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  1. #41
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    How I feel: AWESOME, healthy.
    Anxiety level: Because of the fallback on monday, I felt a bit afraid this morning going to get the injection. BWAAAAGGH did a good job, didn't hit any nerves, and it went pretty well. After I felt awesome!
    Diet: Awesome. Or, well, I forgot my 7 chicken filéts at home today. God damnit! Now I have to go all the way to the shop and sort myself out. Jesus. Still, I can't believe how this works. I stuff myself like a turkey on christmas every day, almost making me throw up, and still I manage to be hungry after a few hours. I guess that's a good sign!

    Other: I am sleeping like a baby these days, trying to sleep more than I used to as well, so I am going to bed rather early. My wife doesn't quite approve, she is politely asking for me to stay up longer and have a glass of wine and talk and be a good husband. Oh well, I will surely try to make up, take her out some more these weeks, and tell her how awesome she is. Flowers maybe. Wives love flowers. Awesome flowers.
    Tomorrow I am leaving early to another country for a show, energy level is high, I am pretty hyped up for this one! It's the largest club in the area. Also, on Saturday I am playing in a different country again, at the best club in town. Head for the hills!!!

  2. #42
    chadstud's Avatar
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    Invite your wife to workout with you. Then she will understand your tired and want to go to bed. I did and now my girl loves going to the gym with me and she goes to sleep wen I do. She used to stay up all night now we go to bed around 9. She never complains anymore. Plus she likes to watch me workout anyways. I'm
    Sure yours would too. And yea your always hungry because your metabolism is going full power. It's supposed to work that way. Mix up your meats or you will get tired of only chicken.

  3. #43
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    I'm gonna try to gather my daily "3 posts in a row" in one post, or it just gets messy. And you don't like it messy!
    So, it's now:

    DAY 14 : PIN #5


    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    Personal comment: Same as last week. A bit disappointing, but this is also the exercise which goes slowest for me in terms of increasing weights. Hoping for more weights next week!

    Elevated bench
    30kg x 8
    30kg x 8
    30kg x 8
    Personal comment: This is a 2.5kg increase per hand from last week! Feels good.

    Pec flies
    59kg x 10
    59kg x 10
    59kg x 10
    Personal comment: Last week I increased with 9kg, and this week with about 5 kg added ... I feel good about this one! Not sure if I am able to increase next week, but that should be fine.

    30kg x 10
    30kg x 10
    30kg x 10
    Personal comment: Upgrade from the 27.5kg from last week. I am pretty sure I can go up another 2.5kg on this one, but I am getting some pain in my right forearm now. Better be careful about it.

    How I feel: Healthy, normal
    Anxiety level: Low. Awesome. Wasn't too afraid today when I got my fifth pin, and it didn't hurt much so that certainly helped for later pins.
    Diet: I had two shows in two different countries this weekend. While I made sure they understood I needed my specific diet, I now understand that I can NOT trust party promoters for these kind of things. When I landed in country number two on saturday they handed me a box of noodles from the "Jolly Noodle" kiosk on the corner where I was performing. I was pretty mad about it, but had to rush and do my show. I need to reevaluate how I do this travelling with the new diet.

    Other: I totally messed up today. Let me explain:
    First of all, this weekend was AWESOME. I played for a total of 2000 people in two countries, gained fame level by a hundred, and I had so much fun. Problem was the diet, as the promoters didn't take my contract seriously, and there wasn't much time to sort myself out anywhere. Also, I had to fly between countries at very uncomfortable times, with transit stops, which didn't help. I didn't get much sleep, I am guessing I had a total of 4 or 5 hours of sleep the entire weekend, which was mostly on planes. It's not usually like this as I am put in fancy hotels and I can relax and use the gym there. This was just very unfortunate with the countries being far apart, and that the promoters didn't care for my diet. Anyways, so I come home last night very late, tired as a sloth, and just fell asleep in my super comfy bed. I need to get up at 05:45 to be able to get my pin set before the gym, and still reach my job by normal office hours. Because of me being so tired I had set the TIME to 05:45 and not the alarm. I wake up at 06:30 and throw myself in a taxi to get there for my pin injection. I am so much in a daze I take the pin used on me and try to inject it in BWAAAAGGH's buttcheek. He was NOT very amused. Now, I don't have any diseases at all, nor have I ever had any blood transmittable ones, but it's not something you would like to happen to yourself.
    So, I feel kinda bad about that one. I shouldn't make mistakes at all when it comes to this.

  4. #44
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Today was a bit scary. I'll explain in a bit.
    First things first!

    DAY 15


    70kg x 12
    90kg x 8
    90kg x 8
    100kg x 8
    Personal comment: Finally past the 100kg mark! Always feels good to get past some cute numbers.

    32.5kg x 10
    32.5kg x 10
    Personal comment: Hm, the weight rack doesn't have heavier weights. I need to either start using the squat bar, or hand weights.

    230kg x 10
    230kg x 8
    230kg x 8
    Personal comment: Up 10kg since last week. Moving up! This is where things got scary for me, I'll write about it below the log.

    Leg extentions
    94kg x 10
    100kg x 10
    Personal comment: 100kg!! Finally. Also a cute number to get to in my opinion. Was gonna go for 3 sets, but felt some pain in my right knee and decided to stop.

    Leg curls
    64kg x 10
    64kg x 8
    Personal comment: Up from last week too. Up in all exercises since last week, at least I'm doing something right! At the moment I feel good about that.

    Now, I like to see myself as a mellow guy. I don't get angry, I am happy most of the time, and I don't get pissed off easily. My dayjob requires me to work directly with people and I got to my position through pure social skills. My music puts me on stage in front of thousands of people and through good music and good vibes my name increases in popularity every month. Today though, something scary happened. While doing legpress, I felt I needed a spotter, since I was moving to uncertain weights, and it's a bit scary machine to get stuck in. The other guys I am training with were in a joking mood, said they were gonna do it but didn't, and just started taking pictures ... suddenly I felt a SERIOUS RAGE coming. I got really really angry. I had to move away a bit and tell myself to calm down, and seperate from the group. Now, I would probably be angry anyways, I am trying to figure out if this is the test working on my brain. If so, it's not something good coming. I need to really really be mindful and careful from now on, and check my temper. Losing it can mean my job and music career. Also, I don't want to be a dick to my friends. Felt it was the right thing to do to move on and work out the rest of my session on my own and leave. I am not happy about it.

    How I feel: A bit angry, healthy
    Anxiety level: Gone right now, feeling agressive.
    Diet: Have loads of chicken stacked up with me today, shakes ready, cell-tech ready!

    Other: Well, I mentioned the rage problem. I also got quite a bit of pain in my right forearm. I got it first after doing armcurls, and I was hoping it would have been better by now. The only solution might be NOT to use my arms for heavy lifting, but that's out of the question - so I'll try to get some wrist-support from the shop.
    I feel like crap. I might go home and ride this one out.

  5. #45
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Man, things are going well.

    DAY 18 : PIN #6


    20kg bar x one million billion (warmup)
    60kg x 12 (warmup) (132 pounds)
    90kg x 10 (198 pounds)
    95kg x 8 (209 pounds)
    100kg x 8 (220 pounds)
    Personal comment: There we go, the 100kg mark! Seems I've been crossing the mark in several exercises this week. Slowly built up this session today because of my weak back, but it feels good now. Next week, 100 all the way.

    66kg x 10 (145.5 pounds)
    66kg x 10 (145.5 pounds)
    66kg x 10 (145.5 pounds)
    Personal comment: Level up here as well! Increased weights here last week too, so this is definately going the right way.

    Rows, tight grip
    74kg x 8 (163 pounds)
    74kg x 8 (163 pounds)
    Personal comment: Level up!

    Dumbbell rows
    30kg x 10 (66 pounds)
    30kg x 10 (66 pounds)
    Personal comment: Level up here as well. This felt kinda easy, I should increase weights next week too.

    Back extentions
    5kg x 10
    without weights x 10
    Personal comment: This exercise still gives me amazing pumps, even without using weights. Good stuff.

    How I feel: I feel great, really enjoing how I am increasing in strength alot these days. Not sure if it's the test or just me having steady gains.
    Anxiety level: Definately going away! This is my greatest victory yet. I might put up a seperate thread with a poll for what music genre I should use for making a tune, to celebrate me conquering my greatest fears, and give it to the users of this forum. Stay tuned.
    Diet: My problem the latest few days has been forgetting to bring my pre-made food to work. I am dealing with it by going to the store and grabbing what I need for the day, but it just costs me alot money. Need to get better at this.

    Other: I am having some questions about how this works. I don't really feel much different, I am not having increased sexual drive, no sides, no serious strength increases... not much of anything. Now, I have read that I shouldn't expect too much yet, next week is week 4 since I started on the Test Enanthate , and it probably takes a while. Still, you know, having questions. I'll wait until next week before I start checking what's up. It's not like I am doing it wrong I feel. I am not injecting test into my cat or anything, it's right up there in my right cheek. Pow.

  6. #46
    SamBuca is offline New Member
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    Good posts. Have you thought about something to help with your anxiety?

  7. #47
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SamBuca View Post
    Good posts. Have you thought about something to help with your anxiety?
    It's been a struggle since I was just a kid, this insane fear of needles, totally without logic. It was pretty unimaginable for me to start taking test injections, but figured it would be pretty good for me to finally deal with it. I never before consider any medication for it, since the easiest way out was to simply avoid injections. Now it seems like my plan is working.

    It's a great situation for me alltogether

  8. #48
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    This is quite possibly the best log I have ever read haha. Fantastic writing man. The side stories are great

    Did you get your AI for your cycle? Any signs of gyno yet? You are closing in on 3 weeks at pretty high doses. Think you have anxiety now, imagine how bad it will be if you have bitch tits.

    Also what about starting/end pics for the cycle?

  9. #49
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GFA View Post
    This is quite possibly the best log I have ever read haha. Fantastic writing man. The side stories are great

    Did you get your AI for your cycle? Any signs of gyno yet? You are closing in on 3 weeks at pretty high doses. Think you have anxiety now, imagine how bad it will be if you have bitch tits.

    Also what about starting/end pics for the cycle?
    Have Letro on hand if anything arises, but no gyno has appeared, nor any issues with zits or any nasty sides I could expect, YET anyways. No AI for the cycle, and trying to get Nolva for PCT (i know i should have gotten this before the cycle, but I was inexperienced and was told by my link i didn't "need it". Working on it.) The anxiety has been limited to having injections only, and I have had it since I was very young. Seems to be sorted now with these two pins a week though! Wheeeeeee!

    I have a start-photo, was gonna hold on to it until I take my end pic. I got a colleague to take it while me being naked, he freaked out, but I assured him I would allow him to live if he just did as I told him. I have also placed a black censor box on my ding dong. So don't worry, none of you will need to see it. Ever.

    I am experiencing some huuuge strength increase these days though. It's amazing. Gonna write about it in my next post (workout session log).
    Last edited by HeadForTheHills; 03-02-2012 at 03:19 AM. Reason: typo

  10. #50
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Millitary press
    40kg x 8 (88 pounds)
    42.5kg x 8 (93 pounds)
    50kg x 7 (110 pounds)
    Personal comment: Wtf, what's up with these gains?? Last week I could only do 40kg with spotter. Now, after doing my 42.5kg with no spotter I decided to go for 45kg ... put on wrong weights, felt it was a bit heavy now, and after doing my max 7 realized id was 50kg??? Holy baby satan, what the hell is going on? haaah!

    Upright rows, superset with flies
    35kg x 10 / 8kg x 12 (77 pounds / 17.5 pounds)
    37.5 x 10 / 8kg x 12 (82.5 pounds / 17.5 pounds)
    Personal comment: Going up in the world! Rock and roll!

    Shrugs, first bar and then superset with one plate in each hand
    70kg x 12 / 15kg x 15 (154 pounds / 33 pounds)
    70kg x 12 / 15kg x 15 (154 pounds / 33 pounds)
    Personal comment: A huge gain since last week this.

    Front raise, plate
    15kg x 10 (33 pounds)
    15kg x 10 (33 pounds)
    Personal comment: Feels easy. Try 20kg next week.

    Bench, right grip
    60kg x 8 (132 pounds)
    60kg x 8 (132 pounds)
    62.5kg x 8 (137 pounds)
    Personal comment: A good increase since last week here as well. Really feeling the strength increases this week!!!

    36kg x 10 (79.5 pounds)
    36kg x 10 (79.5 pounds)
    36kg x 10 (79.5 pounds)
    Personal comment: Level up! Getting good burns in my arms here!

    How I feel: Normal, healthy. Alot more hungry than before. Sleeping like a baby.
    Anxiety level: No changes, hoping it's gone for good, forever. We'll see on Monday when it's my next pin.
    Diet: Still keep forgetting my pre-made meals at home, it's getting too expensive, this can't go on - next week I need to pull myself together and bring my meals! Also I want to change it up a bit, I hate chicken so much now. Fish and turkey next week it is!

    Other: This week I have been experiencing huuuuge strength increases. I am really looking forward to finding out just how far this will go week to week now. BWAAAAGGH is talking about changing the workout to another plan starting next week. Not sure where he's going with it, but as always I'll just tag along as he knows more about it than I do. I am not experiencing any sides yet, which pleases me alot. Feel good about my efforts so far, and I am considering making a musical piece to post on this forum, under the name HeadForTheHills. Put up a poll in the AR part of this forum for people to vote on a genre, but people don't seem to care, so I'll just sample some workout videos and make a random tune and post it soon anyways. People don't realize there are people in this world who pays alot of money for me making stuff like that. Hah!

    As always,
    Last edited by HeadForTheHills; 03-02-2012 at 08:54 AM. Reason: Forgot "bold". Bold is very important.

  11. #51
    shutup's Avatar
    shutup is offline New Member
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    Great strength gains mate, just out of curiosity how many calories are you eating each day? (Sorry if u have posted it). I enjoy reading your posts, keep it up

  12. #52
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Hey HFTH,

    Can you put what week you are on in your posts so we dont have to go back to the first page to figure it out?

    Enjoying the log.

    How is your weight? Are you gaining steadily?

  13. #53
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Today we changed the program a bit. I don't know what it's called, but it's like we lift 10-12 easy reps, then 10-12 medium heavy ones, and the last set is 6-8 or to fail. Also, shorter breaks between, and we try to push fast up and 3 seconds to lower. It was kind of fun, so I'm gonna name this routine the Happy Time routine. I like Happy Time. It makes me happy.

    @GFA you are right, so I will from now on!

    DAY 22 / WEEK 4 / PIN #7


    I actually don't have all the numbers today, it's in BWAAAAGGH's book, so I'll have to fill it in a bit later. Still, i'd like to write a bit about a few things I do remember.

    1) Decline bench press. I did a set of 75kg today, that's a 5kg increase from last week straight bench. I am strong like superman! I am pretty sure that's how much superman would lift. 75kg. At LEAST.
    2) Switched to concentration curls. Felt really heavy, but at the same time got a huge pump. Must be good then!
    3) Got a good set on the incline bench press with hand weights. Got good pump in my manly chest, and I feel a great strength increase.

    I also figured out I need to start weighing in. I haven't until now, but will start soon.
    I'll post soon again with the numbers, and maybe some stories. Maybe some stories from show business. Always fun.


  14. #54
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    I'm in pain.

    DAY 23 / WEEK 4


    60kg x 15
    90kg x 10
    95kg x 8
    100kg x 8
    Personal comment: Moving to the 100kg thingy. Feeling stronger than before, hoping to do an all 100kg set next week.

    Leg press
    230kg x 10
    250kg x 10
    Personal comment: Was going for 3 sets here and to increase to 270kg (last week I was at 230kg max) but felt some pain in my thigh and decided to stop here. No worries.

    Leg extentions
    100kg x 10
    100kg x 10
    Personal comment: 100kg is what I managed to move up to last week, and wanted to do two sets on 100kg and then move to 110kg (which is max on the machine!), but suddenly I got a TERRIBLE headache and muscle spasm. I'll write more below.


    At this point I had to stop working out. In the end of my leg extention set I got a terrible pain in my neck and head. I've had this before, a long time ago, and it's so damn painful it's hard to do anything. I am pretty sure it's tension headache, it puts me out of business for the rest of the day, and I have to take painkillers. Bummed me out alot since I was on good weight gains today, and have been all week long. My problem is that now I am sitting here with agonizing pain in my neck and head, and at the same time I am getting pain in my right forearm, something I got when doing arm curls last week. I really don't need to get several different issues with my body at this time, as I'm moving in on week 4 and I am just starting to experience very good strength gains. If the pain stays I will have to consider taking a few days off from the gym and make sure I heal properly. You guys know the feel, nobody wants that in the middle of a cycle.
    Allthough, at the same time it is important to not get permanent damage. Aah i feel like shit. Fff**** my life.

    How I feel: I am in pain.
    Anxiety level: Zero! Victory!
    Diet: I am having real issues with the diet. It's simply very difficult to push down the amount of food required. I don't know how you guys do it. I hate food so much at this point, and I need to find some other way - or at least some modified diet, which enables me to take in as much protein and carbs needed to grow like a motherffff****er.

    Other: Not much more. I am in pain. My wife is being moody as hell. I've had better days.
    Tomorrow is rest day, so hopefully I'm better to thursday (back day).

  15. #55
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    Bro you need to take an AI of some sort. Letro is very powerful so most guys take L-dex or Exemstene. You are now in your 4th week and your body will start converting that test to estrogen. You don't want a high Estrogen level it will affect your Libido and cause you to hold more water and get a moon face. Estrogen is also 200x more supressive that Test. You might ask guys who uses Letro on what dose to take. I would start with .25mgs every other day.

    I like electronic music. If you can post a youtube video of one of your favorites. Although I am sure it is much more of an experience in a night club setting.

  16. #56
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    Bro you need to take an AI of some sort. Letro is very powerful so most guys take L-dex or Exemstene. You are now in your 4th week and your body will start converting that test to estrogen. You don't want a high Estrogen level it will affect your Libido and cause you to hold more water and get a moon face. Estrogen is also 200x more supressive that Test. You might ask guys who uses Letro on what dose to take. I would start with .25mgs every other day.

    I like electronic music. If you can post a youtube video of one of your favorites. Although I am sure it is much more of an experience in a night club setting.
    I guess you're right, my problem is that nobody seems to agree on what is best dosage if I am to use Letro as AI while on cycle, not if I want to use it on PCT. People throw all sorts of numbers at me, some people say they use it with great success, others say it's too strong and you shouldn't touch it with a golden pitchfork. I am already experiencing a bit of water retention, but I sort of expected it, so no big deal there, allthough not using any AI while on the cycle does worry me, and as soon as I get good numbers on the Letro I will start using it now. Are you sure the .25mgs eod isn't too much / too little while on cycle?

    About the music, I'll post this tune I am working on soon, under the name Head For The Hills, which will contain samples of people talking weights. I am sure you'll find it fun

  17. #57
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    This is not going well.

    DAY 25 / WEEK 4 / PIN #8


    Was gonna be back day, but I still have insane tension headaches and neck pain from tuesday. Also, my right forearm is in pain as well. I felt it coming back hard as soon as I started lifting today, and backed off. What BWAAAAGGH did when he got shoulder pain was to keep on training, and he is in his third or so month with great pain. I don't want to go there, and hopefully I will be back in business next week if I take it easy today and tomorrow, followed by a relaxing weekend. I decided to take a good half hour on the treadmill so I at least did something useful of my time. Got my sweat on, and at the same time felt the same lower back pump which I have been experiencing alot lately. I get it by walking up the street for christ sakes. Is this normal?

    > Please respond.

  18. #58
    G502's Avatar
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    Love you crazy stories and keep it up man, also you got pics?

  19. #59
    mirin_serratus is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry but if you're deadlifting 200lbs and not sure about your form then you should not be juicing. seriously tho it's like you've only been lifting for 6 months go learn to lift properly first

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeadForTheHills View Post
    This is not going well.

    DAY 25 / WEEK 4 / PIN #8


    Was gonna be back day, but I still have insane tension headaches and neck pain from tuesday. Also, my right forearm is in pain as well. I felt it coming back hard as soon as I started lifting today, and backed off. What BWAAAAGGH did when he got shoulder pain was to keep on training, and he is in his third or so month with great pain. I don't want to go there, and hopefully I will be back in business next week if I take it easy today and tomorrow, followed by a relaxing weekend. I decided to take a good half hour on the treadmill so I at least did something useful of my time. Got my sweat on, and at the same time felt the same lower back pump which I have been experiencing alot lately. I get it by walking up the street for christ sakes. Is this normal?

    > Please respond.

    Dbol can cause lower back pumps. Are you taking any of that? Because if you are you definately need the Letro. You can take Taurine pills throughout the day for back pumps. 4-5 grams should work.

    And what doseage is your Letro? 2.5mg pills? Or do you have the liquid?
    Last edited by Brohim; 03-08-2012 at 11:32 PM.

  21. #61
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirin_serratus View Post
    Sorry but if you're deadlifting 200lbs and not sure about your form then you should not be juicing. seriously tho it's like you've only been lifting for 6 months go learn to lift properly first
    Thanx, but it's been a while since i have questioned my form. I am not overdoing my back lifting as I have a history with bad back. It's getting better with all this working out thing people are talking about though!

  22. #62
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    Dbol can cause lower back pumps. Are you taking any of that? Because if you are you definately need the Letro. You can take Taurine pills throughout the day for back pumps. 4-5 grams should work.
    I don't take dbol , i do have it but decided to go safe. This might just be me having done good back workout, I won't dwell on it too much for now

    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    And what doseage is your Letro? 2.5mg pills? Or do you have the liquid?
    2.5mg pills.
    Still trying to consider wether or not to start taking some Letro while on the cycle or not. I don't really see any sides, not yet anyways.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirin_serratus View Post
    Sorry but if you're deadlifting 200lbs and not sure about your form then you should not be juicing. seriously tho it's like you've only been lifting for 6 months go learn to lift properly first
    ya this sounds like a typical post you would make. Your so opinionated about what everyone else is doing yet you clearly have no idea. Your "diet" is eat as much as possible, things like pizza, BRUTAL. You need to sort yourself out before giving advice to others.

  24. #64
    mirin_serratus is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotts View Post
    ya this sounds like a typical post you would make. Your so opinionated about what everyone else is doing yet you clearly have no idea. Your "diet" is eat as much as possible, things like pizza, BRUTAL. You need to sort yourself out before giving advice to others.
    lol you mad the most of the biggest/strongest guys don't eat clean? So what if I'm on a bulking cycle and getting in a lot of calories? strong argument young padawan

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirin_serratus View Post
    lol you mad the most of the biggest/strongest guys don't eat clean? So what if I'm on a bulking cycle and getting in a lot of calories? strong argument young padawan
    so bulking is just eating like shit? Good job bro your killing it, especially at 15% bodyfat.

    orry to the OP about this on your thread, this is gonna be my last comment with regards to this.

  26. #66
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    New week, new everything.
    And also, storytime.

    But first things first!

    DAY 29 / WEEK 5 / PIN #9


    Decline bench
    50kg x 15 (110 pounds)
    60kg x 12 (132 pounds)
    75kg x 8 (165 pounds)
    75kg x 8 (165 pounds)
    Personal comment: 75kg is a new record. I checked my old logs from August when I started lifting every day, and I was at 40 then. This means I am almost at double from August. This makes me happy indeed!

    Inclide bench, hand weights
    22.5kg x 12 (50 pounds)
    30kg x 8 (66 pounds)
    30kg x 8 (66 pounds)
    Personal comment: Increased a bit since last week. Felt heavy, but gave me a decent pump.

    Pec flies
    54kg x 10
    59kg x 8
    59kg x 8
    Personal comment: Not really an increase since last week, but I felt a good pump, so it's all good.

    Concentration curls
    12.5kg x 10
    15kg x 8 (33 pounds)
    15kg x 8 (33 pounds)
    Personal comment: No real increase here, but I get a good arm pump. Will try to increase next week. My right forearm is still in pain and it's hard to get the biceps workout done.

    ez curls
    30kg x 10 (66 pounds)
    30kg x 10 (66 pounds)
    Personal comment: Also here I am restricted by the pain in my right forearm. Got a swelling there now as well, but I am told that's a sign it's healing. No idea what it is, but it's certain arm positions which are painful.


    I do think I promised never to write about my penis in a previous post, but this is actual fact, and it did happen. Also, I am a sharing caring guy, and you get the honest truth from me any day of the week. Like today monday!
    Now, don't expect this to be a sex story - allthough I really wish it was. It's not me getting jiggy with the wifey, not being able to sleep because my masculinity got the better of me and I got it on all night. God, why wasn't that the case.

    Anyways, I went to bed rather early, as I wanted to be awake and energetic this morning for my pin and workout. I love mondays, as chest and biceps are some of my favorite things to train. About 5 minutes after I laid down in my comfy bed, my boy decided to get up. And not only did he get up, he went up STRONG. Wifey was fast asleep already, and as she was gonna get up really early I didn't want to wake her up. Or, I wanted to wake her up, but .. you know what I mean. It looked kinda silly from my point of view, looking down towards my feet, and there it was - a tower of great splendor, lifting up the sheets like it was the gods themselves lifting up the skies. That's how I felt it anyways. At the time I didn't think much about it - like hey, the guy was up, ready for anything. But it just wasn't the right time, and I turned to the side to sleep it out. Mr Penis would have none of it. The flex he decided to give me was of such strength, it would remind me of the pump I get when I get a good workout.
    I'll make a long story short. 9 hours later, I was still up, and so was big guy down there. I was super tired, and actually a bit angry with a part of my own body. Thanx for the timing, bro!
    I got up, he didn't get down still, and I realized if I went to the gym like that, it would be a bit too obvious - you know, with the pants being loose and all, it would be a bit too visible. I am not sure if BWAAAAGGH would like me to spot on him on the bench. Not like that. God no.
    Solution? PRE WORKOUT SUPPLEMENTS. Two scoops of jack3d, bam - down you go buddy!

    And that's the conclusion of my story.
    I wonder of the test did this? Didn't happen before.

    As always,
    Last edited by HeadForTheHills; 03-12-2012 at 06:44 AM.

  27. #67
    chadstud's Avatar
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    Lol so the jacked made you limp? Why not just go to the bathroom and take care of that thing lol

  28. #68
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadstud View Post
    Lol so the jacked made you limp? Why not just go to the bathroom and take care of that thing lol
    Jack3d kills my shit 100% for a few hours, no doubt!
    haha I can't believe you just suggested that! To me it was two birds with one stone. I work out in the mornings before I go to the office. Pre-workout tug-out is not my thing!

  29. #69
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    DAY 30 / WEEK 5


    70kg x 12
    100kg x 8
    100kg x 8
    Personal comment: No real increase here. I feel like it's not going anywhere now, but will force in some extra plates next week I think. This is no holiday!

    Leg extentions
    79kg x 15
    79kg x 15
    Personal comment: I have been at 100kg here for a few weeks. However, last week this is where I got my neck pains, as I tensed up my entire body as I was trying to lift extra weight. I have been bothered with it since, and now just trying to avoid getting it back. If I push it now, I feel it coming back, so I am taking this one easy for a while. Took off about 20 kg today and instead did slow lifts. Got a good pump so at least I'm maintaining.

    Leg curls
    59kg x 10
    59kg x 10
    Personal comment: Same as the last few weeks. Next week I can increase.

    Leg presses
    220kg x 10
    230kg x 8
    240kg x 8
    Personal comment: A slight increase in weights here, but totally failed at the last set when I was trying to close the security thingy. Almost died a bit by having 240 kg pushed through my legs and into my body. Nice!

    Sitting calf raises
    25kg x 20
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    Personal comment: Wow, haven't done these in a while! I should though, not really doing calf any other place. I'll go to 60 or 70 next week and find out how much weight I can lift. These usually gave me cramps at night. Looking forward to waking up in agony. Yes.

    How I feel: Healthy, normal, with a major increase in libido.
    Anxiety level: As this one now is sorted, I won't even bother to include it from now. It's a major victory for me to have this dealt with.
    Diet: I am finding it hard to eat as much food as I wanted to. I feel it increasingly necessary to drink protein shakes to get enough of proteins. The 6 meals a day thing is ****ing hard...

    Other: My brave little soldier is totally giving me a hard time (pun intended). Jesus christ, you guys weren't joking. It's not always practical, you know! haaah


    So, there I was, at the office, doing my job like there was no tomorrow. People at the office are by now very used to watching me go back and forth to the kitchen filling up shakes with CELL-TECH or protein powder. The best joke they have come up with at this point is something along the lines of "sooo... whats the street value of this powder of yours? LOL!"
    I usually just laugh along, not because I find it too funny, at least not the 10th time or so I hear it, but to keep people in a good mood about my workout focus now. So anyways, here comes my boss, watch me drink some shakes, and the conversation went something like this:

    Boss: Soooo... how's the steroid thing going?
    Me: .... steroids?
    Boss: Yes! Steroids! haha look at all that white powder, you must be FULL of steroids now!
    (I realize he is making jokes, and I am filled with relief. Nobody wants their boss to know, it might stir up conflict. I try to joke along with him, but it comes out a bit wrong.)
    Me: haha yes! Steroids! Boy do I love them!
    Boss: Yeah haha it would be perfect for you, steroids, [waiving his hands in the air, then pretending he is me, making up his voice] 'ooo look at me, big and strong, give me some drugs!' "
    Me: Raaaaarh! haha! Yes, give me some testosterone enanthate! ...
    Boss: haha! What?
    Me: Raaaarhhh! Give me some dbol!
    Boss: ...
    Me: ...
    Boss: ... Yeah, so...
    Me: Good talk.

    I need to be more careful.

  30. #70
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    Lmao.. Lil bit specific

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeadForTheHills View Post

    Boss: Soooo... how's the steroid thing going?
    Me: .... steroids?
    Boss: Yes! Steroids! haha look at all that white powder, you must be FULL of steroids now!
    (I realize he is making jokes, and I am filled with relief. Nobody wants their boss to know, it might stir up conflict. I try to joke along with him, but it comes out a bit wrong.)
    Me: haha yes! Steroids! Boy do I love them!
    Boss: Yeah haha it would be perfect for you, steroids, [waiving his hands in the air, then pretending he is me, making up his voice] 'ooo look at me, big and strong, give me some drugs!' "
    Me: Raaaaarh! haha! Yes, give me some testosterone enanthate! ...
    Boss: haha! What?
    Me: Raaaarhhh! Give me some dbol!
    Boss: ...
    Me: ...
    Boss: ... Yeah, so...
    Me: Good talk.
    Bahahahaha, classic my man. I have chat's like this with the boss all the time (not about steroids ), just random weird chats that accomplish absolutely nothing.

  32. #72
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    So, I didn't log thursday (back day) or friday (shoulder / triceps day), because I had my neck and head pain which really held me back. I decided to take some careful days, not go all the way with the weights, and just maintain. I've increased in all exercises every week, and found I could do with a couple of days like this to make sure my injuries went away. While I am not sure it's gone, I am not feeling it all the time anymore, and only on a few specific exercises. So, today I was back in business.

    DAY 36 / WEEK 6 / PIN #10


    Decline bench press
    50kg x 12
    60kg x 10
    80kg x 9
    85kg x 8 (spotter)
    Personal comment: Holy craaap, huge increase! Just last week I increased from 70 to 75, and this week to 85? That's just insane. I am hoping it's the test starting to kick in, I have waited a bit for these gains.

    Incline bench press, hand weights
    22.5kg x 12
    30kg x 6
    27.5kg x 8
    Personal comment: Last week I was at 30 both working sets ... had a hard time making it today, I am blaming the huge increase on the decline bench, I might have tired myself out a bit. I certainly hope so at least.

    59kg x 8
    64kg x 8
    64kg x 8
    Personal comment: Feeling it here. Last week I increased from 54 to 59, and this week up again. Every week I increase in strength is a good week!

    Concentration curls
    15kg x 10
    17.5kg x 7
    17.5kg x 7
    Personal comment: Here too, increased weights. Awesome.

    I was out of time at this point and had to hurry up - forced out a quick set of light weights without relaxing after the concentration curls. Should try to plan the time better next week as I don't want to lose this one.


    So, this is my first cycle. It's also my friend BWAAAAGGH's first cycle. We don't have the experience, but we are certainly trying our best to do as much research as possible so we do it right. We didn't know what to expect, but lots of stories told of floating on rainbows, riding unicorns, and walking around like aggressive sex machines. Sounded good to me! However, not all that happened, and because of expectations, we felt the stuff didn't work, maybe we got duds, maybe we did something wrong. As we are experiencing major strength increases, and the fact my face looks like a balloon right now, we are slowly realizing it's the real deal. Shit is going down.
    Oh, and about my swollen face. I am experiencing some water retention, and guessing it's a side I should do something about. Like I have written before, at the moment we only have Letro at hand, and we can't get many people to agree on how to use it mid-cycle. There is one suggestion in this thread, but again I want to ask you guys reading this thread, what would a good dosage Letro be mid-cycle to counter aroma sides? Got the pills version.

    Now that I got that out of the way, I am happy to see that we will indeed get proper PCT delivered to us next week. We will get Nolva and HCG .
    HAH!!! Did you realize HCG is made from WOMAN URINE? Maybe you knew, but I didn't! Piss from girls!
    That's what I am gonna inject into myself. I wonder if I should gargle it first.

    You know, to make it all official.

  33. #73
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    Letro @ .25mg eod would be good to start with.. If you can't break the pills this small, .5mg e3d should be ok as well.this should take care of the bloat and puffyness
    Adjust as needed..

    Common Signs:
    Low estrogen - lack of libido, ED, joints ache, feel more lethargic/tired than usual
    High estrogen - bloat, puffy/sore/tender nips

  34. #74
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    interesting log by the way.. been following since the beginning

    one of the most entertaining threads I've ever read

    love the story time

    would love to hear that mix you were talkin about posting as well

  35. #75
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    Thanx alot @jasc !

    Also, forgot to say: We got some packs of Anavar and we wanna start taking it at the end of the cycle. Because we can.
    Pack says: Anavar (20mg) Oxandrolone 10mg. What does this mean? Should I concider one pill as 10mg ? Also, on this cycle, when would it be appropriate to take the Anavar? I see some people overlap, some before end of last pin and some after. Please advice! At the moment planning 2 weeks before last pin, 2 weeks after.
    It's DAMN expensive by the way!

    @jasc yeah I have some face bloat, and nips are tender. Guessing for high estrogen then. Gonna try the magical Letro trick, starting with .25mg eod to start off easy. Thanx for that.
    Last edited by HeadForTheHills; 03-19-2012 at 07:08 AM.

  36. #76
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    No prob man

    can't help much on the Anavar , haven't taken it myself
    From what I've seen, most people take around 60mg/day

    Not sure on the 20/10mg discrepancy.. doesn't make much sense . Hopefully someone with experience will chime in

  37. #77
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    I messaged one of the real knowledgeable members here hopefully he'll drop in and be able to help

    side note: If you have any specific questions, the Q&A section is the most active section n usually yields more views/answers than this log section.

  38. #78
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    DAY 37 / WEEK 6


    70kg x 10
    90kg x 8
    120kg x 6
    120kg x 6
    Personal comment: New record, 10kg heavier than last week! Could probably go deeper, but overall I am happy with this.

    250kg x 12
    275kg x 8
    Personal comment: Wooah why hello there big gains! How I missed you! Last week I maxed on 225, now I can add 50kg? Bam. Thats whats UP!

    Leg curls
    54kg x 8
    68kg x 8
    Personal comment: 54 was max last week, so I wanted to add an extra 7kg ... but my friend pranked me with an extra plate of 7kg.. to a total of 14kg more. Oh you joker! Anyways, good thing, since I did manage, and will go with this next week too.

    Leg extentions
    93kg x 8
    100kg x 8
    Personal comment: No gains here in two weeks due to my neck injury which I got while doing this exact exercise. I am not gonna push it. My neck feels better now, so maybe I can add some weight later.

    How I feel: Healthy, normal. Pain in my right forearm, recovering from neck and head pains.
    Diet: Have been studying alot lately how nutrition works on the body (also the videos in the sticky threads on this forum) and I need to adjust my diet a bit. Will work it out according to what I am able to take in.

    Other: My friends, who took orals as well as enanthate , have some insane strength increases. They are now gonna add to that as well, and are ordering more orals. Good thing for me is that it will secure me PCT so I have it on hand to after this cycle. I have this anavar , and as I have planned this to be a test e only cycle, I am concidering to finish off with anavar. Read a few posts back in regards to this. Also, I am concidering to take some Letro for the rest of my cycle.

  39. #79
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    Well looks like the help fell flat..

    Now that your 6 weeks in, you should have an idea of how your body handles the test. Keep up the letro but don't take too much, it's incredibly strong.

    If you wanna run the Anavar I don't see a problem with it. However, I would run it the last weeks of cycle not pct. While not very supressive, anavar is still mildly suppressive and the last thing you want during pct is something making it even harder to recover. Plus during the first week or 2 of pct you want to take it easy, shorter/lighter workouts. Your test levels are very low at this point and overworking can easily turn catabolic.

    60mg/day of Anavar is standard so it may be a good place to start n increase if you feel you need to. It is also very mildly hepa-toxic, so it does not stress the liver to the extent of most other orals. Because of this many people run it longer, some 8 weeks +. Anavar also has very little aromatization, so you will not need to increase your letro to accomodate this anabolic .

    Hope this helps. As I said, I have not taken this but have spent countless hours reasearching it to prepare for future use. Ideally a first cycle should be only 1 compound, but after you get all of your test side effects under control, I don't see any harm in using the var.

    best of luck n let us know how it goes

  40. #80
    HeadForTheHills is offline Junior Member
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    Thanx alot @jasc, you are being very helpful!

    So far I am not really seeing any sides other than water retention (which varies from day to day) and tender nips. Nothing bad though!
    We'll see what my link comes up with, and I'll decide. My friend wants us to increase the test e cycle to 12 weeks. I always thought that seemed a bit long though, at least for a first cycle. Add the var to it and you got another few weeks I guess.
    I am not sure about that one.

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