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  1. #41
    kman's Avatar
    kman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by beenie
    I'll think about it. I would also like to see the pics of ALL of the guys here for comparison! Based on what I am heaing in much of the discussion on the board, I question whether about half really work out regularly.

    I posted some pics of me several years back and got so bashed with people saying things like, "you are too skinny," "I can see your ribs," blah blah bah. If I feel up for the bashing that I know that I will take, I'll take current shots and post, k?

    For the record, I am not saing that I am better than the others here. There are a lot of guys here that compete, and many even win. I am by no means at that level nor do I claim to be remotely close. Generally, however, its the people who ARE in better shape that I am whom I listen to first. When a trainer aproaches me at the gym, he damned well better be in better shape than I before he'll get my attention. This is not to say that he may not know more than I, but if he doesn't have the will power to execute it himself, how can I respect him?
    Bro, think before you write these immature comments. So your basically saying you will only take advice from someone who is in better shape than you? So what about pro BBers and athlethes, they can't listen to coaches and nutritionists cause they are not in as good shape as them? Cmon bro you might be in better shape than some people on this board, but that does not mean you can learn from them.

  2. #42
    Juicy Sauce's Avatar
    Juicy Sauce is offline Member
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    i take it any time i have carbs. not before, not after. but with the carbs. thats right i open the cap and mix the ala right in with the food im eating. it tastes like dirty acid but it works so i dont mind.

  3. #43
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    haha dirty acid that is funny. quick question since this whole thraed is trashed. Juicy or Chest... i have a full bottle of just ALA and i know that only about half of taht will be R-ALA after digestion, but can i just use it like i would R-ALA just to get rid of it? i know it won't be nearly as effective, but can i still use it like that?

  4. #44
    Juicy Sauce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    haha dirty acid that is funny. quick question since this whole thraed is trashed. Juicy or Chest... i have a full bottle of just ALA and i know that only about half of taht will be R-ALA after digestion, but can i just use it like i would R-ALA just to get rid of it? i know it won't be nearly as effective, but can i still use it like that?

  5. #45
    beenie's Avatar
    beenie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kman
    Bro, think before you write these immature comments. So your basically saying you will only take advice from someone who is in better shape than you? So what about pro BBers and athlethes, they can't listen to coaches and nutritionists cause they are not in as good shape as them? Cmon bro you might be in better shape than some people on this board, but that does not mean you can learn from them.
    While I find your question rhetorical I will answer it anyway. Particularly as you have cast judgement of my comments.

    BB's and their coaches are free to listen to whomever they wish. I was merely speaking for myself. People who are not in shape who lend advise to others, may know more about losing weight or staying in shape than those who actually do, as you suggest. All that I said was that for me, and I am speaking for no one else nor making any further generalization, I am more likely to pay attention to someone who has done it himself. Perhaps you are right, that I am being immature, but it still is the way that I feel.
    Last edited by beenie; 03-04-2006 at 08:01 AM.

  6. #46
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    thank ya Juicy..

  7. #47
    beenie's Avatar
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  8. #48
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    I feel so ignorant after reading this....

  9. #49
    bcap is offline Member
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    i can't believe that i just wasted so much time reading this thread. you know you can simply read the label to see when to take the r-ala.

    also, i took offence to your comment about people who are saying "i will be starting a diet in 2 days", well guess what, that was me 2 weeks ago, and now i'm ON the diet. What do you have against me because i'm trying to do someothing about my body?

    Also, if i knew the answer to your question (which i don't because i do not take r-ala and do not have a label to read to you), why would you not listen to me because i am in worse shape than you (which i dont know is true since no one has even seen a pic of you)?

    You have got a lot of nerve coming here and acting this way man seriously. These guys are all awesome, they've helped me and hundreds of others with so many questions and are currently helping me A LOT with my diet and motivating me to hell and back. You have no right coming here and acting like a dick towards them all.

    Just me 2 or 3 cents

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