Quote Originally Posted by ma_fighter View Post
Yet another "what cycle will be better for me" question from you?

So you've ditched the:

Prop and Anadrol , which you started
EQ, Deca , and Test
Test, Deca, Anadrol
Test, Tren , Anavar
Test, Tren Ace

or any of the others you've been asking about the last months..
Judging by your questions, you are no where even NEAR being educated enough to even consider doing steroids at all.

Wasnt it you who asked if 2ml of 200mg/ml "gave your body more test" then 1ml 400mg/ml?

Please stop this before you do damage to yourself, spend enough time READING and not asking questions, that you at least grasp the basics of AAS, then read some more..
Completely agree with MA Fighter. You are light years away form doing any type of AAS based on your stats and history here.

I think a little more reading and research would benefit you, particularly for someone your age. Your natural testosterone levels are sky high right now. I would concentrate on taking advantage of that as you can make tremendous gains in following few short years.