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  1. #1
    jackjack11 is offline New Member
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    Question Need a little help from the veterans....

    Ok, so... I am starting my first cycle.

    I have been weight training fairly serious sor quite sometime now, about 6 years.

    I have been an athlete all my life and I am finally done.
    I am 24 years old 5'10" 200lbs and a little softer that I want to be. I used to play baseball and I am currently a cheerleader in college and I graduate this spring. I know that I wont be drug tested the rest of the year so I decided to start my first cycle. I have just been scared to before because I need the scholarship. But its good now. Anyways.

    The guy I trusted to get my stack got me: Tren E, andropen 275, and injectable winny 50mg.

    Veterans: My question for you is....can you tell me exactly what I might expect from this stack and it being my first. I am a person that likes to be knowledgable about this stuff. So please educate me a bit on expectations, and tips or suggestions. Thanks alot bros.


  2. #2
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    Oh I am not avet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER judge a persons knowlage based on there posts A vet told me that my first two weeks here. Tren E, andropen 275, and injectable winny 50mg. 1st cycle ha ha LOL LOL

  3. #3
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    I am not a vet, but from my limited experience I would like to suggest you stay away from tren on your first cycle. I know that you will probably not listen to me, but that is just my advice. Tren does make you stronger, which would be good for cheerleading, but since you asked I wanted to give you my honest answer. Plus if you have any difficulty, you will not know if it was from the tren or something else. I am glad I personally waited to use it and when I did I could easily see the differences it made I have chosen not to use it since.
    Good Luck.

  4. #4
    jackjack11 is offline New Member
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    Thank you for your prompt reply. That is what I want...some constructive criticism. But would you please elaborate for me. I thank you for your honesty. But you would agree that I would rather not hear "just because" answers. I am new to this and I actually want to educate myself on this. Thanks.

  5. #5
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, one of the problems is that this site and many of the people who read it do not agree that there is something called roid rage . Of course if you are taking test, one should be able to make some comparison with the level of aggression we also have. Just like it can make you horny or ready to work out, when you get mad you might want to beat the hell out of someone. But, it is just like drinking or cheating on your girlfriend. You cant really use the excuse you cheated on her because you were drunk, for example. You should not use alcohol as an excuse. You should always take responsibility for whatever you do.

    With regards to AAS, if you are level headed you should be fine. Maybe I am borderline and should not be messing with AAS at all. But I do. I had taken several cycles of test with no aggression problems. But, at the age of 35, I tried tren for the first time. I broke my hand punching things two times, in two months. The second time I punched a wall so hard a bone broke and poked through the back of my hand. Until this time I had never gotten into a fight in my life and never punched a wall either. I am not an aggressive person, but cannot blame tren either. I simply reacted poorly and now am back to my old self. I do not know what caused it, but since it was the only time I ever tried tren I have my own suspicions. I will probably get yelled at for saying what I did, but this was my story and my opinions. If anyone thinks I might be fu*king crazy and this was the cause, I will accept that. I just wanted to share as you too may be borderline and something like tren may cause you to slightly step beyond your normal levels as well.

    Like I said, I do not want to blame tren, but certainly would not suggest you start with something so potent. It is just my 2 cents.

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I too am not a vet, but that is not a good first cycle.
    What is your body fat%?
    Also, you say you have been weight training "fairly serious" for 6 years. How long have you been training very seriously? If you have never trained or dieted beyond fairly serious, you should not be using aas.
    Also, what would your pct be?

  7. #7
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackjack11 View Post
    Thank you for your prompt reply. That is what I want...some constructive criticism. But would you please elaborate for me. I thank you for your honesty. But you would agree that I would rather not hear "just because" answers. I am new to this and I actually want to educate myself on this. Thanks.
    OK well thats good news then. First cycle is usually just one compound so that you can get the feel of whats going on, and if you have sides, you know whats causing it. So I think with what you have just stick with the Adropen. Best way to run it is for 12 weeks at 500mg a week, but to get the most out of it you should split it into three shots a week on Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tue, Thur, Sat, Mon and so on. So each shot would be around 1/4 cc for Andropen 275 that will give you a total of 472mg a week which is close enough to 500mg. Now do you know about PCT ? I am suspecting not

  8. #8
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    Well, one of the problems is that this site and many of the people who read it do not agree that there is something called roid rage . Of course if you are taking test, one should be able to make some comparison with the level of aggression we also have. Just like it can make you horny or ready to work out, when you get mad you might want to beat the hell out of someone. But, it is just like drinking or cheating on your girlfriend. You cant really use the excuse you cheated on her because you were drunk, for example. You should not use alcohol as an excuse. You should always take responsibility for whatever you do.

    With regards to AAS, if you are level headed you should be fine. Maybe I am borderline and should not be messing with AAS at all. But I do. I had taken several cycles of test with no aggression problems. But, at the age of 35, I tried tren for the first time. I broke my hand punching things two times, in two months. The second time I punched a wall so hard a bone broke and poked through the back of my hand. Until this time I had never gotten into a fight in my life and never punched a wall either. I am not an aggressive person, but cannot blame tren either. I simply reacted poorly and now am back to my old self. I do not know what caused it, but since it was the only time I ever tried tren I have my own suspicions. I will probably get yelled at for saying what I did, but this was my story and my opinions. If anyone thinks I might be fu*king crazy and this was the cause, I will accept that. I just wanted to share as you too may be borderline and something like tren may cause you to slightly step beyond your normal levels as well.

    Like I said, I do not want to blame tren, but certainly would not suggest you start with something so potent. It is just my 2 cents.
    Interesting comments. I am a massivly aggressive person but I do control myself for the most part, maybe not when I am driving here in Singapore, all the fuktards on the road here should be killed in the most painful manner possible, but I digress. I have used Tren A and Test and NPP in a cycle and it didnt make me anymore aggressive than usual. I think we all respond differently.

  9. #9
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Are there any vets even left ??? lol.. j/k....

  10. #10
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    I don't think he meant "VET" the title, but rather veterans in experience as referred to by Dupa.
    Anyway, from what I read you don't really need aas to attain your goals, just some hard work.

    Quote Originally Posted by jackjack11 View Post
    I have been an athlete all my life and I am finally done.
    I am 24 years old 5'10" 200lbs and a little softer that I want to be.
    I agree with Bigmax, check your bf, and work on reducing it through the process of diet and exercise...if anything look into Clenbuterol an non-steroidal fat burning agent:

    Anabolic Review Profile: Clenbuterol
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  11. #11
    jackjack11 is offline New Member
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    wow guys..thanks for the info so far. This is great.
    Basically I just told my friend to get me a good stack without looking into it first. But now that I am doing more research I can start to understand how everything works and what is recomended and not recomended.

    to answer some ques. you all had:
    no, I am not typically an aggressive person. I am pretty level headed.
    My body fat has not been calculated in a while but I am pretty sure I am around 10 to 12 but I have been lower before the natural way. by diet and hard work.
    I should have said very serious instead of fairly serious. Meaning I have been on lifting programs for 6 years now. due to the fact that I have been a college athlete for all 6. before that I was on and off. The reason I said fairly serious is probably because I was doing the scheduled programs that I was supposed to do. Not allways meant for building bulk and shaping muscle. But still very serious programs.
    As far as diet goes, I am usually pretty good about it. I know what not to do atleast and I do take care of myself.

    Ok so again thank you all for the suggestions and info for me.
    Remember I am new to anabolic steroids but I am no stranger to hard work to attain my goals. I know how to work and I work very hard. I have played many sports through out my life and a college athlete. But now I am taking time to work on my body in a more selfish way instead of the way I have for so many years, and that is why I want to get an edge. plus no risk of losing scholarship anymore...ha

    Thanks guys keep it coming.

  12. #12
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    If you're intent on running a steroid cycle, why don't you just begin with a basic novice run...500mgs of Test E per week divided into two doses of 250.

    You can manipulate diet & exercise to tailor the cycle as you see fit, and don't worry about stacks or cocktails yet.

    One must first learn to stand and walk, one cannot fly into flying.
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    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

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  13. #13
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Magic hit it on the nose bro...Nutrition and training should always be the main part especially when looking to start a cycle...Now lets strat all over again ...if you have to do the cycle do as one of the bro's advised ...get a single compound and see how it does for you.

  14. #14
    jackjack11 is offline New Member
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    cool cool. Thanks guys. I think I am just going to do andropen by itself at about 500 mg a week.

    You all have been a great help. And please send me more suggestions and tips. For instance. I've never stuck myself before. I like to hear from other peoples experiences. Like what to focus on and what has worked well for them.

    Thanks a ton still a lot for me to learn.

  15. #15
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    What will your pct be?

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