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Right on
Finding that tren sweet spot is very key. Too much can actually hinder shit. Like if you are not sleeping, your strength will suffer - tren or not
Also tren e seems a bit different than tren ace. I ran the tren ace into almost a gram a week. By 650mg or so, shit started getting weird.
Now with tren e, I barely got to 550-600mg & I started pissing brown. On the ace I never seen dark urine - my main sides were sever insomnia, sex drive that nothing can explain & I swear my head just felt like it was cooking at times throughout the day. This was half way through week 7 on ace. I stopped the sauce immediately at that point.
On the ace, the body composition changes were amazing. On the e, it seems way more gradual.
On the e, my urine was dark by week 5 and I had constant sweats. I took a month off, then got back on just 300mg per week. The 300mg gave the moist gains I have seen since my first cycle. I gained about 3-5 pounds of LBM in about 6 weeks. My strength also just jumped by a solid 10% or so.
Tren is strong stuff, it is not necessary at all to pump high doses unless you're a total monster. I think 400mg a week is pretty much my max also - the sides can creep up quick & with e they wont go away that quickly.
04-06-2014, 11:17 AM #42
Well so far I have noticed I have lost a little on my waist and my lats are slightly bigger. Haven't really paid much attention elsewhere. I am pretty happy with the way I look now so this cycle is just the icing on the cake. I never wanted to cycle to compete or anything like that, I just wanted to look good on the beach and I think I have attained that. Especially where I live in redneckville, USA. All of those People of Wal-Mart pictures probably come from my county.
Last edited by RangerDanger830; 04-06-2014 at 11:18 AM. Reason: Traps=lats...brain fart
04-07-2014, 02:40 PM #43
Got a couple new things to report so here we are. On the up side, I weighed in at 220.something or other, can't remember, I gained about a pound though so that is always nice. Also another positive I have previously mentioned is that I did rid myself of my puffy nipples recently and was pretty happy I was able to do so by just upping the AI. However, the nipples are puffy once again.
I remember reading a post on here, or another forum I can't remember, talking about the pros and cons of frontloading doses with long esters. Well after reading that the guy did a decent job of breaking down the test levels in your body week by week when you took a certain dose with and without frontloading. Anyways, it got me sold on frontloading. Well at this point in my cycle I have most likely reached, or am close at least, to the maximum dose of tren and test that are going to be in my body while on a cycle of the doses I am on. I think as the compounds built up in my system the risk of gyno went up. Just a hypothesis there, I have no real idea.
Anyway, I am going to start taking Nolva at 20mg ED until it goes away. Here lately I have been taking Adex at .5mg EOD. Not sure if I will raise that or not. I do not want to crush my estrogen, but I do not want to risk permanent gyno and I know these 19nors give me puffy nipples at the first sign. If Tren wasn't a 19nor but still worked as good I would be in heaven. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous about this gyno. I have never had them puff up this much overnight it seems. Maybe it took a day or two for me to notice, I haven't been mirin myself too much lately. I am kind of frustrated this is even happening in the first place with as much precaution as I tend to take but what can ya do.
Other than that, go up a pound, gained some gyno...let's see...still getting stronger. The belt in the gym is kind of rinky dink so I might have to buy my own, I am getting to where I am not sure if it will hold up for much longer with as much weight as I am dipping. Oh yeah, let me tell you what, I forgot about this. So I wanted to keep my BF low, that was a goal of this cycle, I decided I would try two weeks of 5am fasted cardio and see how that went. See how it affected my gains and such. Well I woke my butt up at 5am, went outside, cold as hell and raining, but I started running anyway. I got to the end of my driveway and turned left. I went about 100m then I had to stop. I had muscle pumps in my calves and shins so bad it was killing me to walk. This is nothing new to me as Deca does this to me also, it was just something I had forgot about since I hadn't done Deca in awhile. Boy does it suck though, it is going to make cardio impossible. I am going to try the elliptical and see if that will be easier on me. As far as muscle pumps go, they were definitely up there in severity compared to Deca, the Tren strength really showed its ugly face this morning. I was so proud of myself for actually getting up that early without being forced by the Army.
Got a few compliments in the gym today though so that is always nice. Wore a tank top for the first time in awhile so no one has really seen my body in a few months at the gym, got a lot of mirin going on, I love it. As far as all of the other sides or issues, I really do not have any others at the moment. Everything else is going good. I am going to wait til I am on the Tamox for a few days and get me some bloods done if the gyno doesn't resolve soon.
04-07-2014, 02:47 PM #44
04-07-2014, 03:30 PM #45
I have no knowledge when it comes to Andractim or anything of the like, but before I do some research I checked to see what my sources had available and none of them have this. There is Masteron , I know this is DHT derived, but that is about all I know about it. Even if it was a viable substitution for Andractim I wouldn't be able to have it here in a timely manner. My source is overseas in Europe and shipping is usually 3 weeks on average. That and they require a $200 minimum order which seems like a lot for some Mast and I wasn't planning on cycling any time soon.
04-07-2014, 06:46 PM #46
Quick side note: Pumps in my lower legs were so bad that in a few minutes of running my calves are sore the same day. I don't have girl calves either, I work the hell outta them.
04-07-2014, 06:51 PM #47
04-07-2014, 06:53 PM #48
04-09-2014, 12:45 AM #49New Member
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great thread so far man. subbed
04-10-2014, 10:21 AM #50
Weighed in again today at the end of week four and I am at 220. Roughly a six pound increase I think it was since I started. I do not remember, I worry about the mirror more than the scale anyway and the mirror is looking just fine. After having those bad muscle pumps in my shins and calves I decided to try doing cardio on the elliptical and that turned out great. Did 45mins on it with no problem so that will be my go to cardio til the tren clears my system I suppose.
I did take pictures three weeks in just to compare progress after three weeks. Nope I am not going to share them because I deleted them to avoid temptation. I would rather post before and afters so there is a more noticeable change. After only three weeks I wasn't expecting to see much except maybe a little fat loss and sure enough that is what I saw. I lost maybe an inch on the waist, I don't know, I haven't measured. My lats look bigger but I am not sure if that is because I lost a little bit of waist fat. I did get a compliment at the lab today about how I seem to have lost some fat which is good. I always wear a coat so no one really sees my body. They only see a neck and head so I am going to take that as a compliment.
Nothing else to report, libido is fine as well as everything else. The gyno has not gone away yet but the little bit of sensitivity has gone away. The sensitivity seems to always go away first right before it starts going away so I have no reason to worry about the gyno just yet. I hate to say gyno since it isn't full on gyno yet but you get the idea.
For those of you who saw my thread in the injury section about my bad back, no the VA hasn't gotten me in yet. But my back pain has gone down quite a bit since I have altered my back routine. I feel a lot better now.
I don't remember seeing it anywhere in here, but are you or have you taken anything for the gyno symptoms you are having?
04-10-2014, 11:15 AM #52
04-11-2014, 11:56 AM #53
At first I raised my AI dose a little and that worked temporarily. As I got a little farther into the cycle the pre-gyno symptoms poked their head out again so I added 20mg of Nolva ED into it and it seems to be helping. I am getting bloods done next week most likely so I can see if that will reveal the true culprit to the gyno issues.
I think I can see the street that I live on over there on your
I am so gyno paranoid - after coming off my last tren e cycle I got a few minor gyno symptoms. I jumped on nolva the same day, then letro 2 days later. The letro made it all go away - just made me feel like shit.
04-11-2014, 04:39 PM #55
Yeah, letro does work - but it sure left me feeling like crap
Just thought I'd ask
04-11-2014, 07:49 PM #57
No problem, ask away. I never got bad sides, or any noticeable sides from letro or any AI. I am usually fairly conservative with my dose though. With the impending gyno I may be a little more aggressive this time around. I have never really shut down my estrogen to the point of having issues so I feel I have plenty of room to up my AI for now if need be pending bloods of course.
04-11-2014, 08:01 PM #58
I am going to be honest with you gentleman. I have been craving pizza all day so I went back to the gym and did 45mins of cardio so I could afford to eat me two pieces of my brothers pizza he bought lol...
04-11-2014, 08:03 PM #59
04-12-2014, 11:34 AM #60
It sure is.
I am so the same, I'm like I'll stay at the gym longer cause I ate that burrito.
At the end it is just cals in & cals out
04-12-2014, 01:25 PM #62
04-12-2014, 01:40 PM #63
Well I have nothing new to report, haven't weighed myself today so I will get to that next time. No extra sides, no sides really. Still getting a little acid reflux but the tums gets rid of it almost immediately. I did see others doing something like this on their logs so I figured I would update some of the weights that I work out with in the gym.
I have told you my routine in the original post but for the ease of reading let me retype it below.
Day one: Chest/Tris/Cardio
Day two: Biceps/Shoulders/Abs and sometimes punching bag
Day three: Legs/Back/Cardio
Day four: Off/maybe cardio
Well I try to do a good amount of machines and free weights in my routines. Here are some of my weights I work out with. All of them are four sets of 10 reps each. I am only posting a few exercises as all of them would be too tedious, feel free to critique if something looks low, I have never really compared myself to anyone else. Keep in mind some exercises I can do more of, some I can do less, it depends on what order I do them in.
Dumbell press flat: 140s, I could probably move up to say 150 but I am trying to keep from injuring my shoulders as that tends to happen if I push myself too hard
Dumbbell press incline: 115s
Tricep extensions: The whole stack is 220lbs on the cable machine, I can do that two handed all day every day so I do one arm at a time probably around 120lbs.
Bicep curls: 60s but could probably move up to 65s, going to try soon, and no I do not rock or cheat when curling.
Dips: Bodyweight+ 135lbs (3 plates)
Muscle ups: I usually do these on back day with my lat work out, I can't do four sets of ten but I can do three sets of five right now, working on getting that up just to show off.
One arm dumbbell skullcrushers I am using 50lb dumbbells
Chin ups I just do body weight with my legs straight in front of me for the ab tension
Leg presses are pretty weak in my mind, I think I am around 410.
Those are just some exercises to give you an idea. I do not do heavy deadlifts or squats because I have a back problem. I usually deadlift 150lbs and keep it there. I only squat around that too for the same reason. Keeping the weight low keeps my back from hurting. That is why I gave you leg press weights. I will add that I am maxing out everything on cable machines. I just put in straight in the bottom of the stack and most of them are getting too easy, like cable rows, so I am starting to shy away from them some.
04-14-2014, 05:01 PM #64
Thank you for keeping us posted on your progress man! Truly appreciate being able to learn through your posts.
04-15-2014, 07:12 PM #65
Thanks for the support, if you ever have any questions just let me know and I will do the best I can to answer them.
While I am on my computer and on here I might as well update everyone. I normally weigh in when I first wake up but I wanted to weigh in now just to throw a number in here since it has been a few days. Just keep the time of day in mind. I am up 6 pounds in week five right now. This may not seem like a lot but I am losing a noticeable amount of fat. I have not had my BF done up since I started but I can already tell I have much more definition in my abs than when I first started. Since me, and most men, lose fat in their midsection last usually that is a good indicator for me. I have also gotten more vascular, I am not a road map yet but if I kept this cycle up I could be, I kind of enjoy it.
I did do bench press today with a barbell as it was chest and tris today. I did 4 sets of 8 reps with 315, which might not be a lot to some guys on here, it is the most I have ever worked out with. I remember my first day in the gym ever, I was benching the bar with 25s on each side. Boy how things change.
I have never done what one would call a "clean bulk," or others might call a recomp cycle so this was kind of my first stab at one. Usually I just bulk the hell up and get up to about 20% BF by the end of the cycle then after PCT start working my way down to about 14% again just to start all over. I will say that I am not gaining muscle like I usually do on cycle. I think I could've put on more muscle and retained more muscle if I would've done a traditional bulk cycle. The only problem is I would've gained a little more fat than I am now. The gains are there but eating close to TDEE on this cycle has turned it into more of a cutting/strengthening cycle. The anabolic strength of tren is what appealed to me most so I cant say I am displeased with what is happening. I estimate that when the cycle is all said and done I would've cut about 5% BF off of me and gained about 5lbs of lean muscle but we will see how that plays out. I will say that as far as cutting goes this is the biggest I have ever been on a cut at 220 right now. I work out with the same crew in the gym so everyone there is used to seeing me outdo them in the gym since they are all natural. I will say that it feels good to be getting looks again from people and I attribute it to my BF lowering at such a high weight. I have never been happier with myself. I seem to be proportioned well although I think my shoulders may be a little too big but I kind of like that, I have even considering taking up a few modeling jobs in the area at the end of this cycle.
Enough ranting about my feels, the whole gyno issue does not seem to be getting worse but it is not getting better either so I am starting to worry. I have done a lot of thinking about it and I know a few things. I never get gyno from test cycles, so it must be the tren, therefore a prolactin issue. However, seeing that tren is 5x stronger than test it might not be prolactin. So what I did was instead of taking Adex at .25mg EOD which is what I usually start at, I bumped it up to .25mg ED. That has been going on for awhile yet and doesn't seem to be helping. I need to get bloods done but I have to make an APPT and they do not have anything until next week after Easter so I have to wait until then. After the AI dose change didn't help I experimented with the caber and changed it from 1mg a week which was split into two doses if .5mg on the days of my shots, I went up to 1.5mg a week, so .75mg twice a week. This hasn't helped either. I know my estrogen isn't too low yet from the AI because I can always feel it when it is. I am getting my letro in the mail tomorrow and will start with that. Since the letro is much stronger I will be able to take enough to rule out the gyno being an estrogen problem. If that fails to do anything in a few days I will try upping the caber to 2mg/week and see if that helps. I have never heard of anyone having to do that but it is worth a shot. If it gets any worse I will drop the tren, do two weeks of test like planned, then PCT shortly after that. I am unable to find andractim like was suggested as my supplier does not have any and I do not have any ways of finding other suppliers as I only know one other guy who uses personally and he uses my source.
Other than that I feel great and have no sides to mention, no PIP at all after that first shot. I might get some more keto in and start doing some keto and clean once my PCt starts to cut even more fat. At 300 over TDEE I am not making huge gains but I am not cutting large amounts of fat either. Everything seems to be gradual. I may consider cutting my calories a little lower the second half of my cycle so as to take advantage of my anabolic state in a calorie deficit. I am still just kind of waiting to see how I am progressing as far as weight goes and the gyno goes before making any decisions.
04-15-2014, 07:18 PM #66
04-16-2014, 10:27 AM #67
I have one scheduled for this upcoming Tuesday. The guy I go through went to school with me so he hooks me up for free, the catch is that I have to have an appointment. But I get the results back in a day or two usually. In the mean time it seems to be staying where it is so I should be okay to wait until then.
04-16-2014, 07:10 PM #68
Switching to Letro tomorrow, cardio is still going well on the elliptical. God help me if I try to run, the pumps make me want to punch crossfitters. Still seeing more vascularity all over which I attribute to fat loss and I read Tren has hemodilating effects as well but I haven't confirmed that, seems plausible.
04-20-2014, 10:46 AM #69
I will update soon, I am a graduate student trying to finally get my PhD on of these decades so from time to time I get swamped and now is one of those times. Then to top it all off my gym is close Saturday and Sunday for Easter. I will try to get on here tomorrow, nothing major has happened in the last few days other than switching to Letro and waiting to get bloods done. Still seeing good progress and fat loss.
04-20-2014, 11:11 AM #70Banned
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Keep it up RD830. Sounds like you're having one hell of a cycle lol! I'm on test and tren e myself and am loving it....minus the tren heartburn.
04-21-2014, 11:37 AM #71
Tell em about it, the heartburn/acid reflux is killing me at night but tums are doing fine to mitigate it for now. Only a few more weeks of Tren anyway. I ate so much crap for Easter it was an epic cheat day. But with the Tren it seems I am still losing fat regardless, which means it truly does live up to its name for power.
I will say that people weren't kidding when they say Tren is harsh. The sides aren't terrible at first glance but even with a lose dose of cialis my BP was still high this weekend and my HR is high also. I increased the dose of cialis a little bit and I will see how that goes, I have been logging my vitals every day or two in my phone. There is actually a pretty clever little HR app on the iphone that was very accurate to what was in the clinic when I got my bloods done last time.
I stopped eating above my TDEE and am sticking around my TDEE lately in order to hit the fat loss a little harder towards the tail end of the cycle and it seems to be working wonders for me. I am down to 217, which equates to a net gain of 3lbs since I started the cycle but once you see pics of the fat loss you will be much more surprised. If I were to add a few weeks of Tren I could easily get below 10% if I wanted, part of me just wants to be off cycle and natural for awhile though.
I did up the dose of Adex and now I am feeling out how much Letro I need for this cycle but so far my estrogen levels feel as if they are more under control than a few weeks ago. Bloods should tell me by the end of this week. Got a lot on my plate this week, many presentations and travelling for a research project I have been doing so this week will be bare as far as updates go.
04-21-2014, 11:48 AM #72Banned
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At the recommendation of someone on another forum, I've been taking Prilosec to battle the heartburn/acid reflux. Tums just won't cut it as I smother my food in hot sauce as well lol. If you need something more try some Prikosec.
When I first started this cycle I dropped ~10lbs. I've regained 5 since adding the tren and my eating habits are the same. It's definitely providing a little recomp affect lol.
Have you been experiencing any aggression or any of the other sides?
04-21-2014, 07:19 PM #73
A little aggression and sometimes coupled with PTSD it gets the best of me but I've been dealing with it for so many years I've learned to mitigate my frustration well. It did get bad enough today to take my first dose of Prilosec. Going to keep it up for a little bit past my Tren . It definitely is good for recomp though, that's for sure. Other than a very small increase in aggression I've had the high bp, reflux and heartburn, no brown urine, no cardio issues other than the worst muscle pumps I've ever had. Other than that I'm very happy with it, the sides aren't that bad.
04-25-2014, 07:08 PM #74
Boy do I have an update for you people. Well let me start by being honest. I was an infantryman in the Army and I always seemed to get the crap end of the stick in deployments. I lost a lot of friends, where most guys lose a buddy or two, I lost twelve in a little over a year. It took me five years to be able to talk about it and I'm still a little behind the power curve on learning to live with PTSD. I have a service dog I got recently and that seems to be a good stress reliever along with talking about it to my close friends.
Well among the typical PTSD symptoms, a few of them stand out more than others. I used to have a bad temper but I've gotten to where I can control it. The other symptoms are fairly easily dealt with also.
So this leads me into the main topic. I have been having trouble sleeping. I always have insomnia, that's nothing new. But I've been sleep walking violently. Normally I'll wake up in the middle of the night, cuss someone out, push someone off of me, but that's off cycle. On cycle I've found that it is worse, most likely due to me not having control of my anger in my sleep coupled with increased irritability from the compounds. Last cycle I did that had high doses in it I woke up on top of my ex strangling her with both hands. Keep in mind I've never been a violent person towards women, and had no reason to do that to her as our relationship was good at the time, I just don't know why I did it.
Well the Tren seems to be strong enough to do the same thing. I'm currently engaged to be married in a few days and I am extremely happy with my woman. However, that didn't stop me from punching her in the arm in my sleep. I do not know why and I feel terrible about it. What's even worse is that the very next night I woke up, grabbed the bedroom door, and tore it off the hinges for no reason. I recall my dream and it wasn't bad. I do not know why I did it. I tore my door off my bedroom!!! I'm impressed at my strength but it sucks when you're an adult having to fix it.
I wanted to share this for entertainment value and to let anyone with PTSD be forewarned to be extra careful on cycle. I am now living in a state of fear at what I'll wake up to next. I called the VA about this on 18 NOV 2013 and the just sent me a letter this week saying they are working on getting me an appointment. I am getting disability for PTSD.
04-26-2014, 06:52 PM #75
Sorry to hear about the mood altering effects of your cycle. Have you tried any natural relaxants to help?
04-26-2014, 07:15 PM #76
No not yet, I have always been a hard ass and said I didn't need them but after these last few incidences I will be willing to try some if my situation doesn't approve after my pct. I figure it'll take that long for the va to get me in anyway. I don't want to scare anyone away from Tren so I will say that I am also under more stress than usual. I just moved into a new home, getting my phd is difficult, and some potential trouble with my ex as she is serious with a military man which means in a year or two he will be moving, which means my son might also.
Other than that I can't complain. At week six I really started seeing the Tren work powerfully.
04-26-2014, 07:16 PM #77
04-26-2014, 08:14 PM #78
good blog ranger wish you all best with your run
And of coarse thank you for service
04-27-2014, 02:10 PM #79
I completely forgot to talk about my bloods. Nothing interesting to note, test was high as usual, prolactin was normal thank goodness, but my hematocrit is a little high so I'll fix that soon before I feel negative effects. Estrogen was the only surprising part of the test, it was low. I guess switching to letro I have been using too much.
04-28-2014, 01:28 PM #80
Weighed in today since it has been awhile, at 222. Body weight seems to be fluctuating the last day or two, not sure why. I assume it is because I am still tweaking the dose of letro since I was taking too much. That is the only explanation I can think of as my diet has been consistent. Week eight starting this Friday.
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