Hey Gil been a while brother!!!

Very sorry about this delay - I have been out of town lately. First off, the long awaited pictures. Wow....I am VERY proud of you bud!! You have done incredibly!!! I saw ALL your before pictures and your progress is admirable in the least, you really have put thought, discipline and dedication to work for you and it shows big time!

As for the cycle. First off - you can't front load prop. Sorry. Doesn't work. But I like your cycle. First time w/ GH right?

If you want to front load I would bring cyp or enanthate etc in there and front load...run for about 4wks and then switch to prop - that way you have your frontloading and your prop last a little longer. Personally, I dont think you need the prop right off the bat since you have dbol . Use the first wks to frontload and then throw prop in there so it carries you further into your cycle - you will want that short ester when your tren /eq etc starts to slow down.

As for the GH - I would run that as stated (5/2 working up to 6-8ius/day or so, depends how it feels for YOU but start at 4) - I would plan on running for 28wks to see how you like it but go ahead and have the rest on hand and at the end of 28 you could always extend it till 35 - IF you can afford it And if you can....well then fund my next cycle for me damn it! lol But seriously - it would be nice to test run for about 6/7 months to see how you like it then decide what you want to do.

So your cycle looks great - the changes i would make are minor and it would look something like this -

Wks 1-6
Dbol 50/day

Wks 5-12
Tren 80/day

Wks 1-2
Test 1200mg/wk
Wks 3-4
Test 800mg/wk

Wks 5-18
Prop 100/day

Wks 1-15
EQ 600/wk

Wks 1-28
GH starting at 4ius/day till 6-8ius/day

Clomid as usual, and airmidex I would run at bout .75/day through the whole cycle (.5 when your test starts coming down)

So essentially your test intake would be:

Wks 1-2
Wks 3-4
Wks 5-18

HCG is your call - It's true - I dont touch it - BUT if you have used it and you really like what it does for you then put it in there - I just wouldnt have it in MY cycle.

GREAT pics bro - couldn't be prouder