04-17-2014, 09:45 AM #81Member
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Day 72 - 206lbs
I am officially bigger than I have ever been. I've been heavier, but only because I was fat. I am carrying more muscle than I did when I was in college. I notice little things - by jeans are hard to put on and take off because of my thighs and calves. I walk slightly differently because of the size. The only shirts in the front of my closet are XL or XXL - everything else is pushed to the back.
I'll finish this cycle at the end of next week. It's real tempting to go on another month, but I know it would be even more tempting to go on after that. Its been a good run and I've made a lot of progress. Hopefully I can put on 4 more lbs by then. I'll continue going heavy and doing my HIT until I start PCT. At that point, I'll keep the calories almost as high, but I'll probably clean up the diet, back off the intensity a bit and get a little more rest in hopes of accelerating a full recovery.
04-28-2014, 08:51 AM #82Member
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Day 83 - 207lbs
The end - sort of.
I took my last shot thursday. All good things must come to an end. I've made progress and learned a lot, but its time to give my body a break. Its tempting to continue, but the gains have slowed down and I'm feeling a little beat-up.
I can't overemphasize what a difference diet makes. When I had 5 or 6 days of really solid diet hitting 3,000+ clean calories and eating every 2.5-3.5 hours, I made great progress. When I missed a couple of days or just didn't put in the effort to squeeze in that extra meal or two, the results were not as good.
Twelve weeks is a long cycle. There is a lot that goes into a cycle. Its not just taking a few shots. You have to work out VERY hard and consistently. You have to keep your diet right. You have to do these things day-in and day-out - even when life gets in the way and you don't feel 100% like doing it. A few weeks isn't bad, but it is hard to stay on track for 3 solid months.
HIT has made a big difference. I am definitely bigger and stronger than ever before. I will use HIT on my next cycle - probably after I've been on a couple of weeks so that I can "shock" my body into growth just as the compounds and extra calories kick in. I'm going to move back to a Texas system workout to change things up and let my body recover. I'm pretty beat-up from 10+ weeks of HIT.
I did not do a long or serious enough prime before this cycle; so I'll be doing a 21-30 day prime before the next one.
The gains were great, but pretty slow on this cycle. Hopefully that means I'll be able to hang on to more of them. I'll probably use more juice next time; but I'm glad i started off slow on this cycle. While I wish I had gotten more results, i honestly can't say it would have been realistic. I just have to keep up my training and try to gain while off cycle.
I'll update off and on during PCT and then post up my post-cycle blood work. maybe that will be of value to somebody.
Now for some THANKS:
To Austinite for some of the most articulate and thorough articles on all things AAS. Without his wisdom, I think I would have still been wandering around in the dark and doing it wrong.
To Jim230027 for all the diet help. Jim and the frequent contributors to the diet section have taught me about the most important part of this game.
To Marcus for teaching me about HIT and patiently answering the simplest of questions. Following Marcus' suggestions has definitely taken my training to a whole new level.
To JimmyInkedUp for inspiration and knowledge. His article on Examistane probably saved me a pretty good chance of crashing my estrogen or ending up with gyno. Reading his cycle results and diet were always inspirational.
To KelKel and Bass - for their patient guidance and for being the first guys that sent me to the right threads to help me answer my own questions.
To RaginCajun, Hazard, BikerAl, Dpyle, TimesRoman, Cuz, Bass, Ickythump, lovbyts, Cuz, Igifuno and all the other frequest contributors for helping to keep it fun. If you don't enjoy what you're doing, why do it?
THANKS GUYS!Last edited by DontTaseMeBro; 04-29-2014 at 12:38 PM. Reason: additional info
05-09-2014, 08:20 AM #83Member
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Day 94 - 202lbs
Lost a little weight, but I can blame it on diet. The schedule has been completely crazy for the past 10 days. Training has been difficult and still trying to work through some nagging injuries.
Started PCT yesterday. I find that my research chemicals really taste terrible. Unlike liquid stane, which actually tastes pretty good; the nolva and clomid are pretty tough to handle. I was a little concerned that they might want to come back up, but once i get them down they seem to do fine.
I feel pretty good. Energy, appetite, libido, strength and motivation are all down - but just slightly. Its enough to make me look forward to my next cycle, but not to the point of negatively impacting life in general.
I tried to keep up HIT training, but the nagging injuries were starting to pile up. It was getting tough to work around all of them. I took it pretty easy this week and will start some Texas Method 5X5 stuff next week. I'd like to add 40-50lbs to my bench and about 60 to my squat over the summer, as well as strengthening my ligaments and tendons before the next cycle. Hopefully that will help keep the injuries at bay when I jump back into HIT.
Work is busy, but I'll try to post as PCT progresses.
05-16-2014, 08:55 AM #84Member
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Day 101
Started the second week of PCT. The first wasn't too bad except for the bad taste. No real depression, no problem with libido. I don't feel as strong in the gym, but I expected a little dip in performance, so I just deal with it.
Been doing more cardio. I wanted to wait a couple of weeks, but i promised the wife I'd start back with her as soon as my cycle was over; and a promise is a promise. Really, 3 months off cardio did me some good. I feel stronger, my joints feel more solid and I really haven't lost that much stamina.
Nagging injuries are forcing me to cut back on lifting. I'll miss my intensity day this week. Had pretty sever pain in both shoulders after a light day, so I don't want to chance it.
05-22-2014, 02:04 PM #85Member
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Day 107 - 201lbs
Second week of PCT is in the books. Not a bad week. Did have somewhat low libido (definitely lower than when on cycle). Haven't been feeling real motivated and diet has slipped a bit. Performance in the gym hasn't dropped off too much, but I'm definitely not setting any more personal records in the last couple of weeks. Also missed a day of PCT dosing last weekend.
Started Melatonan 2 a few days ago. I guess once you start self-injecting on a regular basis its hard to get out of the habit. Hopefully getting my tan on will inspire me to make better efforts in the gym and at the table.
06-05-2014, 08:30 AM #86Member
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Day 120 - the end.
Last day of PCT. It hasn't been bad. Maybe some low libido here at the end. Not sure if its actually low, but dam sure lower than when on test.
Injuries have plagued my cycle and PCT. Tendonitis / bursitis in the shoulder has kept be from doing any pushing exercises for two weeks. I've had to be careful and go light on any pulling exercises. I don't mind concentrating on legs; but i'm ready to get back to my normal workout.
My diet fell off for a couple of weeks, but I've gotten things back together and am keeping it clean. I'll probably try to cut in a few weeks.
After PCT, I've kept about 8lbs. Its going to be tough to hang on to that unless the shoulder problem clears up with rest. I guess the main thing I learned with this cycle was what I already knew - Diet is the most important aspect. You have to eat big to grow.
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