- HRT Info (Part 1)
- HRT Info (Part 2)
- HRT Info (Part 3)
- HRT/TRT--The basics (by Tulane University Medical Center)
- Interpretation of Free Testosterone, Estrogen, and Total Testosterone Blood Tests
- Testosterone - A Basic Guide
- Estradiol and Therapeutic Management: What you should know
- Blood work article
- Testosteron Test - help.
- Overview of Hypogonadism
- Benefits of Treating Hypogonadism
- Frequently asked questions about hypogonadism
- New on here need a bit of advice on test prop
- Test and Free Test Results Interpretation
- HRT-Need high doses of T to stay in normal range
- TRT and crazy anxiety....
- are 450 ng/dl too high for HTR?
- Androgel, how long after can I have sex/cuddle with no transfer to partner?
- TRT not working anymore. HRT?
- Looking for advice on whether I should do as directed
- I need advice on a good cycle
- Need advice about HRT, all advice appreciated
- About to Start HRT, Could Use Some Advice -- With Bloodwork
- HRT & Tren - Need help
- understanding e2
- Advice on Testosterone cream
- I'm looking for help with my T level test
- Can Androgel help build muscle mass
- new to TRT? read all the stickies here!
- TRT or PCT?
- Dr took me off HCG
- Coming off TRT
- Blood work
- TRT - Doctor perscribe 40mg of Androgel per day
- TRT - Tostran Gel
- On cycle for 3 years & now I need desperate help!!! Please
- I have no Idea what Im doing
- Waat about HRT for a 43 year old woman with Hysteretomy
- Started TRT a couple weeks ago and am very sleepy.
- In Need of Serious Advice and direction on TRT
- TRT Injection Schedule Advice
- Add hcg to TRT
- Natural way to increase testosterone?
- Trt in the near future
- Low total T, but high Free T, what does that mean?
- First Time TRT - Sust 250 E9D - Do I Need to Run HCG During?
- 64yr first time doing HRT
- Need some serious guidance for TRT please
- Low T
- Thinking about starting TRT
- What Else Other Than Testosterone for TRT?
- HRT or HGH? Heres bloodwork
- Aromasin dosage at beginning of trt
- Trt 2 years after