As of Saturday gone i am self medicating TRT with testosterone undeconate (similar to NEBIDO) i have managed to get my test levels up 5 points with the adition to thyroid medication, 10000 iu of vit d and 6 gram of fish oil per day. My training as always is solid and my diet is great!......i have felt like shit for years now and have had confirmed low t for 2 years. Ive never been able to get the physique and quality of life i want, even with solid training and diet. Anyway ive had enough and im going it alone, end of the day i cant feel more low than i have been for years now so fuk it!

My plan.

First shot of test undec was on the 14-02-15......i did it in two shots, one in each quad.......had really bad PIP for 3 days but going away now. I have HCG but my Bacteristic water has not arrived yet......ill start this at 250iu 2 x per week once i get it. I have arimedex and aromasin on hand for later down the line. My next shot will be 6 weeks from the date above ( the loading shot). I will then get another round of bloods 2 weeks after that shot and another round of bloods 12 weeks from my loading shot (this will be 2 days before my next shot)

Below is my PRE TRT blood work results. I will keep a log of my bloods and how i get on with self medication for anyone in a similar situation.

Testosterone -13.3 nmo/l (8.6-29)
SHBG-41 nmo/l (14.5-48.4)

FSH-6.2 u/l (1.5-12.4)
LH-6.3 u/l (1.7-8.6)
Oestradiol-87 pmo/l (28-156)
Prolactin-204 mu/l (86-324)