Hi all, im 19 years old, a student in university, at the current moment i weigh 195lbs with around 15% bodyfat. Ive been training since i was 15 and the pictures ive put up both here and in the pictures forum show me at when i was 16 and i weighed 140 and in the summer when i weighed 210. In the summer id just finished my cycle and in the middle of pct when i visited my old school where their was a meningitus epidemic going around. Its my fault really, i should of stayed away. Anyway all hell broke loose and i cant remember how i ended up in hospital. So when you feel like crap and can only eat twice/three times a day, i lost pritty much everything.
Anyhow i came out of hospital and i then lost my job at the gym i worked in ( i managed it in the summer when i was off!), the owner is some bellend on a power trip basically and somebody lied and did something and he belived in them over me yet id bin there for 3 and a half years.
I havnt touched a weight basically since august/september and havnt been motivated. Recently though whilst ive been bored and looking around this great forum the bugs came back (and no its not meningitus lol). My new girlfriend who i care for dearly is 100% behind me and doesnt have a problem with the steroids. My mates must get a mention too as they are fully supportive.
I have around 80k (160lbs) worth of weight in my flat near my uni, which i will train with till april and seen as im banned from my local gym, (dont know why) i am going to train at total fitness in late april when my uni course finishes for the year. And in the summer im going to do a 14 week cycle which im in the process of planning. I will post as soon as its finalised.
Ive designed what i belive to be a good diet, i think whats different with my diets now to the past is im fully appreciating blood sugar levels that carbs produce, and the use of complex and simple carbs and when to use them. The only simple carbs i have each day in my diet will be first thing in the morning and straight after workout. Complex carbs are taken in the morning and before workout and only once after workout (as i train at 7:30)(il be training around 1pm in the summer when i break up though so will adjust accordingly)
My aims for this year are to get as big and strong as i can. In the past ive had to prove a lot of people, both my friends and enemies wrong, but never like this. Imagine being in the best shape of your life in a job you love where your basically getting paid to train. You get all your nutritional products and tanning and everything for cheap, and every member you know in the gym, knows you says hi, there all a cracking bunch, and they know your aims and what you train for. There there to spot you and for a chat and your there too. Now go from that to nothing. You never do realise what youve got till its gone eh!
So im using this as motivation. Almost as if im gunna prove people that i dont need my local gym to have the physique i want.
So here goes, my year long (natural till april) adventure!
Il be posting every day. Kind Regards, T.