatever the hell they want. At the same time, I wish they would just ban tobacco. It is seriously the hardest habit to quit and sometimes I feel like it would just be better if people were never given the opportunity to make a bad decision. I see real life consequences daily of people that smoke and it's horrible. What's worse is all the judgy people that don't understand how difficult it is to quit. They think it takes the same level of mental fortitude as sticking to a diet or going to the gym when you don't feel like it. It's more than that though, it's mental and physical dependence. It's like telling somebody to just get over clinical depression. There's chemical shit going on in your brain that's fucking with you mentally, physically, and emotionally. Most people have never had to deal with physical dependence - especially not with something that had been such a big and constance part of their life for so long.

    I smoked from 19-24yrs old and I quit for a couple of years. For whatever reason I then started dipping and tried to quit multiple times over the years - sometimes successful for upto 6 months but always returned to it. I did that for for 9 more years and only finally quit when I had a patient who was 58 yrs old with oral cancer so bad they had to remove his entire lower jaw. He was fed through a Peg tube in his stomach - this had gone on for years but after being in remission, the cancer eventually spread to his throat and to his brain. They can't remove your throat or your brain. He was in our ICU for about 2 weeks before he died. It was very sad. I quit dipping that day and haven't dipped since. But it's still VERY VERY hard. I often find myself in situations in which I try to talk myself into having "just one". These are usually on really stressful days or when I have a lot of studying to do. I still have to throw on nicotine patch or chew a piece of nicotine gum from time to time so I don't go crazy. It's a freaking battle. I get it. Hopefully someday I can discontinue all nicotine, but in and of itself, nicotine alone isn't super harmful so it's not a priority right now. I'm hoping after I finish school then maybe.

    Every time I had quit, I did it cold turkey - I only reintroduced nicotine replacement later on in effort to keep me from going back to my wicked ways because I'm weak like that. Perhaps you'll have better success. Besides the last time that I quit, every other time, just so happened to coincide with the month leading up to my tests for life insurance or job applications - yep the medical field tests people now for tobacco - well, really nicotine. I say this because trying many of the medical interventions were never an option for me. A quick run of my medical hx would have informed the insurance companies that I was full of shit when I told them I had never smoked. So, if you believe you have the mental fortitude to follow this through cold turkey - then by all means go for it; however, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ASKING FOR HELP. Go to your doctor and talk to him/her about quitting. Chantix works well for a lot of people; but know that this is a poor medication if you're dealing with any kind of mental health issues. Wellbutrin on the other hand is fantastic, it will help reduce your cravings and give you an overall sense of well being - if you're struggling with any type of depression then this will help too; although it's not the best for anxiety. There's also the gum, lozenges, patches, etc and also support groups, and phone support (I've been told these are effective, but I don't know, that seems to be a stretch to me - we're all different though).

    Best I can say, is good luck to you. You can do it. Just don't get down on yourself if it becomes a struggle - just get some help with it. I used to be so hard on myself because I believed all the people telling me that it should be as easy as making up my mind and doing it....well, FUCK THEM! They don't know. Tell them to go a year on a gram of test without fucking or jerking off and see how their mental and physical state fairs - knowing that all the torment can be relieved my just taking a few minutes to rub one out. Sure, smoking will kill you and rubbing one out won't - well, I guess it depends how kinky you like it - but you get my point. Don't let people get you down, but take it seriously - make up your mind that you're going to do it - get some help if you need it. Good luck to you! Hit me up if you ever need any support!

  20. #20
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    Dude vape bro
    Worst advise EVER! At least once every couple of weeks, I do bronchoscopies on 20-year-olds due to fibrosis from vaping. Chest CT's show ground-glass opacities. Sound familiar? It's the same type of lung injury we're seeing in COVID patients - I've seen two kids die from this over the past 2 years. I've never seen a 20-year-old die from smoking cigarettes. You can tell me all day long about how they were probably smoking some UGL equivalent cartridges with extra shit in them - ie, Vit E ace..blah blah blah. I'm calling bullshit. Justify it all you want, but I see it on the regular and you don't.

  21. #21
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Completely agree with you about Vape. I smoked off and on for about 10 years, more off than on and when I quit completely is when the vape started up. I had people then and still suggest I try vaping and I just dont see anything positive that could come out of it. I said from the beginning it's another one of those cures that will be worse than the disease. Yup right again.

    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Worst advise EVER! At least once every couple of weeks, I do bronchoscopies on 20-year-olds due to fibrosis from vaping. Chest CT's show ground-glass opacities. Sound familiar? It's the same type of lung injury we're seeing in COVID patients - I've seen two kids die from this over the past 2 years. I've never seen a 20-year-old die from smoking cigarettes. You can tell me all day long about how they were probably smoking some UGL equivalent cartridges with extra shit in them - ie, Vit E ace..blah blah blah. I'm calling bullshit. Justify it all you want, but I see it on the regular and you don't.
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  22. #22
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    From what I gather - cigarettes < well, we know why they are bad. You’re smoking processed tree bark - processed with odd chemicals = bad, that’s easy

    Vape - we have zero knowledge of long term effects, along with not knowing wtf is really in them

    And - last, but far from least. . . From what I understand, nicotine itself is what forms plaque in our arteries - so, this would mean all nicotine from all nicotine products < is that right?! But, it’s what I figure

    Me personally - with this whole lease in life business, I’m def over smoking cigarettes(so far, since I been back home for over a month, I smoked a total of maybe 10 cigarettes) and, even that’s not necessary

    Shit, I’m having worse gym withdrawals rn more than withdraw from tobacco. Can’t wait to go back to the gym - it makes me hate smoking more - I can’t stand smelling someone’s tobacco smelling ass walk by at the gym. . . Like wtf, I rather smell sweat

    And, I been relying on weed a bit more - but, I am starting to pull back. I know that shit is loaded with tar like no other.
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I feel your pain bro. I'm a diehard conservative and I'm all for an individuals rights to do whatever the hell they want. At the same time, I wish they would just ban tobacco. It is seriously the hardest habit to quit and sometimes I feel like it would just be better if people were never given the opportunity to make a bad decision. I see real life consequences daily of people that smoke and it's horrible. What's worse is all the judgy people that don't understand how difficult it is to quit. They think it takes the same level of mental fortitude as sticking to a diet or going to the gym when you don't feel like it. It's more than that though, it's mental and physical dependence. It's like telling somebody to just get over clinical depression. There's chemical shit going on in your brain that's fucking with you mentally, physically, and emotionally. Most people have never had to deal with physical dependence - especially not with something that had been such a big and constance part of their life for so long.

    I smoked from 19-24yrs old and I quit for a couple of years. For whatever reason I then started dipping and tried to quit multiple times over the years - sometimes successful for upto 6 months but always returned to it. I did that for for 9 more years and only finally quit when I had a patient who was 58 yrs old with oral cancer so bad they had to remove his entire lower jaw. He was fed through a Peg tube in his stomach - this had gone on for years but after being in remission, the cancer eventually spread to his throat and to his brain. They can't remove your throat or your brain. He was in our ICU for about 2 weeks before he died. It was very sad. I quit dipping that day and haven't dipped since. But it's still VERY VERY hard. I often find myself in situations in which I try to talk myself into having "just one". These are usually on really stressful days or when I have a lot of studying to do. I still have to throw on nicotine patch or chew a piece of nicotine gum from time to time so I don't go crazy. It's a freaking battle. I get it. Hopefully someday I can discontinue all nicotine, but in and of itself, nicotine alone isn't super harmful so it's not a priority right now. I'm hoping after I finish school then maybe.

    Every time I had quit, I did it cold turkey - I only reintroduced nicotine replacement later on in effort to keep me from going back to my wicked ways because I'm weak like that. Perhaps you'll have better success. Besides the last time that I quit, every other time, just so happened to coincide with the month leading up to my tests for life insurance or job applications - yep the medical field tests people now for tobacco - well, really nicotine. I say this because trying many of the medical interventions were never an option for me. A quick run of my medical hx would have informed the insurance companies that I was full of shit when I told them I had never smoked. So, if you believe you have the mental fortitude to follow this through cold turkey - then by all means go for it; however, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ASKING FOR HELP. Go to your doctor and talk to him/her about quitting. Chantix works well for a lot of people; but know that this is a poor medication if you're dealing with any kind of mental health issues. Wellbutrin on the other hand is fantastic, it will help reduce your cravings and give you an overall sense of well being - if you're struggling with any type of depression then this will help too; although it's not the best for anxiety. There's also the gum, lozenges, patches, etc and also support groups, and phone support (I've been told these are effective, but I don't know, that seems to be a stretch to me - we're all different though).

    Best I can say, is good luck to you. You can do it. Just don't get down on yourself if it becomes a struggle - just get some help with it. I used to be so hard on myself because I believed all the people telling me that it should be as easy as making up my mind and doing it....well, FUCK THEM! They don't know. Tell them to go a year on a gram of test without fucking or jerking off and see how their mental and physical state fairs - knowing that all the torment can be relieved my just taking a few minutes to rub one out. Sure, smoking will kill you and rubbing one out won't - well, I guess it depends how kinky you like it - but you get my point. Don't let people get you down, but take it seriously - make up your mind that you're going to do it - get some help if you need it. Good luck to you! Hit me up if you ever need any support!
    Man. Nice write up. Thanks.

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  24. #24
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    just want to add, I love smoking.

    thats all.

  25. #25
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Worst advise EVER! At least once every couple of weeks, I do bronchoscopies on 20-year-olds due to fibrosis from vaping. Chest CT's show ground-glass opacities. Sound familiar? It's the same type of lung injury we're seeing in COVID patients - I've seen two kids die from this over the past 2 years. I've never seen a 20-year-old die from smoking cigarettes. You can tell me all day long about how they were probably smoking some UGL equivalent cartridges with extra shit in them - ie, Vit E ace..blah blah blah. I'm calling bullshit. Justify it all you want, but I see it on the regular and you don't.
    I bought a Vibe nicotine pen a couple of years ago and vaped for a few months. Within a couple of weeks of using the pen I started coughing up phlegm throughout the day. I never coughed up phlegm like that with cigarettes or weed.
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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    From what I gather - cigarettes < well, we know why they are bad. You’re smoking processed tree bark - processed with odd chemicals = bad, that’s easy

    Vape - we have zero knowledge of long term effects, along with not knowing wtf is really in them

    And - last, but far from least. . . From what I understand, nicotine itself is what forms plaque in our arteries - so, this would mean all nicotine from all nicotine products < is that right?! But, it’s what I figure

    Me personally - with this whole lease in life business, I’m def over smoking cigarettes(so far, since I been back home for over a month, I smoked a total of maybe 10 cigarettes) and, even that’s not necessary

    Shit, I’m having worse gym withdrawals rn more than withdraw from tobacco. Can’t wait to go back to the gym - it makes me hate smoking more - I can’t stand smelling someone’s tobacco smelling ass walk by at the gym. . . Like wtf, I rather smell sweat

    And, I been relying on weed a bit more - but, I am starting to pull back. I know that shit is loaded with tar like no other.
    Try the Arizer Air vaporizer. I've used one for years and it's the best device I've ever used for inhaling weed. It vaporizes dry herb, so you use very little (like less than .1 g per session), but get way more out of it. It's not combusting the weed, so no smoke. It doesn't stink up your shit either, it just smells like pretty flowers in the room for 10 min I've used other vaporizers that sucked, but this one is by far the best I've used.
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  27. #27
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    On a side note - How many cigarettes a day is 2 many? I mean seriously - - - - Some days, I go completely without - some days, I'll have 1-3

    I doubt this question has any form of real answer tho
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  28. #28
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    this thread is really a downer.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    this thread is really a downer.
    Your a downer.

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  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    On a side note - How many cigarettes a day is 2 many? I mean seriously - - - - Some days, I go completely without - some days, I'll have 1-3

    I doubt this question has any form of real answer tho
    Don’t know how you can do that. With me, it’s I’m smoking all out or nada.

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  31. #31
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mdrock98 View Post
    Don’t know how you can do that. With me, it’s I’m smoking all out or nada.

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    I am so weird bro, nothing is "normal" about me - apparently

    Everyone asks the same shit - wtf, how in the fuck do you do that? < I have no clue, I just do

    I'll miss a week some times - usually, I smoke even less - but, life stress got me hard af here lately + I have too much time on my hands

    Before this year's trash, I barely maybe smoked 1 every other day
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    I am so weird bro, nothing is "normal" about me - apparently

    Everyone asks the same shit - wtf, how in the fuck do you do that? < I have no clue, I just do

    I'll miss a week some times - usually, I smoke even less - but, life stress got me hard af here lately + I have too much time on my hands

    Before this year's trash, I barely maybe smoked 1 every other day
    I read your post before I joined. You sir, are a miracle.

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  33. #33
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Don’t replace one disgusting habit with another. Fuck vaping, fuck cigarettes, fuck dipping, fuck big tobacco and fuck not having will power. Suck it up buttercup. Don’t be a slave to that shit

    Is it gonna suck? Yup...

    Guess what? The alternative is even worse. Lung cancer, jaw cancer, throat cancer?

    I’d take a little withdrawal all day long...
    BG and Booz like this.

  34. #34
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I feel your pain bro. I'm a diehard conservative and I'm all for an individuals rights to do whatever the hell they want. At the same time, I wish they would just ban tobacco. It is seriously the hardest habit to quit and sometimes I feel like it would just be better if people were never given the opportunity to make a bad decision. I see real life consequences daily of people that smoke and it's horrible. What's worse is all the judgy people that don't understand how difficult it is to quit. They think it takes the same level of mental fortitude as sticking to a diet or going to the gym when you don't feel like it. It's more than that though, it's mental and physical dependence. It's like telling somebody to just get over clinical depression. There's chemical shit going on in your brain that's fucking with you mentally, physically, and emotionally. Most people have never had to deal with physical dependence - especially not with something that had been such a big and constance part of their life for so long.

    I smoked from 19-24yrs old and I quit for a couple of years. For whatever reason I then started dipping and tried to quit multiple times over the years - sometimes successful for upto 6 months but always returned to it. I did that for for 9 more years and only finally quit when I had a patient who was 58 yrs old with oral cancer so bad they had to remove his entire lower jaw. He was fed through a Peg tube in his stomach - this had gone on for years but after being in remission, the cancer eventually spread to his throat and to his brain. They can't remove your throat or your brain. He was in our ICU for about 2 weeks before he died. It was very sad. I quit dipping that day and haven't dipped since. But it's still VERY VERY hard. I often find myself in situations in which I try to talk myself into having "just one". These are usually on really stressful days or when I have a lot of studying to do. I still have to throw on nicotine patch or chew a piece of nicotine gum from time to time so I don't go crazy. It's a freaking battle. I get it. Hopefully someday I can discontinue all nicotine, but in and of itself, nicotine alone isn't super harmful so it's not a priority right now. I'm hoping after I finish school then maybe.

    Every time I had quit, I did it cold turkey - I only reintroduced nicotine replacement later on in effort to keep me from going back to my wicked ways because I'm weak like that. Perhaps you'll have better success. Besides the last time that I quit, every other time, just so happened to coincide with the month leading up to my tests for life insurance or job applications - yep the medical field tests people now for tobacco - well, really nicotine. I say this because trying many of the medical interventions were never an option for me. A quick run of my medical hx would have informed the insurance companies that I was full of shit when I told them I had never smoked. So, if you believe you have the mental fortitude to follow this through cold turkey - then by all means go for it; however, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ASKING FOR HELP. Go to your doctor and talk to him/her about quitting. Chantix works well for a lot of people; but know that this is a poor medication if you're dealing with any kind of mental health issues. Wellbutrin on the other hand is fantastic, it will help reduce your cravings and give you an overall sense of well being - if you're struggling with any type of depression then this will help too; although it's not the best for anxiety. There's also the gum, lozenges, patches, etc and also support groups, and phone support (I've been told these are effective, but I don't know, that seems to be a stretch to me - we're all different though).

    Best I can say, is good luck to you. You can do it. Just don't get down on yourself if it becomes a struggle - just get some help with it. I used to be so hard on myself because I believed all the people telling me that it should be as easy as making up my mind and doing it....well, FUCK THEM! They don't know. Tell them to go a year on a gram of test without fucking or jerking off and see how their mental and physical state fairs - knowing that all the torment can be relieved my just taking a few minutes to rub one out. Sure, smoking will kill you and rubbing one out won't - well, I guess it depends how kinky you like it - but you get my point. Don't let people get you down, but take it seriously - make up your mind that you're going to do it - get some help if you need it. Good luck to you! Hit me up if you ever need any support!
    Man, after the hell I went through with the withdrawal symptoms and cravings, I swore I'd never touch tobacco again in my life. It felt like I was suffocating.

    For me, the chemical addiction was really only a part of the addiction to smoking. The other side to it was the habit of pulling out cigarettes and the act of smoking. That's really why I would get the spiciest gums I could get (nothing with nicotine). I also smoked a lot of pot (to the point of wanting to go take a nap) when I had bad cravings. But I guess that really isn't too constructive here.

    The problems with these support groups is that the entire meetings are people giving stories of when they were partying or having that smoke that really felt satisfying. Then when you get out of there, you really want a smoke. And to add to that, they give you all kinds of coffee while you're there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Man, after the hell I went through with the withdrawal symptoms and cravings, I swore I'd never touch tobacco again in my life. It felt like I was suffocating.

    For me, the chemical addiction was really only a part of the addiction to smoking. The other side to it was the habit of pulling out cigarettes and the act of smoking. That's really why I would get the spiciest gums I could get (nothing with nicotine). I also smoked a lot of pot (to the point of wanting to go take a nap) when I had bad cravings. But I guess that really isn't too constructive here.

    The problems with these support groups is that the entire meetings are people giving stories of when they were partying or having that smoke that really felt satisfying. Then when you get out of there, you really want a smoke. And to add to that, they give you all kinds of coffee while you're there.
    I've smoked pot like 3 or 4 times in my life. Just not my cup of tea. I do plan to try some edibles when I go visit friends in Denver next march. I'll be snowboarding for the first time since I broke my back...after a day on the mountain, my back will probably be begging for some.
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I've smoked pot like 3 or 4 times in my life. Just not my cup of tea. I do plan to try some edibles when I go visit friends in Denver next march. I'll be snowboarding for the first time since I broke my back...after a day on the mountain, my back will probably be begging for some.

    Let me know when you’re here...

    Roll with the indicas, we’ll be waiting

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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Let me know when you’re here...

    Roll with the indicas, we’ll be waiting
    I'm not gonna lie...I had to Google "indicas". Lol

    Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the plan is March 20th - 28th.

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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I've smoked pot like 3 or 4 times in my life. Just not my cup of tea. I do plan to try some edibles when I go visit friends in Denver next march. I'll be snowboarding for the first time since I broke my back...after a day on the mountain, my back will probably be begging for some.
    Damn Dude. Be careful with those edibles. If you're not used to them, they can get super intense and last for hours.
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    I replaced my nightly Xanax with weed chocolates for the last 2 days. Shit, works fucking great! But, I wake up a tad stoned + I can’t take them too early, or I’ll eat the whole house before I fall asleep

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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I can only imagine the look on the faces of the people in the vehicles next to you at those traffic lights. It's a wonder you weren't committed.
    he’s probably known by everyone and it just seemed normal to them.
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    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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