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Thread: T's year long Bodybuilding Log.
01-01-2008, 03:16 PM #1
T's year long Bodybuilding Log.
Hi all, im 19 years old, a student in university, at the current moment i weigh 195lbs with around 15% bodyfat. Ive been training since i was 15 and the pictures ive put up both here and in the pictures forum show me at when i was 16 and i weighed 140 and in the summer when i weighed 210. In the summer id just finished my cycle and in the middle of pct when i visited my old school where their was a meningitus epidemic going around. Its my fault really, i should of stayed away. Anyway all hell broke loose and i cant remember how i ended up in hospital. So when you feel like crap and can only eat twice/three times a day, i lost pritty much everything.
Anyhow i came out of hospital and i then lost my job at the gym i worked in ( i managed it in the summer when i was off!), the owner is some bellend on a power trip basically and somebody lied and did something and he belived in them over me yet id bin there for 3 and a half years.
I havnt touched a weight basically since august/september and havnt been motivated. Recently though whilst ive been bored and looking around this great forum the bugs came back (and no its not meningitus lol). My new girlfriend who i care for dearly is 100% behind me and doesnt have a problem with the steroids . My mates must get a mention too as they are fully supportive.
I have around 80k (160lbs) worth of weight in my flat near my uni, which i will train with till april and seen as im banned from my local gym, (dont know why) i am going to train at total fitness in late april when my uni course finishes for the year. And in the summer im going to do a 14 week cycle which im in the process of planning. I will post as soon as its finalised.
Ive designed what i belive to be a good diet, i think whats different with my diets now to the past is im fully appreciating blood sugar levels that carbs produce, and the use of complex and simple carbs and when to use them. The only simple carbs i have each day in my diet will be first thing in the morning and straight after workout. Complex carbs are taken in the morning and before workout and only once after workout (as i train at 7:30)(il be training around 1pm in the summer when i break up though so will adjust accordingly)
My aims for this year are to get as big and strong as i can. In the past ive had to prove a lot of people, both my friends and enemies wrong, but never like this. Imagine being in the best shape of your life in a job you love where your basically getting paid to train. You get all your nutritional products and tanning and everything for cheap, and every member you know in the gym, knows you says hi, there all a cracking bunch, and they know your aims and what you train for. There there to spot you and for a chat and your there too. Now go from that to nothing. You never do realise what youve got till its gone eh!
So im using this as motivation. Almost as if im gunna prove people that i dont need my local gym to have the physique i want.
So here goes, my year long (natural till april) adventure!
Il be posting every day. Kind Regards, T.Last edited by Mazzive_T; 01-01-2008 at 03:24 PM.
01-01-2008, 03:21 PM #2
My diet and supps until further notice:
calories carbs protein fat
meal 1 - 8:00am
6 Large Egg Whites 72 1 16 1
2 Oatibix Biscuits 181 30.6 6 3.8
Milk 50 4.8 3.6 1.8
50g Whey Protein Shake 186 1.8 39 2.6
Pinapple Chunks 50 12 0.3 0.1
meal 2 - 10:30am
Milk 50 4.8 3.6 1.8
2 Oatibix Biscuits 181 30.6 6 3.8
2 Chicken Breasts 250 1.8 51.2 1.7
4 CNP Pro Creatine E2 caps
meal 3 - 12:30pm
50g Whey Protein Shake 186 1.8 39 2.6
100g pasta 131 27 4 0
Subway 364 5
50g Whey Protein Shake 186 1.8 39 2.6
boiled potatoes 92.5 20.15 2.15 0.4
tin of tuna 73 0 17 4
Salad Cream 200 12 1.7 18
meal 4 - 2:00pm
50g Whey Protein Shake 186 1.8 39 2.6
Pro Bar XS 235 17.9 30 4.55
Pro Flapjack 284 37.4 18.8 6.7
meal 5 - 4:30pm
6 Large Egg Whites 72 1 16 1
jacket potato 138 30.1 3.7 0.4
tin beans 105 18.8 6.8 0.3
Salad Cream 200 12 1.7 18
meal 6 - 6:30pm - PWO Meal
50g Whey Protein Shake with 40g Dextrose 336 41.8 39 2.6
2 Chicken Breasts 250 1.8 51.2 1.7
Pinapple Chunks 50 12 0.3 0.1
Rice 292 62 6 2
Salad Cream 200 12 1.7 18
4 CNP Pro Creatine E2 Capsules
pre workout
protein slam 100 0 27 0
post workout
protein slam 100 0 27 0
meal 7 - 9:15pm PWO meal
50g Whey Protein Shake with 40g Dextrose 336 41.8 39 2.6
tin of tuna 73 0 17 4
steak 147.5 0 26.15 4.65
Boiled potatoes 92.5 20.15 2.15 0.4
Salad Cream 200 12 1.7 18
meal 8 - 10:30pm
6 Large Egg Whites 72 1 16 1
Turkey Breast 250 1.8 51.2 1.7
Green Beans or Celery 27 4.7 1.7 0.1
Salad Cream 200 12 1.7 18
Before Bed
Time Release Ceasin Protein Shake 170 2 40 0.75
totals 6368.5 494.2 693.35 158.35
4-5 litres of water daily too
NOTE: The macros will be slightly less as i have an and/or option for lunch. Meals may be delayed due to lectures and the fact i cant eat in lectures.
01-01-2008, 03:22 PM #3
My workout split:
Monday: Chest and Abs
Tuesday: Biceps
Wednesday: Back
Thursday: Triceps
Friday: Legs and Abs
Saturday: Shoulders
Sunday: Off
01-01-2008, 03:24 PM #4
As you can see, i am bulking, bulking naturally till april, i know the calorific intake is a bit extreme and i am expecting my waist size to go up a bit. Cardio will be done 1-2 times a week.
01-01-2008, 03:27 PM #5
i start training tomorrow, and on the way back to moving into my flat (im at my mums in a different county now), il pick up all my shopping for the week. Breaking into the student loan already! lol.
01-03-2008, 09:30 AM #6
well after a hectic two days moving things to and from two different counties i managed to train back yesterday! May i also say how nice it is to be feeling full of good food all the time, instead of lounging around hungry feeling like shit and eating the occasional takeaway.
My Workout:
Underhand Barbell Rows 3 sets of 12
Overhand Barbell Rows 3 sets of 12
Deadlifts 3 sets of 12
Single Arm DB Row 3 sets on each arm 12 reps.
Really good pump. This first week will be a feeler to see where im at in regards to the amount of weight i lift. Il post up the best ive done for each exercise (i.e. what i was doing in the summer) Looking forward to training tris later!
01-03-2008, 09:52 AM #7
Flat Bench: 120k (264lbs) 1 rep (measured in september 06) also 2 sets of 8 followed by 1 set of 6 on 100k (220lbs) in the summer of 07.
Incline Bench: 3 sets of 8 on 80k (176lbs) in the summer of 07
(i used to variate which one i started with, Incline and flat)
Flat Fly's 50lb for 3 sets of 8.
cable x-overs: 35kg (77lbs) for 3 sets of 8-10 on each side
Olympic BB Bicep Curl: 42.5kg (93.5lbs)for 8 with a spotter
Alternate DB Curls: 2 x 35lb for 8 on each arm alternate followed by 50lb for 8 on each arm alternate
Deadlifts: 60kg (132)lbs x15 then 2 x 100kg (220lbs) for 8 then 120kg (260lbs) for 8. Could of done much more, never really pushed myself on deads, dont know why. i used to do this weight week in week out
Close Grip Pulley Row (T-Bar Row): did a set of 8 on 90kg (198lbs), normally though id do 3 sets of 8-12 on around 75-85kg (165lbs-187lbs)
Close Grip Bench: in the summer doing 70kg (154lbs)for 3 sets of 8 reps
Dips: only ever my own bodyweight, i believe in form, anything more then that and my form would suffer. Mind u i was 15st (210lbs) at the time!
Skulls: my best for a set of 8 was 40kg (88lbs)
Tricep Pushdowns: always used to finish off set 3 sets of 12 easy reps, good pinch and pump on 35kg (77lbs)
Military Press (more front delts): 70kg (154lbs) for 3 sets of 8
Hammer Machine press( more side delts): again 70kg (154lbs) for 3 sets of 8.
Lat Raises: 35lbs (approx 16kg) on each arm for 3 sets of 8
Front Raises: 2 x 35lbs for 3 sets of 8 alternate each arm, then 1 set on 40lbs
Shrugs: biggest dbs around were 40kg (88lbs) so id do that until got pump usually around 12-15reps for 3 sets.
Upright Row: 3 easy sets of 8 on 35kg (77lbs), did jump to 40kg for some though (88lbs)
At least several people commented on how my traps and front delts were too big for my shoulders, and made things look out of proportion, but i dont believe in not training a specific muscle group to make others catch up, imo if youve got a good body part, why not show it off?!
I have really bad legs. Not going to lie. Most of the time id count my leg work out as my rugby matches and training as i played for an academy. Thats going to change though
Squats: i remember aged 16 though i squatted 100kg (220lbs) for 8.
Rite so thats me, what i was doing in the summer. These arnt all the exercises i did, the ones i can remember the weight.
To be honest in my opinion weight is only a very rough guideline, id rather train with less weight and tense my muscle, take it slow and feel it working, then bang out 6 reps on a heavy weight and the only thing hurting after wards is my back from swaying and my joints!
But just so you can get a rough estimation as to where im at, just thought id post what i was doing.
01-03-2008, 09:15 PM #8
trained tris before.
Single arm DB Overhead extensions 3 x 12 reps
Double DB Overhead Extensions 3 x 12 reps
Seated BB Curl Tricep Extension 3 x 12 reps.
Then did my shopping for the week, my diet for the week came to £50 so need to look at how i can save money. Mind u my shopping did include toiletries and kitchen stuff.
There were pure twats looking at me tho, prob thinkin, now whys he buying 16 cans of pianapple rings in juice, 4 bags of potatoes, 75 eggs, steak, and 5 bags of chicken breasts etc? lol.
Legs tomorrow. Not much i can do with the space and equipment i have for them so i better have my improvising thinking head on!
01-04-2008, 01:18 PM #9
Just Trained Legs.
BB Squat 2 x 12 1 x 8
Front Squats 2 x 10, 1 x 8
BB Lunges 2 x 12, 1 x 10
DB Lunges1 x 12, 1 x 10, 1 x 8
DB Hamstring Curls 3 x 10
followed by Abs:
Basic Crunches 3 x 20
Leg Raises 3 x 20
Side Bends (with weigt) 20 on each side
Broomstick Twists 30 on each side
and then a nice shower!
Shoulders tomorrow. Its about the only bodypart (apart from Biceps) that i can do fully the exercises id normally do, with the equipment i have. Ive found this gym, about 200 yards away from my flat, its a proper stedhouse like, underground, with wet walls and plates all over the place. But its got all the equipment you need and the boss seemed helpful enough. So i might join, its £2.50 per session ($1.25) so i could use it for certain bodyparts that i dont have the equipment (BB and DBs)for in my flat.
The only thing i have to moan about is the fact that i seem to be spending all my time cooking! Grrr... I dont mind cooking the occasional steak, thats all good but Rice, Potatoes, defrosting chicken breasts and cooking them, and green beans, thats all i seem to be simmering at the mo! But itl be worth it in the end. Also ive left my blender at my mums, need to get that soon as i cant have shakes until i get it! and i cant stand shakes mixed in a shaker. Gotta be mixed in a blender with 3 ice cubes and milk! lol.
So been eating solid food for 3 days!
Post again soon. T.
01-05-2008, 03:16 PM #10
Shoulders today.
Military press: 3 x 12
Seated DB Raises: 2 x 10, 1 x 8
Front DB Raises: 3 x 10
Bent Over DB Raises: 3 x 12
Upright Row: 3 x 10 (heavy weight) - must of been around 40k on there.
Il start posting the weight im lifting in 2 weeks when im in the full swing of things, at the moment, most of what im lifting is really light. Just trying to get the feel for things again.
Day Off Tomorrow, but Chest Monday and all il be doing for that is incline, flat, and decline pressups, 2 sets of 20 on each then one to failure for each. To be honest thats all i can do with just a BB and DB! But hey, if i work on my low resistance high rep work itl mix things up a bit.
Enjoy your weekend all of you.
01-07-2008, 03:51 PM #11
trained chest today
Flat Pressups 2 x 20, 1 x 23
Incline Pressups 2 x 20 1 x 26
Decline Pressups 2 x 20, 1 x 18.
then some abs too:
Basic Crunches 3 x 20
Leg Raises 3 x 20
Side Bends (with weigt) 20 on each side
Broomstick Twists 30 on each side.
Eatings becoming easier. Sorry about the brief post, got a lab report to write up.
Bis tomorrow, il post again then. T.
01-08-2008, 01:02 PM #12
upcoming bulking cycle that ive planned:
Weeks 1-14 Test E 750mg week
Weeks 1-12 Deca 550mg week
Weeks 1-6 Test Prop 100mg ED
Weeks 1-6 NPP 50mg ED
Weeks 1-6 Dbol 100mg ED.
cutting time,to start mid may, thought id plan it all early:
Weeks 1-6:
Test Prop 50mg EOD (just to keep bollocks working)
Tren Ace 75mg ED
Masteron Prop 50mg ED
looking to be bone dry shredded for end of june ish. My Previous Cycle experience is listed in the next post.
My diet for cutting is sorted
and il be doing cardio 1 1/2 hrs a day, first thing in morning and then about hour after PWO mealLast edited by Mazzive_T; 01-11-2008 at 09:07 PM.
01-08-2008, 01:04 PM #13
Previous Cycle History:
3 x Dbol 25mg a day (8 weeks) no pct
1 x Anadrol 100mg day (6 weeks) pct of nolva and clomid
1 x Sus 750mg week (8 weeks) 100mg anadrol a day (6 weeks) pct of hcg nolva and clomid
1 x Test prop 100mg ed, npp 50mg ed, dianabol 100mg ed all for 6 weeks. This was my favorite cycle, put on a load of mass in no time at all!
01-08-2008, 01:06 PM #14
Just trained biceps now too.
BB Curl 3 x 12
Alternating DB Curl 3 x 24 (12 on each arm)
Hammer Curls 2 x 20 (10 on each arm)
Then a set of 7 low reps and 7 high and i was so ****ed from that that i could only manage 5 full reps at the end!
Really enjoying being back into my training now. Rite, im off to eat PWO Meal,
01-08-2008, 02:45 PM #15
looking at that cutting cycle i planned, the tren dosage is too high for a first timer, il change that to 75mgs ed. and masteron and winny are both DHT's so il drop the winny. No need for the var too, thats just a hole in my wallet!
So now it looks like this, 6 week course
Test Prop: 50mgs EOD (test - keep bollocks working)
Tren Ace: 75mgs ED (19 nor)
Masteron Prop: 50mgs ED (DHT)
any input from you all?Last edited by Mazzive_T; 01-09-2008 at 03:19 PM.
01-09-2008, 03:20 PM #16
just trained back
Underhand Barbell Rows 3 sets of 12
Overhand Barbell Rows 3 sets of 12
Deadlifts 3 sets of 12 (on max weight i have in room)
Single Arm DB Row 3 sets on each arm 12 reps.
weights up a little, not too much else to report though. Triceps tomorrow.
01-10-2008, 01:17 PM #17
didnt do tris today did shoulders, will do tris tomorrow. My biceps are still killing me from tuesday, geese i feel like their torn! Saying that though im in an excellent mood today, u no when everything seems to be going your way (watch saying that now il have a shit night!)
anyhow my Shoulders Workout:
Military press: 3 x 12
Seated DB Raises: 2 x 10, 1 x 8
Front DB Raises: 3 x 10
Bent Over DB Raises: 3 x 12
Upright Row: 3 x 10
rite im currently sipping on my PWO Shake, off to my girlfriends now, shes making my PWO meal for me! haha hope she does it rite...or
Post again soon. T.
01-11-2008, 03:44 PM #18
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im reading it bro!!
01-11-2008, 08:01 PM #19
lol thanks ramsay!
Just Trained Tris now, i know its a bit late but bin a mad busy rammed day!
Seated Single Arm DB Extensions 3 x 12
Seated Double Handed Single DB Extension 3 x 12 (heavy weight)
Seated BB Overhead Tricep Extensions 3 x 12
My bird made my PWO meal yesterday to perfection. Looks like shes gunna get nagged to do it again now! lol
Legs Tomorrow.
Post Again Soon. Have a good weekend everyone. T.
01-11-2008, 08:38 PM #20
good log bro keep it up! dunno but that workout u got going tho, but u no ur body best.
01-11-2008, 08:39 PM #21
im kinda restricted tho to exercises with just 80 k worth of weight and just a BB and 2 DB's. No bench or nofin. Come april tho when i join a gym i will get back to a "normal" ish workout.
01-11-2008, 08:40 PM #22
thanks for the input tho bro!
01-11-2008, 08:43 PM #23
01-11-2008, 08:46 PM #24
i hear you mate i agree i think maybe i could do with another rest day in there somewhere too.
Il get thinking and post back again tomorrow sometime.
01-11-2008, 08:50 PM #25
sounds good bro. how much weight have u put on since starting this diet? thats alot of cals. alos what is salad cream lol?
01-11-2008, 09:04 PM #26
lol salad cream hmmm...can anyone else english help me out on this one? lol
its a little bit like mayonaisse i suppose is the only way i can put it.
Ive not weighed myself yet as i havnt had access to any scales! But let me assure you, whenever i weight myself, whether it be tomorrow or when i 1st join a gym in april, il keep you posted buddy! lol. Tbh i think ive put on a few pounds, nothing special, but its kinda whats expected when im getting back into my training and eating properly.
Eatings actually getting annoying now, cos as soon as ive finished eating a meal, and cleaning all the cutlery n stuff, as soon as i get my head down to revise or do work or something, its time to prepare and eat another! But hey bodybuildings my passion and its what ive chosen. So there u go, thats my rant for today then. lol.
Peace Out. T.
01-11-2008, 09:07 PM #27
alright bro well ill be checking in regularly to see how ur progress is. make sure ur not putting on fat with that many cals and keep them clean
01-11-2008, 09:14 PM #28
il try bro, il try. Thanks for the encouragement.
01-12-2008, 03:31 PM #29
well after thoughts from my friend rocky, i have decided to take a day off. Ive replanned my training split too, il post that up tomorrow sometime, when il do legs too.
Im going to go to my girls and have a "cuddle" night in. Something kinda happened today to make me think how lucky i am to have someone behind me 100% in what i do. And to be honest i have been sacrificing her for my studying, training and eating recently. So i think the least she deserves is some flowers and a nice night in with a dvd.
Il leave you with a quote from another guy on here (think it was biglittletim - legend)
We're a vain, callous, and superficial lot, most of us here .
Sometimes we do show our better selves, though.
Enjoy your night. T.
01-13-2008, 05:43 PM #30
Trained Legs today.
BB Squat 2 x 12 1 x 8
Front Squats 2 x 10, 1 x 8
BB Lunges 2 x 12, 1 x 10
DB Lunges1 x 12, 1 x 10, 1 x 8
DB Hamstring Curls 3 x 8
feel quite lethargic today! Chest tomorrow, sorry todays posts brief, gotta go!
Post 2moz. T.
01-14-2008, 03:34 PM #31
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Where abouts you from T if you dont mind me asking? keep up the good work pal
01-14-2008, 06:11 PM #32
T i see alot of quad work and not much ham work. imo id drop db lunges and add stiff leg deadlifts.
01-16-2008, 07:50 AM #33
hi guys sorry not bin postin, had a test worth 50% of my module yesterday, and its 1:49pm now and i have a lecture on engineering disasters at 2! lol
rite il post what ive bin up to when i get back in, around half 3-4ish
01-16-2008, 08:24 AM #34
Hi guys, lecture was cancelled, so heres me walking across city for no reason!
well on monday i trained chest with some abs.
Flat Pressups 2 x 20, 1 x 21
Incline Pressups 2 x 20 1 x 19
Decline Pressups 2 x 20, 1 x 18.
Basic Crunches 3 x 20
Leg Raises 3 x 20
Side Bends (with weigt) 30 on each side
Broomstick Twists 30 on each side.
Then just as i was going to post....all hell broke loose so i had to go sort something out. Didnt get to eat my PWO meal till around 3 hours after training. Was not happy. lol.
01-16-2008, 08:26 AM #35
then yesterday i trained bis and tris, because taking into account what rocky said a few posts back, im going to have today off! lol
Seated Single Arm DB Extensions 3 x 12
Seated Double Handed Single DB Extension 3 x 12
Seated BB Overhead Tricep Extensions 3 x 12
BB Curl 3 x 12
Alternating DB Curl 3 x 24 (12 on each arm)
i dropped the weight for the double handed single extensions on my bed and my bed snapped! Better cover that up before the landlord sees...or im ****ed! lol.
01-16-2008, 08:30 AM #36
day off today, im starting to see a bit of shape, especially in my upper body. Nowhere near summer though and whats in my avatar. In summer my shoulders really looked the part and so did my bis and tris (even though they were overpowered by my shoulders - but they were still big). I dunno whether it was cos i was injecting in there (delts), but hey, i want that look back again. My backs really come on too, and my chest lacks size but has shape. Maybe them pressups are working! lol. Only complaint is legs, but weve got plenty of time to work on them before bulking and then beach time in summer. Right im off to have jacket potato beans and chicken with some salad cream and H20. Il post later if im bored (highly unlikely though, got another 50% test on friday! - so il have my nose in a book somewhere!)
01-16-2008, 08:31 AM #37
01-16-2008, 08:37 AM #38
yes i agree. Its strange how you can look at it from someone elses prespective (yours) and realise that somethings wrong! thanks. id of never thought of it that way.
I do feel my hams when i do deads, but looking at it, doing stiff deads will not only improve my hams but also my back and deadlift strength.
So now my leg day will consist of 2 squat exercises, 1 quad, 1calf, and 2 ham. So 6 exercises in all with 3-4 sets on each. Something like this
BB Squat ( u dont know how hard it is to get a heavy bb up past my shoulders and onto my neck! lol - i feel like my rotators about to pop out!)
Front Squats
BB Lunges or
DB Lunges
DB Hamstring Curls (these are hard too, getting in correct position on my bed!)
stiff leg deads
DB Calf Raises (holding DBS in each hand.)
Thanks for advice. T.
01-17-2008, 05:08 PM #39
well last night i bought a cross trainer! should be good when it comes to cutting in the summer! it was only £75 ($150) from tesco, its not all fancy, but itl do the job first thing in the morning infront of the tv. Its got resistance too, so im not too chuffed, il still push myself for a good 40 mins to an hour.
I also bought a heath grill (bit like a george foreman grill, but cheaper!) so thatl save all the cleaning of pans that i do all the time it seems. :-) (which means more time for my studying and my gf!) lol.
trained shoulders today. earlier on.
BB Military press: 3 x 12
Seated DB Raises: 3 x 8 (heavy - pushed myself, last few technique went a bit shite.)
Front DB Raises: 3 x 10
Bent Over DB Raises: 3 x 12
BB Upright Row: 2 x 10, 1 x 8 (heavy)
next time i might throw sum DB presses in there too, il see how i feel. Things are definatley getting easier though.
Im staying awake till 4am today in a bid to do all my maths i need to do by tomorrow, by 1pm.
On a good note, all 6 of my lab reports i handed in passed!
haha. just another normal day in the adventures of Mazzive_T! lol
Have a good weekend everyone, back or legs tomorrow i think (maybe some abs too.)
01-17-2008, 05:20 PM #40
looking good bro. make sure ur gf is giving u those deep tissue massages. =)
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Zebol 50 - deca?