I have taken a whole 4 days in a row off of the GYM during my cycle??

I just got married yesterday but I am on week 11 of 16 in my cycle and I feel like I have just totally blown my whole cycle... LOL... I know I havent but thats how I feel.. I get upset when it's just the day OFF that I take during the week.. I only will go 6 days a week and when I am really stupid... I will go the full 7 but only weight train 6 out of the 7 and cardio only on my "Day Off"

I mean I know it's good to take a day off here and there but... I mean 4 whole days off.. I feel fat !! LOL..

I have made major accomplishments this cycle.. I have only gained maybe 5 pounds in overall weight but dropped at least 6 % or more in BF % ... in 11 weeks. MY BODY HAS MADE A TOTAL 180 and I love it !!! But with approx 4 weeks left ... I feel like I should pounding out these last few weeks to utilize all I can from the TEST I am on...

Remember though the last 3 weeks of my cycle will be 30 mgs ED of M-drol.. (Superdrol clone) just for the last added kick before I return to TRT.

I dunno I guess this thread is more of a rant than a question...

I just want to make sure I was an diot in missing soo much time from the gym.

So... When I return to TRT for 16 weeks to allow my body to re-adjust to some extent... (in the middle of the 16 weeks of TRT dosing I will be running a T-BOL interlude at 60 mgs ED for 6 weeks.) JUST CAUSE I CAN !!!

I like running Orals... on TRT dosages ... just cause I can actually see what the Oral is actually doing ya know?? You can actually get a feel for what the compound is doing for ya.. at least that's what i believe anyways.. am I correct in this assumption??

Regardless my life and compound usage is experiments really... Just an ongoing experiment to transform my body from what it is now to eventually one day on that STAGE winning COMPS all over !!!

Plus I love the life of a BODYBUILDER... EAT,TRAIN,EAT,SLEEP,EAT ... And SEX in between... LOL... ALL THINGS I LOVE