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  1. #121
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    Nope, I am not interested in doing that. The combination of AICAR and GW is for the endurance performance enhancing benefits, of which I have absolutely no interest in. I am interested in the fat loss from GW. The problem with combining AICAR and GW is that it will promote an even greater tendency for your muscles to start growing more slow-twitch muscle fibers. This is something I absolutely do not want. Apparently the combination of the two really creates an environment in which slow twitch fibers become very plentiful very fast. There is evidence that fast-twitch muscle fibers will be converted to slow-twitch

    GW on its own shouldn't have an effect on muscle fibers as prominent as that.

  2. #122
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    ^sounds like something i would have been interested in my "running days"

  3. #123
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    Oh god if only I had access to GW and/or AICAR back in the days where I was more focused on endurance activities, it would have made life so much easier for me too. Endurance is just not in my genetics, and I can't jog long distances for the life of me. This stuff would have been a life saver.

  4. #124
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    I guess i could run both of them together if i ever decide to run a marathon in the olympics LOL

  5. #125
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    What are the negatives to gaining slow twitch muscle fibers? I still play alot of soccer and I surf and raquetball sometimes. Do you know the dosage I should use on the aicar?

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowblowjoe View Post
    What are the negatives to gaining slow twitch muscle fibers? I still play alot of soccer and I surf and raquetball sometimes. Do you know the dosage I should use on the aicar?
    I haven't looked into AICAR too much, you'll have to do the research on that for yourself.

    The negatives to gaining slow-twitch fibers is mostly negative only if you're looking for size and strength. As we know, slow twitch muscle fibers are for endurance-based activities like long distance jogging, marathon running, etc. SO, if you're looking to be hauling a lot of heavy weight in the gym, then gaining lots of slow twitch muscle fiber is not something you want. If you convert a lot of your fast-twitch fibers into slow-twitch, you'll end up losing strength (and size). Sounds to me that if you're into soccer and raquetball, GW (and perhaps AICAR with it) would benefit you greatly.

    What determines the disposition of slow-twitch to fas-twitch fibers in your body is primarily genetics, and then comes training stimulus. If your training stimulus is that of anaerobic quick-firing strength type movements with low rep ranges, then you're stimulating your body for more fast-twitch fiber production. If you are training for endurance, then you can put 2 and 2 together and figure it out from there. If i'm using GW for fat loss, but my only training stimulus is that of anerobic exercise, then I am keeping the slow-twitch muscle fiber conversion to an absolute minimum. If I were to throw AICAR in there, i'd end up tipping the favor more towards slow-twitch fiber production than I ideally want.

    Of course, you'll never change what your genetics pre-determine you to have though. If your genetics have determined you to be 90% fast-twitch type, you can train yourself to get better at long-distance jogging, but there's no chance in hell you're going to be as good of a marathon runner as someone who was naturally born into it. It works vice-versa too.

  7. #127
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    Very insightful post. I do love soccer and raquetball but I love vanity more lol. I want more strength and size. Looks like I will not run the aicar. I dosed 20mg GW yesterday morning then 20 more in the afternoon. Not sure if it's my test starting to kick in or the fact I just been in a great mood the last 3 months but I had a great time at work. Did not sweat and I usually do.

  8. #128
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    Trained Back, Biceps, Abs today. Endurance performance effects are really in full swing now, I was able to go from literally exercise to exercise with almost absolutely no rest inbetween at all. My workout today was almost a giant superset. I squeezed off 3 sets of balls-to-the-wall intensity to failure deadlifts in under 8 minutes total:

    355 lbs. for 10 reps to failure, then stripped the weight down to:
    315 lbs. for 4 reps to failure, then stripped the weight down to:
    225 lbs. for 8 reps to failure.

    Banged out all those in under 8 minutes, didn't have to take anywhere nearly as long to catch my breath between sets. Normally after my first heavy heavy set to failure, I sit down and break for a good 4 or 5 minutes. I was so surprised that I was thinking to myself "I know i'm ready to go again, but jeez, maybe I should just force myself to take a longer break anyways".

    Post-workout, I headed home to whip up my post-workout shake and by the time I got my carbs and protein down, hypoglycemic symptoms began to kick in again.

    Sex is now no longer a cardio workout. Quite a miracle when on a tren cycle to boot!

  9. #129
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    How long did it take to kick in? The effects of the endurance. Not sure if it's helping me lose weight. Been taking it for about 5 days now

  10. #130
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    Alright, hypoglycemia sides seem to be really kicking in now... I took my GW dose this morning at 6AM and ate some carbs shortly after that, and then had some protein and more carbs at 8AM. Next meal was at 11:00. About an hour after that meal, hypoglycemia started to happen. I really wish I had a blood glucose checker so I could confirm this for myself... I just might go out and get one. But, I felt cold and clammy, weak, and craving sweets/sugar. And this was only an hour after I ate! I just might have to keep some candies or something sweet on me at all times just to spike blood sugar if this ends up becoming a frequent occurrance!

    Hit a leg workout today (yes, this was DURING my little hypo episode) and OMG I never felt so good once I got home and had my protein shake with simple carbs thrown in. All lifts are up and feeling lighter, so that is definitely a good sign everything else is doing its job on this cycle. Saw a guy during my workout there whom I haven't seen in 5 weeks, pretty much since the start of my cycle, and he told me i'm looking "more jacked" AND "leaner". Things are definitely working and doing their job!

    Will be weighing in and checking bodyfat tomorrow. I am also overall looking leaner in the mirror... slow but steady.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowblowjoe View Post
    How long did it take to kick in? The effects of the endurance. Not sure if it's helping me lose weight. Been taking it for about 5 days now
    From my experience so far, it seems like the fat loss effects of the GW take longer than people originally thought. Its possible that some companies have less potency in their product than others as well. What is your dose?

  12. #132
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    I been doing 15mg but thinking about upping it to 20. The first 3 times I did it it was 20 milligrams

  13. #133
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    I noticed fat loss in the first week. I agree every company is different.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post

    Alright, hypoglycemia sides seem to be really kicking in now... I took my GW dose this morning at 6AM and ate some carbs shortly after that, and then had some protein and more carbs at 8AM. Next meal was at 11:00. About an hour after that meal, hypoglycemia started to happen. I really wish I had a blood glucose checker so I could confirm this for myself... I just might go out and get one. But, I felt cold and clammy, weak, and craving sweets/sugar. And this was only an hour after I ate! I just might have to keep some candies or something sweet on me at all times just to spike blood sugar if this ends up becoming a frequent occurrance!

    Hit a leg workout today (yes, this was DURING my little hypo episode) and OMG I never felt so good once I got home and had my protein shake with simple carbs thrown in. All lifts are up and feeling lighter, so that is definitely a good sign everything else is doing its job on this cycle. Saw a guy during my workout there whom I haven't seen in 5 weeks, pretty much since the start of my cycle, and he told me i'm looking "more jacked" AND "leaner". Things are definitely working and doing their job!

    Will be weighing in and checking bodyfat tomorrow. I am also overall looking leaner in the mirror... slow but steady.
    Good update, thanks brother. I started 3ml (15mg) today. Looking forward to this.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Good update, thanks brother. I started 3ml (15mg) today. Looking forward to this.
    Keep us updated also muscle.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg

    Keep us updated also muscle.
    Will do but don't want to hijack Atomini's great thread!

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    I noticed fat loss in the first week. I agree every company is different.
    Yup, every company and every person's BODY is different too.

    Unfortunately we are not dealing with pharmaceutical grade, we are dealing with research chem grade. So we have to take into account any factors of inaccurate doses, etc. even from bottle to bottle.

  18. #138
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    I know me and tdogg got from same research company. I haven't been taking it too long

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    Yup, every company and every person's BODY is different too.

    Unfortunately we are not dealing with pharmaceutical grade, we are dealing with research chem grade. So we have to take into account any factors of inaccurate doses, etc. even from bottle to bottle.
    That and you are bulking. The fact that you are not gaining fat tells me its working id think. Or its the tren lol.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    That and you are bulking. The fact that you are not gaining fat tells me its working id think. Or its the tren lol.
    This is definitely my thought. I am not gaining much fat at all, considering the caloric intake.

    I'm up 12 lbs as of my weigh-in today!!

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    This is definitely my thought. I am not gaining much fat at all, considering the caloric intake.

    I'm up 12 lbs as of my weigh-in today!!
    12lbs no water no fat. WOW. How long you been in cycle now.

  22. #142
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    I'm assuming there's no water retention, or that it is extremely minimal at the very least... I don't see any water retention, and my cycle is structured as such to not allow any bloating at all, really.

    It's been 5 weeks now. Test Prop 100mg/week, Tren Ace 800mg/week.

    Trensomnia is KILLING ME though. I have to take sleeping pills at this point. I have some on the way...

  23. #143
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    Weigh-in today and I am up 12 lbs. since the start of my cycle, and it is week 5 as of right now. Checked my bodyfat % today and its UP A PERCENT! NOOO! But that's actually not too bad... however, I may have to cut my calories back a bit. I may be eating too much of a caloric suplus on this cycle to expect bodyfat decrease while gaining mass, even with a fat burning compound like GW. I may be tipping the offset towards fat gain while the GW is actually burning fat, but not at a fast enough rate to be able to decrease bodyfat % while all those cals are coming in. I shall decide what I am going to do soon...

  24. #144
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    What's the cheapest way to get your body fat measured and where would you get it

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowblowjoe View Post
    What's the cheapest way to get your body fat measured and where would you get it
    Go to your local walmart and but a pair of calipers(20-30 bucks) and do it yourself.

  26. #146
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    I can't find calipers there, I also checked sports authority and dicks sports

  27. #147
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    ^Buy it online or find some one who has a BODPOD and do that.

  28. #148
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    Even the handheld bodyfat monitors will do... they are accurate +/- a percent or 2. Ideally you'd want high quality calipers though.

  29. #149
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    Ya guess I need to troll amazon and Google

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    Weigh-in today and I am up 12 lbs. since the start of my cycle, and it is week 5 as of right now. Checked my bodyfat % today and its UP A PERCENT! NOOO! But that's actually not too bad... however, I may have to cut my calories back a bit. I may be eating too much of a caloric suplus on this cycle to expect bodyfat decrease while gaining mass, even with a fat burning compound like GW. I may be tipping the offset towards fat gain while the GW is actually burning fat, but not at a fast enough rate to be able to decrease bodyfat % while all those cals are coming in. I shall decide what I am going to do soon...
    Dosed my fourth day today. Other than waking up in a pool of sweat this morning, still too early to see anything. Lol

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Even the handheld bodyfat monitors will do... they are accurate +/- a percent or 2. Ideally you'd want high quality calipers though.
    Really?? I thought this were somewhere between 8-9%, calipers 4-5%, bodpod 1-2% as well as the weight in pool thing. I thought those were the most accurate. Anyways even the scales are good as long as you see progression with whatever you use.

  32. #152
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    Nothing extraordinary to report. Trained back, biceps, abs today. Strength is up in everything likely 99% due to my Trenbolone cycle. This coming week I will be dropping my calories a little lower since I feel i'm not seeing as much fat loss as i'd expect on my little GW run. Things seem to be steady for the most part - not increasing bodyfat % but not decreasing it either. I am also considering upping the dose of my GW... I have a slight feeling my stuff is underdosed. I'm at (what is supposed to be) 20mg per day, which is 4ml per day. I have thoughts of increasing to 6-8ml per day, which would equate to 30-40mg per day. I know it sounds crazy, but I have to toy around with this. That's what this little log is all about, isn't it?

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post

    Nothing extraordinary to report. Trained back, biceps, abs today. Strength is up in everything likely 99% due to my Trenbolone cycle. This coming week I will be dropping my calories a little lower since I feel i'm not seeing as much fat loss as i'd expect on my little GW run. Things seem to be steady for the most part - not increasing bodyfat % but not decreasing it either. I am also considering upping the dose of my GW... I have a slight feeling my stuff is underdosed. I'm at (what is supposed to be) 20mg per day, which is 4ml per day. I have thoughts of increasing to 6-8ml per day, which would equate to 30-40mg per day. I know it sounds crazy, but I have to toy around with this. That's what this little log is all about, isn't it?

    Damn man, I never ran over 20mgs a day. I just split it in two doses. It would of been nice to see you log it on PCT or just by its self.

  34. #154
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    Ill be joing this thread soon. I just bought it..thanks guys

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Damn man, I never ran over 20mgs a day. I just split it in two doses. It would of been nice to see you log it on PCT or just by its self.
    Oh no worries there, I will continue GW use long after this cycle is over so that I can then gauge its effects on its own without anything else to consider.

    Any difference you noticed when you split it into two doses? As i've mentioned, i'm taking all 20mg in the morning upon waking up. Bam.

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor View Post
    Ill be joing this thread soon. I just bought it..thanks guys
    Can't wait to see what happens man. We need everyone who is doing GW to post in this thread so we can compare everything and see how we all react to it.

    Not to mention the difference between the research chem companies that we've all got our stuff from... who knows, maybe one of us got bunk GW from a shitty company. Just saying.

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Oh no worries there, I will continue GW use long after this cycle is over so that I can then gauge its effects on its own without anything else to consider.

    Any difference you noticed when you split it into two doses? As i've mentioned, i'm taking all 20mg in the morning upon waking up. Bam.

    I started at 5mgs for the first two days I believe. Then I upped it to 10mgs, thats when the fat started coming off in the first week. Then in week 2 I split 10mgs first thing in the am and another 10mgs around 3pm. Personally it gave the endurance a bump for my night training. most of the fat came off in the mid section, just like anavar does to me.

  38. #158
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    I've seen a couple of things based upon other logs I have seen:

    1. A log i've viewed a day ago or so, the person actually reported fat loss increasing by a great deal about several months into use. Another log I read, the person reported fat loss 30 days into use.

    2. Some things I have seen are starting to lead me to believe that a lower dose may possibly be more effective for fat loss. I.e. 5mg vs 20mg. I don't understand how this could be the case... it could all just be heresay and brotalk. But it does make me wonder.

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    I've seen a couple of things based upon other logs I have seen:

    1. A log i've viewed a day ago or so, the person actually reported fat loss increasing by a great deal about several months into use. Another log I read, the person reported fat loss 30 days into use.

    2. Some things I have seen are starting to lead me to believe that a lower dose may possibly be more effective for fat loss. I.e. 5mg vs 20mg. I don't understand how this could be the case... it could all just be heresay and brotalk. But it does make me wonder.

    Well, if we have a powder source I will put that to the test lol.

    The people I talked to and things I read all said 5-20mgs. I just finished this cycle and I was debating to just man up and get a bottle and run it at 5mgs while doing my PCT now.

  40. #160
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    Screw it - 100mg tomorrow morning first thing.


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