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  1. #121
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    based solely on picture 4 you can tell you will never be ready for competition by December. You should alter your goals, and make them more realistic. No point in continually setting yourself up for disappointment... because from briefly viewing this log, I can tell this experiment must have been a disappointment. The gains were no where near where they should have been for the amount / duration of the compounds you were putting into your body.

    I'd say next April would be a good guess for stepping on stage for an amateur competition. That stomach is going to take at least 8 months of constant training to lean up.. currently it's not tight / defined whatsoever. just my .02

  2. #122
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LexusIS09 View Post
    based solely on picture 4 you can tell you will never be ready for competition by December. You should alter your goals, and make them more realistic. No point in continually setting yourself up for disappointment... because from briefly viewing this log, I can tell this experiment must have been a disappointment. The gains were no where near where they should have been for the amount / duration of the compounds you were putting into your body.

    I'd say next April would be a good guess for stepping on stage for an amateur competition. That stomach is going to take at least 8 months of constant training to lean up.. currently it's not tight / defined whatsoever. just my .02
    Oh yah I abandoned the whole BEING READY FOR DECEMBER thing like a week ago... the whole fact that I will not be using any sort of stimulant to make my FAT loss consistent... plus I appreciate your constructive criticism. As far 8 months being a realistic goal.. nah I would give that a good 6 months with a strict diet and proper training.. You forget I will be on 250mgs EW of TEST... so that in itself allows for growth of muscle and as we all know.. the mor emuscle you have the more fat you just naturally burn.

    Yes I know I have consistently set myself up for disappointment.. but I am used to it.. it happens.. but if you dont have a goal.. then there is nothing to strive for or attempt to accomplish. Ya know??

    As far as it being tight.. you are right.. it isn't defined?? Yah it is a lil tiny bit.. you can see where the outline of my abdominal muscles should be if there was no fat on my body. I dutifully agree I have a long long long road ahead of me...

    I will remain on my TRT for however long it takes me to get down to at least 18% where upon I will do another cut cycle.. Involving Test Prop and Tren Ace along with PROVIRON ...

    My progress that I have achieved this cycle was YES a disappointment... BUT IT WAS NOT A TOTAL LOSS AT ALL !! That's what kinda makes me happy..

    As far as what I put into my body this cycle.. I basically sock it up to just a TEST ONLY CYCLE... I attempted to apply NPP but only ran 20 days of it for 50mgs ED... nowhere near enough to do anything and also I ran what Winny for 12 days at 50mgs ED... yet another wasted experiment ... so basically.. I kept it at a TEST PROP cycle with dosing varied... started out with 50mgs ED... bumped it to 75mgs ED... then once again bumped it to 100mgs ED.

    If you knew my history... I used to be COMP ready but I was T-boned by a Pick-up truck on my motorcycle ... which sent me into a whirlwind of depression and hell. I skyrocketed to 305lbs 39%BF.... when I was at 240 12%BF when the collision happened. When I finally got back into the game about 18months ago I went from 305lbs 39%Bf down to 215lbs. 24.78% BF when I decided stupidly to jump on a cycle because well I had a hankering to be back on AAS. I was already injecting TRT and well I dunno it kinda made me think while i was injecting the TRT like WHY THE FVCK NOT JUST DO A CYCLE AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS !!! And now... approx. 11 weeks later I am 229lbs. and 21.71% BF... which is FVCK in my eyes some good progress from what I was.. Now I will return to my TRT for I dont know how long.. 12 weeks.. 16 weeks... 20 weeks... WHATEVER IT TAKES TO DROP THE NEXT 4-5% BF before doing a cutting cycle...

    I GUESS WE ALL WILL JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS IN THE COMING MONTHS RIGHT?? Thanks for the constructive criticism my bud !!

  3. #123
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    No problem. You have some definition in the stomach area, but imo you just need to continue to cut. I am not even sure that I would AAS to cut in your situation. You're TRT, I do remember... you should just use the benefits from the extra energy it provides to get into the gym and literally bust your a*s with cardio each day.

    I think you'll probably have to get down to about 200 pounds, and then bulk up with lean muscle mass, and then do another cutter to bring you down to about 210 pounds. but even then, you will be very very small on stage, seeing as it will be un-tested. anyways, enough negativity haha.. good luck bye!

  4. #124
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oh I am gonna continue to CUT... definitely.. I have to.. no way around it... My life is going to be CARDIO but I am not and NEVER could forget about my weight training.. IT'S MY LIFE.. it's what I have always done.. I wish I could find a BEFORE pic of before my ACCIDENT..

    Anyways yah... It's all set... I'll do what I can and if it isn't good enough and I am not cut out to be a BODYBUILDER... Fvck I'll just return to MMA and totally destroy everyone.. ahahaha... been thinking about doing just that anyways... FIGHTING in the HEAVYWEIGHT division around here... this area is in DIRE need for HEAVYWEIGHT fighters that actually can fight and not GAS and also some HEAVYWEIGHT fighters with skill that don't just do the whole "BIG DUDE I'll KICK YOUR ASS CUZ I'M HUGE" (STAND AND BANG) or "The Wrestler"(LAY AND PRAY)

    My Future will somehow involve me and my training and MUSCULAR size... I can't sing and I can't dance and I am not BUILT to sit Behind a desk, so it is what it is... MY FUTURE is just that... an UNWRITTEN history..

    And as far as AAS and FIGHTING... I do not want to get into that debate... I would obviously not be on anything but my DOCTOR PRESCRIBED Testosterone prior to an UPCOMING Fight...

    AND NOW THAT I THINK OF IT.. Fvck I could do BOTH if I really want to... The Talent is there... I just have to HARNESS it and USE it !!!

  5. #125
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    Just in case EVERYONE jumps right to page 4 and doesn't see the pics I put on PAGE 3 that were taken Yesterday ... just so everyone can see... That I did in FACT post new pics... I warn you though... while i may have gained a lot more muscle due to this cycle, I didn't in turn lean up like I had planned to do.. more or less I did a BULKING cycle this GO around ... rather than a CUTTER like originally planned... so here are those pics again...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editcloseuptrap.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-uneditbackflex.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editfrontflex.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-editposeleftarm.jpg   The Deuce's Year Long LOG-edittrap.jpg  

  6. #126
    ciptech is offline New Member
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    chest, traps, and delts are looking much fuller. seems like you've leaned out some. keep doing what you're doing

  7. #127
    ciptech is offline New Member
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    bi's looking better also

  8. #128
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    THANKS DUDE !! Just now saw that you posted that !! Kinda made me smile.. since no one else has said anything lol...

  9. #129
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Bro that is life....but the key is to never give up...if you give it all you got each and every day it is easy to look into the mirror each and everyday...keep driving forward and push it to the edge each and every time and you will be where you want to be in no time....

    keep on getting it on brother...

  10. #130
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    nice progress man, definetly leaned out some. more muscle and less fat was your plan so kudos to you bro.....

  11. #131
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    hey man nice progress i def see a major difference from your start pics! doin good bro

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