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Thread: Truth and myth about Peptides

  1. #1
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Truth and myth about Peptides

    Hi all, so I’m looking for info about peptides, and the only I can find, are very mixed reviews about them.
    Some say GHRH + GHRP are the real deal, other say, its not even close to real synthetic HGH.
    Other say, IGF-1 LR3 will give extreme lean gains, other say all water retention, and other say, only fat loss.
    About the sides:
    Some say the Nickolaus belly, of Colemann and the most Mr. Olympia, is due to high concentration IGF-1 receptor in the intestins, other say, its HGH gut, and only HGH makes organs to grow.
    I also read, the gut is produced by insulin abuse, and very high carbs diet, that makes visceral fat come out.
    In my personal experience, I have sometimes the gut, especially when I drink orange-juice, my belly (intestins) goes bloated by air, so its similar to intestine growth…
    Last but not least, If you ask them directly (MR. Olympia), they will tell you they never touched steroids , and the big gut is due heavy abs training hahaha.
    And the cancer growth, here too, some say its only HGH, other IGF-1, other both.
    About availability:
    IGF-1 LR3 is easy available, even our sponsor AR-R has it for a good price, but why do many say, its quiet impossible to get, and the real deal is about 400$ for 1mg???
    And some say reconstruction is ok with BA, other say, it’s a waste of peptide, you nead AA at least.
    There is no real serious Info about that…

  2. #2
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Still looking for the holy grail?

  3. #3
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    no, the holy grail is test, tren , masteron and dbol with a good diet.
    I'm looking for bridrge cycles without bothering my endo system
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  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX
    no, the holy grail is a good diet. I already screwed my endo system
    Fixed that for you Andrea
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  5. #5
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    hahaha funny!!! I don't think my endosystem is screwed.
    but it could be anytime soon, if I go on abusing steroids . that's why I want to change things

  6. #6
    xSirMartyrX is offline New Member
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    Change things? If you are abusing steroids , you will also abuse HGH or peptides and end up ****ing up yourself. If you were not growing naturally, you are wasting your time using AAS.

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
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    Juced_Porkchop can help you, but only if you don't drive him crazy.
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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  8. #8
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Juiced Porkchop... hmmmm... ok thanks Austinite, don't worry, I won't drive him crazy, I never do that.
    I only search for informations

  9. #9
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Juced_Porkchop can help you, but only if you don't drive him crazy.
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Juiced Porkchop... hmmmm... ok thanks Austinite, don't worry, I won't drive him crazy, I never do that.
    I only search for informations

    no worries.
    It seems thought hat you do not fully understand peptides and need ot do alot more research on them and the subject overall. here is a thread i made a while back, not very complete and some maybe even out fo date, but it will help you to look over i think>*.html

    now to your first post, soem will be op/exp people have, some fact. as not all pepditde ( or much at all really) have been legally tested on humans.

    first off the AA for igf1 is a myth and based off miss understanding, maybe "waterless" aa, but not the 0.5-0.7% AA BS you see blasted across the forums, i dont wish to get into it yet again though.. you wont find ANY documentaion onf aa used for peptides. there is a couple where they used WATERLESS AA to mix peptide during research, but that was not on humans and im sure you would eb screaming from pain if you did try it. a chemist told me ( yes a real one i asked about this because i fell for it also long ago) told me he knows sometimes they will use waterless AA when bac water or other solutions are out, but not that they would go out of their way to use it. show me ONE study with NORMAL AA EVER EVEN USED in a study,, and i will owe you a million bucks! haha
    " Glacial acetic acid is a trivial name for water-free (anhydrous) acetic acid. Similar to the German name Eisessig (ice-vinegar), the name comes from the ice-like crystals that form slightly below room temperature at 16.6 °C (61.9 °F) (the presence of 0.1% water lowers its melting point by 0.2 °C).[11]

    A common abbreviation for acetic acid is AcOH, where Ac stands for the acetyl group CH3−C(=O)−. Acetate (CH3COO–) is abbreviated AcO–. The Ac is not to be confused with the abbreviation for the chemical element actinium.[12]": > Acetic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    now for igf1 or hgh causing gut growth... hgh breaks down in liver into IGF1... so im sure you can peace those together that both may possibly have this effect over time.

    Peptides can be a big help but if you think 14 weeks of peptide will give yout he same noticed muscle growth as 14 weeks of high test cycle... you are wrong, but ( IMO) long term you may result with much more muscle growth using both peptides and aas then just aas alone.

    ARR does NOT sell fake products! the igf1lr3 is good, but i have recently used ( up to last week actually) the IGF1 Des and it is actually very nice, i like 15-20mcg pinned 2x a day for say 4-6 weeks.

    ghrp and cjc/mod grf 1-29 are a VERY good stack. even better with some added hgh..

    Hope some of this helps.. good luck on your learning! :-)

  10. #10
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Only one way to find out!

  11. #11
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks Juced Porkchop, I will try it out, even it wont do a thing. I’ll start with some IGF-1 LR3 subQ after workout, wont do bilateral injections, because, I won’t stay high at dose, will start with 50mcg. And anyways, I hate localized growth. If it works, I’ll do 4 weeks on, 4 off, and 4 on again, and maybe I’ll throw in some ghrp6 + mod grf until next AAS cycle.
    And my goal is not to have the amazing recomp of AAS, I know its not the case with peptides, but maintain a good muscle/fat ratio.
    In some forums, they say GHRP + GHRH, will only produce a maximum of 5 UI of HGH… It’s a very small dose, I think its not even anabolic

  12. #12
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Thanks Juced Porkchop, I will try it out, even it wont do a thing. I’ll start with some IGF-1 LR3 subQ after workout, wont do bilateral injections, because, I won’t stay high at dose, will start with 50mcg. And anyways, I hate localized growth. If it works, I’ll do 4 weeks on, 4 off, and 4 on again, and maybe I’ll throw in some ghrp6 + mod grf until next AAS cycle.
    And my goal is not to have the amazing recomp of AAS, I know its not the case with peptides, but maintain a good muscle/fat ratio.
    In some forums, they say GHRP + GHRH, will only produce a maximum of 5 UI of HGH… It’s a very small dose, I think its not even anabolic…
    no prob. wait 1-2 hrs after workout to pin the igf1, let your body's own growths factors have a shot at doing there job ( why i dont rec igf1 pre-WO or right after.. and "starting at" 50mcg? i only rec 30-70 mcg period ... so not sure how high you plan to go but i would stay at 50mcg imo. and i also only do subq myself. and local growth with is bs-insignificant IMO.

    that for 4-6 weeks should help.

  13. #13
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    ok, yes my plan was 4 weeks on 4 weeks off, but is it a 5 day on and 2 day off scedule?? because I only WO 5 days a week. i'd pin 1-2 hours after WO 50mcg.

  14. #14
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    there is a lot of hype with peptides, only some of them deliver.

    I took ghrp 6 and cjc1295 for a year, and minimal/moderate results. the monthly cost was around $150. comes to almost $2k for the year. i suspect that price has went up since 2 years ago, though.

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
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    There is NO alternative to hgh, its all hype and any gains will be lost after you stop the peps. I don't know anyone who continued to use them who has used hgh for any length of time. Poor man's gh lol

  16. #16
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    ok, IGF-1 should be a bit stronger then cjc and ghrp.
    That’s why I’m more atracted from IGF-1.
    I have an IDEA! Does it make any sense to pin after workout bilateral in legs?? Because legs are the weakest muscle I have, and If there’s a site where I could tolerate localized growth, are legs.
    Now, the question is, If I train shoulders for example, will I get better results by injecting subq, or bilateral in legs??

  17. #17
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    another question: AR-R does not ship Acetic Acid... where can I find it??

  18. #18
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    You dont need to use acetic acid thats nonsense. Use Bac water.

  19. #19
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    no, I'm reading in every forum, AA is a must, because in bac water, IGF-1 won't last more than 48h. Some say that preload with bac water the whole vial into syringes, and put them in the freezer, will do the trick. but I prefer to do it right. where to get AA???

  20. #20
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    another question: AR-R does not ship Acetic Acid... where can I find it??
    Didnt you read my post above?
    AA is not needed and is a misunderstood myth. My post above mentions it... here is my post with that part highlighted:

    no worries.
    It seems thought hat you do not fully understand peptides and need ot do alot more research on them and the subject overall. here is a thread i made a while back, not very complete and some maybe even out fo date, but it will help you to look over i think>*.html

    now to your first post, soem will be op/exp people have, some fact. as not all pepditde ( or much at all really) have been legally tested on humans.

    first off the AA for igf1 is a myth and based off miss understanding, maybe "waterless" aa, but not the 0.5-0.7% AA BS you see blasted across the forums, i dont wish to get into it yet again though.. you wont find ANY documentaion onf aa used for peptides. there is a couple where they used WATERLESS AA to mix peptide during research, but that was not on humans and im sure you would eb screaming from pain if you did try it. a chemist told me ( yes a real one i asked about this because i fell for it also long ago) told me he knows sometimes they will use waterless AA when bac water or other solutions are out, but not that they would go out of their way to use it. show me ONE study with NORMAL AA EVER EVEN USED in a study,, and i will owe you a million bucks! haha
    " Glacial acetic acid is a trivial name for water-free (anhydrous) acetic acid. Similar to the German name Eisessig (ice-vinegar), the name comes from the ice-like crystals that form slightly below room temperature at 16.6 °C (61.9 °F) (the presence of 0.1% water lowers its melting point by 0.2 °C).[11]

    A common abbreviation for acetic acid is AcOH, where Ac stands for the acetyl group CH3−C(=O)−. Acetate (CH3COO–) is abbreviated AcO–. The Ac is not to be confused with the abbreviation for the chemical element actinium.[12]": > Acetic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    now for igf1 or hgh causing gut growth... hgh breaks down in liver into IGF1... so im sure you can peace those together that both may possibly have this effect over time.

    Peptides can be a big help but if you think 14 weeks of peptide will give yout he same noticed muscle growth as 14 weeks of high test cycle... you are wrong, but ( IMO) long term you may result with much more muscle growth using both peptides and aas then just aas alone.

    ARR does NOT sell fake products! the igf1lr3 is good, but i have recently used ( up to last week actually) the IGF1 Des and it is actually very nice, i like 15-20mcg pinned 2x a day for say 4-6 weeks.

    ghrp and cjc/mod grf 1-29 are a VERY good stack. even better with some added hgh..

    Hope some of this helps.. good luck on your learning! :-)

  21. #21
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    no, I'm reading in every forum, AA is a must, because in bac water, IGF-1 won't last more than 48h. Some say that preload with bac water the whole vial into syringes, and put them in the freezer, will do the trick. but I prefer to do it right. where to get AA???
    show me ONE, just ONE study using AA... look i know its hard to believe when soomany forums say AA. ask them WERE they got that info from.. it will be either a post they saw or a peptide shop that jumpped on board with the whole aa thing because they dont know any better.
    48hr? show me one document showing that OR that AA does anything. it my even HURT your peptide, not help it , for all we know...

    when "brology or brolocig" spreads on forums it spreads fast and is parroted by people non stop when they do not even understand why they belive it other then they were told that....

    do what you want.. but I use bac water now not aa and it dosnt burn like aa..
    yes you should use igf1 fairly quickly.. it will degrade, but AA dont be a saver..

  22. #22
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    put in freezer? after mixed? water contracts and expands when frozen,,, this can damage peptide... only freez powderd peps IF you are keeping them for months on end, otherwise keep even that in fridge, aqnd if in freezer make sure it doesnt have freeze/ thaws cycle on..... once mixed keep in fridge...
    will it work if you freez it? sure.. but not optimal imo
    i would rec putting mix with bac water then freezing in pins then using aa, but woul rec bac water and keep in fridge over the rest..

  23. #23
    stevelifts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post
    AA is not needed and is a misunderstood myth.
    This. Its total broscience. Someone misinterpreted a study and has people using this crap that burns like heck for no reason. Use Bacteriostatic Water my friend.
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  24. #24
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    ok, just ordered IGF-1 LR3 + 10ml NaCl by AR-R , and something got wrong. they charged the money in my bank account but the order was not completed. I hope they will help me out.
    If I can't find AA I'll do it without, but if I can find it, why risk???

  25. #25
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    ok, just ordered IGF-1 LR3 + 10ml NaCl by AR-R , and something got wrong. they charged the money in my bank account but the order was not completed. I hope they will help me out.
    If I can't find AA I'll do it without, but if I can find it, why risk???
    Contact arr, I never had an issue, but I am sure they will be quick to help. shoot an email to them.

    also , what do you mean by " why risk" ? for all you know the aa will damage the peptide more then help it.... i already told you it is not the same AA as HAS been used in research ( which was NOT related to shelf life, just what they had, not optimal in most cases). Nac or Bac water has, is known to be use din peptides.. I dont blame you, many say aa. but NEVER ONCE have a seen a document, its always been some one told em.... after i talked to people int he field they actually make this stuff or are general chemists,, it became clear its BS across the net.. hey the pep still seemed to work... but ill do bac/Nac water from now on..

    anyway I like arr's igf1lr3 and Des, i think I am leaning more to Des now i think, but need to pin 2X a day imo.

  26. #26
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    yeah just contacted them, hope they'll help me out. will use NaCl, read it has at least 2 weeks life.
    So freezing syringes, bad idea huh? Maybe what they want to say is that with BAC water, IGF-1 peptides will start to degrade in a certain manner, maybe they won't die, but they will be far less effective after some time.
    But if AR-R doesn't sell IGF-1 with AA, it means that there should be no problem with NaCl, they'd be stupid to sell something that expensive, and have to hear from customers its bad because its fake, although its real, but it died straight after the 2nd day because of wrong mixing. they should be the first to advice to use AA.
    Anyways, hope I'll get my IGF-1 ASAP, so I'll tell you if it died after 48h, or 2 weeks or whatever...
    This summer I reconstruited Melanotan II with bac water, and It was same efective after 1 month... but maybe melanotan is a different peptide, nothing to do with IGF-1.

  27. #27
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    yeah just contacted them, hope they'll help me out. will use NaCl, read it has at least 2 weeks life.
    So freezing syringes, bad idea huh? Maybe what they want to say is that with BAC water, IGF-1 peptides will start to degrade in a certain manner, maybe they won't die, but they will be far less effective after some time.
    But if AR-R doesn't sell IGF-1 with AA, it means that there should be no problem with NaCl, they'd be stupid to sell something that expensive, and have to hear from customers its bad because its fake, although its real, but it died straight after the 2nd day because of wrong mixing. they should be the first to advice to use AA.
    Anyways, hope I'll get my IGF-1 ASAP, so I'll tell you if it died after 48h, or 2 weeks or whatever...
    This summer I reconstruited Melanotan II with bac water, and It was same efective after 1 month... but maybe melanotan is a different peptide, nothing to do with IGF-1.
    yeah i have used igf1 for 2 or 3 weeks after mixing and didnt notice much diff, yes it will start to degrade after a few days but thats the game, dosn't mean its worthless. and aa wont preserve it any better. imo
    i agree with MT2, it is more stable then igf1 though, but i have had MT2 mixed for months and still have it work ( i try not to push more then 3 months though)

  28. #28
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    if you are going to have it for a long time mixed you can try the pre-filled freez thing, i know some that do it and they say it still works, so you could try both ways and see how you feel about it.. but in normal case i rec mix and use, and try to use it within a few weeks.

  29. #29
    likelifting is offline Senior Member
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    My Ipam and mod grf 1-29 are both 2mg so I only get 1cc per vial. So thats 10 doses, 3 days. No need to freeze for me.

    Some of the peps are less stable than other, iirc, so I would avoid anything other than reconstituting, loading and pinning a refrigerated pep.

  30. #30
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks Porkchop!
    I’ll do a 4 weeks run, so after reconstruction, it will stay 4 weeks in the fridge.
    I’ll do 50mcg after workout, I workout 5 days a week so it will be 5 days on 2 days off, 250mcg a week.
    I’m thinking about freezing precharged pins. Hope that freezed hormone won’t die.
    I’m thinking too, to pin IM instead of pinning subq.
    My question about that is: what is more efficient for muscle growth, subQ or IM (not localized growth intended, but IM like in the legs or glutes)??
    Whats about the IGF Gut? IM will help not getting the gut? I think its all BS, I mean, for logic, IGF-1 LR3 has an halflife of 20h so either you pin IM or subq, you’ll have IGF-1 in your bloodstream for a long time.
    So intestine receptor won’t get less amount IM instead of subQ, different than DES, that has some 10-20min halflife, so maybe there’s no time to get in bloodstream and go straight to intestine, and maybe, localized growth is more possible. That’s my thinking, am I wrong??

  31. #31
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Hi all,
    So I got my IGF-1 LR3, not from ARR because it did not work. Got it from ****.
    I do not have any Acetic Acid, and I think, I won’t find some soon, so I’ll stick to freeze precharged pins with bac.
    I read in german forums, that at 20mcg /day and above, receptors will get saturated very soon. They plan to do 13mcg E3D, to maintain their receptors fresh.
    My Idea was to to it like follow:
    Week 1: 25mcg PWO
    Week 2: 50mcg PWO
    Week 3: 50mcg PWO
    Week 4: 75mcg PWO

    To get receptors saturated as slow as possible, and then at week 4 where they should be very saturated, upper the dose, to get some benefit.
    How does it sounds???
    Last edited by XxAndreaxX; 11-06-2013 at 03:30 AM.

  32. #32
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    ^^^please edit your post. You cannot post outside vendors here. Thakns Bro....

  33. #33
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Ok edited, sorry, thaught being legal, that wouldn’t be a problem.
    Just precharged the 20 pins, according to the cycle above 25-50-50-75, and stored in the freezer.
    Yesterday I pinned 25mcg subq before workout (only for experiment), and must say, I felt something more than placebo.
    I felt a little bit missing in my head, a definately more power at the beginning of workout, and less power at the end, less rest time (maybe that’s why less power), first time I had no pain at all in my tricepts, and the strangest thing I saw something like white floating points after doing a set.
    Slept very good, and gained 5 kg right after pin,…. Haha the last thing was obviously BS!!!
    After workout I pinned another 25mcg.

  34. #34
    ruiribeiro07 is offline New Member
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    Has anyone at all heard of Nawal Pharma??

  35. #35
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Forgot to say, I did not experience the famous crazy pumps everyone talks about, and today I feel my muscles more sore than normal…
    When should I feel the pumps?? When should I start to feel numb hands? When should I start looking like Jay Cutler??

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Forgot to say, I did not experience the famous crazy pumps everyone talks about, and today I feel my muscles more sore than normal…
    When should I feel the pumps?? When should I start to feel numb hands? When should I start looking like Jay Cutler??

  37. #37
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    lol I have done a great deal of research on several different peptides and I know for a fact due to the research rat that I used them on and I know the good ones and what they will do They are very good and a certain one is as near to HGH as you will get and not stop your Putitery from producing the real stuff

    Guess what I know the exact propper dose and when to take and what combo to use !

    Also I know great on line sources for research products and discount codes

    Also guess what I would not tell you one thing because you are a joke and why waste a good product on the walking dead or the joke of the forum that is just 20 less vial a responsible person would be able to get and use and your 4 on and 4 off theory is BS !

    Juiced Jork Chop why you want to ness with this retard like that AA is one painful recontistution liquid and he doesn't need any more help commiting his on death he will eith run out of lies or die from abuse and we will not have a joke any more I am loving life on TRT turbo charged and have done extensive study on peptides and some of the guys in one of the gyms close to me did a 6 mtm cycle of research on 3 /4 alternating 2 and 6 by using 2 during day time and 6 at might and they got huge eating clean and training hard I was absolutly amazed and thanks to Times Roman i am a peptide enthusist I think they is a year round use for them and never stop when the correct combo is used they offer great and visiable results to real people and offer nothing to trolls

    So andrea go suck a garden hose if younpaid me $500.00 I would tech you no $5000.00 no never mind I changed my mind why waste the time . . . . lol !

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    Sorry guys had to post to change my post count from that #

    Worth nothing just can't live with that post count ! Sorry and excuse me ! Thanks and just think Andrea I know everthing you want to know but I will not tell you !

  39. #39
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Forgot to say, I did not experience the famous crazy pumps everyone talks about, and today I feel my muscles more sore than normal…
    When should I feel the pumps?? When should I start to feel numb hands? When should I start looking like Jay Cutler??
    When you photo shop another pic and put your head on is body nyour body will never look like anything more than a freaky peter puffer !

  40. #40
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Ok edited, sorry, thaught being legal, that wouldn’t be a problem.
    Just precharged the 20 pins, according to the cycle above 25-50-50-75, and stored in the freezer.
    Yesterday I pinned 25mcg subq before workout (only for experiment), and must say, I felt something more than placebo.
    I felt a little bit missing in my head , a definately more power at the beginning of workout, and less power at the end, less rest time (maybe that’s why less power), first time I had no pain at all in my tricepts, and the strangest thing I saw something like white floating points after doing a set.
    Slept very good, and gained 5 kg right after pin,…. Haha the last thing was obviously BS!!!
    After workout I pinned another 25mcg.
    Sounds like same ole Fkd Up U 2 ME !
    babydoll7 likes this.

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