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Thread: All you need to know about GYNO.

  1. #561
    Atibbo's Avatar
    Atibbo is offline Junior Member
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    I read through the entire thread and I'm still kinda lost as to what I should do. Looking for a bit of advice here.. I've had a lump in my left nipple since I was about 15 (I'm 22 now) but it never ever hurt and the doctor said it would probably just go away. So I started to work out about a year ago and I started to notice that the same side of my chest that has the lump was getting bigger than the other. I thought it was normal because I heard about that happening to people, anyway I starting using steroids (Without doing the research, I know I'm an idiot!) I went through a bottle of Sustanon 250/10ML then switched to Testosterone Enanthate 250/10ML about 3ml's into the test enanthate my nipple started to pain all day long, I continued to use it and have about 3 ml's left. I have Nolva and Letro on the way the Nolva should be here tomorrow the Letro about a week so I'm wondering if I should take the nolva as soon as I get it or wait for the letro? Also should I stop my steroid cycle right now or finish it? Wondering if it's too late to reverse since one side of my chest is actually bigger than the other side now.
    Last edited by Atibbo; 05-12-2009 at 06:50 PM.

  2. #562
    bakie is offline Associate Member
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    Great post man.

  3. #563
    gynoguy is offline New Member
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    hey bino thanks for all the advice its been very helpful. i have some questions regarding the form of letro to purchase.there are pills, liquids, and sprays that have been mentioned. which do you suggest to be most effective? and if i were to purchase the pills how do you dose out the .5mg if it comes in 2.5mg doses?also where did you find this stuff for 50 bucks? cause everywhere i look its more like 150.

  4. #564
    adam1111 is offline New Member
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    Hey bro -

    Great stuff - can you help me out with my PCT? I am going to run a test e/deca cycle for 12 weeks. I am just a bit gyno the juice before several years ago with kick ass results.

    What would you suggest I do for an anti-e while on cycle and then what would be best for coming off cycle? There is just too much info on the site to get a clear picture....

    I gotta go back to the sandbox soon so any held would be great.

    Thanks bro!!


  5. #565
    hfbd is offline Junior Member
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    To C-Bino or anyone that can help: I got a question after reading all posts about Gyno..

    I have Gyno and a pretty big lump under my nipple for over the years and its my mistake for never doing anything about it. I want to attempt to get rid of it without having to do surgery. Since its been so long I have had it what do you suggest that I do to try to get rid of it at this state. Or am I pretty much screwed and have to do surgery..
    Should I run letro and nolvedex for a few weeks? following what you said to do with the letro from this post, and stop taking my arimidex until I find that it has gone down enough. Then back on arimidex afterwords.

    My boobs do not hurt and are not sensitive except when I press hard on my nipple it hurts from the lump under my nipple.
    Right now I have been on juice for 3 months taking 1cc Primo EOD, and 3cc Cyp every 4th day and have been running Arimidex ED.

    I just want this gyno to try to be gone asap cuz bitch tits just looks bad.

    Thanks if you can help C-Bino or anyone else
    Last edited by hfbd; 06-09-2009 at 04:05 PM.

  6. #566
    mereco is offline New Member
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    hi 2 all ,i tried to read as much of this thread as i could ,some of the products im not familiar with .....sorry, please dont flame me,but understand my position ,im 39 years old ,never done a cycle ,always tried to workout ,i had a back injury that forced me to stop ALL activities for 3 1/2 years .in that time i ended with gyno (man boobs) back to light workouts ,im 6 feet tall 195lbs there something i can do without surgery?im still paying for my back operations:-( oh by the way!!!! orally ! i hate needles .....i thank u for any input i hate putting on t-shirts ...i look like a 13 year school girl...

  7. #567
    mereco is offline New Member
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    has anyone tried formadrol and Chrysin for this condition

  8. #568
    Jimmy Crack Corn is offline New Member
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    how long do you run letro

    How long is to long. Following the reversal protocall, it says to taper up, then run 2.5mgs until gyno subsides, how many weeks is that usually ? what happens if you run it to long ?
    I followed the protocall, while on cycle. I tapered up, then ran the 2.5mgs e.d for 3 wks, the symptoms were gone and the lump was much smaller, but not completely gone. I had just enough letro left to taper down and then start up w/ the nolva as I was coming to the last wk of my cycle anyway, the gyno is still there, not subsiding, but not progressing. Should I finish my PCT and start up w/ letro again for reversal ? if so how much time should I give the gyno to go away ? 6 wks ? 12 wks ? 6 months ?

  9. #569
    golfpro is offline New Member
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    hey bino im wondering if u can help me i got gyno and its after my cycle im already on pct taking novadex and clomid but its not helping the bump still appears to be growing and its startgin to hurt more, wat shud i do

  10. #570
    TheWarHammer's Avatar
    TheWarHammer is offline New Member
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    This was probably the most informative GYNO thread i have read through to date on multiple sites. Thanks for the data Bino I know that it is an old thread but i didnt really get into this part of life until about 3 years ago and of course i was very uneducated then.

    thanks again

  11. #571
    SteriodMonster is offline New Member
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    Brilliant thread! Cleared up quite a few questions for myself.

  12. #572
    traumaprc is offline New Member
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    Im a 50 year old man looking for recommendations for first time probable user want to gain lean mass while burning off mid section fat. please advise

  13. #573
    jamesjayz2k9's Avatar
    jamesjayz2k9 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by traumaprc View Post
    Im a 50 year old man looking for recommendations for first time probable user want to gain lean mass while burning off mid section fat. please advise
    U should put this in the questions and answers section mate and some1 is sure 2 help u out

  14. #574
    FireMedic25 is offline New Member
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    In your original post it says while on cycle, you don't need to take more than .50mg of Femera, then when you posted your dosing charts for someone not running anything, you up your dosages daily.

    I'm going to run a cycle of X-MASS and just to be on the safe side I am planning on running Femera alongside it as well. Which dosing should I follow?

    2 weeks before cycle - .50mg daily to stabilize in my system as posted.
    4 week cycle - .50mg daily?
    2 weeks after cycle - .50mg daily?

    Is that right?

  15. #575
    weightslinger's Avatar
    weightslinger is offline New Member
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    Hey Bino, what kind of gear do u think Arnold and Lou were taking. Which types are the least prone to gyno but still offer significant gains?

  16. #576
    CheckYourself is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by weightslinger View Post
    Hey Bino, what kind of gear do u think Arnold and Lou were taking. Which types are the least prone to gyno but still offer significant gains?
    Good ?. Lotsa guys look really awesome out there and are way dumber than me. Haha. Its pretty overwhelming reading all this stuff for hours and even really know where to begin. Soooo many opinions,

  17. #577
    orthe is offline New Member
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    is it possible to buy letro or nolvadex in the form of tablets?
    the ones that come up whtn i click on the words seem to be injectable. ive never injected something before so im kinda sketchy about it

  18. #578
    rawlings22 is offline New Member
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    Awesome read! answered alot of my questions.

  19. #579
    bossman360 is offline New Member
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    C Bino!

    Hi C Bino I've been tryin to PM you for some serious help man but it aint happening. Have you got an email or anything outside of this site its saying administration wont let me PM u or somethin I only made this account yday to ask you some stuff. Thanks in advance

  20. #580
    starkiller's Avatar
    starkiller is offline Associate Member
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    Wow whata read, very informative.

  21. #581
    xChris88x is offline New Member
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    Great read, helped me out alot

    To anyone who could help me out : I've had pubertal gyno since 14 (22 now) and It hasnt gone away. I was curious as to whether taking letrozle could remove it for me without the need for surgery? I have never done a cycle before, but am definitly considering it somewhere down the line, I would just prefer to have this gyno gone first.

    Thanks, Chris

  22. #582
    jaybird0143 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys,i have read all of this and i really appreciate the comments and help on here.Ok here we go and yes i know that i screwed up trying this being a beginner..Ok i need a little help here,i have been running 3cs of tren A along with 2 cs of tes a week. I hit around the 3rd week and yes of course i developed a bump under my tits,and they have grown and are sensitive as hell.I talk to a friend of mine who told me to do some research on the internet,to find out what i can do so here i am.I have stopped the tes,and tren completely because had no clue what was going on.Like i said i should of did some research before i started this shit,but no i didnt.Believe it or not i have gained 12 pounds of hard rock muscle in a month,but i dont want to get tits to out of this deal,so that why i just dropped it.So i havent did anything in almost a week in a half to 2 weeks,is there anyways this goes away by itself or do i need letro for sure..If i do where can i get this stuff,to get rid of this.Oh and yes i had great results but,to me it isnt worth it..Thanks everyone

  23. #583
    jaybird0143 is offline New Member
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    Hey bump answer this question for me please,i have been off the tren ,and tes for 2 week now and i have developed gyno under both of my nipples.I have picked up some nolvadex ,but i quit all the way on both cycles.Should i keep taking the tren and tes or give it a break until i get some relief from the gyno.According to u in your article about gyno u say that estogen gyno i guess that would be caused by tes,and a few other thing would make the nipple hard underneath,that is what is going on with me.I was just curious if i should wake or could i get back on the tes or tren. Thanks for the help Jason

  24. #584
    What2do is offline New Member
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    I bought some clomid to prevent gyno, i was told on another thread not to use this. I was told to save this for my pct and buy something else for gyno!!
    My only problem is i cant get anything else, so my question is would clomid work for gyno prevention??
    Im in2 my 4th week of my first cycle on Test E only cycle @ 500mgs a week, i dont have any signs of gyno but id rather be safe than sorry..

  25. #585
    ishotya is offline New Member
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    hey im trying to get rid of a case of pubertal gyno...... i have tried tamox at 20-40mg for 6 weeks and even tho the gyno got smaller it did not go away.... i would say a 50 percent reduction
    Now im looking into letrozole and was wondering what would be the best dosage to get rid of my gyno..... because i know since im not on any test that it will kill my sex drive but i just dont want to do permanent damage at age 19 ..... i was thinking between .5mg to 1mg for as long as i have the gyno and then start aromasin at 20mg the last day of my letrzole dose of .5mg and stay on aromasin for atleast 10days to deal with estrogen rebound
    any suggestions on how to keep libido around without any aas since im 19
    this is my cousins account hes just letting me use it to help me with my problem

  26. #586
    FatalFunnel is offline New Member
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    This thread was so educational and informative for me that I've actually switched from my old bodybuilding forum to this one... and I also ordered my Letrozole and I will be starting my "gyno reversal cycle" tomorrow.

    I haven't been on a cycle in about 3 months, but I gained a decent amount of breast tissue gyno from a superdrol cycle I did (without doing my research first).

    Quick question though guys,
    Im assuming we taper down the letrozole at the end of the cycle to avoid an estrogen rebound? Right?

    What is the point of tapering UP to 2.5mg ED? Why can't I just take 2.5 right off the beginning?

  27. #587
    asr77 is offline New Member
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    I have been off a test/winny cycle for about 3 months, and did a thorough PCT, and thought everythin was chill, till past week or so i started noticing slight sensitivity behind my right nipple, its very very mild but nonetheless it's there...

    I have Letro on the way will be here wednesday and will be following guidelines, great thread, but i have a question about sex drive...

    although im not super horny i have not shut down at all since my cycle, but i read letro will kill sex drive... What can i do to help with that??? is that a definite thing? for how long??? I dotn want to disappoint the ladies know what i mean

  28. #588
    asr77 is offline New Member
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  29. #589
    linkems is offline New Member
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    This was my first cycle i ran,
    week 1 - 11 test cyp 500mg (around week 10 i experienced itching and took 10mg nolva for 3 or 4 days til it stoped)
    week 14-15 Clomid, 50mg a day
    week 14-18 nolva, 40, 40, 20, 10, 5

    1 week since i stoped pct i experienced itch on my nipple. I felt a small lump the size of 5-10mm the bottom left corner of my right nipple, If i squeeze it it feels like the pain of a pimple. With my limited knowledge i believe my estrogen was still high and my est/test ratio was messed up. I have since taken

    Clomid 25mg ed
    nolva 20mg ed
    Arimidex eod .25mg, .25mg, .25mg, .25mg, .1mg, .1mg (it was starting to really dry my joints).

    I have letrozole on the way, and wondering what i should do before i attempt this gyno reversal protocol. I was thinking continue the nolva and clomid but stopping arimidex until i get the letro (should be getting it end of this week).

    Also the lump stop hurting, but is it possible to have two seperate lumps on one nipple? i think i can feel two lumps on each side of my nipple, on both left and right nipples now so 4 lumps? seems odd

    help greatly appreciated

  30. #590
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    spot on thread thanks mate

  31. #591
    ridedivefx's Avatar
    ridedivefx is offline Associate Member
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    I am coming to an end of my cycle in a week and will wait 2 weeks before PCT (2nd cycle Test/tren /Anavar )

    test for 12 weeks/ tren 8 and anvar last 4 weeks

    I have a small non irritating lump on my right nipple - and just noticed

    PCT planned was nolva/clomid and have letro on the way

    What is the best course of action?
    Wait the 2 weeks and start PCT finish it and start Letro?
    Start letro right away including the waiting period before PCT and then continue nolva/clomid pct?
    or something else and what dosage of Letro should I be using

  32. #592
    cftcft is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    1. Already using an anti-e aside from letro.

    Day 1: .25mg Letro + anti-e*
    Day 2: .50mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 4: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 6: 2.5mg Letro **

    *Regardless of the anti-e you are using it is important to still use it for the first day you begin letro as the letro will not have taken any effect and you by no means want your body to be without any protection when gyno is already prevalent.
    By "anti-e aside from letro" do you mean a SERM or an AI?

  33. #593
    george K is offline New Member
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    Sorry to bother u brother but i have pre-exisitng gyno and just got my letro. i am on liquid anavar right now. Is it ok if i do them together along with novedex or should i do one first then the other. I would really apreciate ur help. And ur posting was the most helpful thing i saw on gyno reversal. I really appreciate u going out of ur way to help others.

    thanks C_Bino
    Last edited by george K; 12-30-2009 at 04:51 PM.

  34. #594
    seotenma is offline New Member
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    is it really gyno?

    My 2 cents:

    Also, chech wikipedia for the different kinds of gyno (with pics)

    But most definetively, talk to your doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

    Last edited by seotenma; 01-07-2010 at 12:00 AM. Reason: complete post

  35. #595
    lizardtongue is offline New Member
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    Are u telling me that arimidex can rid me of my gyno? im taking tamoxifen and it seems to have made a huge difference to its size.

  36. #596
    Sam_007 is offline New Member
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    Unhappy Hey bro

    I am suffering from gyno it's almost a year, I took 50 pills of arimidex after compleating my cycle of deca and prop. And then I didn't take any thing, actually I was misguided when I took my very first cycle of susta then no body told me about taking any nolvadex or any other anti estrogen pills. Now my gyno is on both nipples my life is screwed up i don't know wot to do. Few days ago somebody told me to take arimidex to get rid of now I've started taking it a week ago. Please man help me getting rid of this. It's so embarassing.

  37. #597
    asr77 is offline New Member
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    you need letro and to follow his dosage you can get letro at the ar-r store banner on top right of this site

  38. #598
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asr77 View Post
    you need letro and to follow his dosage you can get letro at the ar-r store banner on top right of this site
    I used letro when I had bad gyno from a cycle. Diddnt help me a bit and after I was done the rebound was unbelieavable. I took it at the suggested dosages. Gyno surgery is the only way out for you imo it its pretty bad.

  39. #599
    nafelgd is offline New Member
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    I developed gyno in my left nip a few months after running a superdrol cycle with nolva for PCT. This was in 2007. Is it worth me trying the gyno reversal/protocal 3? or am I stuck with my lump? It really does bother me alot... I've thought about having it removed.

  40. #600
    soccer4life is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Letro help.

    I have a little bit of gyno under my left nipple from the cycle I just got done with. Nothing under my right. I did take nolva throughout unfortunately when you order from research chem companies you never know what you are getting. I think its pretty obvious the stuff I got was bunk (I did not order from ar-r it was a different one). I need to order some letro to start asap. However if I order and get bunk sh*t again then it obviously wont my question is should I order pill form from an India pharmacy or trust ar-r. I know they are a sponsor but has anyone ever tested the quality of their products...? I need to know the best way to get guranteed legit stuff. I don't care what it cost. It's better to spend more now to get legit stuff then have to get surgery later on. Thanks for the help!
    Last edited by soccer4life; 04-09-2010 at 10:11 AM.

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