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Thread: InsaneMuscle's log

  1. #321
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Life can definitely get in the way of one's goals . Sorry, but if you don't mind, who is "her and the kids"?

  2. #322
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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  3. #323
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    Update 11'th July 2016

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  4. #324
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    Post one quick snip as of this morning

    Last edited by InternalFire; 12-21-2016 at 05:16 PM.

  5. #325
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    nice shape, good lines....time to beef it up!

  6. #326
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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  7. #327
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Looking good IM. Something tells me your body is going to respond to this AAS lifestyle VERY well. Don't add those calories too quickly.

  8. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    quick pic, thought I will keep this updated, it has been a while since I posted a pic.

    You are looking sexy!!!! Great job!!!

  9. #329
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    UPDATED #1 main post, please read here: InsaneMuscle's log
    E3.5D I am now taking 250iu HCG and 75mg Test-E
    When are you going to have BW? I'm curious, we are on same test dosage, but I pin 250IU HCG eod (will soon switch to 100-150 ED).

  10. #330
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    Last edited by InternalFire; 12-21-2016 at 05:16 PM.

  11. #331
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    A few weeks?? My lab returns them in a couple of days!

    Eh I definitely lost size after two years of TRT. HCG has a t/2 of about 48h, pinning EOD is more advisable imho.

    Last time I checked (via tape) my %bf was about 14, but I've gained a couple of pounds last month, due to inactivity. It's easily noticeable in limbs, expecially quads. I guess it's about 16 now.

    About AIs... I'm having an hard time. I cannot stand E2 sides but finding the sweet spot is proving really hard.

    Last time I got BW, I was pinning 150mg e5d, which drove tT levels above assay limit (>1350) and 6.25 exemestane eod. Non-sensitive E2 was 33. Unfortunately, sensitive E2 isn't available where I live, so I must be contented with a gross estimate. Given that non-sensitive assay overestimates E2, my guess is 33 is rather on the low side. I will ultimately judge on how I feel but probably a level of 50 is what to shoot for.

    In june, I switched to 100mg TE e4d and ana .25 EOD. Felt more stable, but no big improvements. Recently, I've added HCG to protocol and I expect that to contribute to E2 levels. Now I have lowered test dosage to 75mg bi-weekly and plan to use the less AI I can get away with.

    Exemestane crash my mood, while ana seems to be a lil ineffective. Anyway, I will try the latter .25 every third day and test again in a couple of weeks, unless high E2 sides develop again.

  12. #332
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    Last edited by InternalFire; 12-21-2016 at 05:16 PM.

  13. #333
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    That's what I'm trying to do.

    Now I have lowered test dosage to 75mg bi-weekly and plan to use the less AI I can get away with.
    Just like yours.

    Let's see where this protocol land my through tT levels at. A reading again above >1350 it's inacceptable, but anything near the 1000-something would be ok. I would probably benefit from a lower dosage but I like to complicate matters, that's the way I am.

    I don't have any experience with SERMs and don't plan to use any (unless I decide to do PCT anywhere in the future). Never actually liked them due to their nature of being mixed agonist/antagonist at the oestrogen receptor.

  14. #334
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    Last edited by InternalFire; 12-21-2016 at 05:16 PM.

  15. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    I must have missed that part, my bad, speed-reading...

    I dare say ignore your total T levels and look for freeT levels. if you can have your total T lets say ~600-700 mark but your free T around 25-30 mark at the same time - that would be the ideal, because your body only uses free T and not total. you may as well have 1000total T an have something like 9 out of 8-31 scale free T and suffer greatly from all lowT symptoms, thats my look at it
    That's what happens with high SHBG, which I used to have. Thyroid hormones, low carb diet, SERMs, and E2 upregulates it, while aas can dial it down.

    Last reading was 27, I'm targeting < 20.

    Just like E2, the problem with fT is I can't find a lab providing a reliable, direct measurement, so...

  16. #336
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  18. #338
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    what you really need is Albumin , SHBG and total-T readings and you can calculate free-T yourself here:
    That provides a rough estimation. Not as accurate as a direct measurement, especially for folks on exogenous T.

  19. #339
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    Last edited by InternalFire; 12-21-2016 at 05:18 PM.

  20. #340
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    Love your avatar!!!!

  21. #341
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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  22. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    thanks girl its difficult to catch a good one, so its one of my favs

    I am halfway trough Chris Aceto's book on diet/all about fat, interesting read, and I am contemplating doing some cutting again before I go hardcore on my diet, Im hovering on around 11-11.2% BF and going nowhere, so from tomorrow Im gonna go 2-3 days ~ 200g of whey protein a day only, about 100g coconut oil a day with green tea and some dark quality choc, I find myself addicted to sugars/carbs just too much, I find myself guilty for not being strong where I must be, glad I noticed it

    I feel I may be loosing fat everywhere else but not stubborn areas and gaining some on these stubborn areas, hence BF% stays ~ same, but I am very veiny right now and I feel always pumped no matter what... its not bad but it makes me feel cautious about my diet
    I totally get the wanting to cut fat. You look good! I love veiny.......such a good look!!!! So sexy when I see a man veiny.

  23. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    thanks girl its difficult to catch a good one, so its one of my favs

    I am halfway trough Chris Aceto's book on diet/all about fat, interesting read, and I am contemplating doing some cutting again before I go hardcore on my diet, Im hovering on around 11-11.2% BF and going nowhere, so from tomorrow Im gonna go 2-3 days ~ 200g of whey protein a day only, about 100g coconut oil a day with green tea and some dark quality choc, I find myself addicted to sugars/carbs just too much, I find myself guilty for not being strong where I must be, glad I noticed it

    I feel I may be loosing fat everywhere else but not stubborn areas and gaining some on these stubborn areas, hence BF% stays ~ same, but I am very veiny right now and I feel always pumped no matter what... its not bad but it makes me feel cautious about my diet
    Carb/sugar cravings? Someone is high in estrogen...

  24. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    Carb/sugar cravings? Someone is high in estrogen...
    Would say that happens when you dont eat enough carbs...

  25. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Would say that happens when you dont eat enough carbs...
    You might find it hard to believe, but sometimes I banter too!

  26. #346
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    IM, what's up with all of this carb/sugar cravings? I thought you loved living the Keto - life. 10 weeks into using carbs again, I couldn't wait to get them out of my life, and did - back to veggie sources only, feeling much better.

  27. #347
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  29. #349
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    how do you know, can you elaborate more? I have no problem with my mood such as mood swings or depression/anxiety, no pains aches in my joints etc, I care to know why do you think so
    Personal experience with unmanaged E2... without AIs I quickly develop those cravings.

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  31. #351
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    Just checking in!!! Wanted to say hi and I am still here rooting you on!

  32. #352
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  33. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    Ok I wonder if I can piggyback at it with going against my will and jamming on zero carb approach plus adding some serious volume on training

    I have no nipple sensitivity for last 3 days, but also, my strength had gone nowhere yet and its been almost 6 weeks in on my TRT.

    for the most part I hope its not bunk gear and all I experience is a sides caused by HCG

    if I found out after my labs that my gear is mega under-dosed or completely bunk I'd slap myself in a face so hard I'd need to call paramedics
    Bunk gear? It seems a common pattern of thought before the very first bloodwork is made (me too!).

    I've opened my second TE vial this month, my body odor has gone nowhere since. Bunk gear??! ahahaha.

  34. #354
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  35. #355
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    They look like symptoms of good life to me man. Pimples can be due to some zinc deficiency and/or moderate E2 excess. Night sweats only happened to me with low t.

    Not sure about sweating. Both progesterone (stimulated by HCG ) and E2 can increase temp set point in the hypothalamus. I have been having some trouble with "hotness" lately, expecially after introducing HCG. It's HOT where I live and at some point I felt like melting.

    I think I opened it last week of April, but I left over an ml in it. 10ml vials yes, those would last me about three months. Not sure if they are properly dosed, I will switch to another (UGL) brand in the future. I'm hoping to get hold of some b****n amps next autumn.

  36. #356
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    Ah, forgot it.

    Progesterone and E2 combined can decrease the expression of 5-HT (serotonin) 2c receptor in the prefrontal cortex.

    5-HT2C receptor activation is associated with hunger suppression. Drugs that antagonize the receptor (Pizotifen, fluoxetine) can increase hunger and lead to weight gain.

  37. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    Well, I'm just dropping those wild loose thoughts, it may very well be good gear too, as I get boners every night/morning, hungry as a beast, oily forehead, sweating like a PIG - Im a cloud of rain when Im at the gym or at the cardio, fat seems burning easily even at 2x the amount of daily kcal that I ate for past few weeks, horny as a dog handful times a day every day for the past 2 weeks, hard not to think about sex... also last much longer at it and it seems I recharge quicker than ever before, have few zits/pimples coming here and there but not as much as at the beginning of TRT, have light nigh/morning sweats, more facial hair growth, and little more body hair growth but for the most part my beard is filling in and as before I'd shave once a week or most once a 4 days, now if I did that I would go every day or at least every other day... so I am no longer shaving and will be watching it filling in nicely, helps hide few spots too.

    can you tell me what all those ^ symptoms sound to you like? can it all be from this low dose of HCG alone? I dont think so but what do I know until my labs..

    when did you start your first vial?

    was it 10ml?

    Im not even half way my #1'st vial yet, Id say if I had 10ml in it at the beginning I still have 6ml left in it, and it has been almost 6 weeks (14 pins)

    I damn hope so I calculated all right out from the get go...

    slin pins are 100iu which is 1cc which is 1ml

    10ml vial is @ 250mg per 1ml, which makes my calculation look like this: 100iu = 1ml of test , 1ml which is 250mg of test-e divide by 100iu and multiply by 30iu equals 75mg of test worth in 30iu of insulin syringe

    same calc goes for hcg just at different ratios, as hcg I got came in 5000iu amp and bac water vial was 10ml etc
    I don't think those are from HCG (only one is maybe heat), I have been doing / using HCG for years and my brother (body builder) ran it with test and HCG does not produce those symptoms.

  38. #358
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