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  1. #41
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    I took the last 2 days off because i found my lethargy was getting really bad and that i was just too sore to train and didnt want to injure anything, especially considering all of my weights had jumped and i put on 10lbs.

    I was dirnking about 10 bottles of water a day, thats 5 litres, and i cut it down to about 5 as my stomach was constatntly sticking im starting to feel better, although i have lost 1 lbs, probably of water,
    I have chest and tri's to do today and ill let you guys know how it goes..

    Diet is going great, eating lots of food. I found my favorite new meal that i dont make myself is a massive shawrma plate, chicken, beef, TONS of brown rice, 2 salads, chick peas, potatoes, and finished off with a fruit bowl...what could be better!!!!!!!

    cant wait till todays chest workout

    will let u guys know how it goes

  2. #42
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    Did Chest Today, couldnt do it yesterday.
    Was pretty tired today so i didnt lift to my potential, but it was still a solid workout, i did it in the, express way i guess u cud say...

    anyways, weight is about the same, but im really starting to look thicker and bigger, my arms and back especially, its starting to really explode. As fair as strength increase in weights, today was dissapointing, and not a confidence booster, but i have no doubt that it will be better the next workout.

    today was
    6 sets of bench
    5 sets of incline dumbells
    Super set of 5 sets of decline and 5 sets of chest flies...killer!!!!
    superset of extensions and pull downs
    and thats all i had time for

    as far as side effects
    at 20mg a day, nothing except that im constantly horny and im a little more tired than usual, otherwise, my skin actually looks clearer than it ever has and my moods are great.

    so far so good!

  3. #43
    Reed's Avatar
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    No strength gains in a week!!! Something has to be wrong. M1T is one of the most powerful anabolics from my understanding. Alot of people do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off type cycling with this product and see tremendous strength and weight gains.

    Whats your diet looking like?? Write it out, don't just say its in check cause that usually means in my experience that its wrong and your not getting what you need. Also write out your routine that you are doing. Get you some caffeine pills for the lethargy (one in the morning, one b4 workout) and do your best to get in there even when you don't feel like it.

    Just a warning if your diet is not on point, you will gain weight but not keep it when you come off. Your muscles will fill up from the bloating and then deflate after you come off.

  4. #44
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    im following the exact diet in the bulking forum...printe dout on my fridge, and carried around everyday checking off meals.

    i didnt say i am not haivng any strength gains....i said i had a poor workout.. so i wasnt at my potential..but i was still stronger than when i started

    as far as workout routine

    Chest and Tris
    Dumbbell incline
    Decline machine

    Rope Pulldowns
    Skull Crushers
    Cable Extensions

    Back and Bis
    Mts hi row/low row
    Dumbell/barbell Rows
    reverse flys
    Barbell Curls
    Dumbell Curls
    Machine Curls

    Leg Press
    Leg extension
    Stiff leg Dead Lift
    Hamstring Curls
    Calf Raises

    Standing Military with olympic bar
    dumbell press
    machine shoulder press
    side raises
    front raises
    rotator cuff band

    no more cardio

    thats my split

    and often times i do chest on monday and then again on friday as i feel it is one of my weaker spots

  5. #45
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    Ok just making sure bro. Thats a pretty big diet, pretty much the same macros as mine except I got more carbs. Good luck, if you've already gained 10lbs your probably doing something right just try to get some kind of "spike" before the gym so you can really go at it. I feel you on the lethargy, I got my log in the supplement section.

  6. #46
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    any ideas for a better split or training program ot maximize my chest and arms?
    legs r in good shapre already

  7. #47
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    Well how are your splits. what days do you do things??

  8. #48
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    hey guys, just an update
    weight is up about .5lbs(in the morning naked)
    did back and bi's last night!
    MY BACK IS really starting to explode
    Ive got huge strength gains and im certainly getting MUCH thicker and more defined. The V shape is really starting to show. A lot of people are aksing me what im on etc... its quite funny actually, because im not a huge guy, but i have i guess very very dense muscle, so they see me as this little guy, who goes and puts up huge weight and immediatly ask me what im taking, what my diet is, how long ive been training, and one fellow asked me if i was taking any of the "good" supplements


    the lethargy is gone, i wanna F.UCK EVERYTHING in sight for some reason, i cant go through the day without getting wood atleast 4 or 5 times. Um no acne, my skin is getting better and better...probably because i am more conscious and im taking care of it really well. Other than that, there isnt too much to report,

    umm heres a strength gain for you

    i was dead lifting 315 for 8 slow clean not a person who is gonna load up 450lbs and do fast improper sets, im deadlifting 315 for an EASY 12

  9. #49
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    Just a quick one, is your wait up 5lbs on top of the 10lbs you have already gained or are you taking that from your original wieght, interested to see if your gains are constant or go up and down throughout your cycle?

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by hldr1027 View Post
    Just a quick one, is your wait up 5lbs on top of the 10lbs you have already gained or are you taking that from your original wieght, interested to see if your gains are constant or go up and down throughout your cycle?
    I know its hard to see, but that was a 0.5lbs

    Um i stood on the scale again today
    up a total of 12lbs, its seems pretty consistent, although at certain times during the day i am about 3lbs lighter than others, but that could be due to the huge amounts of water and food im eating

    if you are not counting water probably up 5-6lbs of muscle and a total of about 12lbs
    im assuming by the end, ill finish at about 10lbs of solid muscle and about 17lbs including water, which i intend to lose as bloating in the mid section is pretty bad

    Did chest again today, i had this guy spot me today, and i swear to god, i thought he was lifting the whole weight, and i found out after, that he said he wasnt lfiting anything, so i asked him to spt me with 1 finger, and i put out 8 reps, where as i was expecting like 3-4

    now that is a SERIOUS gain

  11. #51
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    Good work, still waiting on my Clomi & Nolva, will be starting my cycle as soon as I get it, will keep following your log throughout, cheers!

  12. #52
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    did shoulders today
    Probably my best shoulders day yet, fueled by some pretty big frustaration.

    So here is the story behind the frustration and the reason why going to the gym can cause problems

    It was my GF's birthday last night and she ended up going home in tears...oh shit you are probably all thinking.. Well this is one of those stories where honesty is best saved for yourself

    we were talking and what not and we somehow got onto the topic of what would the other person do if we asked one to not do you are thinking right...anyways she started the conversation so i take no responsibility in that part...ummm up until this point we had a great back to the story... and she said well what if i dont want you to go to the gym and i replied then i dont want you.

    and i said if i cant go to the gym, i cant be happy and therefore it wouldn't be a good relationship...well this blew up into me not appreciating her and putting the gym before her and me putting myself before her blah blah ..all this is at her birthday dinner...and when we got into the car she just started bawling... i actually feel really bad, it was 90% my fault although i was just being honest, probably not the best thing to do in that sitation

    anyways, im pretty sure we are over therefore making my shoulder workout today....a new record in lifts!

    cheers guys

  13. #53
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    Tip of the day...............never be honest with women, always ends badly, sorry bro!

  14. #54
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    I feel you bro. Don't get down or anything just channel that into the gym. And sometimes it is best to be less than honest especially on a woman's birthday but then sit her down and explain things honestly. Thats what I would have done or told her I am not talking about this right now. I can see where and why she blew up but if she doesn't want you to go to the gym I'd have to find me a new gf because this is my life. There are plenty of other women who would want you to go to the gym and to even join in. Good luck bro.

  15. #55
    T_Own's Avatar
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    nice log. any pics?

  16. #56
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    As of yesterday, being my entry into my third week, im decdiding to cut my cycle short today. The m1t is starting to cause depression and i seem to be snapping at people and only realizing it after. I am constantly irritable and i just dont have the drive to do anything, to go to work, the gym, nothing. This sort of has happened over the last coouple of days.
    Ive gained over 10lbs and lots of strength and hope to keep it all.

    Does anyone have a suggestion as to how long my pct needs to be? still 4 weeks???

  17. #57
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    Did you just go 14 days with it. I wouldn't think anymore than 2 weeks of PCT if thats how long you ran it.

  18. #58
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    yea i went about 16days

    2 weeks of 100mg clomid 20 mg nolva?

  19. #59
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    Yeah there is no need for two SERMS. I read some where that M1T does not aromatize so taking Nolva would be fine. Some people have reported some water retention which can suggest that a moderate progestational activity inherent in this steroid , which can sometimes mimic the effects of estrogen. The again I may be wrong as I have never tried it
    Its kinda of difficult to judge what the best pct would be for only 16 days but my suggestion would be this:
    Take 40mg of Nolva first week
    week 2: 30mg
    week 3: 20 mg.
    That should get you covered.

    Next time you do go into this I would suggest better preparation for your cycle. You only had milk thistle which you probably started the day of.
    You never ran any Red Yeast Rice for cholesterol support, Hawthorn Berry to battle against high blood pressure, or CoQ10 for the heart. And all the support supplements need to be started I believe 1-2 weeks before the cycle begins. This is more than likely why you had bad side effects as there was no preparation involved. I usually run those supplements 2 weeks before, while on, PCT, and even after PCT to make sure everything is in order. I am on the middle of my cycle and the side effects are bare minimum.

    Here look at this thread, breaks it down for you much better: Everything And Anything About Superdrol (SD) and Phera-Plex

    Good luck with recovery, and my suggest would be to step up that diet to ensure most of the gains are kept.

  20. #60
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    I thought the common cycle for m1t was, especially for a first timer is:

    wk1: 5g

    This way you are upping the dose each week and progressing the push and gains.

    M1t the pumps and strengths are instant after you take the pill, you feel it.

    I thought stacking it with 4ad helps the lathergicness, appetite, energy as well as gains and you would need the novaldex/clomid for that.

    Also, I'd personally of stuck with 3 sets of heavy reps 6-10 with most of your excercises, maybe do a warm up and drop down depending. I also get the impression you are overdoing to many similar excercises, especially with your various shoulder press's, for your shoulder I'd personally stick with doing an excercise for each muscle group so something like, Military Press, Rear Delt Rows, Lying Lateral Raises, Front Raises would be a nice combination for ultimate strong shoulders.

    Eat something for slow releasing protein at night, casien protein shake or cottage cheese.

    Did you get bloated and that moon face appearance, also can keep us updated with any sides when you come off, such acne which could come in later (but i believe the pct should help combat that)? Thanks.
    Last edited by free_spirit; 08-14-2008 at 09:05 PM.

  21. #61
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    no face bloating, minor bloating in the mid section


    as far as other supplements, i started the thistle 3 weeks prior as recommened by the bottle, which i immeditaly changed to a GNC liver support supplement with garlic added...which was a total of 1g of thistle in each pill...3 a day. as well as a GNC cholesterol and heart support 2 in 1, some gross red pill, a couple of months before, as i take it regularly, so i didnt include it in the cycle info, as it was already part of my routine. diet is upped!!!

    as far as preparation
    i dont think i was truly mentally prepared to be honest.. between shit with my gf and work....although i ate well and hit the gym hard, i think i need to have more of my outside life in order before i do it and learn i guess...

    i expierence no acne, minor minor bloat, large mood swings form depression to excitement involving me being iritable. my bf increased about 1 percent, but thats because of my diet. my final weight was 177 . Which was a great increase and im very happy and so far i am still gaining 0.2lbs here and there...

    i know a lot of ppl that say clomid is better at boosting test and they are good ot run together. i have em why not....controversial to say the least

    anyways thats all for now

    Last edited by dd0316; 08-15-2008 at 12:00 AM.

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  23. #63
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    Was just checking to make sure you had your supplements in order bro. You should be fine. You looked like you have swelled up since you last avi pic. Congrats!

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    Was just checking to make sure you had your supplements in order bro. You should be fine. You looked like you have swelled up since you last avi pic. Congrats!
    thanks man

    I appreciate all your help! i gave you a little compliment in the one8nine mod vote thing..take a look....

    and again keep it up with all the great advice and commitment. This board should have more members like yourself!

  25. #65
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    Yeah I've been coming here for quite some time now just poking around. Was told from the beginning to wait till I maximize my potential and coming around here watching the newbies get flamed just backed up that reinforcement. This site has helped me with alot of knowledge, don't know about being a mod though. Don't have time for all that but appreciate the comment.

  26. #66
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    just an update
    i noticed i lost a little bit of water as my arms are a little bit deflated, but my strength seems to keep going up...its kind of weird.... before cycle i could dumbell press 80lbs dumbbells for 10 reps, now i can do 110's for 10 reps.....and i just put those up the toher day... and this is after 5 sets of becnh btw!! not its getting pretty crazyy
    ive kept most of the weight minus about 3lbs....and it seems to have steadyed out

    i think if i run this stuff again, i will make sure i run the full 4 weeks and do it properly.

    not to mention...its quite addicting considering i would jump back on right now, but i know that i cant do

  27. #67
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    6 days later and im up another 1lbs... just from the diet i believe and everything is going grea.t.

    Getting bloodwork done next week..ive been running nolva and clomid at 20mg and 100mg...should i drop the clomid after 2 weeks and just run the nolva as my cycle was only 2 weeks?

  28. #68
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    bump...any insight on the clomid and nolva..currently at 100mg and 20mg a day...for 2 weeks so far

  29. #69
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    jUST a last update as i am all done my clomid and nolva. I stopped the clomid early as it was really psychologically f ucking with me. i had for a period of time completely lost my sex drive, but it is pretty much back to normal, im feeling pretty good. As far as the weight goes, im actually gaining. im weighing in at 179...probably from my bulking diet..which really is an amaizng the weight is just piling on....the strength however is tapering off a litle bit and the increases are not as crazy as when i was on the m1t...but other than doing really great and have no complaints...2 weeks of m1t was well worth all the psycholigcal and terrible side effects

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