Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
True but 100mg a week seems LOW. Most people are 150 - 200 for normal / middle ranges like 600 from what I have seen. Ill bet he is peaking around 400 a day or two after the shot then going under 300 especially with an AI.

^^^ My thoughts. I dont think he even needs an AI with only 100mg. That is a lot trt dose IMO.
I really don't think most men are on 150-200mg of T per week. 200mg for most doctors is the cutoff limit as well.

Take, for example, Dr Mark Gordon who says almost all his patients are on 60-80mg per week and have good levels. A few months ago Dr Crisler made a statement saying he was going to start starting patients lower as well. He mentioned 80mg per week. This is all founded on the basis of more frequent injections, of course.

Personally, when I was on 100mg of T per week my T level troughed around 450. But when I switched to 3x a week for 125mg total per week, my "near"-trough was about double that. To me... that's pretty crazy!

But it's important to remember the pharmacodynamics of testosterone , the peak happens quite quickly and by 6-7 days it is only a fraction of what it was on day 2-3... I believe it leads many men to take more T than they "need."