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  1. #241
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    Yup! Although i've never had a big problem with blood pressure or heart rate, even when using things like Clen or Ephedrine... I don't like the idea of stimulant-based fat burners in high doses. And you always require high doses for fat burning effects. I am ONLY on the search from now on for non-stimulant based fat burners! I have had enough a long time ago with things like Clen, Ephedrine, Albuterol, etc. THOSE things will definitely cause direct effects on the heart and possible problems later on.

  2. #242
    daninho777 is offline New Member
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    While being sort of on the topic. What about the reported effects that GW has on cholesterol and how apparently it can increase HDL. What's your take on that Atomimi?

  3. #243
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Im on the this now A. Ill keep you posted, I started saturday at 20mg ED

  4. #244
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    The biggest thing for me, if you conclued it is as useful as clen ,and all the sides sound like leprecauns dancing on rainbows, I am in! That is if it works. And if it dont, Ill still take a leprechaun home with me too.

  5. #245
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    I think everyone needs to factor in that we are all different. Results will very.

  6. #246
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    Been 1 week since using GW at 40mg/day. No fat loss experienced. With one bottle left, I am halting all administration of GW. I may try running the 3rd bottle at a later date at a much smaller dose, maybe 5-10mg/day. But thus far I conclude the only major benefit of this stuff - for me, anyways - is endurance performance enhancement. I have been unsatisfied with the fat loss properties of it. This is not to say that it may be useless for fat loss, because plenty of other people have reported good and incredible fat loss results on it. There may be a bunch of reasons why mine hasn't worked out as well as other people.

    I do have one friend who just bought GW from the same source I did, and is running it for fat loss. I will be observing his progress compared to mine, but as it stands my major run of GW is now over and this is my final conclusion.

  7. #247
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post

    Been 1 week since using GW at 40mg/day. No fat loss experienced. With one bottle left, I am halting all administration of GW. I may try running the 3rd bottle at a later date at a much smaller dose, maybe 5-10mg/day. But thus far I conclude the only major benefit of this stuff - for me, anyways - is endurance performance enhancement. I have been unsatisfied with the fat loss properties of it. This is not to say that it may be useless for fat loss, because plenty of other people have reported good and incredible fat loss results on it. There may be a bunch of reasons why mine hasn't worked out as well as other people.

    I do have one friend who just bought GW from the same source I did, and is running it for fat loss. I will be observing his progress compared to mine, but as it stands my major run of GW is now over and this is my final conclusion.
    I'm on day 4 no significant change at 30MG ED..

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
    I'm on day 4 no significant change at 30MG ED..

    keep a log. would like to compare.

  9. #249
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    I am on my calendar start date was this past Sunday

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
    I am on my calendar start date was this past Sunday

    i ran 90ml's of it.

  11. #251
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg

    i ran 90ml's of it.
    Any results??

  12. #252
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg

    i ran 90ml's of it.
    Did it work?

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    Any results??

    Yes. I ran it up to 20mg's a day. Fat loss and endurance went way up. For a few days I did sweat alittle more at night, but it stopped. Over all I will run it again, now i have a podwer source and it makes it much cheaper. Way better then clen imo.

  14. #254
    Phased is offline Banned
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    You cycle it right?

  15. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Yes. I ran it up to 20mg's a day. Fat loss and endurance went way up. For a few days I did sweat alittle more at night, but it stopped. Over all I will run it again, now i have a podwer source and it makes it much cheaper. Way better then clen imo.
    This makes me wonder about the quality of a lot of research chem places.

    I'm curious if I got very underdosed or bunk stuff. I'd love to get a raw powder source.

  16. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
    You cycle it right?

    I think its best to take time off from it. No pct is needed though.

  17. #257
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg

    I think its best to take time off from it. No pct is needed though.
    I know that I mean 2on2off?

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    This makes me wonder about the quality of a lot of research chem places.

    I'm curious if I got very underdosed or bunk stuff. I'd love to get a raw powder source.

    PM if you are interested.

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
    I know that I mean 2on2off?

    Oh sorry. I ran it straight through until i ran out.

  20. #260
    Phased is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg

    Oh sorry. I ran it straight through until i ran out.
    How many weeks was that?

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phased View Post
    How many weeks was that?

    well I had 90ml's total. I started at 5mgs per day and ramp up to 20mgs. It lasted a few weeks. think it was 4-5wks I did.

  22. #262
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    Um... am I seeing things, or did Phased JUST get banned literally several seconds ago? lol

  23. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Um... am I seeing things, or did Phased JUST get banned literally several seconds ago? lol

    noway. why???????

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    PM if you are interested.
    t-dogg, PM inbound.

  25. #265
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    any updates??

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by mockery
    any updates??

  27. #267
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    Haha okay, one tiny update:

    I recently about a week ago started using GW again. This time, at 10mg/day. Far lower dose than I was doing before, and.... unless my eyes are playing tricks on me when I look in the mirror, I look like I am getting leaner. I have not taken a bodyfat % check yet, but I am going to do it likely tomorrow and let you all know. I have a feeling that if you go too high on the dose with this stuff, fat loss grinds to a halt. This isn't one of those 'more is better' compounds for sure. I think one needs to find their individual 'sweet spot' with this stuff. That's if what i've been observing is actually what is going on.

  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Haha okay, one tiny update:

    I recently about a week ago started using GW again. This time, at 10mg/day. Far lower dose than I was doing before, and.... unless my eyes are playing tricks on me when I look in the mirror, I look like I am getting leaner. I have not taken a bodyfat % check yet, but I am going to do it likely tomorrow and let you all know. I have a feeling that if you go too high on the dose with this stuff, fat loss grinds to a halt. This isn't one of those 'more is better' compounds for sure. I think one needs to find their individual 'sweet spot' with this stuff. That's if what i've been observing is actually what is going on.

    Did you change sources?

  29. #269
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    Subscribing...I saw this stuff somewhere, 100 5mg tabs for $100. Wasn't sure if I should try it out.

    Maybe if it's good for endurance, it would be better for me to run it on a cut cycle when I'm doing a lot of cardio, since I hate cardio and suck at it.

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Until_It_Sleeps View Post
    Subscribing...I saw this stuff somewhere, 100 5mg tabs for $100. Wasn't sure if I should try it out.

    Maybe if it's good for endurance, it would be better for me to run it on a cut cycle when I'm doing a lot of cardio, since I hate cardio and suck at it.

    It doses imo. I know someone else who uses it with heavy tren doses, and they say it helps alot of cardio for them.

  31. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Did you change sources?
    Nope, same source!

  32. #272
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    Hey atomini mate, thought I'd give you my update, after watching your log each day I almost didn't buy the gw but I thought arrr I'll see how it goes for me. I've been taking 10mgs a day, I'm about 11 days in, I haven't been eating lean I also haven't been active in terms of much exercise at all. I never weighed myself before which I regret but no shit I have lost heaps of weight, I'm seriously astonished on how much I have lost in such a short time, not sure how long the weight loss will last but if it doesn't slow up I won't be coming off. Only sides I found was headaches sometimes but it seems all good. Thought you maybe interested. My missus is about a week in and same story for her. Let me know how you do end up going on this dose

  33. #273
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    Sorry atomini I talk shit, it's about 5 to 6 mgs a day I'm taking

  34. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by hsvcraig
    Sorry atomini I talk shit, it's about 5 to 6 mgs a day I'm taking
    Do you know actual bf loss??

  35. #275
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    Wouldn't have a clue mate but definately a drop in weight, 6 pack is just about completely back again

  36. #276
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    Jesus... all off of 5-10mg per day? PM me what your source for your GW was, i'm curious.

  37. #277
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    From all the reading I've done it just seems to work on some but not others, unless there suppliers are no good

  38. #278
    rsking is offline Junior Member
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    How long after you stop taking it does the effect last?

  39. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by hsvcraig View Post
    From all the reading I've done it just seems to work on some but not others, unless there suppliers are no good
    That could very well be a giant possibility. Only time and clinical studies will tell.

    Quote Originally Posted by rsking View Post
    How long after you stop taking it does the effect last?
    Not that I have noticed myself, but from what I have read, the effects only occur as you use it. Once you stop, the endurance enhancing benefits stop as does fat loss.

  40. #280
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    I personally thought it was a waste of money. I'll stick to albuterol and t3 thank you very much

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