Muscle is made up of 20% protein, the rest is water and minerals, lactic acid, urea and high-energy phosphates.

The max grams of protein is 1g per bodyweight. Its suppose to be around .8g's, but max being at 1g. Meaning if you weigh 175, take in max, 175g's protein.

The extra protein results in an increase in the formation and excretion of the waste product "urea"; increases your fluid requirments; and places a considerable load on the liver and kidneys.

You should avoid protein supplements that provide excessive amounts of protein or selected amino acids. Although heavily advertised, very high protein intakes from supplements are NOT needed to build muscle. This can be very expensive, dangerous to your health, and quite unnecessary. A regular balanced diet can meet your protein needs very effectively.

Hard work and a PROPER diet build muscle!

To gain muscle, you should be eating foods that give you adequate cals and nutrients, allowing you to workout even harder.