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  1. #1
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Just came back from the Doc today......

    Hello Fellow Iron pumpers.
    I just came back from the Doc today. The reason I went to the doc in the first place was because I am suffering from a slight case of gyno from my last cycle which included Dianabol and superdrol. I could not get any arimidex so I started the cycle without it and tried to use large doses of 6-oxo to compensate. Bad idea!! Anyways, It all started out with the Doc asking me what he could do for me today. I told him about the gyno and that I wanted a scrip for Letrozole to help reverse the problem. He asked what caused the problem in the first place and I told him Dianabol. He then proceeded to tell me how dangerous that steroids were and that I was stupid for using them and that if I continued to use them that I would die at a young age. He told me using steroids was the same thing basically as using crack cocaine. He asked why I started using them in the first place and I told him because I had a naturally low testosterone level and that they helped with my libido and muscle density. He told me that I needed to stop using them and I told him that I did not agree. And I told him that the doses that I was using were not that dangerous as he thinks. Then he went on to tell me about how sylvester stallone had to have a penile implant because he used steroids and that arnold swertzeneggar had to have heart surgery as a result of using them and that would soon be me. Anyways, we argued back and forth for a while and he said that he was NOT going to treat my gyno and that he would NOT prescribe me steroids. (Which I never asked him to.) He then decided to take some blood tests to see how badly the steroids have damaged my liver and a UA to test my kidney functions. He also is checking my thyroid function and testosterone levels with the blood test as well. And a few others which I forgot. But anyways, then he made me an appointment to see an endocrinologist in about 4 weeks. A female endocrinologist at that which I don't like because I don't think that a female will fully understand or be sypathetic to a man who is suffering from naturally low testosterone production. SO I might just cancel that appt. not sure yet. Then he told me not to even bother asking the endocrinologist for steroids because I would be wasting my time. So basically he did not know shit about steroids and he refused to treat my gyno for me and told me that MAYBE the endocrinologist might be more sypathetic but he did not feel right treating my condition as he felt that if he did it was in some way condoning my illegal activities. The guy was a TOTAL FOOL in my opinion. In four weeks, my gyno will probably be irreversible which I told him but he did not care.
    So what should I do guys? What does someone with my condition do? I don't think that there is anything wrong with someone with my condition taking a little extra test just to help improve muscle size anyways. Should I go and see the endocrinologist or not? Also, I have an appt. to see the same doc in about three weeks to go over my blood test results. That should be a nice ass chewing too i'm sure. But it's been three and a half weeks since I have taken any superdrol or dianabol so maybe it won't come back too terribly bad who knows we'll see. Any suggestions as to what you all think that I should do would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    DHew's Avatar
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    see another doc? Thats bullshit. You pay them to treat you right, not scold you like a child and refuse treatment.

  3. #3
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHew
    see another doc? Thats bullshit. You pay them to treat you right, not scold you like a child and refuse treatment.

    What doc would that be? How do I know I won't get the same answer over and over and over again? Doctors are not free ya know. The only way that I would go and see another doc was if I was recommended to him or her by someone who already KNEW that they would be more sympathetic to my condition, otherwise I don't think that I would even waste my time. Plus the doc would have to be in driving distance too. This is the exact reason why I went to the black market in the first place instead of talking to a doctor about my condition, because DOCTORS ARE STUPID.

  4. #4
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Why not just get some letro from here..

  5. #5
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    go get your blood results and see the endo..they gonna bill ur ins either way. then get a copy of it all.....& go get a 2nd opinion & someone that is willing to treat you NOW as you have a problem. would he turn down a cancer patient b/c he didnt give the person cancer?? I understand his points & some of his reasoning..but he's not good for you & your condition.....find a new doc man.

  6. #6
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    Why not just get some letro from here..
    I tried so get my arimidex from then in the first place before this last cycle but they only accept credit cards and I do not have one, so that rules them out.

  7. #7
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    go get your blood results and see the endo..they gonna bill ur ins either way. then get a copy of it all.....& go get a 2nd opinion & someone that is willing to treat you NOW as you have a problem. would he turn down a cancer patient b/c he didnt give the person cancer?? I understand his points & some of his reasoning..but he's not good for you & your condition.....find a new doc man.
    Because the endo is a specialist, according to my insurance company, I will be responsible for all of the bill except the amount that is above $1200.00. Because it will be considered hospitalization. The endo appt. is at a hospital. So, no, I will have to pay for the entire endo. bill myself. I would love to get a second opinion or however many it takes to get proper treatment, unfortunately it cost me about a hundred bucks every time I do. I can't afford too much of that crap. If I knew of a doctor that actually knew something about my condition and was willing to help, I would certainly go see them. I am also aware of the anti-aging clinics and I am sure that I could go to them if I wanted, but when you get testosterone from them, you pay for it yourself to the tune of about a thousand bucks a month and they will not accept insurance. The whole system is screwed up. I never thought I would be compared to a crack cocaine user to my face by a doctor when I go in seeking treatment for gyno. If Jose Canseco would have just kept his big mouth shut steroids would not have near the negative image that they do.

  8. #8
    cmax's Avatar
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    Buy Letro from AR-R immediately. If you don't have a credit card give one of your friends cash and have them order it for you.

    You're doctor is FOS.

    Arnold had heart troubles due to a hereditary condition. Arnold's grandmother had the same type of heart problems and I doubt that she ever used steroids , but you never know with those Austrian women.

    I also fail to see how Stalone's penile implant would have anything to do with steroid use . Steroids shrink the testicles not the penis.

    Talk to the female endo. Many of them ARE sympathetic to male hormone problems. But don't wait for the appointment, order the Letro immediately from AR-R and start taking it as soon as you get it.

  9. #9
    *Alex*'s Avatar
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    look if you really want to be treated by a doctor , well then you will have to agree with them about streroid use! dont argue with them. just say " yes,ok i will never use roids again" get your meds and get the f@ck out. or just order some letro from arr.

  10. #10
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    Bro, that doctor is a ****ing dickhead and you have no reason to go back to him, or an endocrinologist as far as I'm concerned. Come on, one ****ing cycle of superdrol and d-bol? Your liver has probably suffered a small degree of damage if any(not like it cant heal itself) And I got news for you, the only way to remove gyno is to have it surgically removed, however taking arimadex and nolva will help it go down and subside to where nobody can tell unless it's a really severe case. My advice would be to order some nolvadex and clomid, and start treating yourself. you'll learn more about your condition from researching this site than most ****head docs know anyways. Seriously, most of them dont know shit about juice!!!(probably why he was frustrated and acted like a cocksucker to begin with) Your going to throw your money away to hear everything I'm telling you now.

  11. #11
    *Alex*'s Avatar
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    clomid for gyno?

  12. #12
    k0nsl's Avatar
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    What a devil. Doctors aren't supposed to be ignorant.

    My first thought was also to get a new doctor. I wouldn't even waste my time arguing with the poor wretch - chances are this goody toe shoes doctor will die much sooner than you, ha ha ha. How ironic.

    Anyway, good luck

  13. #13
    Samson7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Alex*
    clomid for gyno?

    I believe stayingstacked is telling the guy to take PCT, because by the way this thread looks I dont know that he did.

  14. #14
    *Alex*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson7
    I believe stayingstacked is telling the guy to take PCT, because by the way this thread looks I dont know that he did.
    i see, first thing first!!

  15. #15
    Samson7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke
    Because the endo is a specialist, according to my insurance company, I will be responsible for all of the bill except the amount that is above $1200.00. Because it will be considered hospitalization. The endo appt. is at a hospital. So, no, I will have to pay for the entire endo. bill myself. I would love to get a second opinion or however many it takes to get proper treatment, unfortunately it cost me about a hundred bucks every time I do. I can't afford too much of that crap. If I knew of a doctor that actually knew something about my condition and was willing to help, I would certainly go see them. I am also aware of the anti-aging clinics and I am sure that I could go to them if I wanted, but when you get testosterone from them, you pay for it yourself to the tune of about a thousand bucks a month and they will not accept insurance. The whole system is screwed up. I never thought I would be compared to a crack cocaine user to my face by a doctor when I go in seeking treatment for gyno. If Jose Canseco would have just kept his big mouth shut steroids would not have near the negative image that they do.

    1. How hard is it to go to your bank and get a debit card?

    2. What kind of crappy insurance do you have that wont pay for your appt.?
    (When I see a specialist, my co-pay is $20)

    3. Im sure Jose Canseco always had all his Anti Es and PCT on hand before he started cycle. Dont blame him for you stupidity! You are the one that got yourself in this mess, now you are mad because a doc wont prescribe you Letro. Well I got news for you, youre not going to find many doctors that will. Let this be a lesson to you to get your stuff you need in advance from here on out.

  16. #16
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmax
    Buy Letro from AR-R immediately. If you don't have a credit card give one of your friends cash and have them order it for you.

    You're doctor is FOS.

    Arnold had heart troubles due to a hereditary condition. Arnold's grandmother had the same type of heart problems and I doubt that she ever used steroids , but you never know with those Austrian women.

    I also fail to see how Stalone's penile implant would have anything to do with steroid use . Steroids shrink the testicles not the penis.

    Talk to the female endo. Many of them ARE sympathetic to male hormone problems. But don't wait for the appointment, order the Letro immediately from AR-R and start taking it as soon as you get it.

    None of my friends have a credit card either. At least none of them that I want to know about my use of anabolics. They would not let their car be used for something like this anyways. Nobody but me really knows that I use. I keep it VERY secret.

  17. #17
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Bro, that doctor is a ****ing dickhead and you have no reason to go back to him, or an endocrinologist as far as I'm concerned. Come on, one ****ing cycle of superdrol and d-bol? Your liver has probably suffered a small degree of damage if any(not like it cant heal itself) And I got news for you, the only way to remove gyno is to have it surgically removed, however taking arimadex and nolva will help it go down and subside to where nobody can tell unless it's a really severe case. My advice would be to order some nolvadex and clomid, and start treating yourself. you'll learn more about your condition from researching this site than most ****head docs know anyways. Seriously, most of them dont know shit about juice!!!(probably why he was frustrated and acted like a cocksucker to begin with) Your going to throw your money away to hear everything I'm telling you now.
    I have done NUMEROUS cycles so I am interested as to what my blood results will show. And the only way to remove gyno is not just surgery. Letrozole has been shown to reverse gyno if caught soon enough and if it is not too severe(which mine is not). Arimidex might help but the nolva will definately not help. And yes you are right, he did not know shit about juice. He was a scrawny runt and was in his mid 30's. He said" why do you need steroids ? You look damn big to me" LOL I said, "That's because I take steroids" LOL He was an idiot to say the least.

  18. #18
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by k0nsl
    What a devil. Doctors aren't supposed to be ignorant.

    My first thought was also to get a new doctor. I wouldn't even waste my time arguing with the poor wretch - chances are this goody toe shoes doctor will die much sooner than you, ha ha ha. How ironic.

    Anyway, good luck
    Thx, looks like I will need it.

  19. #19
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson7
    1. How hard is it to go to your bank and get a debit card?

    2. What kind of crappy insurance do you have that wont pay for your appt.?
    (When I see a specialist, my co-pay is $20)

    3. Im sure Jose Canseco always had all his Anti Es and PCT on hand before he started cycle. Dont blame him for you stupidity! You are the one that got yourself in this mess, now you are mad because a doc wont prescribe you Letro. Well I got news for you, youre not going to find many doctors that will. Let this be a lesson to you to get your stuff you need in advance from here on out.
    1. Probably not hard, I will have to look into doing that VERY SOON.
    2. Pretty crappy
    3. Yes, he probably did. And I always had everything on hand before on other cycles until this one. For some stupid reason I thought an otc anti-e would cut it. Like I said in my post, not smart. I am human I ****ed up. Hindsight is 20/20

  20. #20
    *Alex*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke
    1. Probably not hard, I will have to look into doing that VERY SOON.
    2. Pretty crappy
    3. Yes, he probably did. And I always had everything on hand before on other cycles until this one. For some stupid reason I thought an otc anti-e would cut it. Like I said in my post, not smart. I am human I ****ed up. Hindsight is 20/20

  21. #21
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Alex*

  22. #22
    mrmagoo82's Avatar
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    Yea man if you can find yourself a doctor thats more interested in getting paid, you know the kind of doctor that will sell a script of zannex or vicodin to some barly at age kid who comes in with a "slight back problem", the only thing is they be hard to find ps stay away from family doctors

  23. #23
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Also I think I should add that my blood pressure was 144 over 100 which the doctor used as proof of how the steroids are deteriorating my health. Not sure why it was so high. Have to admit, that is kinda scary being that I am only 29 yrs old. Not really holding any water at this point so I know it's not from water rentention. I was pretty nervous but I don't think that nervousness can attribute to blood pressure being that damn high.

  24. #24
    k0nsl's Avatar
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    That's quite high, for sure...


  25. #25
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    You can go to 7-11 and buy a disposable debit card for however much you want.. GO GET ONE and get rid of that nasty gyno before its there for good.


  26. #26
    Samson7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke
    1. Probably not hard, I will have to look into doing that VERY SOON.
    2. Pretty crappy
    3. Yes, he probably did. And I always had everything on hand before on other cycles until this one. For some stupid reason I thought an otc anti-e would cut it. Like I said in my post, not smart. I am human I ****ed up. Hindsight is 20/20

    Fair enough...i wish you the best my friend

  27. #27
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson7
    Fair enough...i wish you the best my friend

  28. #28
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    go get your blood results and see the endo..they gonna bill ur ins either way. then get a copy of it all.....& go get a 2nd opinion & someone that is willing to treat you NOW as you have a problem. would he turn down a cancer patient b/c he didnt give the person cancer?? I understand his points & some of his reasoning..but he's not good for you & your condition.....find a new doc man.
    How about i take what you said but change it to this....

    Should a doc refuse cancer treatment if the patient got cancer from smoking??????

    I on the otherhand do not see his reasoning

  29. #29
    TheSentinal's Avatar
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    String -

    Not trying to flame u bro, but you really F'd this all up. You say you have done several cycles, but your actions tell me you have not spent the right amount of time planning and executing your recent cycle. You start your cycle without planning for gyno and estrogen reduction. Do you even have your PCT ready? Then you debate your doctor! Dude, they ALL think steroids are bad! Of course he isn't going to help him when you are countering his points. Just agree with him and get your script. Finally, the meds you need are right here, but no one has a credit card! Everybody here feels bad for you but damn bro, you brought this on yourself and you should have prepared for this. Every thread in here always has some comments about planning and buying all the proper gear, estrogen blockers and PCT meds B4 starting!

    Regardless, I wish you well. Learn from this and keep us posted.

  30. #30
    sofus99's Avatar
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    Your doc is an asshole, and I wonder if denying to treat you isn't bordering on malpractice.
    It is more or less like if a doctor would refuse to treat a person with a serious heart condition brought on by extreme obesity, I mean, isn't that the persons own fault that he is sick?
    If the problem is that it is illegal to do steroids , that is no excuse either.
    Consider a doctor refusing to treat a drunk driver who crashed his car, or a criminal shot down by the police. Or even a junkie with a serious infection he got from not using sterile "tools" when shooting up.
    That quack has no right calling himself a doctor!

  31. #31
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    How about i take what you said but change it to this....

    Should a doc refuse cancer treatment if the patient got cancer from smoking??????

    I on the otherhand do not see his reasoning
    Neither do I, but I still have to go back to see him on the 28th of August to go over my blood test results.

  32. #32
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSentinal
    String -

    Not trying to flame u bro, but you really F'd this all up. You say you have done several cycles, but your actions tell me you have not spent the right amount of time planning and executing your recent cycle. You start your cycle without planning for gyno and estrogen reduction. Do you even have your PCT ready? Then you debate your doctor! Dude, they ALL think steroids are bad! Of course he isn't going to help him when you are countering his points. Just agree with him and get your script. Finally, the meds you need are right here, but no one has a credit card! Everybody here feels bad for you but damn bro, you brought this on yourself and you should have prepared for this. Every thread in here always has some comments about planning and buying all the proper gear, estrogen blockers and PCT meds B4 starting!

    Regardless, I wish you well. Learn from this and keep us posted.
    Live & Learn. This is I would estimate my 7th or 8th cycle. First one i've ****ed up on. Got too much confidence from not having any problems from my past cycles I think. My pct was otc meds which were the following.
    Novedex xt
    Anabolic extreme pct

    Still on the anabolic extreme pct, tribex and 6-oxo
    Was taking only 6-oxo 6 caps a night on cycle. All of the others were started post cycle.

  33. #33
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke
    Neither do I, but I still have to go back to see him on the 28th of August to go over my blood test results.
    No you dont, ask for them to be sent to you and find another Dr like mine, he researched juice and HGH when I told him I was on and gave me web sites to look at with info he had found, now there is a real Dr

  34. #34
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sofus99
    Your doc is an asshole, and I wonder if denying to treat you isn't bordering on malpractice.
    It is more or less like if a doctor would refuse to treat a person with a serious heart condition brought on by extreme obesity, I mean, isn't that the persons own fault that he is sick?
    If the problem is that it is illegal to do steroids , that is no excuse either.
    Consider a doctor refusing to treat a drunk driver who crashed his car, or a criminal shot down by the police. Or even a junkie with a serious infection he got from not using sterile "tools" when shooting up.
    That quack has no right calling himself a doctor!
    I agree, and the more time that passes, the madder I am getting about it, but on the other hand I understand his perspective. If you were him and you believed yourself that steroids really were as bad as he thinks they are wouldn't you chew out a patient who admitted to using them too? He is just poorly educated. He only knows what he has been taught by the medical establishment. He must have read in a book somewhere when he was learning to become a doctor about how bad steroids are and since the book had the medical establishments endorsement on it, he assumes it to be the truth and will not consider anything that differs from that view. I personally believe that steroids are dangerous when taken in large quatities like 3 or 4 grams a week but I was not taking dosages that were anywhere near that large and I personally believe steroids in moderation will improve one's health. In my opinion, steroids are the closest thing to the fountain of youth for a man that this world has ever seen. And I intend to CONTINUE to use steroids . If this goody two shoes doctor wants to remain a week scrawny runt that's his perogative. He can grow old naturally if he chooses. I intend to fight off aging by busting my ass in the weightroom and yes, using steroids in moderation if need be.

  35. #35
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    No you dont, ask for them to be sent to you and find another Dr like mine, he researched juice and HGH when I told him I was on and gave me web sites to look at with info he had found, now there is a real Dr
    And what is his perspective? Why did he send you to sites to look at with info that he had found? What was his views after he did some research?

  36. #36
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    1)Why are you 29 years old without a debit card? How do you pay bills? I'm not aware of anyone over the age of 18 who does not have a debit card or a credit card. This strikes me as odd...

    2)Also, you say that you started using steroids because you have naturally low testosterone . Did you get the nessecary bloodwork before any of your cycles that indicated you have low testosterone , were you currently being treated for low testosterone, or were you ever diagnosed by your doctor for this condition?

    3)If you decide to switch doctors just tell them that the gyno was from puberty...

    4)Please give us a DETAILED account of all of your 7 or 8 cycles. From the sounds of it, you have no idea on how to properly cycle since you cannot even get access to simple ancillaries that are needed for even ONE proper cycle. I would like to know which compounds you included in your previous 7 or 8 cycles...

    So you know, Im not being a dick in any sense, we're all here to help...However, you have left some major pieces of information out of your story..

  37. #37
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    No you dont, ask for them to be sent to you and find another Dr like mine, he researched juice and HGH when I told him I was on and gave me web sites to look at with info he had found, now there is a real Dr
    Exactly Kale, I went to my doctor about 2 weeks ago (im 22)...told him Id like a blood test for Total&Free Testosterone , Estrogen, and any other tests having to do with the HPTA...He then asked LH?.....FSH?....yes...yes..Ok heres your script goto quest and call back in a week for the results. The man never asked a single question as to why I wanted the blood test or was interested in those values. Thats a good doctor imo...

  38. #38
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke
    And what is his perspective? Why did he send you to sites to look at with info that he had found? What was his views after he did some research?
    His persepective was completely non judgemental. Now remeber I am 51 so its a little different for me, I went in there telling him I did steroids and I was on for life, which I am, and if he has a problem with that then too bad I will find somebody else and that I was a big boy and didnt need the usual unedicated lecture that his profession had been brainwashed with. They were pretty much my exactl words. I explained what I was doing and by the time I was finished he realised I knew a lot more about this than he did. His comment was that I have enough common sense to know the pros's a cons and that he was there to ensure my health stayed in tact while I was doing this. The web site he gave me was one that he found on the benefits of HRT. I think he has come around to the idea that it is a pretty good idea for older guys like me. I mean he see's me in t-shirts and studd, and if I may say so, I have the body of somebody half my age. So he can see the external benefits and I tell him about the internal ones.

  39. #39
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    1)Why are you 29 years old without a debit card? How do you pay bills? I'm not aware of anyone over the age of 18 who does not have a debit card or a credit card. This strikes me as odd...

    2)Also, you say that you started using steroids because you have naturally low testosterone . Did you get the nessecary bloodwork before any of your cycles that indicated you have low testosterone , were you currently being treated for low testosterone, or were you ever diagnosed by your doctor for this condition?

    3)If you decide to switch doctors just tell them that the gyno was from puberty...

    4)Please give us a DETAILED account of all of your 7 or 8 cycles. From the sounds of it, you have no idea on how to properly cycle since you cannot even get access to simple ancillaries that are needed for even ONE proper cycle. I would like to know which compounds you included in your previous 7 or 8 cycles...

    So you know, Im not being a dick in any sense, we're all here to help...However, you have left some major pieces of information out of your story..
    1.Why are you 29 years old without a debit card? How do you pay bills? I'm not aware of anyone over the age of 18 who does not have a debit card or a credit card. This strikes me as odd
    Because I have chosen not to have one by choice. I pay bills using auto payment,check, or money order. Does that meet your approval????

    2)Also, you say that you started using steroids because you have naturally low testosterone. Did you get the nessecary bloodwork before any of your cycles that indicated you have low testosterone, were you currently being treated for low testosterone, or were you ever diagnosed by your doctor for this condition?
    No, I did not get necessary bloodwork done. I did research and assumed that my test levels were low based on my side effects. I started using enanthate first and it cured me off ALL of my problems. So I assumed that low test was the cause.

    3)If you decide to switch doctors just tell them that the gyno was from puberty...
    What would the advantage of lying to my doctor be????????

    4)Please give us a DETAILED account of all of your 7 or 8 cycles. From the sounds of it, you have no idea on how to properly cycle since you cannot even get access to simple ancillaries that are needed for even ONE proper cycle. I would like to know which compounds you included in your previous 7 or 8 cycles...
    I'm not going to go into a detailed account for you on all of my cycles. But I will tell you I have used numerous compounds and I DID use the proper ancillaries and never had any problems till now. And yes, I do know how to cycle properly and I knew I was probably going to regret starting this cycle without presciption anti-e's but strength was melting so quickly I got careless. (which I have already admitted to)
    The compounds that were included in my previous cycles are as follows and were not taken all in the same cycle.
    BD oral turanabol
    BD oral dianabol
    BD Boldanone undeclynate
    Jelfa Testosteron enanthate
    Jelfe omnadren 250
    BD oral stanozolol
    Desoxy methyl testosterone

  40. #40
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke
    1.Why are you 29 years old without a debit card? How do you pay bills? I'm not aware of anyone over the age of 18 who does not have a debit card or a credit card. This strikes me as odd
    Because I have chosen not to have one by choice. I pay bills using auto payment,check, or money order. Does that meet your approval????It was a question, I suspected someone without any debit/cc might be underage, thats all...

    2)Also, you say that you started using steroids because you have naturally low testosterone . Did you get the nessecary bloodwork before any of your cycles that indicated you have low testosterone , were you currently being treated for low testosterone, or were you ever diagnosed by your doctor for this condition?
    No, I did not get necessary bloodwork done. I did research and assumed that my test levels were low based on my side effects. I started using enanthate first and it cured me off ALL of my problems. So I assumed that low test was the cause.

    3)If you decide to switch doctors just tell them that the gyno was from puberty...
    What would the advantage of lying to my doctor be????????
    The advantage in this instance would be that first he would not scold you, and second if the gyno is from puberty insurance MAY pay to have it removed.

    4)Please give us a DETAILED account of all of your 7 or 8 cycles. From the sounds of it, you have no idea on how to properly cycle since you cannot even get access to simple ancillaries that are needed for even ONE proper cycle. I would like to know which compounds you included in your previous 7 or 8 cycles...
    I'm not going to go into a detailed account for you on all of my cycles. But I will tell you I have used numerous compounds and I DID use the proper ancillaries and never had any problems till now. And yes, I do know how to cycle properly and I knew I was probably going to regret starting this cycle without presciption anti-e's but strength was melting so quickly I got careless. (which I have already admitted to)
    The compounds that were included in my previous cycles are as follows and were not taken all in the same cycle. This is your fatal error. Strength COULD be melting quickly because you're either shutdown from cycling without allowing time for your body to recover, and you have not outlined what if any PCT you have done using the correct drugs (i.e. clomid,nolva,hcg,etc) which do not include 6-oxo. Also, if you are in fact hypogonadal as you SUSPECT, then doing a PCT would be worthless to a person in this condition anyway, as you would need to be on a lower dose of Testosterone for the rest of your life.The PCT that you listed previously in this thread for the compounds you were running is not sufficient.

    BD oral turanabol
    BD oral dianabol
    BD Boldanone undeclynate
    Jelfa Testosteron enanthate
    Jelfe omnadren 250
    BD oral stanozolol
    Desoxy methyl testosterone
    i dont know even what to say about this, except that you have run a significant amount of orals and I only see 3 injectables in that entire list.
    Again bro, no one is trying to be a condesecending dick to you in the slightest. However, you have made some pretty bad errors in judgement...Its important for us to know what your PCT consisted of (what drugs, how many weeks, etc) in order to 1, gauge your knowledge of how to cycle and do PCT, as this could be your problem to why your not recovering, and 2, what each cycle consisted of (drugs) and the durations followed by above mentioned PCT...Dont think anyone is coming down on you here...

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