Well am on test and deca .. this is my first cycle and i am wanting to cut from about 13~15 % bf to around 6~8 % .. anyway i use AI cauze am prone to gyno ..

i am around 205 lbs.. training for 3 years

i am eating about 3500 calories /day .. about 350+ gm protein .. 300 gm carbs, and 60~100 gm fat..

my diet is something like

1. tuna can water packet+ 1/2 cup oat
2. 6 egg whites + 1/2 cup oats
3. 200 gm chicken + 2 potato/ yams
4. 150 gm chicken + cup brown rice
6. 200 gm chicken + 1cup oatmeal

idk something like that .. also olive oil, fish oil and so .. some fruits like banana(post workout shake mostly) and strawberry and sometimes a tbsp of honey in the morning before the cardio

being a former fat person, i always been eating under 2500 calorie, this seems more like a bulk for me than a cut .. i dropped 2 kg in about 4 days .. but i am thinking .. am i supposed to cut calories under maintaince for a resonable fast fat loss or what ?