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  1. #1
    GGallin's Avatar
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    Down to 236 Still No Abs!! Hopefully soon!

    Just keeping you guys updated. I have hit a plateu in weight loss but I am moving forward slowly. Not much progress from the last pics but here they are. I have really buckled down the past 2 weeks on my diet and cardio so hopefully it starts paying off soon.

  2. #2
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    props on the weight loss man-definitely a huge improvement. unfortunately you wont bee seeing your abs until you are 10% bodyfat...keep crankin!!!

  3. #3
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    Looks like you've got another 15 lbs or so and you're there. Great job thus far man, keep it up.

  4. #4
    GGallin's Avatar
    GGallin is offline Senior Member
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    Here is my most recent pic thread. I weighed 242. Like I said not a huge difference. Finally 243Lbs I was 265Lbs New Pics

  5. #5
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    since you started you've lost 30pounds!!! thats a huge difference if you ask me.....keep goin bro!!

  6. #6
    GGallin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dude-Man
    Looks like you've got another 15 lbs or so and you're there. Great job thus far man, keep it up.
    Man these next 15 lbs will be rough LOL. But I can handle it. You guys help keep me motivated. I think I need to read a bit more on dieting. Although I do know when I am eating something I shouldnt be. Lets set a goal to acheive for myself, no less than 10 lbs in the next 2 weeks and then I will update my pics again to see where I am at. I can do this, no more farting around.

  7. #7
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    i can notice a pretty big difference just between the last set and this set. Maybe you should take measurements when you do this.. i bet you've lost 2 inches off your waist since then.

  8. #8
    GGallin's Avatar
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    Here is me at 253. I will post all my old threads for you guy to see what I looked like before. New Pics At 253, Still Not Cut But Moving Forward

  9. #9
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    maybe take a few minutes & post up your diet.....with macros & all & let people help you with it.......

  10. #10
    Jason865's Avatar
    Jason865 is offline Banned
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    Great job so far, looks like about 20lbs more to go.

  11. #11
    GGallin's Avatar
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    Last edited by GGallin; 03-13-2007 at 09:11 AM.

  12. #12
    GGallin's Avatar
    GGallin is offline Senior Member
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    Ok last one, this thread says it all. Its shows just how fat I was this time last year if you scroll down a few pics. 3rd pic down is me at 275 FAT AS PHUCK! 4 Weeks In, Before And After So Far-
    Last edited by GGallin; 03-13-2007 at 09:12 AM.

  13. #13
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    have you actually strucutred a diet yet? or are you still just training hard and losing???

    also whats ur cardio routine?

  14. #14
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    Focus on the diet and you will get there. Great improvements in the last year man.

  15. #15
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    I would go to the diet forum here and get some help there. I am now doing a ketogenic diet and the weight is flying off me easily. I started at about 12% and am down to 10% or lower in less than a week. Last week I lost 10 pounds. Do a search on the net and give it a try. It is a bit tough to follow though, takes quite a bit of discipline since you cant take in anymore than 20 grams of carbs in a day.

  16. #16
    GGallin's Avatar
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    No I definatly do NOT have a structed diet, I am not good at calorie counting and things like that. Although I do have a good understanding of what I probably should and should not eat, but I do admit I do not always follow it properly. But over all compared to the way I was eating I eat great now. I do 30 mins a day 5 days a week of cardio. I am going to up my cardio this week though to at least 40 mins a day. I just work a lot so its hard to always eat and train right which I guess is a shitty excuse but thats how it is. Well we all lose weight and gain muscle at different speeds as you already know, I am just unfortunate in the fat loss category. Lets see what the next 2 weeks bring.

  17. #17
    GGallin's Avatar
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  18. #18
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    its all about diet.........if if your job doesnt help your eating habits--PREPARE YOUR MEALS AHEAD OF TIME & store em in tupperware in the fridge & bring em with you. its just as easy to eat good as it is to eat bad........its just a choice...

  19. #19
    brjrj0000's Avatar
    brjrj0000 is offline Member
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    IMO you'll prolly have to get down to AT LEAST 180-190 to see full abs

  20. #20
    wishmasterATM is offline Banned
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    dude great job!!...keep fighting!!..

  21. #21
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    No I definatly do NOT have a structed diet, I am not good at calorie counting and things like that. Although I do have a good understanding of what I probably should and should not eat, but I do admit I do not always follow it properly. But over all compared to the way I was eating I eat great now. I do 30 mins a day 5 days a week of cardio. I am going to up my cardio this week though to at least 40 mins a day. I just work a lot so its hard to always eat and train right which I guess is a shitty excuse but thats how it is. Well we all lose weight and gain muscle at different speeds as you already know, I am just unfortunate in the fat loss category. Lets see what the next 2 weeks bring.
    How would you know if you have a hard time losing fat when you have never been on a decent diet? When you first came to the board you had some unrealistic expectations and some folks were pretty harsh. I think you still aren't being honest with youself. You have made good progress but you still dont appear to be very dedicated to losing the weight.

    Suck it up. Show some dedication and get on a real diet. Stop thinking its easy for the rest of us because we have better genetics or something. We just work harder than you.

    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    And dont bump threads when someone hasn't answered for ten minutes.

  22. #22
    Pops1985's Avatar
    Pops1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Nice going dude I'm like competing against you like I see all your tread and I'm like in my self if this dude is working hard so can I. You motivate me too to shred down. My tread is "My Excelent Progress". See it man.

  23. #23
    GGallin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    IMO you'll prolly have to get down to AT LEAST 180-190 to see full abs
    Dude there is NO WAY I could get down to that low of a weight. I would have to be anorexic for that. My frame isnt made to be that weight. I had my doctor calculate my lean mass which is 212 lbs, so unless I lose 32 lbs of muscle I will never weigh 180. I think around 220-225 I should see some abs poking out.

  24. #24
    josh8416's Avatar
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    i'd say another 15-20 and you'll see abs for sure. but ur doing great so far, i would get your diet in check, write everything up and know what ur eating. thats the only thing your lacking, you have the heart to lose it, now just get down that diet and u'll be there before you know it. good luck

  25. #25
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brjrj0000
    IMO you'll prolly have to get down to AT LEAST 180-190 to see full abs
    Definitely not.

  26. #26
    GGallin's Avatar
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    I know I am not as dedicated as some of you guys to losing the weight. I am not in a relay race to fat loss. I have been losing weight slowly instead of gaining or staying the same. Its also proven that its harder for some people to lose weight than others, I have not worked as hard as some of you guys but I am dedicated to losing it. But I dont think it would be healthy for me to drop 50 lbs in 2 or 3 months, I would lose too much musle and strength along with that. I dont have any BB contest coming up so there is no rush. My only goal is abs by summer and summer is still a ways away. I also never had unrealistic goals, I didnt know what to expect, I am not a veteran of aas. I didnt know I was too fat for aas, I didnt even know the names or amounts of what to take before coming to this board. I didnt listen to you guys and went ahead and did them anyways but it all worked out well. I weigh less than I did before the cycle, I look and feel better and I have no regrets. I do need a better diet though, a REAL diet if you will so I will do some more research. And I will bump threads until I am blue in the face if I want to buddy. BUMP!
    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    How would you know if you have a hard time losing fat when you have never been on a decent diet? When you first came to the board you had some unrealistic expectations and some folks were pretty harsh. I think you still aren't being honest with youself. You have made good progress but you still dont appear to be very dedicated to losing the weight.

    Suck it up. Show some dedication and get on a real diet. Stop thinking its easy for the rest of us because we have better genetics or something. We just work harder than you.

    And dont bump threads when someone hasn't answered for ten minutes.

  27. #27
    GGallin's Avatar
    GGallin is offline Senior Member
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    Bump LOL. That was for you Danny Boy!

  28. #28
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    You said you have hit a plateau in your weight loss. If you had a structured diet you could make small changes to get you through the plateau. Unfortunately you cant be bothered to write a diet out so you may not get to the goal you wish..

    Get on it and sort the diet. You have done a great job but now it will be hard going as the body fights for the last few pounds of flab. Diet and regular cardio is the only way dude...

  29. #29
    GGallin's Avatar
    GGallin is offline Senior Member
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    Well you were pretty overweight from the before and after pics you posted. What diet did you use, cardio etc. I know different things work for different people. What is right for me???

    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    You said you have hit a plateau in your weight loss. If you had a structured diet you could make small changes to get you through the plateau. Unfortunately you cant be bothered to write a diet out so you may not get to the goal you wish..

    Get on it and sort the diet. You have done a great job but now it will be hard going as the body fights for the last few pounds of flab. Diet and regular cardio is the only way dude...

  30. #30
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    how do you expect PBEAST to know what will be right for you??? if you want it bad have to do your OWN homework can do it..

  31. #31
    GGallin's Avatar
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    I wasnt really asking him, it was a retoracle question becuase I dont know what is right for me. I know carbs are bad, protien is good, fat is bad etc. Should I try the diet that the guy posted above? The ketogenic diet.
    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    how do you expect PBEAST to know what will be right for you??? if you want it bad have to do your OWN homework can do it..

  32. #32
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    i would recommend --in the diet forum .....there is a sticky there on how to cut...a great "example" of a cutting diet....... take a look

  33. #33
    Pops1985's Avatar
    Pops1985 is offline Associate Member
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    thx 4 seeing my tread dude

  34. #34
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    Dude there is NO WAY I could get down to that low of a weight. I would have to be anorexic for that. My frame isnt made to be that weight. I had my doctor calculate my lean mass which is 212 lbs, so unless I lose 32 lbs of muscle I will never weigh 180. I think around 220-225 I should see some abs poking out.
    If you do the math, your doctor is saying youre 10% bodyfat now, and from your pictures there is noway that this is true. Your true lean body mass is probably around 188 pounds now. So if you wanted to be 10% bodyfat you would weigh around 208 pounds. That would be a good goal.

  35. #35
    GGallin's Avatar
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    I'll see what I can do.

  36. #36
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    To me it looks like 10% for you would be around 210...maybe a lil less.

    It is more than you think me. I don't know if you have ever been really lean before but the more weight you lose the less you think you will have to weigh to have abs sticking out...

  37. #37
    brjrj0000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    Dude there is NO WAY I could get down to that low of a weight. I would have to be anorexic for that. My frame isnt made to be that weight. I had my doctor calculate my lean mass which is 212 lbs, so unless I lose 32 lbs of muscle I will never weigh 180. I think around 220-225 I should see some abs poking out.
    Ok one when cutting this much weight you are prolly gonna lose a little muscle as well. Two i was 240 pounds and wayyyyyy leaner then you and for me personal i dont have decent abs in my opinion until i hit 185. Last summer was my first time cutting and i was sucessful and got shredded.Trust me you have to lose more weight than you think. Oh and if your doctor told you that you have 212 of lean body mass that would put you around 11 percent body fat right now. You look to me like your well above 20.Tell your doctor i said he's an idiot.
    Last edited by brjrj0000; 03-14-2007 at 04:41 AM.

  38. #38
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    I wasnt really asking him, it was a retoracle question becuase I dont know what is right for me. I know carbs are bad, protien is good, fat is bad etc. Should I try the diet that the guy posted above? The ketogenic diet.
    Carbs are not "bad" Fat is not "bad" it is ESSENTIAL for fat loss. You need to do some research for yourself. No one is going to make a diet for you for free. You can see what my latest diet looks like in my log. However what works for me may not work for you. Do your homework. I am not really brainy and i dont have lots of free time however I did manage to put 2 hours aside to do some simple calculations and reading and design a diet which can be tweaked and altered as I go.

  39. #39
    Mick_540 is offline Junior Member
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    Take the beast's advice is my advice!!

  40. #40
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Beast is right. It might take maybe an afternoon on the weekend at most to get a diet layed out. Once you have it all set up its just a matter of will power to keep at it. You have to decide what your priorities are. Just how important is it to you to get leaner? You always have to make a few sacrifices, but its well worth it. After awhile it becomes second nature.

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