Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
Vz I'm not trying to be mean or anything, if your not eating right and eating alot you will not put on much size. I'm only going by the picture you posted, IMO if you been seriously hitting the weights and eating right you should be way farther ahead than in your picture. Just remember, steroids will give you some good strength and if your tendons and ligaments ain't prepared you can injure yourself. If I was you, I would keep eating and training naturally for a while longer. But your a grown man so do what you will, I'm only trying to help you.
I completely understand what you're saying.

I posted on here to receive these kind of posts / advice and I thank you for spending your time giving me your advice.

I am not in a rush to go ahead and dive into the gear, maybe I will wait another 6 months or so and see how it goes from there.