Age: 24
Weight: 280
BF: 25.4%
Cycle: HGH (6 months 4IU ED)
Winstrol (5 weeks to kick start cycle 50mg ED)
Test Prop (150mg EOD 12 weeks)
Tren (150mg 4 weeks on/4 weeks off/4 weeks on) <-During 12 weeks of prop
T4 (125cc before bed (4 weeks/4 weeks off)
Training: Since 15 years old, not a novice at all

SNACK (12:30 AM) – 1 SCOOP OF PRE-WORKOUT BUZZERK (52 Calories/0 grams Protein]
8 OZ. WATER (0 Calories/0 grams Protein)
Totals: (52 Calories/0 grams Protein)

SNACK (1:30 PM) – 1 SCOOP OF POST-WORKOUT REZZERECT (110 Calories/11 grams Protein]
8 OZ. WATER (0 Calories/0 grams Protein)
Totals: (110 Calories/11 grams Protein)

SNACK (2:30 PM) – 2 CUPS OF RAW MILK [220 Calories/18 grams Protein]
1 SCOOP OF WHEY [130 Calories/30 grams Protein]
Totals: (350 Calories/48 grams Protein)

LUNCH (4:00 PM) – 1 PIECES OF DAVE’S ORGANIC KILLER BREAD [110 Calories/6 grams Protein]
4 OZ. CHICKEN BREAST [180 Calories/26 grams Protein]
2 SLICES OF RAW CHEESE [200 Calories/14 grams Protein]
3 OZ. OF RAW VEGETABLES [80 Calories/9 grams Protein]
1 TBSP. OF OLIVE OIL [120 Calories/0 grams Protein]
Totals: (690 Calories/55 grams Protein)

SNACK (5:30 PM) – 2 TBSP. OF PEANUT BUTTER [210 Calories/7 grams Protein]
Totals: (210 Calories/7 grams Protein)

DINNER (7:00 PM) – 6 OZ. POULTRY/FISH/BEEF [200 Calories/40 grams Protein]
1 CUP OF PINTO BEANS [120 Calories/10 grams Protein
3 OZ. OF STEAMED VEGGIES [60 Calories/7 grams Protein]
Totals: (380 Calories/57 grams Protein)

SNACK (BEDTIME) – ½ CUP OF YOGURT [75 Calories/5 grams Protein]
1 OZ. BABY SPINACH [10 Calories/1 gram Protein]
½ CUP OF FROZEN BERRIES [60 Calories/2 grams Protein]
1 CUP OF RAW MILK [110 Calories/9 grams Protein]
Totals: (255 Calories/17 grams Protein)

Total Calories/Protein – (2,709/255 grams Protein)