Hello there. =)

This is my first time to post on this web site. So please be nice. =)

I've just started my first cycle (i.e. Yes, I'm virgin to this stuff) and finally got my nerve to do my first shot on my right quad with 1 cc of Test E which I will need to do this every 4 days. It was painless and so excited to do it again on the fourth day.

Everything went well until the 2nd day. It's sore like someone kicked me on my thigh. There are no bruises. I did NOT get fever or anything. The pain is somewhat bearable but I'm slightly limping when I first walk a few minutes. I go back to a normal walk after that.

Here's the question, the fourth day is coming up and I'm not sure if I should shoot it on the same right quad area (i.e. not the same exact spot, of course) but maybe a little bit higher. Should I do it or should I sacrifice my left quad (i.e. Also a virgin spot)? I heard about the normal pain with virgin muscles but I am not about to sacrifice both my quads with pain. Also, after doing the first shot on the quads, does this mean I won't feel that same after-pain the 2nd time around (i.e. the same area)?

BTW, my leg workout is 3 days from now and the way I work out is that notion of "No pain No gain." Is it a good idea to work it hard even with the soreness on the quads present? I'm just afraid I'll aggravate the injection sites further leaving me limping even further.

Please advice.

Your no-longer-virgin guy (i.e. when it comes to injection, that is),
