As oppose to using the typical 10 iu post workout for 4 weeks, a lot of guys in my area are using it on their off days instead. A highly accredited friend of mine reccomends using 10 iu 3x per day one day a week with the standard 10 g of carbs per iu. i figured that by using this method there would be inconsistancies in which muscle groups are benefiting he most from it. If you were to work out mon-fri and use insulin on saturday then i would think that whatever you worked out early in the week would hardly benefit from the insulin on saturday. with this in mind i decided to use insulin on wed and sat while working out on mon, tues, thur, and fri.
this is what i did:

monday- hamstrings, back thickness
tuesday-chest and triceps
wed-8 iu humalog with 90-100 g carbs twice
thurs-back width, biceps, and abs
Fri-quads and delts
sat- same as wed
Sun- off. (usually fairly low carb day)

I used this method for 6 weeks and though i did not see any extremely dramatic changes in my physique i do think it helped me break through some of my plateaus and may have contributed to me setting some new personal bests on many lifts. I would think this would put you at less risk of loosing sensitivity to it or becoming insulin dependent, however, I have not came across this protocal much on a lot of forums. input anyone???