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Thread: 2nd cycle log

  1. #1
    Focusmen's Avatar
    Focusmen is offline Associate Member
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    2nd cycle log

    (currunt/starting) 27/6'/187/12%bf/ 7 Years gym
    Mesurments (soon to come)
    1st cycle(06/1/09) Tes E 500mg wk /12weeks/ 30mg dbol 1st 4wk
    183 to 197 /held 190

    Current cycle(2nd)
    test prop 150-200mg eod/ 6-8weeks
    HCG 250iu eod last 4 weeks on-- Amridex .25 eod (have to check on that)
    PCT nolva 40/20/20/20--clomid 50/50/25/25
    Accutane on hand/ 10mg day( last time skin was bad)

    goal this cycle
    Measurements (soon to come)

    primed for the last 6 weeks (gradual decrease of carbs method)

    **EDIT(adding 100-150 grams carbs to meal #2-5-6 on training day or add 2 more whole meals)

    -3 whole eggs + 2 whites (or 8 egg whites)
    -cup oatmeal
    -cup milk
    -cup odawalla super food
    -tbs Udo's oil

    -Cup broccoli
    -1oz. almonds
    -1 scoop whey (syntha 6)

    #3 (pre-workout)
    -6oz chicken
    -10oz sweet potato

    #4 (post work out shake) [550/50/68/9/3]
    -2 scoops whey blend (monster milk)
    -1 scoop carbs (pure Karbolyn)

    #5(post work out meal) [521/56/61/6/1]
    -6oz. chicken
    -10oz potato

    #6(snack) [454/44/13/24/3]
    -8oz. mahi mahi
    -cup spinach
    -small alvacado

    #7 (before bed) [500/47/12/29]
    -1 scoop casein
    -2tbs udo's oil
    -cup Greek yogurt

    TOTAL: 3846 cals/ 330 pro/ 344 carb/ 126 fat/ 16 sat.fat

    +drink 1-1.5 gal water/ bcaa/ glutamine/ preworkout caffeine supps

    Training split:
    mon chest & calves/tue back bis/ wed quads hams/ thurs sholders abs/ fri arms/ sat&sun open (due to extremely rapid recovery time experienced last cycle im going to take one day off and basically try to hit every major muscle group 2x wk and abs and calve 3x)
    (Cardio 20-30 mins @130-140bpm 4xweek following workout)
    exercises & rep range soon to come

    -Bi weekly progress pics/ measurements
    -general comments

    Last edited by Focusmen; 05-26-2010 at 03:36 PM.

  2. #2
    Focusmen's Avatar
    Focusmen is offline Associate Member
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    1st dart in quad today before workout. burned a couple hrs after just like the tes e shots. killed my legs in gym, gotta love placebo effect!

  3. #3
    Focusmen's Avatar
    Focusmen is offline Associate Member
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    day 7 of 56 update.
    weight 195. +8lbs (total)

    Workouts been real good(nice swell), good recovery time, appetite been good.

    had issue with severe quad pain for a 2cc shot( couldnt walk right for 3 days, affected leg workout). Changing to .75 (75mg) ed darts, seems to not get near as sore.

    goal this week is to take my carbs up 100gs or so. Shooting for 3lb this week.

    other links to current cycle events/ concerns.
    less that 1cc in ample?
    Tiny crystals in vial?
    Mixed reviews on this lab?

  4. #4
    Future22 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010
    Cool man! Following along!

    My planned cycle you already commented on:*6#post520***6

  5. #5
    Focusmen's Avatar
    Focusmen is offline Associate Member
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    day 14 2 week update: weight 198 +3lbs(measurments taken) (started armidex .5eod and finastride 1mg ed)

    goal for day 21 is 200lb!

    noticed appetite isnt as good as last week.

    getting real hot all the time.

    and pain from darts has subsided greatly

    awesome workouts.

    main goal now is to keep pounding that food!

  6. #6
    oldschoolfitness's Avatar
    oldschoolfitness is offline Associate Member
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    boone, n.c.
    good job man already with a solid foundation, your gains should come along nicley

  7. #7
    BignBig's Avatar
    BignBig is offline Junior Member
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    Your legs need some attention. Tall guys always have difficulties building up legs ..
    All the best ... I'll be following

  8. #8
    Focusmen's Avatar
    Focusmen is offline Associate Member
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    genitcs are a bitch some times eh, but the wheels get blasted twice a week when my knees can take it.

    Started lil pink dbol today. prob just 10-15mg before workouts. see how i react then maybe up dose
    Last edited by Focusmen; 06-15-2010 at 11:30 AM.

  9. #9
    Focusmen's Avatar
    Focusmen is offline Associate Member
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    well im at a very interesting point now. ive been taking 15mg of dbol the last 4 days with great results. enough to question the dosing and overall legitimacy of the prop ive been taking.

    Im getting 3 diff kinds of prop from two trusted sources over the next week. then im going to research how I can get what i have been using , to get tested.

    one side of the dbol is i cant sleep worth a shit(but i have energy all day still) and i seem to be breaking out on my chest already(unless its from the build up of prop

    Starting 10mg ed accutane tomorrow(im very prone to acne)

    weight 200.5

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