03-21-2012, 08:26 PM #81New Member
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Head for the hills I must commend you on the impressive amount of detail you put into yours posts shows your passion
03-24-2012, 02:20 AM #82Junior Member
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Why thank you @Ffm ! Makes me glad to see people are enjoying my posts.
DAY 39 / WEEK 6 / PIN #11
Millitary press
40kg x 10
50kg x 8
50kg x 8
Personal comment: This is the exercise I have had the fastest gains on since I started out. 50kg is way beyond the kids department in the weight rack and I had to use the squat bar with plates on to get this done. Mad!
Front raise, plate
15kg x 10
15kg x 10
Personal comment: No increase here. Problem is that the plates jump from 15 to 20, and 20 is a bit much still. I might go for it next week anyways.
Upright rows bar and side raise hand weights, superset
30kg x 12 / 7kg x 10
30kg x 12 / 7kg x 10
30kg x 12 / 7kg x 10
Personal comment: Same as before I reckon, but getting a decent burn here. Doing the side raises with the 7kg hand weights straight after the upright rows, and its paaaainful!
Shrugs, bar first and then a plate in each hand
70kg x 10 / 15 x 10
70kg x 10 / 15 x 10
Personal comment: Never had much of a neck before, I see it sneaking in. Great stuff.
Bench press, tight grip
50kg x 15
70kg x 10
70kg x 8
Personal comment: Lots of gains here! Feeling good! Doubt I will manage to increase next week, but I'll try it just in case I got superman issues.
35kg x 12
35kg x 10
35kg x 10
Personal comment: Lots of gains here as well. Pretty sure I can increase next week too.
30kg x 10
30kg x 8
30kg x 8
Personal comment: WOW great increases! A few weeks back I was at 20kg max!
How I feel: Normal, healthy
Diet: Still working on it. Not happy about what I manage to eat, so need to compensate with shakes alot.
Other: Have a huuuge show coming up next weekend. Feeling really good these days and I am sure it will show on my performance. Really looking forward to it!
I still can't get over the fact that HCG is extract from pregnant woman piss.Last edited by HeadForTheHills; 03-24-2012 at 08:37 AM. Reason: messed up some numbers
03-27-2012, 01:50 AM #83Junior Member
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This sunday, I switched it up a bit.
DAY 41 / WEEK 7 / PIN #12
As I went for a mid-cycle picture session this day, I did a total workout session - chest, arms, legs. Was a good one. Not gonna list the weights as I did lower weights than normal at a 12-15 repetition set. Got a decent pump.
Wasn't too happy with the photos as I have alot of water retention, and still some fat stacked on after all this bulking business. After I start cutting, which will be in two weeks time, with the addition of anavar probably, I'll get new pics taken too.
After the cycle I'll show both before cycle, mid cycle, and after pics.
How I feel: Normal, healthy
Diet: Not good enough, eating right, but not enough. Hard to get all the food down.
Other: Got a hard lump in my buttcheek after this pin. Guess it's an absess in there somewhere. Last time I got it it went away after about a week, so I'll just do the left cheek for a while.
03-27-2012, 02:11 AM #84Junior Member
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Another week, more gains!
DAY 43 / WEEK 7
None of my group showed up for training this morning. Their loss in one way, but also sucks for me - as I always try to lift more than I think I can handle, and I need someone to make sure I don't collapse like an old accordion. This means that in certain exercises I hold back a bit.
70kg x 15
110kg x 8
110kg x 8
110kg x 8
Personal comment: Last week I had one set at 120kg. Doing all sets at 110kg is something I feel good about, but since it's max of what I can lift, I didn't go as low as I should have. I feel I need a spotter for this one.
Leg press
280kg x 10
300kg x 8
300kg x 8
300kg x 8
Personal comment: Increased 25kg here since last week! In fact, this must be like 80kg more than I lifted just a few weeks ago. It's like my legs don't care - bring it on, gravity!
Leg extentions
100kg x 10
100kg x 8
100kg x 8
Personal comment: Last time I tried 100kg here I got neck problems with head pain included. After that I took it easy for a while, went down 20kg, and slowly built it back up. Now at 100kg again, no problems what-so-ever. Feels great! Not many plates left on the machine. Wonder what to do when I get there?
Leg curls
68kg x 8
68kg x 8
Personal comment: Heavy stuff. Did one set like this last week, now two sets without much effort. Feeling strong!
Overall, great strength gains. Have had some strength gains every single week during this cycle so far. Will be exciting to see how far it goes towards the end of the cycle.
How I feel: Normal, healthy. Less pain in my right forearm today, no more neckpain. Always appreciate days without injury!
Diet: Same as ever, hard to get enough food down. Really need to compensate with protein shakes.
Other: Will leave the country this weekend for a huge show. Need to take my back session tomorrow and then there won't be any sessions until next week. Food is no problem where I will be going, but obviously I won't get my pin on thursday or monday. Changing the pins so I get one tomorrow evening (close enough) and tuesday again (also close enough). Then back to the normal pattern of mondays and thursdays.
03-29-2012, 05:31 AM #85Junior Member
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DAY 45 / WEEK 7 / PIN #12
I was Forever Alone guy at the gym today. BWAAAAGGH is somewhere else, plotting to take over the world. I had some gains, but most of the workout I didn't add weight since last week.
100kg x 12
120kg x 8
120kg x 8
120kg x 8
Personal comment: Going up!
Rows, broad grip
74kg x 10
74kg x 8
Personal comment: No news here.
Pulldowns, tight grip
66kg x 10
66kg x 10
66kg x 10
Personal comment: No news here.
Dumbbell rows
30kg x 10
30kg x 10
30kg x 10
Personal comment: Here too, same as last week.
How I feel: Healthy, normal, but arm pain comes back when lifting heavy. I hate it.
Diet: No change.
Other: I am gonna sell my dbol back to the supplier, as I won't be taking them. I do have the pack of anavar and I am still considering to take it at the last part of the cycle. We don't have much Testosterone Enanthate left, maybe 2 more weeks worth, but we might get hold of a bit more to increase the cycle for 2 more weeks, than nothing for 3 weeks, followed by the PCT. Just in time for summer! Happy times!
This weekend I have a huuuuge show abroad. Excited.
04-03-2012, 06:12 AM #86Junior Member
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DAY 50 / WEEK 8 / PIN #13
100kg x 10
110kg x 8
120kg x 8
120kg x 8
120kg x 7
Personal comment: Alot more than normal. Good form. Decent strength gains since last week.
Leg presses
300kg x 10
325kg x 8
Personal comment: Last week I maxed at 300, today 25kg more. Nice strength gain.
Leg extentions (superset with leg curls below)
100kg x 8
107kg x 8
Personal comment: Increased 7kg here. Pretty sure I can level up next week too.
Leg curls
68kg x 8
74kg x 8
Personal comment: Level up.
Straight leg deadlift
50kg x 10
60kg x 8
Personal comment: First time I am doing this exercise, so pretty much felt it out. Didn't feel too heavy and will go nuts on it next week.
Got some sides, so will mention them as well.
How I feel: Healthy, normal
Diet: As always hard to get enough food in, so trying to be very specific about what I eat. Super happy when dead animals are available.
Sides: Adding the SIDES part here as I might be experiencing some. Have had some sore nips for some weeks, but no indication of gyno, so no fear for it yet. Got some water retention in the face, but it comes and goes, and seems to be closely linked to what I eat, and mostly after I travel. This morning I also woke up with an acne outbreak on my right shoulder as well. It's not alot, but doesn't look like something I want to have there. As I haven't had problems with acne since puberty, I am prone to say it's sides from the gear.
Actions: Paying close attention to the acne the following days. Taking extra showers, and will get some sun on. Will make sure I don't get infection. If it explodes I'll go all Letro on that motherfoooker. Hopefully it's work out.
Not doing anything about sore nips at the time being. I am on week 8 of my cycle and it's getting close to my last pin anyways.
Other: Was travelling for the last 5 days, music related, and had issues getting enough meals. When I first did get to eat there was no problem getting enough proteins, but they did tend to blend alot of the food with different sauces and was hard to keep out unwanted foods. Doing another 4 days from this thursday, and might experience the same. As this worries me a bit, it worries me more that I don't get to work out these days. Will see if I can do some rotation on my week to move my thursday set to wednesday morning, and do my shoulder/triceps which usually is on fridays to wednesday night.
Not optimal, but I guess better than nothing.
Had a big show this friday, almost 1000 people attending the dance. Got some people touching up my arms and chest, made me feel very macho.
04-04-2012, 02:23 PM #87Junior Member
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DAY 52 / WEEK 8 / PIN #14
Since I will be gone the rest of the week, I sortof took my time and took a two hour session, full routine, except for legs which I did tuesday. Same weights as last week, got a decent burn and pump. Yes baby.
Sides: The acne on my shoulder I mentioned tuesday hasn't developed into anything serious, not increased in amount, nor gotten worse in any way. This may be a short and not bad thing. I am not worried.
My cycle is getting closer to the end, unless I extend it for another two weeks. BWAAAAGGH says he is mostly looking forward to never looking at my buttcheeks ever again.
04-11-2012, 03:34 AM #88Junior Member
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DAY 56 / WEEK 9 / PIN #15
Decline bench press
50kg x 12
70kg x 10
80kg x 6
80kg x 6
Personal comment: 80 is alot for me, heavy as fffuuck - but still a huge increase since I started out the cycle. Very happy about it.
Incline bench press
27.5kg x 9
30kg x 7
30kg x 7
Personal comment: Just a bit more than last week. Had a shorter break between sets than usual.
Dips, forward leaned
Body weight x 10
Body weight + 15kg x 8
Body weight + 15kg x 8
Personal comment: Feeling strong! Gotta increase to 20 next week.
Pec flies
66kg x 10
73kg x 8
73kg x 8
Personal comment: Getting stronger here too, got to increase next week.
Concentration curls
15kg x 10
15kg x 8
15kg x 8
Personal comment: Whats this, getting weaker? I don't get it. Must be a reason, hoping to be back on track next week.
Bar curls
20kg x 10
25kg x 10
Personal comment: I can do 30 here but felt really weak in my arms and just did a few fast sets to get something done.
Then did some abs. Losing some fat I am noticing, and need to focus more on abs so everything is ready under there!
How I feel: Healthy, normal
Diet: Not counting or managing to have a really good planned diet, but getting my high dose of proteins through fish and meat, and the additional protein shakes.
Sides: No sides at all.
Other: Nothing to report.
04-11-2012, 03:41 AM #89Junior Member
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DAY 57 / WEEK 9
110kg x 8
120kg x 8
130kg x 8
140kg x 8
Personal comment: Huge increase since last week! Up 20kg here. I feel GREAT!
Leg press
325kg x 10
375kg x 12
Personal comment: WOW. This is like 50kg more than last week, and by the count, I probably could go above 400! My legs are cooperating!
Superset: Leg curls / leg extentions
73kg x 8 / 107kg x 12
77kg x 8 / 113kg x 12
Personal comment: My legs kick ASS today. With leg extentions, there simply aren't more weights on the machine. On leg curlz, almost on max as well. Need to change up the program I guess!
At this point I had to leave for work and had to skip calf raises.
How I feel: Healthy, a bit depressed
Diet: Nothing new
Sides: Nothing
Other: Had a huge fight with the wife last night, and it's pretty serious. Long story, and I won't bother you with it, but it is affecting my focus at work, but at the same time makes me perform harder at the gym I found. Hope it settles... Cuz I feel really down.
04-13-2012, 04:23 AM #90Junior Member
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DAY 59 / WEEK 9 / PIN #16 !!! LAST PIN THIS CYCLE !!!
Barbell deadlift
20kg x 15
50kg x 10
80kg x 8
100kg x 8
100kg x 6
80kg x 8
Personal comment: Below my max, I can't really concentrate now.
Dumbbell pull-over
30kg x 8
30kg x 8
Personal comment: Probably the same as last time.
Close-grip front lat pulldown
66kg x 10
66kg x 8
Personal comment: Same as last week.
Rear-delt rows
45kg x 10
45kg x 10
Personal comment: Same as last week.
One-arm dumbbell row
30kg x 8
30kg x 8
Personal comment: Felt easy, increase next week.
How I feel: Healthy, depressed
Sides: Nothing.
Other: Everything sucks at home, I'm really down.
04-13-2012, 04:36 AM #91Junior Member
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DAY 60 / WEEK 9
Seated dumbbell shoulder press
12.5kg x 12
15kg x 12
20kg x 8
20kg x 8
20kg x 8
Personal comment: Not bad this one. Might go up next week.
Upright barbell row
30kg x 10
30kg x 10
30kg x 10
Personal comment: Heaviest in the weight rack, I need to use the bar from squats with added weights next time.
Dumbbell side lateral raise (superset with previous exercise)
7kg x 10
7kg x 10
7kg x 10
Personal comment: I do this one every week and get the same amount of decent burn. Might go up next week, but maybe I don't even need it.
Front plate raise
20kg x 8
20kg x 8
Personal comment: Up 5 kg from last week. Great!
Lying close grip barbell triceps extensions
40kg x 12
50kg x 10
70kg x 10
Personal comment: Was gonna take a few more sets on 70kg but needed to move on to the next spot.
Triceps pushdown
36kg x 8
36kg x 8
36kg x 8
Personal comment: Slight strength increase since last time. Felt heavy though.
How I feel: Healthy, depressed.
Sides: nothing.
Other: Everything still sucks at home. I don't function well at work. Last pin was set yesterday, hope the aftermath won't affect my emotions too much when things are like this.
04-13-2012, 09:30 PM #92New Member
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Dude first of all what an impressive shoulder workout! I have been lifting longer than you I believe, and I believe compared to your numbers you've posted I lift more weight for the most part, BUT dude I am so impressed with your shoulder workout! That upright barbell row weight is HEAVY! Also your front plate raise strength is off the charts! There are not a lot of people that can do sets with a 45 there! Finally, is your 'lying close grip barbell triceps extension' exercise a close grip bench press or is it more of a skullcrusher exercise? I am a bit confused there. Either way, you've got another very impressive lift chalked up with it!
I'm sorry to hear about the problems at home. My only advice is if your cycle IS NOT the reason for the problems then I would maybe consider extending another couple weeks until things can hopefully get sorted out. If the steroids have something to do with the fighting then obviously disregard the above sentence. I know its easy for me to say this on the other side of the fence, but things will have to get better eventually. Just try to keep a cool head and maybe you two can start to fix whatever problem(s) there are. I am rooting for you bro! I spent a good amount of time reading your entire log from post 1 till now, and am a fan of your writing. Good luck with everything bro.
One last thing... I see that you are an electronic music artist. Do you create music of the trance genre? If so I'd love to hear some of your work. If its dank stuff then I'd like to buy some of it and listen to it on me iPod while beasting in the gym.Last edited by pinnacle_shine; 04-13-2012 at 09:34 PM.
04-13-2012, 09:35 PM #93New Member
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Oh yeah almost forgot! I think its time to post those progress pics! Like today! I want to see what kind of progress/changes you experienced as I am in the early stages of my very first cycle as well.
04-13-2012, 11:58 PM #94
04-15-2012, 10:15 AM #95Junior Member
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@pinnacle_shine : Thanx bro, nice words there. Yeah my shoulder exercises have definately been the ones with best progress, chest being the slowest (but getting there). The one you are asking about is a close grip bench press yes!
My wife and me have had problems for a while, I just though they had been sorted out, guess I was wrong. She said yesterday she was considering a divorce, I totally lost it, didn't think my body could react like it did when she said that. Then after that we talked about it and suddenly she had a change of heart, and today she is vacuuming the shit out of our apartment, singing and looking all happy. God damn, I don't quite understand all of this, but it's definately not because of the steroids . I haven't had any noticeable emotional sides due to this cycle. I did consider to extend the cycle, but did land on stopping here as planned. We'll see how this goes, I'm hoping for the best.
And yeah I am gonna get some pics taken for sure!! I want to get it taken in the gym, maybe tomorrow.
@Brohim : Two weeks it is. I only have HCG and Nolva, will look into if clomid is available here.
04-15-2012, 10:55 AM #96Junior Member
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@pinnacle_shine : ... and I'll throw out a trance / housy tune soon as well !
04-16-2012, 01:57 AM #97Junior Member
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what h
04-16-2012, 04:52 AM #99
04-16-2012, 06:34 AM #100Junior Member
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04-16-2012, 07:26 AM #101Originally Posted by HeadForTheHills
I've gained more size naturally over 3months than u have using juice over 9weeks? Either ur gear was fake/under dosed, or you just didn't eat (at all)
04-16-2012, 07:54 AM #102Junior Member
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Yes @dooie, but not this intense.
I have experienced some great strength increases throughout this (my first ever) cycle.
My greatest gain so far is in strength. The biggest challenge has been diet, as I have had problems getting all the food down. Throughout my log I've been talking about it.
I guess the pictures doesn't show it too well, and people on this forum who are more experienced than me have better gains, both in strength and build, eat more and better, and so on, but I am actually quite satisfied with my results so far.
Thanx for all advice I've gotten during the cycle, I'll keep on lifting heavy and improve my diet, and we'll see where it goes.
04-16-2012, 01:58 PM #103Not Here
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Great read. Love the stories.
05-04-2012, 07:04 PM #104Junior Member
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And then..... He disappeared. I would love to know what happened next. Did he pct? How is his marriage? Did he keep his gains?
06-06-2012, 09:16 AM #105New Member
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lol yeah I would like to know what happened with this guy as well, very entertaining read hfth.
06-23-2014, 03:03 AM #106Junior Member
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Now where was I ?
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