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  1. #1
    Big Roy is offline Associate Member
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    Wife turn me into the commander for steroids now what?

    Following up on recent martial problems & basically I’m divorcing my wife. She knows I use & turn me in to the commander. I have to see her tomorrow. I have ended my cycle of Test / Tren 2 weeks ago & I know it won’t be out of my system for a while. I’ve also clean house yea they may find a syringe & books here & there but nothing big. What’s my next move? I know they test under probable cause but in today’s crazy army all you need is a allegation & you are done & being pretty freaking big which doesn’t help either. A lot of Barry Bond jokes thrown at me. Anyway I will get asked directly if I use or sell steroids . Should I come clean & be like yes I was a recreational steroid user only but don’t anymore or deny everything & pray they don’t test me.

  2. #2
    Consistency's Avatar
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    deny deny deny, but the steriod cleanse to get it all out of your system... go to GNC and buy every supplement and show them that they use those supplements. Delete all this evidence off your computer and delete your membership here

  3. #3
    topnotch is offline Member
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    what kind of test and tren ? prop and ace? or long estered?

  4. #4
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
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    I don't think your chain of command is really going to give a shit. We had wives saying crazy shit all the time. When I was in I knew quite a few guys who cycled and when I was a squad leader we talked about it in our platoon meetings(who we speculated was using), and no doubt was brought up in 1SG meetings. The last thing your Chain of Command wants to do is have a Steroid scandal known throughout post. In all my duty stations, it was bad enough with DUI's and the occasional drug users.

    Here is the problem with the Army. I knew some guys that fessed up to doing an illegal drug when we had a random drug screening. (funny thing is the people in charge of this usually leaked to the other drugies in the company that the CO or 1SG was talking about doing one. So everyone would clean up or get detox.....)....anyway, these guys fessed up to doing drugs. Two days later they were punished under UCMJ 45/45, 50% forfiture of pay for 45 days, all busted back to E-1. One was an E4P. When the drug tests came back two weeks later, they had all pissed clean.

    Just something for you to think about.

  5. #5
    lex57's Avatar
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    "IF" you know you're gonna get caught say that you had been feeling like dog shit and your sex drive was down and you were talking to friend and he said it sounded like you had low testosterone levels . so you did some research and found that you could take weekly test injections and maybe feel better. blah blah blah...... you were too embarassed to go to a doctor so you tried your own hrt. or something to that effect. and maybe try the banner for the steroid cleanse too. just my 2 cents. hope everything works out.

  6. #6
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Order one of those fake penis with urine you can reconstitue (wizzinator). Tren will be in your system for months and months. Your only hope is to deny. If they know, they must discharge you. btw what a fuc-ing beeatch.

  7. #7
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
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    Came up with an idea.... tell them you can't let go of the war, go to Mental Health and get an eval. Seriously though, voluntairly enroll in ADAPC (i can't remember what it stands for but it's like Alcohol Drug Addiction....P....C...?, whatever the heck...the place they will make you go to mandatory if you get busted. If I remember correctly, you can't get busted if you voluntairly enroll in this program).

  8. #8
    Consistency's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashcfc3c View Post
    Came up with an idea.... tell them you can't let go of the war, go to Mental Health and get an eval. Seriously though, voluntairly enroll in ADAPC (i can't remember what it stands for but it's like Alcohol Drug Addiction....P....C...?, whatever the heck...the place they will make you go to mandatory if you get busted. If I remember correctly, you can't get busted if you voluntairly enroll in this program).
    you have to voluntarily ask for help before you get bust, atleast you do in the USMC

  9. #9
    spywizard's Avatar
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    In the Gym, if i could
    get the drug cleanser the site sponsor sells.
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    spywizard's Avatar
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Remove Steroids Completely From Your Body! **Proven Lab Tests!**

    better than doing nothing at all..

    simply say that she was having sex with other men, that's why you threw her out..
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  11. #11
    YouAintKnow330's Avatar
    YouAintKnow330 is offline Associate Member
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    Damn man that sucks... I agree with Denying it all and buying ever test supp at GNC and say thats all youve ever taken!

  12. #12
    Chuck_R's Avatar
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    Deny, deny, deny you can't help it if you have a wife with an axe to grind cause she's pissed at you, hell she's such a crazy psycho I wouldn't put it past her to crush up some oral steroids and put it in your beer then go and tell your C O you're on steroids just to get even for not spending enough time and money on her. Besides your best buddy's wife overheard her threatening to do that very thing. Also they might want to check her for drugs cause you think she's been abusing some kind of chemical(of course she's gonna say you spiked her drink with it). But.....
    .................................................. ....GOOD LUCK

  13. #13
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    keez the law must be ****ed up over there. In UK they would actually have to catch you in posession of something to prove you were guilty. Just having the substance in your blood is not enough as they cant prove how it got there. You may have fallen asleep and your ex injected steroids into you in order to set you up...

  14. #14
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency View Post
    you have to voluntarily ask for help before you get bust, atleast you do in the USMC
    Thats what I meant to say to do :-)
    . You do too in the Army, enroll before the test is even administered (not just before the results are in)

    But I think that is your best bet, go enroll in ADAPC today.

  15. #15
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    The 1st Rule of Capers:

    "Whatever you're going to do: don't tell a woman."

    If you're going to commit a murder, sell steroids , or even something totally outrageous like putting a non-business meal on your expense account... DON'T tell a woman!

    Girlfriends become ex-girlfriends. Wives become ex-wives.

    Jeesh! You guys need to hear this from a gay guy?


  16. #16
    burman is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashcfc3c View Post
    Came up with an idea.... tell them you can't let go of the war, go to Mental Health and get an eval. Seriously though, voluntairly enroll in ADAPC (i can't remember what it stands for but it's like Alcohol Drug Addiction....P....C...?, whatever the heck...the place they will make you go to mandatory if you get busted. If I remember correctly, you can't get busted if you voluntairly enroll in this program).
    this is correct, although i'm not sure about steroids ? i'm sure you could say you were addicted and they would accept you into the program. i am a army NCO and i remember a soldier in baumholder GE who enrolled in ADAPC for booze. this soldier would show up to first formation drunk or just stinking of booze, or he would go to the B'S for lunch and drink and the chan of command could not touch him because he said he had a problem and he was enrolled in ADAPC. i was really surprised. good luck battle.

  17. #17
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency View Post
    you have to voluntarily ask for help before you get bust, atleast you do in the USMC
    Yes, this is true. if you ask for help BEFORE you get turned in or busted you would be good. Not after someone already turned you in.

    If you get tested and pop, you will be treated like any other drug pop. Probably a NJP with 45/45. Just hope they don't ask for a Court Marshall...

    It sucks but this is the truth

  18. #18
    PEWN's Avatar
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    kill her... i mean.... dont do that ...

  19. #19
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

  20. #20
    Consistency's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    Yes, this is true. if you ask for help BEFORE you get turned in or busted you would be good. Not after someone already turned you in.

    If you get tested and pop, you will be treated like any other drug pop. Probably a NJP with 45/45. Just hope they don't ask for a Court Marshall...

    It sucks but this is the truth
    they have been kicking guys out of the Marines here in my unit for a first time drug pop, no NJP or anything, but then again it is the Reserves

  21. #21
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    I've heard of some active duty commands doing the same thing, just give you your DD214 and your NJP no Court Marshall

    Maybe to save the government money? Or maybe they just don't have the time to be dealing with that stuff..who knows

    In any case, Lawyer up. Don't say anything. Get a civillian lawyer, they will have your best interest in mind...unlike military lawyers who will just tell you to plead guilty

  22. #22
    KeepingItBalanced's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency View Post
    they have been kicking guys out of the Marines here in my unit for a first time drug pop, no NJP or anything, but then again it is the Reserves
    Army is so hard hit for people they hardly discharge it seems. We had a goof ball right before my last deployment that had a lengthy list of charges on him just days before we deployed.... We are talking felonies here. He still went with us, got UCMJ, was the CSMs bitch the entire deployment and when he got back he still had to face criminal charges. Additionally, if I'm not mistaken he got in trouble about a year after we got back for something else...and they still didn't court martial him.

  23. #23
    sphincter is offline Member
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    DO NOT, under any circumstances, admit to use. deny it at all costs and put it on her that she's just being nasty in the divorce. if you stopped 2 weeks ago you are most likely clear already even if you were on test E or C.. unless you were on Deca , you should be plenty clear enough by now that your T/Epi-T ratio should be good...

    F-that bish yo!! like I said, just say she's being bitter about getting dumped and is making up an obvious story just because she wants to cause you problems and knowing that you're big .. this was the obvious choice for an accusation.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by sphincter View Post
    DO NOT, under any circumstances, admit to use. deny it at all costs and put it on her that she's just being nasty in the divorce. if you stopped 2 weeks ago you are most likely clear already even if you were on test E or C.. unless you were on Deca , you should be plenty clear enough by now that your T/Epi-T ratio should be good...

    F-that bish yo!! like I said, just say she's being bitter about getting dumped and is making up an obvious story just because she wants to cause you problems and knowing that you're big .. this was the obvious choice for an accusation.

    ...and where are you getting this misinformation from? Personal Opinion?

  25. #25
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    my boy from the marines was doin military drug raids in hondoras, and he was getting steroids down there... him and his roomate were juicing and his roomate threw away a syringe in the garbage in their room an officer found it and they were both dishonorably discharged... sucks huh?!

  26. #26
    Stock's Avatar
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    Deny it. It's your word against hers. So maybe if you act like she is crazy and not make a big deal out of it, you might not get tested. I would have the cleaning product available if you need it if I were you.

  27. #27
    Facecrash is offline Member
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    why don't you go get bloodwork done now while your test production is low, before pct. That will show low blood levels and you can try to get an hrt script. worth a shot?

  28. #28
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Facecrash View Post
    why don't you go get bloodwork done now while your test production is low, before pct. That will show low blood levels and you can try to get an hrt script. worth a shot?
    That takes weeks to get an appointment, blood work results to come back and then see a Doc again. By then it will be a little too late

    Nice effort, just wouldn't work

  29. #29
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    You don't ever ever tell ppl you do it. I don't care if he wears a white collar and sits in a confession booth. Thats how athletes get in trouble is because the trainers and other ppl tattle on them. Yeah you can try and clean ur system out if it was test enen/cyp its a 3mo detection time test prop is about 2 weeks. Tren ace is a few months tho. I dont' see what the big deal is ur makin ur self stronger to go fight for Dubya.

  30. #30
    southmadejd's Avatar
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    Bro your situation really sucks. I know in the USMC all it takes is for someone to accuse you and that is probable cause for a test. But if you are a really good soldier and your CO really respects you then maybe he/she will overlook it. You could go the lawyer route but if you do that then that means you have to go to Court Martial which means they can give you a BCD or OTH. Honestly if you pop on the piss test and they offer you NJP take it. I knew a girl who popped on coke while I was in and she tried to fight the test and wouldn't take an NJP. She go court martialed and got kicked out with a BCD. Even if you get busted down in your NJP at least you can still get out with an honorable discharge. I am not sure if you were making a career out of it but if you were then I am sorry.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by southmadejd View Post
    Bro your situation really sucks. I know in the USMC all it takes is for someone to accuse you and that is probable cause for a test. But if you are a really good soldier and your CO really respects you then maybe he/she will overlook it. You could go the lawyer route but if you do that then that means you have to go to Court Martial which means they can give you a BCD or OTH. Honestly if you pop on the piss test and they offer you NJP take it. I knew a girl who popped on coke while I was in and she tried to fight the test and wouldn't take an NJP. She go court martialed and got kicked out with a BCD. Even if you get busted down in your NJP at least you can still get out with an honorable discharge. I am not sure if you were making a career out of it but if you were then I am sorry.
    You can get out with an honorable even if you go to Court Marshall. NJP can award a Honorable, General Under honorable conditions or, at worst, Other Than Honorable. The latter being the most common (OTH). A Court Marshall can award all of the above or one of these two; Bad Conduct, Dishonorable. BCD being most common.

    I do agree that if you pop and are offered a NJP, take it. Depending on the rank of the conviening authority, the worst you could ever get with an NJP is about a month in the Brig and an OTH

  32. #32
    magic32's Avatar
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    I agree with both Spy and Consistency:

    1. Definitely get the steroid cleanser and;

    2. Be sure to purchase not supplements, but legal Test boosters and prohormones. That way, if tested, you can attribute blood concentrations to prolonged LEGAL OTC drugs. And always deny!
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


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    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  33. #33
    deez.nutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    I agree with both Spy and Consistency:

    1. Definitely get the steroid cleanser and;

    2. Be sure to purchase not supplements, but legal Test boosters and prohormones. That way, if tested, you can attribute blood concentrations to prolonged LEGAL OTC drugs. And always deny!
    Best advice...

  34. #34
    southmadejd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    You can get out with an honorable even if you go to Court Marshall. NJP can award a Honorable, General Under honorable conditions or, at worst, Other Than Honorable. The latter being the most common (OTH). A Court Marshall can award all of the above or one of these two; Bad Conduct, Dishonorable. BCD being most common.

    I do agree that if you pop and are offered a NJP, take it. Depending on the rank of the conviening authority, the worst you could ever get with an NJP is about a month in the Brig and an OTH
    Dizz are you sure you can be kicked out with an NJP.....I know it can go up to different levels starting at the Company level but I thought to separate someone it had to be a court martial. You may be right, all of this crap gets really confusing.

    And about the legal Test boosters and OTC supplements....I am not sure for the Army but the Marine Corps has a very extensive list on what supplements are banned and you can get in trouble for using those also. Just to let you know. But I agree with buying the steroid cleanse....can't hurt.

  35. #35
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by southmadejd View Post
    Dizz are you sure you can be kicked out with an NJP.....I know it can go up to different levels starting at the Company level but I thought to separate someone it had to be a court martial. You may be right, all of this crap gets really confusing.
    Absolutely, your commanding officer has the authority to recommend seperation for any NJP'able offense.

    For a drug pop it's a sure thing...but, these days with this war going on and the shortage of Soldiers and have a good possibility to do your restriction, get busted down and continue to stay in. You might get an RE4 code , which means you are unable to re-enlist but they might just let you finish the rest of your contract and get out honorably.

    Navy and Air Force don't really have a manning problem so you'll probably find your self seperating with an OTH

  36. #36
    sphincter is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    ...and where are you getting this misinformation from? Personal Opinion?
    I figured that if they are testing for juice by checkign your test/epitest levels than after 2-3 weeks your test levels should be back down to normal.. that's why we start PCT 2-3 weeks after last shot of long acting esther isn't it?? because test levels are dropping? if test levels are dropping the your test/epitest ratio would be getting clsoer to normal...

  37. #37
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    "As suggested in Table 4 , the urinary T/LH ratio of 30 is the screen most likely to detect AS use the longest, i.e., as long as 25 weeks after the last injection"

    They use testosterone /Luteinizing hormone ratios for a more accuracy than T/E ratios as explained below

    TC = test cypionate , by the way

    "Although the T/E ratio of >6 had 96% specificity in identifying our subjects as being off steroids by 9 weeks after their last dose, it was correct only 54% of the time for identifying our subjects as being on steroids during the 14 weeks of TC injections and in the 9 subsequent weeks when they received sham injections. As a practical matter, these data suggest that one of every two subjects using injectable TC will, both during injection periods and for 9 weeks afterwards, give a false-negative urine drug screen."

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