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Thread: I tried Dnp

  1. #1
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    I tried Dnp

    250 mg, After 5 days the sides kicked in and you know theres poison in your body, stopped taking it, Im already a depression case so cant deal with the added misery, was wondering would there be anyway to cheat the system, take for 4 days and stop when the sides kick in then 4 days off maybe?, I know you guys are all againts it and after taking it I would agree with you 100% but could taking it 4 days on 4 days off be effective to loose some fat?

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    May I ask why are you taking it?

    Summer holidays are still far a away, you have time to make a slow controlled diet and exercise, before showing off your abs at the beach.

  3. #3
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Was just looking to try it, Im not a weight lifter or a dedicated gym person was going to the gym every second day, dont eat much just have shit metabolisom Iv always just been slightly over weight never been thin before so thought I could use dnp casually at a low dose but its just not worth it, first 5 days nothing although it was working then it kicks in and you know you have ingested poison could the 4 days on few days off work?

  4. #4
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Never tried DNP and never will.
    And I would really advice against it.

    If you're dead set on using it, then I'd think a low dose, or the "lowish" 250mg 5 days on 5 days off would work yes, because the half life of DNP is over 24 hours, and during the 5 days off you'd still have a higher metabolism most of the days, it should also be safer as it would prevent accumulation.

    Whether it's worth it as a fat loss agent, no idea, but would think there would be many other options that would be safer and quite effective.

    Problem is if your diet and training sucks, then any fat loss during DNP or any other agent will be negated once metabolism is back to normal, and perhaps even worse, as you may have lost some muscle tissue as well which would slow metabolism further.
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  5. #5
    Marcus G's Avatar
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    The half is believed to be 36 hours so taking it 4 days on then 4 off would still lose fat. Is it worth it probably not but that's something for you to decide
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    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Was just looking to try it, Im not a weight lifter or a dedicated gym person was going to the gym every second day, dont eat much just have shit metabolisom Iv always just been slightly over weight never been thin before so thought I could use dnp casually at a low dose but its just not worth it, first 5 days nothing although it was working then it kicks in and you know you have ingested poison could the 4 days on few days off work?
    M8 just toss it then, ppl have died from it.

    There are healthy ways to drop fat, taking DNP is opposite.

    Sorry but pills are not a substitute for hard work. If you think you have a have a shitty metabolism, do some bloodwork to your thyroid and testosterone .
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  7. #7
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Thank you for the replys, I was gonna toss it it literally is poison, only got 25 caps, I might finish it out 4 days on 3 days off and if I still feel poisoned then forget about it.

  8. #8
    Nephets's Avatar
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    Dump it now. Figuring out how your body works eating certain foods and training a certain way is 90% or the journey. What they are trying to tell you is if you don't spent the time figuring out how your body works/reacts you will put it all back once you stop. Stop the quick fixes and spend some time learning about yourself. Visit the diet and training sections and get yourself on the right path. This is a long term game. No room for quick fixes. Good luck. Don't hurt yourself.
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  9. #9
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Weird, I usually weigh around 13 1/2 stone I weighed myself last week when I was on dnp , I was 14 stone, weighed myself there and im between 13 1/2 to 13 3/4, water retention or?, I heard you don't see any weight loss until a week off dnp, dont know if Ill ever bother going back on it, just thought I would post this.

  10. #10
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Weird, I usually weigh around 13 1/2 stone I weighed myself last week when I was on dnp, I was 14 stone, weighed myself there and im between 13 1/2 to 13 3/4, water retention or?, I heard you don't see any weight loss until a week off dnp, dont know if Ill ever bother going back on it, just thought I would post this.
    You must be desperate to lose weight real fast so much as too poison yourself.People have told you over and over how dangerous that stuff is.And your reply is I only got 25 so I may as well finish it out.Now if you didn't want the truth why did you bother to ask? We can only help people who want to listen and take advice.You already knew wat you were going to due before you asked so why bother asking?
    Nogbad the bad likes this.

  11. #11
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    I didnt ask anything other then doing it 4 days on 3 days out, If you have read the full thread Iv stated that I know from taking it it is actual poison, I was merely updating the thread with the fact while on dnp my weight increased to 14 stone while been 13 and a half before and now Im back to that.

  12. #12
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    I've really never looked into cycling DNP for obvious reasons. I do not know the protocol but if you MUST take it would sides be less harsh if taken EOD rather than ED. From what I have read above the half-life is up to 3 days. Wish I knew more ta help ya out. Good luck.

  13. #13
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    So basically you know it is poison. You say it is poison. It's documented people have died from it. But..... but you want to finish off what is left. You have lost your mind. Try this go to the diet/nutrition section post everything you ate yesterday. Ask for help. Excercise. Do cardio. For Gods sake throw that shit away.
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  14. #14
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Water retention is common on DNP . Users typically say the look better 7-10 days after they finish DNP, when water is lost and muscles are fuller, as they get flat on DNP.
    And to repeat; I've never used DNP, and never will, and would advice anyone to stay away from it.

  15. #15
    tice1212's Avatar
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    Honestly ur a big boy ur going to do what u want but u said it urself "it's poison" and u don't train enough and eat like sh*t when u do eat. Drop the dnp and do 75mcg of t3. Done

  16. #16
    Nephets's Avatar
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    the fact that you're willing to take a little bit of poison to lose weight faster baffles me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nephets View Post
    the fact that you're willing to take a little bit of poison to lose weight faster baffles me.
    Bro people will do anything to look good. I mean that's why we're all here. We want to look good by using things that can hurt us in the long run if not now. It's a sickness that we all deal with. But I see what ur saying lol

  18. #18
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    You're 5-9 and 189 lbs. you don't need a magic pill you need sweat and hard work. And a better diet. I'm 5-11 @ 206 lbs. I put my time in every day.

  19. #19
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Im not a weight lifter, I dont spend hours in the gym just to look good, the post was I tried DNP not Im all for it, DNP is the equvilent of living in a sauna 24 7, past week I tried 250 mg every other day, the heat is perfectly fine its like a mild curry but still feeling sick to the point I cant go to the gym so ya its not worth it, I was looking to take a low dose long term to loose the fat over a couple of months, if I take 250mg eod that should equate to a 25% increase in metabalisom, I might wait out the week and see if theres been any loss of fat, if I wasnt feeling sick from it Id stick with it.

  20. #20
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Im not a weight lifter, I dont spend hours in the gym just to look good, the post was I tried DNP not Im all for it, DNP is the equvilent of living in a sauna 24 7, past week I tried 250 mg every other day, the heat is perfectly fine its like a mild curry but still feeling sick to the point I cant go to the gym so ya its not worth it, I was looking to take a low dose long term to loose the fat over a couple of months, if I take 250mg eod that should equate to a 25% increase in metabalisom, I might wait out the week and see if theres been any loss of fat, if I wasnt feeling sick from it Id stick with it.

    No your post was, is there a way to cheat the system 4 on 4 days off. So you continued to take it and feel like shit. Now you say if there has been fat lose you may continue. You're going to learn a hard lesson.

  21. #21
    krugerr's Avatar
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    Because I'm that kinda guy, I looked up a protocol and ran the math at a 36 hour halflife.

    The column showing 64% is the remaining dose after 24hours. Ignore this. It was used for calculations.

    Your concern is the dose, and how much is left after each day.

    250mg after one day is 161mg in the blood.
    250mg after two days is 354mg in the blood.

    The first 5 days gets you close to saturation.
    The next 5 days you get diminishing additional increases to blood levels. That's just how half-lives work.

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  22. #22
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Sadly the ppl who run DNP gain the weight back plus.

    There's no short cuts. I know because I have tried to find them, done some stupid stuff (not DNP) and the weight finds it way back when I stop eating healthy and working out or start drinking my favorite wine.

    If you are trying to bust through a plateau, perhaps try carb cycling, Incorporate hitt, etc.
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  23. #23
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    I guess my point was. With EOD dosing you're missing the point of using a compound effectively.

    You've also entirely glossed over the advice given to you in this thread. You do not need DNP .

    Some basic exercise and removing some crap from your daily diet would make the changes you're after.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  24. #24
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    I finished the week just to see and Iv lost almost 3 quarters of a stone, the scales might be broken but that's what it says, I was gonna toss it but now I'm thinking of staying on it, the only problem is the nausea, is there any specific anti oxidants I can get for that?, the heats not a problem its mild its just the sickness, cant go to the gym or do much else like that, wouldn't mind staying on it as long as its not making me sick, I appreciate everyone's input but there's no point in scorning me any further for using it, I know what it is and in fairness I'm on the lowest dose possible I'm not going to die from it.

    Updated, delighted with the loss, I was gonna dump it till I checked the scale, 2 hours after taking it feel really sick, um might be cuz Iv ingested poison, gonna try holland and barret for a strong anti oxidant tomorrow, how come most guys just get the heat sides and not the sickness?, if it was just mild heat then no problem.
    Last edited by edmundo22; 01-19-2017 at 06:28 PM.

  25. #25
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Ok, thanks for sharing anyway.
    Could u give us an update in a couple of weeks time (or regularly until then),
    of how it goes? I mean, most of us suspects you'll regain pretty much all the fat u lost. It would be interesting to see if this is the case or not with you.

    Not sure any anti oxidant will prevent feeling sick, but using some shouldn't hurt either. I suspect that to control nausea you'll need anti emetic medication, and I don't know if that will interact with the DNP .

  26. #26
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Ok, thanks for sharing anyway.
    Could u give us an update in a couple of weeks time (or regularly until then),
    of how it goes? I mean, most of us suspects you'll regain pretty much all the fat u lost. It would be interesting to see if this is the case or not with you.

    Not sure any anti oxidant will prevent feeling sick, but using some shouldn't hurt either. I suspect that to control nausea you'll need anti emetic medication, and I don't know if that will interact with the DNP.
    I think you should just toss it. You know you can put the work In and lose all the weight on your own. I would even say throw in a fat burner and work your ass off. Unlike anabolics where it enhances your ability to do things. Dnp does the work for you. If that doesn't count as sheer laziness then I don't know what is. Sorry if any offence was given but I don't think you should risk your life ingesting "poison" from an unregulated source to lose a bit of fat.

  27. #27
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Let's focus on the fact that DNP is a very dangerous compound that should not be used lightly, or in most cases, not at all. All these posts about being lazy I think we can put to rest. If anyone was offered a pill that would make you look like Phil Heath in one year most would take it, simple as that. Anyone stating anything else is simply not being honest with themselves.
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    I think you should just toss it. You know you can put the work In and lose all the weight on your own. I would even say throw in a fat burner and work your ass off. Unlike anabolics where it enhances your ability to do things. Dnp does the work for you. If that doesn't count as sheer laziness then I don't know what is. Sorry if any offence was given but I don't think you should risk your life ingesting "poison" from an unregulated source to lose a bit of fat.
    Well said! And if anyone can do it DocT is one of em!

  29. #29
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Well said! And if anyone can do it DocT is one of em!
    While i got no love for DNP I'm very careful to judge.
    I think we've all stressed that DNP is dangerous, even to the point that I could say it's reckless just to use it. But I don't think bashing anyone serves anything else than to make them leave this site and post on another about their DNP use, and I've seen some places where they have utterly no regard for the dangers of DNP. I've actually read statements like "as long as I don't go over 1gram it's harmless" and the like. 1G is dangerously close to an OD, and they don't account for unknown reactions either.

    So I'll advice anyone to stay clear of it, and the only ones I can possibly think would have any (theoretical) use for DNP are the ones headed for gastric bypass surgery.

    But once someone is committed to doing it, all we can do is try to focus on advice towards alternative strategies and follow up whether it actually works in the long run, and to what extent, and see if not other strategies would have yielded even better results overall with less risk.

    He has chosen to use it and won't be dismayed,
    so I would be interested to see what actual benefits he gets, short and long term. And remember, weight loss is easy, fat loss not so much.

  30. #30
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Cant do dnp anymore, tried eod, it was horrible, tried working out on dnp it was almost impossible, this week after 3 days off I was going to try three or four days on and three days off, I suffer from depression and since taking dnp I haven't been able to fight my lows and get myself back up, regular people have a hard time on DNP so probably way worse with depression, can anyone put me up on HCG or T3 I read an article saying you can loose a pound a day on HCG is that true?, cuz that's the same amount on DNP.
    Last edited by edmundo22; 01-24-2017 at 09:20 AM.

  31. #31
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Cant do dnp anymore, tried eod, it was horrible, tried working out on dnp it was almost impossible, this week after 3 days off I was going to try three or four days on and three days off, I suffer from depression and since taking dnp I haven't been able to fight my lows and get myself back up, regular people have a hard time on DNP so probably way worse with depression, can anyone put me up on HCG or T3 I read an article saying you can loose a pound a day on HCG is that true?, cuz that's the same amount on DNP.
    How about eating less and increasing intensity in your workouts? Forget about HCG for weight loss and T3 burns muscle and fat, indiscriminately so it should not be done without Test. You seem, no offense, a bit desperate, which I can truly empathize with but you need to, I think, reevaluate how you go about this. Why not join us in the Nutrition Section and post your diet?

  32. #32
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    How about eating less and increasing intensity in your workouts? Forget about HCG for weight loss and T3 burns muscle and fat, indiscriminately so it should not be done without Test. You seem, no offense, a bit desperate, which I can truly empathize with but you need to, I think, reevaluate how you go about this. Why not join us in the Nutrition Section and post your diet?
    I eat once a day, I don't try to eat once a day to loose weight, Its just I'm barely hungry once a day and I never eat shit food and still have a big gut, I'm not desperate, I'm at my mid 30s so even before I had shit metabolism now its probably just even worse, my brother eats three times as much as me and as always been thin, I just thought I could take dnp low dose long term and loose the fat gradually as a treat to myself but the sides are still horrible you cant function on it, I'm on day two of dnp four days on and three days off, might as well try one last time to see if the four days on three off cause the bad sides and if there's any weight lost, to be honest I feel alright on day two, its depression that I'm struggling with more than anything else and probably the reason I don't shift any fat in the first place, on my way to the gym now.

  33. #33
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    I flushed the DNP , couldn't work out with no energy, had enough of it, can anyone school me on HCG or T3?

  34. #34
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    I flushed the DNP, couldn't work out with no energy, had enough of it, can anyone school me on HCG or T3?
    How about diet and diet with HIT training? We can help you with that. All day long. Interested?
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  35. #35
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    Do you have a cardio routine?
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  36. #36
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    I do ten minutes on the thread mill flat out till I'm in a sweat, then I do bench barbell push ups and then some arm curls, like I said Im not a dedicated gym person I'm not really into it, just an average joe in that department, my diet is I eat once a day and I never eat shit food but not necessarily lean chicken or greens , I was just looking for a fat burner that would work without bad sides, just wanted to treat myself as I'm entering my mid 30's which is already depressing as fuck, I think the dnp was making my depression a lot worse, still kinda in a hole, takes 3 days to get it out of the system, thanks for everyone input, I tried dnp and it was absolutely horrible, lesson learned.

  37. #37
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    Try some research here....WORKOUT AND TRAINING

  38. #38
    Auscraig is offline New Member
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    I have used DNP a lot.
    Extremely effective. The side effects are no worse than other products we all use. Yes it is dangerous if you overdose. Very simple concept. Don't overdose.
    The main side effect is obvious, you get hot. Very hot. The more carbs you eat the hotter you get. Also skin, urine and seman go yellow. This is because of the compound itsleft not because of dehydration or anything else. It is a dye. It literally temporarily dyes you yellow.
    The fatalities from DNP have almost all been attributed to teenage girls double dosing to get better results. Rarely if ever a athlete overdosing.
    The story about blindness, many studies find lack of evidence and end as inconclusive.
    I regularly have liver and kidney function tests and never had an issue. I've probably completed 5 courses over 2-3 years lasting 3-4 weeks each.
    No health problems to mention.
    Of cause, you take to much, you will die.
    Last edited by Auscraig; 08-23-2017 at 09:45 PM.

  39. #39
    Auscraig is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    I do ten minutes on the thread mill flat out till I'm in a sweat, then I do bench barbell push ups and then some arm curls, like I said Im not a dedicated gym person I'm not really into it, just an average joe in that department, my diet is I eat once a day and I never eat shit food but not necessarily lean chicken or greens , I was just looking for a fat burner that would work without bad sides, just wanted to treat myself as I'm entering my mid 30's which is already depressing as fuck, I think the dnp was making my depression a lot worse, still kinda in a hole, takes 3 days to get it out of the system, thanks for everyone input, I tried dnp and it was absolutely horrible, lesson learned.
    It is a well known fact you should not participate in cardio or any heavy training while on DNP . DNP starves your body of energy through the normal pathway.... eating food. All the calories you eat are burnt as heat and not converted to energy. This means initially you will have a massive rock bottom stage with zero energy which may made you feel low.
    Not long after this you body turns to body fat for energy and your energy level stabilise. After this is when you start losing fat. Lots of it.
    It seems you don't understand the process and quit during the most important stage. Where your body was reconfiguring to make you lose body fat.
    Anyone feels low and depressed when they are starved of energy. But that is exactly why you take DNP.

  40. #40
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auscraig View Post
    I have used DNP a lot.
    Extremely effective. The side effects are no worse than other products we all use. Yes it is dangerous if you overdose. Very simple concept. Don't overdose.
    The main side effect is obvious, you get hot. Very hot. The more carbs you eat the hotter you get. Also skin, urine and seman go yellow. This is because of the compound itsleft not because of dehydration or anything else. It is a dye. It literally temporarily dyes you yellow.
    The fatalities from DNP have almost all been attributed to teenage girls double dosing to get better results. Rarely if ever a athlete overdosing.
    The story about blindness, many studies find lack of evidence and end as inconclusive.
    I regularly have liver and kidney function tests and never had an issue. I've probably completed 5 courses over 2-3 years lasting 3-4 weeks each.
    No health problems to mention.
    Of cause, you take to much, you will die.
    So your logic is that since you've completed 5 cycles of DNP over 2-3 years and suffered no permanent sides, it must be safe?
    And OD'ing on DNP has happened to more than a few teenage girls,
    even strychnine can be used as a PED, without dying.
    Doesn't mean it's safe.

    DNP has a high risk to reward ratio, that's the point.
    And why i advice anyone to stay away from it.
    Doesn't mean it ensures dying or even permanent sides.

    When they tested out DNP on humans as a fat loss agent in the 20s,
    I believe the dose used was often 50mg ED (at least in one study I read),
    but now people seem to want to push that dose higher and higher.

    You wrote yourself that you can't train on DNP,
    that kinda sums it all up to me.
    Though I can see it would be very tempting for people that don't go to the gym.

    But why have you ran 5 cycles?
    Did you get leaner and leaner with each one,
    or was it because you regained the fat and needed to to it again?
    I'd suspect many using DNP will fall into the last category,
    and then one might ask if there isn't another way that would lead to more permanent fat loss and be less dangerous as well.

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