hey im new here but i feel like i no alot of u cuz ive been reading in these forums for about a year, but yeah im startin my first cycle, and i was just wondering how this sounded to u guys:
weeks 1-10 Test E 500 mg ew
weeks 1-10 Dianabol 20 mg ed
weeks 1-4 Nolvadex 10 mg ed
days 1-30 L-dex .25 mg ed
days 1-30 Clomid 100 mg ed
days 1-30 Nolvadex 20 mg ed
days 1-30 Milk Thistle 1000 mg ed

is there anything else i should have in my cycle or pct(like l-glutamine) to prevent sides and what not? what sides do u think i would see? what kind of gains? how many of the gains do u think i would keep? and when should i start my pct?