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Thread: Group Diary

  1. #1
    DocHoliday's Avatar
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    Group Diary

    Calipso, Clockworks, Ntpadude, and arrruken.

    Strength is still increasing, but not by leaps and bounds. Just steady increases, no jumps yet. I started week four sunday 11/02.

    Just a reminder for you guys:

    wk 1-10 Enanthate 500mg ew
    wk 1-10 EQ 400mg ew
    20mg Nolva each day, started 11/02

    PCT, standard clomid, and nolva ran till the end.

    We can use this thread as comparison, and competition drive.


  2. #2
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    The test is about to kick in doc,you sound patient so you'll be rewarded.Keep this updated,good for newbies to see this.Nice simple first cycle.....Good job bro

  3. #3
    clockworks's Avatar
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    here's a quick summary of my cycle so far...

    duration: 27 days so far
    dosages: 80-90mg prop ED, 55-65mg tren ED
    sides so far: slight acne, extreme fatigue, one incident of "fina dick", blood in feces (yikes)
    gains: 11.5 lbs (at 166 lbs now), very mild to no strength gains

    to elaborate, the "fina dick" might have been nervousness cuz i've had sex with her about 8 times since with no problems. the blood in the poo is exactly the same as what happened when i was on high dosages of creatine. i stopped the creatine, the blood stopped. i don't wanna stop my cycle though...=/

    i've been very disappointed with the strength gains. i've made pretty much no definitive gains on anything except bench press. in fact, on a lot of exercises, i've started doing lower weight, more set/reps, and slower reps. to give an idea of the bench press gains, when i started, i could do maybe 1 rep @ 225 on my last (4th set). now i can do about 3-4 reps on my last set.

    here's a halloween progress pic (if its small, just click on it for a larger version)...=)

    -- clocky
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Group Diary-drag01-blurred.jpg  

  4. #4
    DocHoliday's Avatar
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    I'm trying to stay patient DB, but I have test runnin through me...patience are j/k.
    Yeah this thread will serve a couple of purposes. The four members I mentioned in the opening post started similar cycles at very close times. So we can each monitor, and share our progress for expectations and help.

    Also like you mentioned DB, any newbie interested in starting similar cycles can view four members results in one thread.

    Nice pic clock.

    My strength gains I truly believe to be from my upped calorie diet. I guess I really DID NOT know how to eat prior to using AS, as much as I thought I did. Now that I am eating right in light of using AS I'm blowin up.

    I started the cycle just below 180. I weighed myself yesterday at 193. However, these weigh-ins are done around the same time of day when I go to lift. So they are not as accurate as if I were to weigh myself in the morning.

    I did notice my decline bench strength increasing very quickly. I never do decline, but started exactly when my cycle started. Since then I've gone from 135lbs to 225lbs X 5reps. Not much weight, but I'll be improving.

    Just from my own feeling of my body, I should be near the 300lb in three weeks, not taking into guessing what strength gains I'll get from test come week five.

    I do feel all around thicker, broader, and fill out my clothes better. I cannot, however, point out muscles I see getting larger. It just takes patience.

    Like experienced users have mentioned, one day I'll look in the mirror and not recognize myself.

  5. #5
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Clock you got an impressive upper chest. It's a shame your lats aren't bigger, you'd look like a true badass. Still looking good none the less.

  6. #6
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Hey Doc I meant to ask why your running EQ and Enan together? I don't know all that much about EQ but wouldn't have dbol or winny have been a good substitute for it?

  7. #7
    groverman1's Avatar
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    Clocky I thought you werent suppose to take creatine during a cycle. I'm on wk 3 of a test enan 500mg a wk with 1.25mg of letrozole a day. Gained 9lbs small strength increase. Slight acne, little moody, but muscles seem thicker. Now I wished I would have jump started my cycle with d-bol like Calipso. Fuckin Tornel is underdosed and underfilled.

  8. #8
    DocHoliday's Avatar
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    Groverman, I didn't realize your cycle was similar to ours, and started around the same time. Keep adding to this thread too.

    Shit Calipso, I didn't even read your name, I didn't know it was you because of the new avatar. I used EQ for lean muscle, and to boost appetite. I could have still used Dbol to jump start. It would have been nice to have dbol to use for these first few slow weeks. However, I've been gaining steadily, and I don't want to turn too many heads.
    To hell with it though, cause heads are turning, I might as well give them something to snap their necks from. GET BIG.

    Keep up with the posts.


  9. #9
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    I turned heads way too fast. 3rd week into my cycle and my mom keeps saying "I don't want you using anything illegal and getting into trouble." All the people at the gym now are staring at me and a couple have asked me what I'm on. Funny shit.

  10. #10
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    Well, I use the college gym so kids I think were gossiping. Think they still are, but like I said, I think I really didn't know how to eat until I started this cycle regretably. So, when week 5 kicks in, and all sorts of mass explosion occurs....well, they best not say nasty rumors.

    Calipso, would you mind sending me the leg routine that Big'ollegs sent you? I don't want to bother him, cause I know he probably gets a lot of requests for leg help.


  11. #11
    Calipso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    Well, I use the college gym so kids I think were gossiping. Think they still are, but like I said, I think I really didn't know how to eat until I started this cycle regretably. So, when week 5 kicks in, and all sorts of mass explosion occurs....well, they best not say nasty rumors.

    Calipso, would you mind sending me the leg routine that Big'ollegs sent you? I don't want to bother him, cause I know he probably gets a lot of requests for leg help.

    He actually might need to make me a new one. I used to do leg/shoulder day when I worked at my job but since I got laid off and send back to the district of my job, I can't workout legs with that routine anymore.

    Send him a PM, that guy has too much free time and will be glad to help you out.

    Not to hijack but this is what I did for 2 weeks and it was agony.

    Seated Leg Press 4 set pyramid weight up
    Set1.. 15 reps
    Set2.. 12 reps
    Set3.. 10 reps
    Set4.. 8 reps (Warm-ups)

    Leg Extensions 4 Sets.. Up-sets (And pyramid weights up each set)
    Set1.. 15reps..up weight..8 reps..up weight..6 reps
    Set2.. 15reps..up weight..8 reps..up weight..6 reps
    Set3.. 12reps..up weight..8 reps..up weight..4 reps
    Set4.. 20reps..up weight..12 reps..up weight.. 6 reps

    Back to Seated Leg Press 4 more sets of Heavy-low reps pyramid up
    Set1.. 8 reps
    Set2.. 8 reps
    Set3.. 6 reps
    Set4.. 4 reps

    Now to Hammies... 4 sets Laying Curls drop sets.. pyramid weight up each set
    Set1.. 15 reps..drop weight..12 reps..drop weight.. 6 reps
    Set2.. 12 reps..drop weight..10 reps..drop weight.. 8 reps
    Set3.. 10 reps..drop weight..10 reps..drop weight.. 8 reps
    Set4.. 12 reps..drop weight..10 reps..drop weight.. 10 reps

    Next Standing DB stiff-leg deadlifts pyramid weights up
    Set1.. 12 reps
    Set2.. 10 reps
    Set3.. 8 reps
    Set4.. 6 reps

    Then back to Laying Curls for 4 Heavy Sets.. and again pyramid weights up
    Set1.. 8reps
    Set2.. 6reps
    Set3.. 4reps
    Set4.. 4reps

  12. #12
    groverman1's Avatar
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    Damn killer leg routine, I actually started a thread about cycle already Doc.

  13. #13
    clockworks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by groverman1
    Clocky I thought you werent suppose to take creatine during a cycle.
    i'm not, i was just comparing the bloody poo thing to a time when i was doing high dosages of creatine.

    doc, calipso, come on guys, lets get to the real point of the does that dress look on me? =P hehe btw, when you got some muscle on ya, going in drag for halloween can get ya lots of attention from the cuties, yall should try it next time...

    -- clocky

  14. #14
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    felt a little rage today. my girlie was kinda parked half infront of a driveway (she thought she would just be in an out of my house). someone came banging on my door, she remembered she was blocking someone and rushed out there. i finished up my injection, put on some shoes and went outside just in time to see the asshole peeling out of his driveway and tearing off. then she told me he yelled at her. instantly, my pulse skyrocketed and i started getting very upset. i imagined getting out there sooner and threatening him and all sorts of shit. took me a good 5 mins to cool off...

    other than this and one other road rage incident, i've been as mellow as ever...even when drinking...

    -- clocky

  15. #15
    DocHoliday's Avatar
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    Try not to drink clock...I'm a college kid, so there are all sorts of reasons, cheers, girls, and moments to drink. Esp when you live in THE party house.

    Lighting must be a big issue in making pics look good. I look damn small in my pics. No fuckin way am I EVER posting.


  16. #16
    clockworks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    Try not to drink clock...I'm a college kid, so there are all sorts of reasons, cheers, girls, and moments to drink. Esp when you live in THE party house.

    Lighting must be a big issue in making pics look good. I look damn small in my pics. No fuckin way am I EVER posting.

    yeah i know, i know. but its hard not to drink! i was good last night though. my chica drank, but i didn't...=)

    yes, lighting and posing make all the difference in the world. i observed a few things that i refer to as "tricks" when posing... most notable is that if you kinda push your elbows closer together when doing a double front bicep pose, you won't lose so much of your chest.

    if thats you in your avatar, i have a hard time believing you would look "small" in your pics...=P

    -- clocky

  17. #17
    DocHoliday's Avatar
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    So todays shot was my last for week four. Two more lift days: legs and arms.

    My gains in strength and size are steady. I must be feeling or experiencing some strength gain from the test enanthate because my the weight in all my back exercises went up 10lbs and one as much as 20lbs. My chest strength increases per lift.

    Still, I'm waiting for week five. My grunting, my struggling, my mental readiness will all be awarded the test might. I'm no F'n panzy in the gym, so I can't wait when the test fully hits, because I will be pushign it for ALL it is worth!!!

    I ran out of weight gainer, a jug of N-Large I bought from GNC to h old me over while my shipment from allsportnutrition comes in. Isopure protein is one shake away from being finished.

    I tell you, there are some big boys who walk around the gym, and I put up more weight than them, and it's all about who fights a bigger fight with the wieghts.

    COME ON TEST!!!!! Still waiting to see what EQ does to me. I hear it's "nectar of the Gods" from many members. Well hasn't done shit yet. Unless someone can describe in GREAT detail.

    I got some clen coming too, I'm wanting to use that after PCT.

    Keep ya'll updated.

  18. #18
    Calipso's Avatar
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    I'm with you Doc. I'm going through protein shakes and food like a horse.

    I can't find the time to cook or have the money to get chicken breasts all the time. I can't stand tuna more than once a day. So N-Large and Pro-Rated shakes are what I'm drinking every 2 hours.

  19. #19
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    They say not do drink too many shakes and replace food completely but what the fuck. Why not right?

  20. #20
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    Hey dudes, I am four weeks into a sust/deca /dbol cycle, you want me to join in ?

  21. #21
    DocHoliday's Avatar
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    Sure...give us more details though trailrider.


  22. #22
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    I just woke up, about to shower and take my sunday inj to start my 5th week. This week should be the week of real improvements. I will keep all posted. I must say however AR has been giving me troubles. I'm writing this post wihtout seeing what I'm typing becuase the text visual match up is soooo delayed. It's only on AR. My comp is fine otherwise. Even defraggeed it. Heavy porn downloader.


  23. #23
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    I just woke up, about to shower and take my sunday inj to start my 5th week. This week should be the week of real improvements. I will keep all posted. I must say however AR has been giving me troubles. I'm writing this post wihtout seeing what I'm typing becuase the text visual match up is soooo delayed. It's only on AR. My comp is fine otherwise. Even defraggeed it. Heavy porn downloader.

    LMAO.....Test kicking in huh?

  24. #24
    clockworks's Avatar
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    my thoughts on liquid-nolva...

    -- clocky

  25. #25
    clockworks's Avatar
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    hehe, i found pins are perfect for popping zits...=) i since i do ED injections, i have an assload of pins. lots of 25g ones. they work especially good for the zits that are still way under your skin and haven't come to a head yet. i wanna eventually try putting a pin on a syringe, sticking it in a big, deep zit, and then pulling back on the plunger to suck out the puss...

    -- clocky

  26. #26
    DocHoliday's Avatar
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    You are sick. Meat head. LOL.

    My DIET SUCKS ASS. The past four days my cals are somewhere around 2,000. I don't get hungry, but at the same time I'm not forcing food down.


    HERE WE GO WEEK 5!!!!!


  27. #27
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    You are sick. Meat head. LOL.

    My DIET SUCKS ASS. The past four days my cals are somewhere around 2,000. I don't get hungry, but at the same time I'm not forcing food down.


    HERE WE GO WEEK 5!!!!!

    Doc 2000 isn't shit!You need to start upping each week or you'll be diappointed in your results.At week 5,you should be at 3500 ed,and by cycle end 5000.Use wieght gainer if you have to.

  28. #28
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    It's these past few days I've dropped, I don't know exactly why either. EQ isn't helping for shit. I'll fix it somehow.

    Doc :bananna:

  29. #29
    groverman1's Avatar
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    I am having a hard time too with taking in enough cals and clocky thats freakin sick but I'd do it too.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    You are sick. Meat head. LOL.

    My DIET SUCKS ASS. The past four days my cals are somewhere around 2,000. I don't get hungry, but at the same time I'm not forcing food down.


    HERE WE GO WEEK 5!!!!!

    holy crap!! only 2000 cals?!?! i consider 3000 cals a bad day for me! seriously, 1800 cals is considered a weight loss diet for adult males.

    when i say my diet is crap, i prolly mean i'm just eating junk. if i feel i haven't eaten enough during the day, i always eat some super high cal junk (with protein shakes) just to get my cals up.

    i know what you mean about not being hungry. but when you feel like that, go have a snack...something that won't make you feel like you're over eating. i can eat an ego waffle at any time during the day, and it doesn't make me feel bloated or anything, its almost like eating nothing. and thats 180 cals right there.

    to be honest, i never force food down. i eat small, comfortable snakes all throughout the day and the calories just add up.

    btw, i hit the 170 lb mark today. 15.5 lbs up from when i started...=)

    -- clocky

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by groverman1
    I am having a hard time too with taking in enough cals and clocky thats freakin sick but I'd do it too.

    let see what my diet was like today:

    eggo (180 cals)
    eggo (180 cals)
    protein shake (240 cals)
    bread + few bits of crawfish bisque (shrug 300 cals)
    protein shake (240 cals)
    wendy's chili (200 cals)
    wendy's jr bacon cheese burger (300 cals)
    wendy's jr bacon cheese burger (300 cals)
    protein shake (240 cals)
    3 fried chicken strips (450 cals)
    some fries (200 cals)
    bowl of cereal with milk (250 cals)
    protein shake (240)

    3320 cals total

    all this spread through out the course of the day is not much at all. never did i feel "full". i think its a mistake to force food down till you're full cuz then you won't wanna eat for a long while...=P

    -- clocky

  32. #32
    DocHoliday's Avatar
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    I’m talking about 2,000 cals in food alone aside from shakes. Though, on a bad day like you clock, I’ll run out of my accessories to my shakes and only get just over 1,000 cals in my morning shake. Weekends are bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REAL F’n BAD!!!!

    Unless my day is planned out food wise by the hour and I follow it, I feel screwed. I’m not as smart as you clock, and I just eat bigger meals, so an hour later when I should be eating another snack, or a few hours later when I should be eating my next meal I’m waiting a bit longer. All those “waiting a bit longers” add up and I wind up cutting a meal and a few snacks out.

    Your protein shake is only 240 cals? I only down two of them a day. A morning one, and a post workout one.

    Check this out:

    Shake Calories:
    Milk 4 cups (32 oz) 480cals
    Banana (1 full) 90cals
    Honey (1 tbsp) 60cals
    Peanut Butter (2tbsp) 200cals
    Weight Gainer 2 scoops 336cals
    Isopure Protein 1 scoop 105cals
    Grand total: 1,271cals morning shake
    + 1 extra scoop of Isopure
    for post workout sake: 1,376cals post workout shake

    Still, those cals I don’t think are as good. So I’ll eat two loaded turkey sandwhiches for lunch. Then a chicken and corn, or steak and rice dinner. Then a snack or a another dinner. The thing is, that’s not much food. I only get about 2,000, probably more, but it’s not as much as I feel I should be getting.

    I bought some clementines, some pistachio nuts (sp?), to snack on throughout the day.

    It’s hard for me to judge how much nutrition I get from my sandwiches and some other foods I eat. I found this website this morning, that should help me out with my deli meats.

    I dropped a lb or two since middle of last week. Been taking Nolva since around then, so it could be some bloat I didn’t know I had reducing? I don’t know. Speaking of which, it’s time to down that nasty shit.

    Keep up Clock and Grover.


  33. #33
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    Oh, just to post my protein servings in those shakes.

    Protein per Shake:
    Milk 4 cups (32oz) 32g
    Peanut Butter 2 tbsp 7g
    Weight Gainer 2 scoops 14g
    Isopure 1 scoop 25g
    Total: 78g

    + 1 extra scoop of Isopure 103g total post workout shake
    Protein post workout


  34. #34
    groverman1's Avatar
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    I have always loved to eat but uping my caloric intake has been the hardest thing associated with this cycle. Keep on pluggin guys, luckily being at the firehouse for 24 hrs gives me more time to eat. It's harder for me to eat big at home than it is at work. Ahh yeah had some extra time today so I cooked up some fina for the next cycle. Like everyone said, half way through my 1st cycle and already thinking about the next.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by groverman1
    I have always loved to eat but uping my caloric intake has been the hardest thing associated with this cycle. Keep on pluggin guys, luckily being at the firehouse for 24 hrs gives me more time to eat. It's harder for me to eat big at home than it is at work. Ahh yeah had some extra time today so I cooked up some fina for the next cycle. Like everyone said, half way through my 1st cycle and already thinking about the next.

    Ha. Has anyone at the station said anything to you about your size yet?

    How long did it take you to brew fina?


  36. #36
    clockworks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    Check this out:

    Shake Calories:
    Milk 4 cups (32 oz) 480cals
    Banana (1 full) 90cals
    Honey (1 tbsp) 60cals
    Peanut Butter (2tbsp) 200cals
    Weight Gainer 2 scoops 336cals
    Isopure Protein 1 scoop 105cals
    Grand total: 1,271cals morning shake
    + 1 extra scoop of Isopure
    for post workout sake: 1,376cals post workout shake
    damn, thats one hell of a shake. i used to make big ass protein smoothies too. but then over time, my laziness kicked in and now its just milk + protein powder...

    -- clocky

  37. #37
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    It takes a total of 30 seconds longer to add all my shit. The hard part is going to the supermarket to buy it.


  38. #38
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    i injected close to a vein or something today. 20 secs after injecting, i started coughing really bad for over a minute. i wonder if my shot was lost...

    -- clocky

  39. #39
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clockworks
    i injected close to a vein or something today. 20 secs after injecting, i started coughing really bad for over a minute. i wonder if my shot was lost...

    -- clocky
    No went in your lungs,it's your body's way off trying to reject the substance,your cool.You got lucky,usually you'll cough for like 10-20 mins.

  40. #40
    ENraged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocHoliday
    Oh, just to post my protein servings in those shakes.

    Protein per Shake:
    Milk 4 cups (32oz) 32g
    Peanut Butter 2 tbsp 7g
    Weight Gainer 2 scoops 14g
    Isopure 1 scoop 25g
    Total: 78g

    + 1 extra scoop of Isopure 103g total post workout shake
    Protein post workout

    And it takes you how long to drink that beast??

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