A few of you have asked me for this, so here you go.
For the cry babies that will inevitably feel the need to say I shouldn't promote or encourage things like this, well I'm not. I'm simply laying out what is reality when it comes to big time bodybuilding, and we're not simply talking about pro's either.

Phase 1:
WK 1-4: Test-E or Cyp 200-250mg/ed, a full 2g if feeling froggy
WK 1-4: Nandrolone (NPP) 700-1000mg/wk
WK 1-4: EQ 700-1000mg/wk
Wk 1-4: HGH 10iu/ed
WK 1-4: Optional Insulin 10iu/w Breakfast, 10iu before training

Phase 2:
Wk 5-8: Test-E or Cyp 200-250mg/ed, a full 2g if feeling froggy
WK 5-8: Tren -Acetate 700mg/wk (100mg/ed) a full 1000mg if feeling froggy
WK 5-8: Masteron -Prop 700mg/wk (100mg/ed) a full 1000mg if feeling froggy
WK 5-8: HGH 20iu/ed - 5 in the morning, 5 before bed and 10 around your training (post)
WK 5-8: Insulin - same as phase 1
WK 5-8: T3 75-125mcg/ed

Phase 3:
WK 9-12: Tren-Acetate 1000-1200mg/wk
WK 9-12: Masteron-Prop 1000-1200mg/wk (I always prefer Tren & Masteron to be equal in dosing)
WK 9-12: HGH Same as phase 2
WK 9-12: 100-150mcg/ed

AI (anastrozole) 0.5-1mg/eod. Last 2-3wks increase to 1mg/ed
HGH: Discontinue 10-14 days before the end.
Testosterone : Decrease during Phase 3 if needed but run as same in Phase 2 if it's all working well. If decreasing is needed, there's never a reason to remove it all. At minimum keep 100mg/wk in there.

Other additions:
Primobolan : some include it, some don't.
Anavar or Winstrol : Probably not needed but if used it's run 100mg var or 50-100mg winny...both are run daily.
Caffeine: every day before training: 200-300mg
Post workout shakes: Use Isolate only, mix with fast and slow carbs
Post workout carbs: Dextrose is good, I like waxy maze and mix with oats. Use Dextrose or gatorade or similar mixed with whey if a shake is needed in the middle of training.

In a perfect world, this stack starts 4-8wks prior to what was laid out here and includes 500-1000mg of testosterone per week and 10iu of HGH per day.

Yes, I realize I've mentioned nothing about PCT. Why, because if you're this guy PCT is usually going to be worthless.

So there you go, big boy stack.