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  1. #1
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    another keto question

    Like many of you already know, I am running a CKD keto, and I have a question regarding cardio while on this diet. Currently, I do 45 minutes AM fasted cardio. My carb refeed day is Sunday, and I usually always enter ketosis either late Wednesday afternoon or early Thursday morning. I am wondering if fat loss would be dramatically more significant if I doubled cardio during the days that I'm in ketosis? Let's say, Thursday through Saturday, I would still do cardio in the AM for 45 minutes, and then do 45 more minutes after weight training in the evenings? Obviously, the more cardio everyday, regardless whether or not I'm in a state of ketosis, the better. But I'm curious about this specific scenario. Since I will be burning ketones rather than glucose, I'm wondering if it would make that much more of an impact?

    What do you all think?

  2. #2
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    You will burn more calories for sure. Its a simple equation of how caloricially defiecient you want to be. Going into ketosis simply means that fatt acids is the most abundant energy source that the body is using at the time. Since your already in a hightened state of fat mobilization, you really shouldnt get a much more pronounced fatty acid mobilization than what you are already in. At least not that you would really notice.
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  3. #3
    cue_artist's Avatar
    cue_artist is offline Associate Member
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    Adding extra sessions of cardio means extra calories burned.... So you will definitly lose some weight do to the increase in your caloric deficit. But becarful dont make these cardio sessions very intense so that you minimize loss in LBM.

  4. #4
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Okay, thanks guys. MuscleScience--I'm not quite sure that I understand entirely what you're saying, but I take it that your answer to my original question is "NO".
    CueArtist- Yeah, I figured that would be so. Basically, more cardio=more calories burned no matter what diet you're using. I was mostly concerned about the difference between calories burned while on a 'typical' diet as opposed to calories burned while in ketosis. Was just wondering if cardio would be More effective in a state of ketosis rather than not being in ketosis. But I believe I have the answer thanks to both of you. Thanks again!

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