Hey bros, fairly new still and have done a bunch of reading across the forums. My diet has been improving, but I'm still not getting the results I want, therefore I'm going all out on this from now on. I plan to set up a cheat meal on Sundays to keep me sane, however. I want to cut down from my current 205 and get to around 180 which will give me a nice base to begin a lean bulk. I've been training for quite some time now, and I do cardio in the mornings and lift at night after work. Here is what I'm looking at:

Meal 1(After Cardio) 8:00
6 egg whites
½ cup Fat Free Cheddar Cheese
½ cup Oats

Meal 2 10:00
8 egg whites
½ cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese
1 cup oats
(Blended to make Protein Pancakes)

Meal 3 12:00
4 oz Chicken Breast

Meal 4 2:00
Protein Shake

Meal 5 4:00
4 oz Chicken Breast
½ cup Brown Rice

Meal 6 6:00
1 Package Tuna
½ cup Brown Rice
2 Tbls. Olive Oil

Training from 7:15 to 8:15

Meal 7 8:30
Protein Shake

I think I've got a decent base here, but I feel somethings missing. Could I get some help from some of you in a critique on my diet? Thanks in advance!