Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
Hmmm...well I did put on 20lbs in 4 wks on Tren at that dosage...HOW MUCH SHOULD I INCREASE IT TO???

So...there's a chance I could gain 20-25 total with this combo. ;-) I guess I should be happy about that, haha!

LOL so what am I supposed to do with the dbol and prop?
err.. 20lbs from tren in 4wks is a lil hard to swallow... unless u were just pounding away the food and attained some mad glycogen/water w/ that lbm .. or started out a lil sooner than you should of.

im not condoning you in anyway just making an observation and a statement that 8-12lbs of lbm per year is ideal rest is water/glycogen/fat.. unless one is just starting out.

honestly most start at 40-50mg/ED and find the optimum dosage to be around 75-100mg ED but its still size dependent.. bigger you are.. the more you need.
i mean if i put on 20lbs per year of muscle i'd be like 330lbs 4% by now but im happy w/ 8-10lbs of muscle per year and thats using aas pretty hard and im not even going to go into my diet lol (its so boring it'd kill a sane person)