08-17-2003, 06:43 PM #1
SID's Cycle Diary - Hitting it Hard
First, I must start off with the story...
It all started as a small boy picking cotton...no wait..wrong story.
Anyways, I've been around the board for over a year now and I've been doing research for a long time. First got asked to do a cycle in high school at the gym I went and back then I knew I wasn't ready mentally or physically. When I was in the Navy I had it thrown at me and it was the 1st time that I had actually seen gear or Juice. I've been lifting since 5th grade and naturally except for a couple tries of the the 1-AD or the Andro and then the Norand/Andro stack and actually got very little. So now after years of battle between myself and well myself I decided to take the plunge.
I did it today as apposed to tomorrow because I had to brighten up today somehow, on a personal note my daughter just flew back to california after being here for 1 1/2 months and well the pain I'm having now is 20000% more than the pin would give me. So I decided to go Sunday/Thursday for hitting it.
My workout splits vary very litte, but I plan on doing shock days atleast once every 2 weeks. 1st the very unimpressive stats!:
5-10ish 175lbs (I will verify tomorrow) I have a 32/33 waist. I only carry a little around the belly and that's because I'm not a huge fan of cardio! So, I will say that my weak points would be arms/legs chest/lats and I hope to improve on all of those. My weight goal is to be 195/200 and keep atleast 20lbs to be 190.
Well the Cherry Popping went as follows: 9:45am est I loaded the pin and then went to the bathroom with it, at about 10am est I sat down said "Fuck it!" Put the pin to the skin (right quad) and proceeded to push it in, no pain but I did feel pressure, asperated nothing, and as I put the juice in I felt more pressure. I had no problems at all except my adrenaline was pumpin! Damn! I was walking around the kitchen like a speed freak!
Anyways, I went to the gym soon after and started with one of fav's LEGS: Mine are pretty sad I openly admit, and I work them pretty hard:
Leg Extens: 5 sets 60-15/80-12 150-8/180-8/200-8/200-8
Squat: 135-15/225-15/275-12 315-10/385-8 (back started to feel it) I do go as far down as my back allows:
Leg press: 145-15 320-8 410-8 500-6 (pretty unsatisfied w/ last set)
I was pressed for time so I went to hams:
Romanian Deads: 135-10 155-10 175-10 175-10 185-10
I didn't want to tax the back and plus I went slow and low, which by all accounts is a good way to go. This is where things got crappy, a crew of giddy school girls then took all the leg machines! B*CH's! Anyway, I went to calves (shortened)
seated: 45-50
smith machine w/ block: 135 x 50 135 x 25
I will make up for my lack of hams/calves during the week.
Oh shit, my cycle plan is as follows:
Test En and Deca with Liquidex eod .50
1 - S- 400test en/150dec T - 400test en/150 deca
2 - S- 400test en/150dec T - 400test en/150 deca
3 - S- 300test en/150dec T - 300test en/150 deca
4 - S- 300test en/150dec T - 300test en/150 deca
5 - S- 300test en/150dec T - 300test en/150 deca
WEEKS 6-10
S- 200test en/150 deca T- S200 testen/150 deca
weeks 11-12
S- 200 test en T- 200test en
Now if I can get primotabs I will try to run primo from weeks 8-14 with Clomid starting from 15-18 300/100/50 as usual.
I will read through this tomorrow morning and probably edit the crap out of this. Anyways, it's 9pm now I got called into work and that's where I'm writing this. I will say that now at 9, my quad is killing me more like a charlie horse, but i've had worse. I'll check intomorrow to fill in and edit properly etc. Anyways, I'm pretty excited about this, I've had great help from the Texas boys: Majorpec, Big T, and Jarrett also. To my bro's cheers it better be a good one or I'll hunt you all down! Kidding you guys are serious bro's! Thanks! And hopefully the guys that haven't had ther cherries popped aka "Cherry Boys" I hope I can help you! Thanks to AR, God, My Parents the bottle of Vino and the Frank Sinatra records for bringing me into this world!
SID!Last edited by ripsid; 08-17-2003 at 06:52 PM.
08-17-2003, 07:00 PM #2
First off, congrats on having the courage and fortitude to delay when they were accessible way back when. Secondly, I'm looking forward to this...i'm always in this forum despite not having been actively posting in it as much as I'd like of late.
08-17-2003, 09:39 PM #3
Good luck bro! I will be following this thread.....I plan on doing my 1st cycle soon....but as for right know im just gaining as much knowledge as I can
08-18-2003, 11:44 AM #4
G'day bro's!
Had to work till about 2am, sucks! and woke up at about 8:15 or so, so I'm loosing a little rest. Quad is feeling like a deep thigh bruise from my 1st pop, kind of uncomfortable ANY ADVICE PLEASE ADVISE! Curious if I did somehting wrong or it's sore because I worked legs the 1st day of my 1st pop? Any advice drop a line.
Wifey made me 8 egg omellete this morning 6whites 2 whole eggs
11am then had a shake of 50gm protein and 16 carbs
12:30 - bowl of chicken and rice
2 - protein shake w/ 50gm protein 16 carbs
I plan on working chest but depending on howmany people are there will shape my workout. here's a typical chest workout, I'm all DB's I tore my rotator cuff last october and can't do BB work so...
DB Incl - 5 sets 1/2 warms ups w/3 heavy for 6-8 (db's from 70-100)
db incl fly - 3/4 sets 1 - warmup 3 with heavier strick and slow
flat DB - 5 sets 1/2 warms ups w/3 heavy for 6-8 (db's from 70-100)
db fly - 3/4 sets 1 - warmup 3 with heavier strick and slow
DB Decline - 5 sets 1/2 warms ups w/3 heavy for 6-8 (db's from 70-100)
db decline fly - 3/4 sets 1 - warmup 3 with heavier strick and slow
cables - 4/6 sets 2 light 2-4 heavier
pec dec - till submission...
PUKE! and go home....
I may mix it up depending on how it's going, if it's a rough work out I'll go real heavy for 3-4reps and just HIT it.
My work out is kind of an HIT when it's normal, when I'm rushing it's not near. Mostly my form is the slow controlled movements and I do more of a Dorianesq workout, I like the way he's form and control 1st. So hell maybe it'll work for me! Hopefully!
Also I named my thread "just one fix" because that was the song that went through my head as I took the plunge so FYI - Ministry sings that...
Thanks I'll check back again...
SIDLast edited by ripsid; 08-18-2003 at 11:48 AM.
08-18-2003, 12:29 PM #5
Sid, good luck with your endeavor and I hope you gain more than you expect however it's not going to help you win the fantasy football league. ha
I do have a question or two concerning your routine; I was reading your first post so based on it, concerning legs, do you hit those exercises in that exact order each time or do you switch it up? Is that also the same for the other body parts? Oh, one other question; are you doing any cardio or is this strictly a gain only cycle?
08-18-2003, 12:41 PM #6Originally Posted by ripsid
Your quad hurts because it's not use to having the AS injected in there. As you progress in the cycle the pain will not be as bad or at all. Here are some things I do to help to minimize the pain after a injection:
1. Take a hot shower
2. Inject slowly - up to 60 sec per ml
3. Try to keep the needle steady. This takes practice
4. Massage the hell out of the site you hit.
5. Stretch
Good luck bro!
08-18-2003, 12:47 PM #7
Good luck on the cycle bro keep us updated day by day if you can with diet and training if you can
08-18-2003, 02:10 PM #8
Thanks guys! It's really appreciated all the support and all and Jugg we'll see about the Foosball bro!
About the workouts:
My leg days as with my other days I try to do something different one this week I did leg ext/squat/press next will be legg exts supped w/ press' then hacks and squats. Hams I usually do romanians then curls one week lighter next week heavy for 6-8 reps. I try to mix it up with weight and reps/tension etc. Just confuse the F*K out of muscles. One week may be a total of 2 excersizes per body part but and suppersetted, along the lines of what mentzer preaches. Now that I'm on, I want to reallypush the limits and see what happens.
I know I said 20 keepable but that's only because I'm such a f*n hardgainer that I'm not sure what to expect!
Mudd...Thanks for the info I figured it was that, being a cherry boy and all! Now I tell you I was impressed with myself I was calm and collected.. fro 1.5cc it took about a minute or so to put it in there, then I rubbed it out for a couple mins and then did legs..
Also, I plan on doing cardio about 2x a week just because I don't like the overly bloated feel I get. Like right now I haven't done cardio in 1 1/2 weeks because I was away on business, but I did lift a few times. My biggest problem was my diet was off which is ok, I think I got it out my system. I had so much bread/carbs that I'm bloated from it!
Anyways, I don't know if I can make my thread as great as Major's or Big T's but I'll try!
Again thanks bro's!
08-18-2003, 02:11 PM #9
I forgot took my liquidex .5 mg gonna have it EOD. I took it with Gatorade I was wondering if that's bad? What do you think?
08-20-2003, 03:53 PM #10
Well, yesterday was a good diet day, and I ate very well no BS. Unfortunatley, I didn't go to the gym, but I also think I needed to take the day off. Monday, I was doing chest and got through my incl dB and incl fly when I was doing flat db presses and fellt serious pain shots in my shoulder so I took it easy and didn't push it so here's what it looked like. I will say this it all felt heavy on monday! that sux!
incl db - 35 -20 50-12 70-8 75-8 85-8
incl fly - 25-15 40-8 50-8 60-8
flat press- 35 -20 50-12 70-8 75-8
Felt the pain and did some pec dec to stretch it out and I felt better leaving so I was happy . I did 4 sets on the deck
Today was back and I felt pretty good, didn't go too heavy just solid:
pull ups: 10/10/10
bent row - 135 - 15 155-8/175-8/195-8/215-8 and could have done more
I forget the bar but the parrallel hand |-------| looks like that I know what a tool right anyways:
75-15 105-10 115-8 135-8 155-8 175-8
pull downs was about the same weight.
low pulley rows - 70-12 110-8 130-8 170-8 190-6 (felt the back so stopped)
DB row - 60-8 70-8 80-8 100-8
Felt good, especially on low pulley rows I really concentrated on putting it all on the back! damn, I felt great pumps.
I can honestly say that I am jacked just about doing my #2 inj tomorrow morning, I'll get up at 5:55 doit and run 1.7 to 3.5 miles for cardio. then do arms tomorrow. I'll check in later bro's!
08-21-2003, 12:38 PM #11
Well congrats and welcome to the new side bro! I look forward to reading your diary and will try to keep up with it day to day. I am unfortanetly going to take a long break (several months) off from the gym to work on the marriage. I'll run and do plyometrics and all but.... as you'll be growing I'll be shrinking. I'm just gonna try to lean out as much as possible. I've lost an incredible amount of weight just from the past 2 weeks. But your path looks good bro. If ya need help on a routine or diet adjustments just give me a shout. I'll try and check my pm's at least a few times a week. Looks good and now quit whining about how your quad hurts and hit the damn weights ya Jersey puss!
08-21-2003, 09:49 PM #12
Sid, you can squat 385 for 8 reps??? At your bodyweight that is incredible... do you take them past parallel?
Anyways, great work bro... really looking forward to reading this!
Best o luck.
08-22-2003, 01:06 PM #13Originally Posted by Huge Presser
Well, I did my 2nd INJ on thursday and it was good, loved every minute! Anyways, did arms yesterday I do a tri/bi/tri/bi routine, I was pressed for time so I only had 1 hour for arms (FUCKING WORK!)
Tri pushdowns - 5 sets (they're #'d plates not weighted so excuse the numbers) I did 10-2 12-15 15-8 15+25lbplate 8 15+50lb -8 could do more but time!
hammer's - 20-10 25-8 35-8 45-8 55-8 60-6
close grip bench - 135-12 155-8 175-8 195-8 205-8
straight bar curls - 55-12 75-8 85-8 95-8 105-8 115-4(week assed! F*k)
Flat bench dips - 20 no weight 45 15 90-15 135-12 180-12
db curls(both at same time arnolds way) 20-10 30-8 40-8 50-8 55-4 (burned out)
skulls - 45-15 65-8 85-8 105-8 125-8 135-8
Didn't get forearms because I'm up to my as at work... I got bad news yesterday also, I have to fly to Chile for 4 days today! Shit I should be packing but ... I have a thread! Anyways, they have a nice gym at the hotel so I'll lift the best I can there and comeback tuesday night.
Curious, also how do you travel with gear????? I can make up my next inj. on wedsday an then I'll make it thurs and then sunday again to stay in.
BIG T! BRO, thanks for checking in and ripping me you big texas sized pile of flesh! You know you have my best bro! and you got my # anytime I'm there, except while im in chile! Anyways, square the family away and get back in!
I will say this guys, it may not be kicking in yet (test en/deca 3weeks) but I feel probably just juiced about being on! Love my workouts, and love when people are like damn bro I deffinately don't want to lift with you! Is that a compliment or what! I'll ping in on Monday guys!
08-25-2003, 07:49 AM #14
Well, HELLLLLOOOOO!!!! From Chile! Land of Vino and some of the nicest A$$'s in the world...Even the ugly ones have nice ones!
Anyways, let me start off with a brief commentary about Amer. Airlines...I hope they go bankrupt and burn in extreme poverty! Bastards. Supposed to leave thursday at 7:30 to Miami from philly, to catch a 11:20 flight. That would give me 1 hour to get from my gate to the departing gate! Well we arrive at 12:0 something and I obviously miss my flight. So they book me on a flight that leaves at 6:30am to chile (14 hour flight) and since they F*k up they won't even upgrade me to business class! So, I get into Santiago chile at 8:30ish and they loose my F*KN luggage! So, 2 days on a plane, was laying down on the floor of the F*KN airport in miami for 3 hours trying to sleep like a f*kn migrant worker(no offense to them) and then they loose my luggage! Anyways, I get to my hotel at 9 and have to be at work at midnight for a database migration. All I can say is that until now everything that could go wrong, from my room key not working to the trip, went wrong until now my team leader says "this is bs, don't f*kn worry just try to get some sleep! and take over at noon tomorrow" anyways. Thanks IAR!
So, yesterday I missed #3 but will make it up wed, and then have #4on thursday and fall into 300/150 2x a week for the next 3 weeks.
I did get to the gym yesterday and did shoulders and legs. Pretty good work out considering it's a hotel gym. Today, I'll do chest and tri's and tomorrow back and bi's. Then when I get back thurday will be shoulders and friday legs.
All and all I can't wait to stick myself a couple more times! And I wanted to try and find a farmicai de Vetereneria but I don't want to buy it and pour it out! I did find clomid for 30 it'll cost me $33. Cheaper than I've found at home. Well, I'll check back in as soon as I can!
Later bro's! OH and my Fantasy FootBall Team the Mutha Scratcha's plans on doing some subtle damage this season! I couldn't draft it but Big Green hooked me up! Thanks bro!
SID In Chile!
08-27-2003, 02:25 PM #15
Well, Back in the USA! And back @ my Gym!
Yesterday, I got back from Chile and basically tried to recover, I also did #3 400t/150d and tomorrow will be #4 and the last at 400/150.
Today was back and any input for backday would be great. I had a BAD workout! It is unacceptable to come out of a workout feeling very little.
Maybe it's fatigue from all the travel in the last 5 days but I don't want that crying BS or BS workouts!
So it went like this:
Pull ups: 12/8/8
Bent rows: 135-12 185-10/205-10/225-10/245-8 (felt pretty good!)
DB rows: 60-10/70-10/80-10/90-10/100-10 (felt real good after this)
it was all downhill from here
pull downs with hands parallel - 75-12/103-10/120-10/135-10/150-10
rvs grip pull downs - 103-10/135-10/150-10
pulley rows- 70-15/110-10/130-10/150-10
1 arm cable rows - 5 sets varried weight and just went at it!
I will say this, the weights I did were easy. And basically I wanted to fill my back full of blood! Try to form/build shape. I normally/never do that but that's what I wanted. I did go faster than I usually do usually I use a slow flexing cadence. Anyways...ANY BACK HELP WOULD BE GREAT!
Gotta run, gotta work!
08-29-2003, 10:05 AM #16
Hello brothers! YEsterday was arms and my #4 400/150, sunday I'll start at 300/150.
Did arms yesterday and instead of doing tri/bi/tri/bi, I did tri's then bi's.
Pushdown (st. bar) - 70-20/100/110/120/130/140/160/170-10
close grip bench(ezbar) - w/out bar weight-50-20/90-12/140-10/180-10/230-8
trianglepush down- 100/120/140/160-10 170-8
dips w/plates- 20 45-15/90-15/135-12/180-15
1 arm ropes- 20/30-10/40-8
st bar preacher-55-15/65-12/75-10/85-10/95-8
db curls incline(sametime) -20-12/25-10/30-10/35-10/45-8/50-6
nautilaus 1arm curls - 10-20/20-15/30-8
concentrations also
08-29-2003, 01:25 PM #17
Good to see your sticking with it. I know all the traveling isn't making it any easier. Keep it up bro cause you start slacking I'll drive all the way up there to shove my foot where the sun don't shine. Oh yeah, letting ya know in about 3-4 weeks I'll be hitting some prop/fina for about 8 weeks to try and get back everything I lost during my little endeavor I've been going through. At least my abs are showing through. But I've lost alot of size, but that's what AS is for.
08-29-2003, 02:49 PM #18
Everythings lookin good SID, keep it up big man....
08-30-2003, 02:44 PM #19Originally Posted by talon
I never got to finish my last post my guppy let my F*N dogs out so it was all f*n pandamoniom to get them in.
Anyways, definately felt like I worked them pretty good, I look at arms as a week spot, even though my tri's have a nice spike, they're not much for size. I'll do some measurements and post them for humors sake! no shit!
So, I didn't get to the gym yesterday or today and won't tomorrow...I feel that the traveling I've been doing (4 14 hour flights in 2 weeks) has kicked my ass some. My wiff is like why are you so burned all the time so, I'll kick back and destroy legs on monday.
Tex, you better get your size back or I'll have to gorilla press your anabolic cowboy ass!
>> Anyways, anybody got good advice for back please let me know!
08-31-2003, 12:33 AM #20
i do back/traps/rear delts in about 2.5 hours...
All sets include 2 warmups with weight increasing in sucession.
{BACK} - Heavy lat pulldowns, 4 reps wide grip 3 sets
Immediately after last heavy set 3 sets of pullups to failure
- Parallel grip t-bar, 3 working sets of 6, last set to failure
- Bent barbell rows, 5 sets, pyramid up to 5 reps max and back down.
- 1-arm dumbell rows - 3 heavy sets, 6 reps (140's)
- momentum pulldown machine superseted with low cable rows, 5 quick intense sets each back and forth.
{TRAPS} - Smith machine barbell shrugs, pyramid up to 2 heavy 6 rep sets
- High Cable rows, above shoulder level, 5 sets high reps full contraction
- DB shrugs, grab heavy dumbells and just shrug, normally where exhaustion sets in
{REAR DELTS} - bent over flyes, light weight high reps
- machine rear delt, 3 sets 6 reps heavy
pretty much in that order, obviously set number and reps vary but thats basic.. from trap to lumbar you'll be sore, will put on good mass with sufficient rest, this session should be brutal at least 5-6 nights rest minimum while on cycle. second time you asked, I figure you need to advice... thats my 2C. works well for me.
09-01-2003, 08:11 PM #21
Executioner, thanks bro! I will deffinately give it a run.
Well, yesterday was 300/150 and I must say that my 3/4 cc draw of test was closer to the 350. I will have to get a little better at that, anyways I definately believe I moved the pin around alittle too much because it's sore today.
Did legs this morning and had some back pain so it wasn't the best day, but I feel my legs are full so, I'll do supers on friday to bomb them.
So legs went like this:
leg extension 2 w-ups w/ 70-20 100-15 140-12/160-12/190-10/200-10/200-10
hack's (Never been a favorite excersize because I feel it in my lower back, but I need to widen my quads MAJORLY! they're pretty narrow from the front) so 90-20/140-20/180-15/230-12/270-10/320-10
leg press - 180-20/270-15/360-10/450-10/500-10
squats- (got 3 sets in but back was kililng me) 135-20/185-15/225-15
leg curls - 70-20/100-20/120-12/140-12/160-10/170-10(very slow reps)
couldn't do deads because of my back, but will make it up on friday.
09-01-2003, 08:22 PM #22
Hey RIP, did ya take before pics....so you can after the cycle? How about measurements?...keep up the good work bro, lookin good so far....
09-01-2003, 08:29 PM #23
Talon, unfortunately my camera died, but I did post pics a while back I'll dig them up and repost them here tomorrow. I'll also take my measurements and try to do a brief meal breakdown.
I'm going to do back tomorrow and I'm pretty stoked about it!
Thanks for the support bro's!
09-01-2003, 08:35 PM #24Originally Posted by ripsid
09-01-2003, 09:34 PM #25
With the traveling you have been doing it's good to see that your keeping up with it. Everything looks great and you should start packing on the weight soon.
I can't wait to start my next cycle.... you're making me jealous!
One more thing.... I like the new avatar but did you clear it with BigGreen yet? I just don't want to see you get into any trouble broLast edited by TheMudMan; 09-01-2003 at 09:40 PM.
09-01-2003, 09:43 PM #26Originally Posted by TheMudMan
09-02-2003, 08:03 AM #27Originally Posted by TheMudMan
You and Talon have a point, so I'll post a BG appreciate my AV thread!
09-02-2003, 08:49 AM #28
keep up the work bro!! As for BG, no need to let him know, he's all talk anyways. Ok I had to get that in. Are you looking for a good back workout? If so let me know and I'll pm ya mine. I gauran-damn-tee it will be a killer workout.
09-02-2003, 11:18 AM #29
T, thanks for checking in brother!
Well, did back today and am getting ready for my wonderful drink of liquidex....echhh! anyways, I decided to take some pics and didn't realize how bad I look not doing cardio! I was advised that due to how f'n hyper I am that cutting out cardio all together while bulking should help...well, I gotz me a gut! F*K! anyways, by looking at these pics you will be amazed at how bad someone who has lifted for ever can look! I work hard to look this damn bad! WTF! didn't think I looked that bad, until I looked at these pics...they're not the best, but they're me?... so no more bsing and explaining my worthlesness....
09-02-2003, 11:20 AM #30
a couple more .....
09-02-2003, 11:22 AM #31
More trash...
09-02-2003, 11:28 AM #32
Boy that crap keeps on coming!
09-02-2003, 11:28 AM #33
And finally the last trashy pic of Sir Flabb alot!
09-02-2003, 11:42 AM #34
Ok so...there they are! Not very impressive at all! And pretty F*B embarrasing because I believe it or not, I work my ass off and eat really well! and I look that damn bad! So, as of today I believe I'm at about 178, I'll check again tomorrow, I believe that the weight gain has everything to do with no cardio being done...infact I feel crappy not doing any cardio at all.
Today was back and it felt pretty good, I was rushed because my sister was watching my kids and I had to get home, but I did feel pretty good about the workout.
parallel bar pulldowns-70-20/110-15/140-10/160-8/180-8
widegrip pulldowns-90-15/120-12/140-10/160-10/180-8
Low pully row bar pulldowns - 120-12/140-10/160-8/180-6 (at this point it took very little time at all do do these maybe 15 minutes so I was feeling it)
pullover machine - 50-20 100-12/120-10/140-8 (1st time in ever that I've done these the 1 gym doesn't have the machine..Loved them)
bent rows - 135-10/155-8/185-8/205-8/225-8
DB row - 60-10/80-8/100-8
again had to run out!
Ok, here's how the diet is shapping up also this is an average day when I'm at work how it will go...
7ish Breakfast:
8 eggs 2 whole 6 yokes w/ cheese
rye bread or rye bagle w/ pb
1000mg flax oil/1000mg milk thistle/3 daily vitamins/2000mg glucosamine
9 - protein shake 44g pro. 6 carbs (thank you allsports!)
- rye bread with pb
workout 11:30ish till 1 - post workout shake 44g pro/6 carbs
1:30 -
baked potato in olive oil
1 - big can of tuna or chicken with olive oil and pepper
3 - shake or bar, granola bar
6/7 - dinner low carbs, mostly lean chicken or beef
9- protein shake before bed....
I also eat tuna and soy beans w/ no salt through out the day to help keep the protein in me pretty steady... I do hate the bloated feeling I have because it seems like with all the water and food, I'm a fat man!
So any comments on the diet or my horrible pics feel free! be gentle on the pics, I'm already very hard on myself as it is! Thanks bro's and I'm sorry if my nasty pics make you feel sick!
09-02-2003, 11:49 AM #35
Shit, one more thing about the pics...being that they are pretty low quality you can't see it but my back, shoulders and traps are not bad, actually my back has some nice cuts and my shoulders also. In one of the pics you can see some striations in my front delts, and you can't see because 1 of the angle and 2 the grainy pics, but my traps are unusually large for someone my size (wrestling, grappling and neck bridges do wonders). Funny story, my bro-in-law's 20 and is starting to hit they gym..I gave him all sorts of advise on diet and such..he shot me a most muscular joking around about how small I am with as much as I eat and work out, so I hit him with my trap shot and he said "Holly FUCK! Where'd you get those" I told him to do shrugs with me and we'll see if he can turn his head for 1 to 2 weeks afterwars...he said maybe at christmas when he comes out again!
A brief description of me is "thin with hidden power", I was doing BJJ with my buddy and his bro (he's 6 and his bro is 6-2/3) and I amazed them with my nasty ness! my one really good bro's 6-4 260 and wooped his ass grappling, I had him in a small package with him yelling ok ok ok!
Small Nasty Dego!
09-02-2003, 12:14 PM #36
Your shoulders, traps, back, and biceps look thick SID.
09-02-2003, 12:37 PM #37
Yeah bro ...coming along nicely....whats your mental state of mind been like...........
09-02-2003, 12:38 PM #38
Pics look good! You have a good base to work with, as for doing no cardio, I don't either. You could do it 2-3 times a week and up your cals even more. Diet needs work brother. I'd ditch most of that bread you're eating and use yams, rice, or oats in its place. I'm writing up my back workouts and some others for ya. If I have time I'll try and write ya up a diet. How many cals are you shooting for? Also I didn't see any dextrose or anything added to that post workout shake, what's up with that?
09-02-2003, 12:46 PM #39
I'm with BigT on the diet..... needs some work. I have a "on gear" and cutting diet that I can PM you if you want. My "on gear" one is in my post I mabe about my next cycle. http://anabolicreview.com/vbulletin/...threadid=63806 take a look at that and see if that will suit you. You BIG GUYS have to remeber I'm only 5'7" and about 175 so you may need to add to it a bit.
09-02-2003, 02:09 PM #40
Big T,Mud and mass, thanks! As for the advice you know I'm open to it I want it to be solid, I know I have to add to the diet. Actually, the only reason yams weren't on there was because grocery store didn't have it. I do try to have oatmeal at my 9am meal. I'll have to add the dextrose, but what is a quality source? (that's not source posting is it ) I need to shore everything up now.
Thanks guys!
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