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  1. #41
    binsser's Avatar
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    pointless critcisim thatll just p@ss him off hes aready done the fcking cycle ......

    not a good idea m8 but whats done is done dont do to many more sounds like your at a decent weight now had a similer thread like this the other day but it was about people getting pissed on cycle 90 percent do get smashed and dont care but have this massive prob with the other side of the fence abit double standereds to say the least!

  2. #42
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    My daughter just called and asked if I want to go grab some Italian...YES! Iīm out!
    Bear, Viking, Lovebyts, the troop is getting skinny, but do not waiver, reinfor***ents will be here tomorrow.
    Bring me back some stuffed Tortellini & your desertion shall be forgiven.............

  3. #43
    DeniZen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    I'm saying there is little research done on AAS as a whole especially in adolescents.
    If that's the case please keep this thread going for a few years. You can be our lab rat!

  4. #44
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    I'm not doing another one for a while. Sitting at 205 right now at 6'1 so im a good size. Gonna try and natural bulk for a year to see if I can get heavier or likely just maintain whilst keeping the abs, or at least the top 2.

  5. #45
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    So in 4 years you gained 45+ lbs naturally & then when you went on steroids, time stopped while you gained another 25 lbs?
    Dude are you really that dense? He didn't age another year. Just because he didn't have a birthday does mean time stopped. For god sake the arguments presented on this board make me feel like I am watching a retarded five year old.

  6. #46
    abstetic is offline Banned
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    Lol he just say a zyzz video... And was like 6"1 time to hop on that tren e

  7. #47
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    ^Zyzz done around 6 cycles before he was 22. Just to give the guys on here a heart attack.

  8. #48
    Matt's Avatar
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    Lets keep this thread civil please....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  9. #49
    canadianbrah is offline Junior Member
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    lol not sure if trolling or not....

  10. #50
    binsser's Avatar
    binsser is offline Senior Member
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    good shout m8 i mean to be hoenst in the next year because you are young ull do very well your bodys just prime ready for building now go to the kitchen whack 12 eggs in a pot and drink them little mother fckers lolol do this everyday and tell me your not happy with the result after a year lolol (that is along with 12 turkey breast a day lol)) good man good choice for now bud topman!

  11. #51
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    ^Zyzz done around 6 cycles before he was 22. Just to give the guys on here a heart attack.
    yea and what cycle is he currently using?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #52
    binsser's Avatar
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    sadly he died from a heart condition and its not something for people to take the piss about whos next t-mos fuking out of order!!!!!!!!

  13. #53
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    yea and what cycle is he currently using?
    His death has nothing to do with AAS.

  14. #54
    binsser's Avatar
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    heart condition undiagnosed with added stress and thats the out come steriod wouldnt of helped as it speeds your heart blood pressure and etc etc but no prob would of happened sooner or later sadley thats far to young to die!

  15. #55
    Rwy's Avatar
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    This doesnt sound like an 18 yr old kid

    seems like a baiting thread and everyones biting hard

  16. #56
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  17. #57
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy2778
    This doesnt sound like an 18 yr old kid

    seems like a baiting thread and everyones biting hard
    How is that? I know more than you'd expect an 18 year old to know about AAS? Or because I ran a cycle?

  18. #58
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt
    Lets keep this thread civil please....
    Civility does not seem to be a concern for those directing comments toward to the OP. I would not have suggested he run a cycle. That is most people's opinion. But for god sake. He is a free adult man. I assume self supporting. And the 'damage' is already done. So everyone comes in his thread and condemns him for posting his personal experience. But if he had a I'm 18 and my dick don't work sob story everyone would be wiping his tears. There is obviously an agenda at work here by the more vocal majority of this board. They congregate here because everywhere else they'd be laughed at.

  19. #59
    guitario's Avatar
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    From what I read here, this thread is basically a bullying thread. Regardless of age, this guy seems to know more than most about what to do. Lets say he did the exact same thing but at 25, you would all be falling over yourselves to pat him on the back on a job well done. Yes he's too young, and yes he knows this. We can't go back in time so lets stop the flaming and behave like adults.

  20. #60
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Just a question here.

    If you gained about 50Lbs in 4 years of working out and not being juiced, why would you do it?

    By the age of 20 or so you would still have been over 200Lbs and not even touched AAS.

    I sure wish I knew what I know now when I was 18.

    Good luck man, hope all goes well for ya.

  21. #61
    rj2k10 is offline Junior Member
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    This thread has been quite amusing. Cant tell whether the kids a troll or not though, it's quite funny either way!

  22. #62
    JonnyConcrete is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    Just a question here.

    If you gained about 50Lbs in 4 years of working out and not being juiced, why would you do it?

    By the age of 20 or so you would still have been over 200Lbs and not even touched AAS.

    I sure wish I knew what I know now when I was 18.

    Good luck man, hope all goes well for ya.
    It is scientifically proven that you get the majority of your gains naturally within the first 3 years of lifting, then after 5 years your gains are extremely minimal. (presuming you were training and dieting efficiently). I think Layne Norton produced a table about this, I'll try to dig it out.

    One other point is that OP is getting a lot of flaming ''that his dick isnt gonna work soon''. Surely if he has recovered fine, he will be fine.

    Hmmm. Maybe I'm more on the side of the OP as I am 20 (but still waiting a while to cycle).

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    signed up this month his posting name does not fit the way he comes off

    he certainly does not sound like your everyday 18yr old

    just seems like someone posting something to get everyone all rilled up like they are

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by rj2k10 View Post
    This thread has been quite amusing. Cant tell whether the kids a troll or not though, it's quite funny either way!
    Dont feed the troll but everyone is

  25. #65
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy2778

    signed up this month his posting name does not fit the way he comes off

    he certainly does not sound like your everyday 18yr old

    just seems like someone posting something to get everyone all rilled up like they are
    How does my posting name not fit me? Its the word "AAS" and "brah" put together...

    If you dont think I sound 18 then i'll take it as a compliment, I know more about diet, training and AAS than your average 18 year old thats for sure.

  26. #66
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    Standing on the shoulders of giants. The 30-40 year olds on here didn't know anything at 18 because the information and the internet just wasn't what it is nowadays. So it's a bit ignorant to suggest that just because somebody didn't have knowledge at that age, that an 18 year old in 2012 wouldn't have knowledge also.

    I agree, most 18 year olds are illiterate baffoons, but not all.

  27. #67
    evander87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    Stats before/after

    300g pro
    300g carb
    100g fat
    3300 cal a day?

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    My daughter just called and asked if I want to go grab some Italian...YES! Iīm out!
    Bear, Viking, Lovbyts, the troop is getting skinny, but do not waiver, reinfor***ents will be here tomorrow.
    Hope you had a good time eating with the daughter. After 12 hrs of work I went to my moms place and did about 3hrs of work, took stuff to the goodwill, home and the old lady wanted to go to Costco. Got home and had enough time to get almost 4 hrs of sleep before my 12 hr shift started tonight. If I seem a little short fussed you know why. lol I only have 10 more days until I get a day off....

    Thankfully Bear is here and as usual is on top of things keeping us all in line and the story straight. Thanks Bear and keep up the good work...

    If there was not something a little off I dont think the OP would be getting quit so defensive, do you? Sorry OP but your story does keep changing up a little and even if it was all true you make a good point on why it's best to stay natural instead of fvcking up a good things and introducing an unknown risk factor.

  29. #69
    abstetic is offline Banned
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    Click image for larger version. 

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  30. #70
    Flier's Avatar
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    This thread is ridiculous. And so is all the 18 yo threads were the debate goes on forever.

    Halting/altering the development of any organic matter will cause "damage".
    Wether it be the HPTA, brain, organs, or signaling paths of hormones and electric pulses.

    An 18 yo is under development, Brain and HPTA. The timemachine called "DNA" is still at work.
    (DNA, Natureīs (Godīs?) perfection of knowing exactly how the human will look at 20 when the fetus starts developing.)

    Anyone using AAS will most likely cause damage to the HPTA and Homeostasis may never revert 100%, but a whole other story when interfering with the intended growthprocess.

    The OP is "fine"?? Define "Fine"?

  31. #71
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier
    This thread is ridiculous. And so is all the 18 yo threads were the debate goes on forever.

    Halting/altering the development of any organic matter will cause "damage".
    Wether it be the HPTA, brain, organs, or signaling paths of hormones and electric pulses.

    An 18 yo is under development, Brain and HPTA. The timemachine called "DNA" is still at work.
    (DNA, Natureīs (Godīs?) perfection of knowing exactly how the human will look at 20 when the fetus starts developing.)

    Anyone using AAS will most likely cause damage to the HPTA and Homeostasis may never revert 100%, but a whole other story when interfering with the intended growthprocess.

    The OP is "fine"?? Define "Fine"?
    These are interesting theories. Have scientific studies to suggest these to be fact? Or are we going to hear its common sense cop out like we did in the other 18/yo thread from thebear?

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    These are interesting theories. Have scientific studies to suggest these to be fact? Or are we going to hear its common sense cop out like we did in the other 18/yo thread from thebear?
    Listen, stop all the scientific proof BS. You can just be our forum Guinea Pig, OK? You can add your name to the list of other 100s of people who found out the hard way without any scientific proof. Just shut up, man up and do whatever you are going to do. Check back with us 3 mo, 6 mo, 12 mo 2 years after your cycle to keep us updated, OK?

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    These are interesting theories. Have scientific studies to suggest these to be fact? Or are we going to hear its common sense cop out like we did in the other 18/yo thread from thebear?
    Dude, scientific studies?? Why on earth would I try to dig up scientific studies? Has any been done? Why would anyone perform these studies?
    Do you really think everything we know, comes from teaching, reading studies?
    Do you understand what "Awareness" means?
    You understand what Transcendental Awareness means?
    Do you understand the learning pyramid?
    On the top of the pyramid you will find the term "correlation". Itīs what separates humans from Chimps.
    If you donīt understand what Iīm getting at here, we donīt have any basis for a discussion.

    Why donīt you answer my question. The OP is "fine", define fine?

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Dude, scientific studies?? Why on earth would I try to dig up scientific studies? Has any been done? Why would anyone perform these studies?
    Do you really think everything we know, comes from teaching, reading studies?
    Do you understand what "Awareness" means?
    You understand what Transcendental Awareness means?
    Do you understand the learning pyramid?
    On the top of the pyramid you will find the term "correlation". Itīs what separates humans from Chimps.
    If you donīt understand what Iīm getting at here, we donīt have any basis for a discussion.

    Why donīt you answer my question. The OP is "fine", define fine?
    Do you mean you dont have to stick your hand into a fire to know it will burn you or that holding an M80 between your teeth and lighting the fuse is a bad idea? Yeah no one had to show me scientific proof for me to realize those things as well as MANY others are bad ideas....
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-30-2012 at 08:51 AM.

  35. #75
    dooie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evander87

    3300 cal a day?
    What's wrong with that?

  36. #76
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by swm1972 View Post
    These are interesting theories. Have scientific studies to suggest these to be fact? Or are we going to hear its common sense cop out like we did in the other 18/yo thread from thebear?
    Yeah, because I'm the ONLY one that believes or argues that people shouldn't cycle under 25. Maybe you should take a step back & look around, you're out numbered, & it's not because nobody likes you,( ) its because you're wrong. Or are you foolish enough to believe you're the only one that know the truth & EVERYONE ELSE is wrong. You should shut up before you make any more of a fool of yourself, I know you think you're smart & you've got it all figured out, but you're wrong, whenever you are put on the spot to support your end of the debate, you always fire back with the same bull sh!t "I don't have to prove anything, the burden of proof lies on YOUR shoulders, not mine". BULL SH!T!!!! That's a cop out because you have nothing to support you're end of the debate. You're making a clown of yourself dude.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by dooie View Post
    What's wrong with that?
    Seems a little light to me.
    Last edited by evander87; 04-30-2012 at 10:40 AM.

  38. #78
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by evander87 View Post
    Seems a little light to me.
    Not everyone is the same, some people can make significant gains on no more than 2000 - 2500 cal a day.

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Not everyone is the same, some people can make significant gains on no more than 2000 - 2500 cal a day.
    I get that however if I'm not getting the desired results I change things up. I'd try eating more before hitting the sauce, but that's just my opinion.

  40. #80
    swm1972 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I don't think people under 25 should cycle either. But to throw around scare tactics and DNA genome permanent damage without any scientific backing what so ever? Strikes me as the type of BS you see the media spew.

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