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  1. #41
    mmabeast is offline New Member
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    Im sorry. Your wrong. I can tell you for a fact they dont test. We had one of your guys from BTT fight in a show, Andre Mussi, yeah, he's a HWT, he lost to SS fighter Dave Herman. The Ohio Athletic has never once tested our guys. Atleast not in any of the shows I have fought in. Andre has met me. We go around the same build, Im a bit bigger than him but the build is close.

    Look, Im not 100% sure why it is your dogging on me but, hey I guess its just your way.

    Point is, well you have been right, I do need to change my diet, but I also want to be making my pro Debut in the best shape and build of my life.

    Help me out here.

  2. #42
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    Im not trying to dog on you dude, honsetly thats not my intention...

    Your earlier posts just sounded like you were trolling around as a E-toughguy... I guess i took it the wrong way. Sincere apologies!
    But when you say stuff like this:
    "Like I said Im not a fat out of shape guy. Ive been a wrestler fighter my whole life. Im looking to improve my build, and my cardio. I want to be ripped and be able to go many many fight rounds. I dont want a bodybuilder bulk build, I want a leaner, 300 type build."

    "Im a HWT and am 5-2 and on a 5 fight win streak winning 4 of my last 5 by tko in under 1 min. id say im pretty damb good. maybe not 20% more like 10-15 %."

    you can see how i could take it the wrong way...

    Now if your Andre's size, your a BIG boy, no doubt...

    Alright bro, lookit here, i reason i was being a prick and telling you to lose some BF% and get serious with your diet, is because it will substansually improve your gains when you do finally cycle...

    And i can appreciate where you are coming from, i want to be in the best shape of my life as well when i fight.

  3. #43
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    And btw, theres nothing wrong with losing to Herman, that kid is a freakin ANIMAL! Hes gonna be a serious force in Elite XC...

    Andre is a decent fighter, i know him, i wouldnt say were friends, but were from the same camp so he is my brother, but still...

    Ok, if your built like Andre, your not too far off from being where you wanna be... Do you think you can work your weight down to 260 natty? with around 12%BF

    If you can, i can help you take your game to the next level bro...

  4. #44
    mmabeast is offline New Member
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    Yes I can see that. Thats why Im trying to mull through this mess. I know how boards can be.

    I understand some of what goes on with a cycle. I just dont have alot of time. I can take a few months off and just work on my core points like cardio, diet and fat loss.

    The rest will fall into the program.

    189 said he could put together a custom program for me earlier. Can you please do that ? I have a diet I will be following to the tee. I also have a cycled workout program as well. I just need the last few pieces such as the cycle and amounts and how often for optimum performance.

  5. #45
    mmabeast is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    And btw, theres nothing wrong with losing to Herman, that kid is a freakin ANIMAL! Hes gonna be a serious force in Elite XC...

    Andre is a decent fighter, i know him, i wouldnt say were friends, but were from the same camp so he is my brother, but still...

    Ok, if your built like Andre, your not too far off from being where you wanna be... Do you think you can work your weight down to 260 natty? with around 12%BF

    If you can, i can help you take your game to the next level bro...
    Your right he is an animal,Herman he beat Waterman like a little girl.

    Andre is a good fighter. I want to get to 240-250 and stay there. Like I said, Im a bit bigger than Andre, not as defined. Andre goes about 260, Im about 275 right now. I want to drop the bloat, and get the cut I need.

  6. #46
    WARMachine's Avatar
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    what did 189 suggest?

    Just so you know, 189 knows everything dude! He's the freakin man, and seeing as how me, him, and now you are the only guys here who actually fight, we need to stick together, there are a lot of guys claiming the same.

    Something like Primo and Test Prop would be ok since you never cycled before.

    Maybe some HCG in the PCT...

  7. #47
    T_Own's Avatar
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    masteron > primo imo

    but yeah i'll say i agree with war, that you came across a little high strung and cocky. and since we see that everyday its a little hard to take seriously. but if you're ready to put in the work on the diet especially there will be people here to help you out. if you can post your diet too that would be good. just to check it out.

    war you forgot me, i'm gonna be the light heavyweight champ in like 2 months (lol jk)

  8. #48
    wmrebel is offline Junior Member
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    i say you two fighters duke it out !!

  9. #49
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    hahah of course, i forgot my little buddy T Own... You know my offer still stands! Its like 75F right now in beautiful CA!

    and yeah Masteron is better from what i hear....

    But Primo is undetectable after a month or so... Not sure about Masteron... If you know, please do tell!

  10. #50
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    i think around 2 months..

    75 does sound nice... i was thinking about transferring to CA, maybe ucla or usc actually. gotta get outta here...

  11. #51
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    alright 2months isnt bad...

    Hell yeah dude! My lil bro goes to UCLA, nice views if you know what i mean! Come on out, im not far from USC campus! Drop me 100bucks a week and stay at the gym with me! Free training! Not a bad deal if you dont mind sleepin on the floor like i do!

    hows that diet comin Beast...

    and are you readin up on Mas and prop?
    Last edited by WARMachine; 08-13-2008 at 07:43 PM.

  12. #52
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  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmabeast View Post
    Look1st of all its my ammy record. Im not looking to impress anyone with online bullshit. it really doesnt matter. I really am 6'2 and yes I cut to get down to 265. I wresteled in HS and in College.
    The point here is I am looking to find the right combination to get to where I want to be.I have been doing some research on a few of these and gotten some advise from different people. I have not made up my mind what I am going to do.

    one8nine seems to be the most level headed on here and seems in my opinion to be the most knowledgable on the subject.

    Can you one8nine help me out on the subject. Possibly put together a cycle thay will do what I am after.

    Burn fat quickly.
    Build lean muscle
    Build extreme cardio
    Increase energy and aggression.

    What I have gathered so far is Halo and hgh for sure. What i now need is the rest of the cycle.
    Burn Fat:

    • AM Cardio on an empty stomach - no detection time
    • Anavar - Sometimes will make your joints hurt, not as bas as some. Detecable 3weeks past last dose.
    • Tren Ace - Detecable 5 months after last inject (prob not a good choice for you.
    • Masteron Prop - Detectable 2 Months
    • Testosterone - I would chose Test Prop because it is only detectable 2 weeks after last inject.

    Build Lean Muscle:

    • It is hard to build any signifigant muscle and burn fat. They are opposite life styles. TO burn fat, you normally have to be caolorie deficient.
    • Anavar
    • Tren
    • Masteron

    BUIld cardio:

    • Obviously your best choice for this is going to be cardio. Reason meing is you need the heart muscle to be strong. Vascularity helps carry the blood, but the biggest pipes in the world mean nothing if you don't have the pump to flow the juice. The draw back to this is cardio is catabolic and will eat away at lean muscle mass once you get in the "cardio" target heart rate. This is where you have to balance diet, cardio, and cycle. A lot of this is not going to be an exact science and is going to depend on how your body reacts to all the above.

    Energy And Aggression:

    • Hands down, Tren . Tren will make you want to put your fist through someones face, especially after they punch you a couple times.
      That is if you are a naturally agressive person to start with. And obviously you are, or you would not be fighting.

    I would run something like this:

    1-12 Test Prop 50mg ED
    1-12 Tren Ace 50mg ED
    1-12 Mast Prop 50mg ED
    4-12 Anavar 60mg ED
    Start PCT 3 days after last injection of Test P.

    I would have Arimidex on hand for bloating. I would not expect you to bloat if at all, on this cycle. But again, that is one of those things that is different for different people. If you feel you are bloating, take the Arimidex at .25mg ED until it subsides, then drop to EOD. You do not want to kill all your estrogen. That too will hinder your gains.

    The only thing about this cycle, is it is really not a beginner cycle at all. Of course you could shorten it if you like. I just don't recomend taking the anavar for more than 8 wks as it is mmildly liver toxic and does cause joint pain in some people. (it does me, nothing like winny though)

    The reason for the low doses, as I know someone will say something. If you are running a first cycle and you have a good foundation and a diet that is in check, you will get great results. You don't need to blow up, that would defeat your goals from what you are saying. With fresh virgin receptors you WILL respond well to moderate doses like this.

    Cardio, I would do 30-45min first thing in the morning before you eat. If you feel hungry, chug a couple glasses of water to fill the void.

    You could also do about 30 mins after your workouts. 3 Days a week should be sufficient. The cardio in itself will melt the fat off if done as I instructed.

    HGH is good stuff, but it takes a LONG time to see results from it. It is pretty expensive too, if cost is a concern.

    That's enough to get you thinking and researching more.

  14. #54
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    Oh if the detection time is too long, Just do the Test Prop and finish off with the Anavar . Nice light cycle, GREAT for beginners with your goals. That combined with the cardio, you will be loving it.

  15. #55
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    ^^^ dude i dont think thats a good cycle for HIM personally....

    1-12 Test Prop 50mg ED
    1-12 Tren Ace 50mg ED
    1-12 Mast Prop 50mg ED
    4-12 Anavar 60mg ED

    id would drop to 10wks
    NO TREN! Tren is terrible on cardio, and we both know, how important that is in a fight.
    and VAR from wk 5-10 @ 25mgs 2XD
    and up to 75mgs daily
    So thats

    1-10 Test Prop 75mg ED
    1-10 Mast 75mg ED
    5-10 Anavar 25mg 2XD ED

    that would probably be best

  16. #56
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    2 dht's so i hope he isn't balding yet

  17. #57
    mmabeast is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys. Everything is appericiated.

    BTW, i may in fact come across as cocky, hell, I am. What fighter isnt. But Ive got a level head and definate goals.

  18. #58
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    lol but this is the internet, not the ring

    throw that diet up here

  19. #59
    mmabeast is offline New Member
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    First meal, 7 am:
    8 oz. oatmeal 25 155 18 880
    0.6 1 skim milk, 0.3% fat 21 29 2 240
    0.2 1 orange juice --- 18 --- 80
    3 oz. grapes 1 17 --- 70
    47 219 20 1270
    Second meal, 10.30 am:
    10 oz, whole wheat bread 18 120 6 600
    4 oz. cheese, 12% fat 22 5 10 200
    0.51 kefir milk 20 20 4
    1 banana 1 35 ---150
    61 180 20 1150
    Third meal, 2.00 pm:
    8 oz. brown rice 22 170 6 850
    10 oz. turkey 60 --- 5 300
    5 oz. vegetables 1 7 --- 30
    93 177 11 1180
    Fourth meal, 5.30 pm
    5 whole eggs 30 --- 30 400
    16 Oz. baked potatoes 10 100 5 430
    Mixed salad 1 10 ---50
    41 110 35 880
    Fifth meal, 9,00 pm:
    7 oz. cottage cheese 25 5 4 200
    7 Oz. whole wheat bread 12 80 4 400
    1 oz. peanut buffer 6 3 10 120
    1 apple, approx. 4 oz. --- 14 --- 60
    0.2 1 orange juice --- 18 --- 80
    43 120 18 860
    Total: 285 806 104 5340

    With a tweek here and there.A couple of Protien shakes added, and a little more tuna.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    2 dht's so i hope he isn't balding yet
    He can take some blockers...

    Ive been reasearching this cycle for my bro, hes susceptible to male pattern baldness as well as other sides...

    thank god i shave my head!!!

    id rather be big and wear a hat, than be skinny and have a mullet!

  21. #61
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    ^^^ dude i dont think thats a good cycle for HIM personally....

    1-12 Test Prop 50mg ED
    1-12 Tren Ace 50mg ED
    1-12 Mast Prop 50mg ED
    4-12 Anavar 60mg ED

    id would drop to 10wks
    NO TREN! Tren is terrible on cardio, and we both know, how important that is in a fight.
    and VAR from wk 5-10 @ 25mgs 2XD
    and up to 75mgs daily
    So thats

    1-10 Test Prop 75mg ED
    1-10 Mast 75mg ED
    5-10 Anavar 25mg 2XD ED

    that would probably be best
    Good call on the Tren, I was too wrapped about the agression.

    I still stick to saying that 525 a week on fresh clean virgin receptors is a waste though. That is going to be an expensive cycle anyway, why not embrace the first cycle?

    meh, its not my body.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    He can take some blockers...

    Ive been reasearching this cycle for my bro, hes susceptible to male pattern baldness as well as other sides...

    thank god i shave my head!!!

    id rather be big and wear a hat, than be skinny and have a mullet!
    DOn't forget, with the blockers you have to take them before you start. COrrect?

    I am not a MPB candidate, so I MIGHT be wrong on that tidbit.

  23. #63
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    When you start i believe... Again i could be wrong... im still learning and i did my first years ago!

  24. #64
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    lol you definitely eat like a heavyweight. you might wanna look into that more. cutting carbs to 400g would be very good. slightly more protein too, like 400+g especially for someone your size

    yeah thats true with the blockers, but just throwing that out there.

  25. #65
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    there is no exact perfect, each one of these guys posted a great cycle, you cant really go wrong with any of them

    as for tren , i havent had a fight on it, but ive wrestled tournaments and 100 practices.
    imo trens sides come from progesterone, but dont overdo it.
    i had serious sides on tren without letro but with letro i had serious gains

    my last cycle i lowered the dosage towards the end due to emotional sides but this was it:

    1-10 masteron 100mg (lowered to 60mg)
    1-10 test p 100mg (lowered to 60mg)
    1-10 tren a 50mg (lowered to 30mg)
    4-7(about) var 70mg
    letro .25mg ed

    love it, next time ill use halo instead of var maybe though, and add 25mcg-50mcg ed of t3 for the tren

    i went from 180 ~12% -> 215 ~7%

  26. #66
    mmabeast is offline New Member
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    26 i stated a few tweeks here and there, cut the carbs a bit, add a bit more the tuna, maybe falxseed oil.

    Also I understand any cycle will have to be twisted to fit every individual. But all the advise is appericated.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by war4BTT View Post
    When you start i believe... Again i could be wrong... im still learning and i did my first years ago!
    Not sure. There was a great thread on it here somewhere. I seem to recall starting treatment a couple weeks before cycling. But that is one of those things I don't care about. Like you I would rather be bald and big. . . .

    But there is not a balding person on my mothers side or fathers side. So I have never sweat it. LOL, it is funny how we all remember the things that concern us the most.

    Hell, I can eat DHT for breakfast and still have hair. . .LMAO.

  28. #68
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    damn 35lb gained? that alone would be amazing, but with 5%bf dropped? sounds like i'll have to save that one for myself eventually

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    damn 35lb gained? that alone would be amazing, but with 5%bf dropped? sounds like i'll have to save that one for myself eventually
    i actually coulda started at maybe 185-187 at most
    i was gettin 6000+kcals a day
    also ive seen like 210 ish with 10-12% bf before, i took a while off before that cycle, so muscle memory
    PL 5-6x a week- 1-2 hours
    mma-4x a week about 2-4 hours
    wrestling 2-3x a week 2 hours

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    i actually coulda started at maybe 185-187 at most
    i was gettin 6000+kcals a day
    also ive seen like 210 ish with 10-12% bf before, i took a while off before that cycle, so muscle memory
    PL 5-6x a week- 1-2 hours
    mma-4x a week about 2-4 hours
    wrestling 2-3x a week 2 hours
    With so much excercise, I don't see how you gained 35 in 10 weeks and 6000cals. What is your typical maintenance calories at the 200-215lb range?

    The big question though, how much did you keep? ~15-20?

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by kynetguy View Post
    With so much excercise, I don't see how you gained 35 in 10 weeks and 6000cals. What is your typical maintenance calories at the 200-215lb range?

    The big question though, how much did you keep? ~15-20?
    6000 is a little low ball i will post my diet
    i got hit by a car a week into pct i weigh 170 right now, i broke my femur 2x, hip, arm2x, crushed my hand. 4 surgeries and i still need more

  32. #72
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    Sample Diet

    Meal 1 options:
    Oatmeal and a shake, multivitamin,
    Whole-grain pasta spaghetti, multivitamin
    Whole-grain pasta chicken Alfredo, multivitamin
    Raisin bran with skim milk and a shake, multivitamin

    Meal 2 options:
    Shake, Tuna sandwich on whole-wheat bread and mixed vegetables
    Shake, Chicken Parmesan and whole-grain pasta and mixed vegetables
    Shake, Spaghetti with 95/5 ground beef, or ground turkey and mixed vegetables

    Meal 3 options:
    Tuna sandwich on whole-wheat bread and mixed vegetables
    Chicken Parmesan and whole-grain pasta and mixed vegetables
    Spaghetti with 95/5 ground beef, or ground turkey and mixed vegetables

    (Optional) Meal 4 options:
    Tuna sandwich on whole-wheat bread and mixed vegetables
    Chicken Parmesan and whole-grain pasta and mixed vegetables
    Spaghetti with 95/5 ground beef, or ground turkey and mixed vegetables

    Meal 5 options:
    Tuna and mixed vegetables, multivitamins
    Chicken Parmesan and mixed vegetables, multivitamins
    Turkey and mixed Vegetables, multivitamins

    (Optional) Meal 6:
    Shake, mixed vegetables

    Generally I try to meet the following each day, to maintain variety
    1-2 gallons of water
    ½-1 gallon of skim milk
    6 servings of vegetables (2 servings each time they are listed)
    4-6 servings of fruit (2 servings in each shake)
    2 multivitamins
    1 serving of chicken
    1 serving of tuna

    All ingredients are either whole-wheat, multi-grain, skim milk, baked, grilled or boiled.
    There are no fried or breaded foods.
    Neither butter nor salt should be added to any meal.
    Shakes include: skim milk, two scoops of powder, one egg, two servings of fruit like bananas and berries, and ice cream.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    6000 is a little low ball i will post my diet
    i got hit by a car a week into pct i weigh 170 right now, i broke my femur 2x, hip, arm2x, crushed my hand. 4 surgeries and i still need more
    OH so now YOU are the 170lb e-toughman? j/k

    DAMN dude, that sucks. Hmmm, I wonder if you had been on hgh a few months prior and maintained usage, if your healing would go faster? Always a curiosity of mine (being old and all lol) because of how young people recover so much better. And we all know younger people obviously have lots of natural GH.

  34. #74
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    Nice diet. You know what I like. . .MILK. GOOD WHOLE MILK!!! SO good for you. Glad to see you incorporate plenty of milk! Of course, I only have whole milk on a cheat day. I absolutely cannot STAND skim milk for anything but shakes. If I drink it, its 2%.

    Of course, I will never see single digit BF or even 10% because I REFUSE to give up some foods. Somethings are just NOT up for compromise.

  35. #75
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    thats pretty solid.. is that just for cycle, or all the time? and do one of those meals serve as pwo or is that extra?

    kyne you GOTTA go skim! haha. besides the fat and calories, it has more protein than 2% or 4% milk
    Last edited by T_Own; 08-13-2008 at 10:10 PM.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by T_Own View Post
    thats pretty solid.. is that just for cycle, or all the time? and do one of those meals serve as pwo or is that extra?

    kyne you GOTTA go skim! haha. besides the fat and calories, it has more protein than 2% or 4% milk
    yeah whichever that has a shake in the middle is post workout

    its always my diet, but basically on cycle i have the optional meals, off i dont.

  37. #77
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    alright so you still go for a pretty big diet all the time
    i gotta get mine in check..

  38. #78
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    You wanna get big, you gotta eat big!!! ^^^

  39. #79
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    haha yeah, i eat big, but not good!
    even my mom says as soon as my metabolism slows down i'm gonna get fat quick

  40. #80
    mmabeast is offline New Member
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    This is all great info and will help out a ton. 189, great diet options, mixing up options to keep it less manotonous

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