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  1. #1
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    8 week regain starts now

    Well the pics included here are what lbm I have left after being sick for about 5 and a half weeks. I went from 189 to around 165 give or take some water. Soo now I am going to see how quickly I can gain it back.

    Stats (at the moment)

    6' 4''
    22 years old
    weighed in this morning at 170 after breakfast, should have done it before, but my appetite is back so I can't resist the urge to stuff my face.
    I will post some more picks another 2 weeks from this exact date.

    Note: I am an extreme ectomorph and my body fat will NEVER go above 8 percent no matter how much I eat. Feel free to give me some tips.

    I can pretty much claim natural I guess since any muscle I ever accumulated over the last few years was lost during my GI flare up....and all my body hair grew back and I need to set aside a couple hours to do some "deforestation"
    Last edited by Grymreefer; 09-11-2015 at 04:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    My apologies to anyone who was interested in this trivial post of mine. I continued going down the road of sickness and eventually checked myself in. I had Mono! I will try to post pictures later just to see if there is any comparison, but I have not personally lifted a single piece of iron since August. I honestly don't even know what I weigh since I just moved to a new apartment, but pictures will be up in a few minutes. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

  3. #3
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	153514 More pics to come technology is not my forte.

  4. #4
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    I have pics of legs but god damn they are just way too hairy and I'm still too weak to get the energy to bust out a 12 pack of bic razors and spend a half hour making myself bleed from all over. I'm going to get some pics of the wheels in the dance studio at the gym tomorrow. Hopefully the lighting can display what is left.

    Note: September 16th when I left the doctors I weighed a whopping 152 pounds. And being 6' 4'' Amy Winehouse looked better than me pre and post mortem.

    Multiple people have told me to take it easy and just focus on the nutritional aspect of my body, but is there any specific supplement I could possibly use just to give me a slight boost? Obviously not seeking drugs as refuge but just some extra vitamins and minerals. I Currently take...

    Zinc 100mg ED ( I eat a lot of seeds and greens for copper supplementation)
    B5 2G EOD (Austinites acne protocol I got some nasty systic stuff from just being a veggie for a while)
    Centrum Multi Vitamin 50+ (My room mate is old)
    Vitamin C 3g-5g ED
    b12 10,000 iu EOD (methyl version from ar-r )

    I know I Need to look into D3 but I need to do a little more research on the board

    And I have my old bloodwork from the hospital but its misconstrued because of the illness So im going to post an updated one within the next week. My liver enzymes were off the chart so hopefully that is back to normal. Sorry for the rambling.

  5. #5
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	153515 I got invisible lat syndrome it seems.

  6. #6
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    bump for feedback. Sadly I am a lone wolf when working out. I can never get my friends to get interested so I seek asylum here.

  7. #7
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Whats up man?

    What are your current stats?

    How manny cals are u eating?

  8. #8
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    Current Stats atm I do not have a scale but I am 6' 4''. 22 years young. I got sick back in july then got a little better started working out then got real sick and figured out I got mono. Haven't touched a weight since august. Just eating as much as I physically can.
    I haven't been counting calories simply because Im just gaining weight idc what it is. I don't want to be close to 150 again. Brings back horrible memories. I will count my calories as soon as I eat breakfast to give you a rough estimate. I generally consume around 2800-3000 cals a day. I don't use protein powders. Sorry I don't have all my information ready. But before I started to get sick I was still thin but around 185 which doesn't look that bad. I don't know if I jumped the gun last time I was sick and compromised my immune system to allow mono in or what. I thought I took it easy. So I'm just at a loss on how I should try to slowly come back into my regular workout routine.

  9. #9
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    Im going up to the gym tomorrow to weigh myself and take some better pictures so people can get a more clear view of my current physique. I definitely know Im no longer 152 pounds because the veins all over my stomach have went away.

  10. #10
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Fvck counting calories, just eat until you puke, but don't actually puke, it would be a waste

    Good luck gaining and remember if u are natty protein is no magic, 1,5g for kg body weight is plenty. Nice portion of good fats and WAGON of CARBS!!!

  11. #11
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    Shit, you look damn solid to me still

    GL Man

  12. #12
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2013
    On the protein subject. I never go above 200g of protein in a day. It seems to irritate my G.I track and flare up old problems. My thought on it is if this massive requirement of protein is needed for muscle growth..why aren't people malnourished if they only consume 30g-100g a day and still exercise? Does the effectiveness and bioavailability increase when an excess amount of protein is in the system? Sometimes I only get 50-100g of protein in a day simply because of my schedule. Am I putting myself into a catabolic state with that low of protein? I feel like people under estimate the mechanics and ability the body has to survive and grow. Just my 2 cents.

    I also only stick to whey isolate and I avoid anything that has milk proteins. And I generally attempt to get most of my protein intake in actual food sources and leave supplements for what they are.... to supplement a good diet. Not to replace.

    Also I weighed in a 175.6 pounds the other day. For being 6' 5''. That is pathetic.

  13. #13
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you don't have sufficient protein you may not heal and repair optimally, protein is what your body uses to repair the micro tears in your muscle. But yes protein is largely over exaggerated and you don't need nearly as much as most will have you think, 50g is too little though.

    Sounds like you need to eat more if you don't feel like you're gaining weight fast enough.

  14. #14
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    Its not that I'm not gaining weight fast enough. I think it is more to do with my impatience. I need to get over the fact that bodybuilding is a marathon and instant gratification does not happen in this sport. I was just giving an example on a day that I completely blew off nutrition. Would one day of faulty eating practices put me into a catabolic state? Or is the act of muscle catabolism more complex than a simple miss a few meals and boom you fcked yourself. I shoot for 200g. If my stomach can handle more food by the end of the day then I eat more. I always look like im 3 months pregnant with my distended stomach from so much food.

  15. #15
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nah it takes much longer than that for catabolism to begin, your need to be in a prolonged state of starvation for your body to actually use your muscle as energy.

  16. #16
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    That's what I thought. Like I mentioned earlier, I think some people underestimate the body's ability to survive. There is an obvious reason why humans are still alive today after history has proven to be rather challenging at times. I'm trying to find a study on an exact window.

  17. #17
    Khazima's Avatar
    Khazima is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grymreefer View Post
    That's what I thought. Like I mentioned earlier, I think some people underestimate the body's ability to survive. There is an obvious reason why humans are still alive today after history has proven to be rather challenging at times. I'm trying to find a study on an exact window.
    I'd be interested to see that, please post if you find one. It's not a topic I really think about to much, but would be nice to know the window etc.

  18. #18
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    It seems the window is very subjective to quite a few variables. Only thing that is standing out in black in white is a formula stating that it takes 2-3g of protein to be broken down into 1g of glucose. On average it takes 20-30g of protein to be broken down per day to synthesize 10g of glucose which is the minimal for brain function. The amount CAN decrease however the longer the fast is continued. I remember from genetics (at least in our studies) they rate the brains power in CC's. Obviously everyone would have a different variable for that number so that would also add another variable to the system on how much glucose is being requested by the brain.

  19. #19
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    I'm horrible at converting other peoples work into my own thoughts so if I find something I'll just post the link to the article. Only thing im finding is a study done on pregnant women and one done on mice.

  20. #20
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    Ughhhh...remember this moron? Out of I shouldn't be. Ha I got some comparison photos. sorry for the extremely poor quality in advance.

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    I figured out that when you sit in a hospital bed for a long time reading becomes your best friend. I basically read on everything from nutrition, energy homeostasis, organic chemistry, the history of sex in america lol, human physiology, a little physics, molecular biology, box car children..the list goes on and on and on. but.. allowed me to hit the ground running when i could walk and i feel i experienced "gainz"

    Oh ya why I was in hospital? I'm a lousy drug addict. Sober now and planning on keeping it that way. Can't waste my whole life away.
    Last edited by Grymreefer; 06-03-2015 at 01:39 PM.

  21. #21
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    Found one more. Came from a junk phone.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	157398

  22. #22
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
    MR-FQ320 is offline This means war!
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    Get addicted to steroids and the bodybuilding lifestyle, don't shout about it, show people the results.

  23. #23
    Grymreefer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    Get addicted to steroids and the bodybuilding lifestyle, don't shout about it, show people the results.
    All of that was achieved naturally. I'm not getting into specifics just mentioning briefly why I was sitting in a hospital.

  24. #24
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good job getting back on track. Looking really well imo.

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