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Thread: New to the forum. Few questions for you all :)

  1. #1
    Inked medic1's Avatar
    Inked medic1 is offline Junior Member
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    New to the forum. Few questions for you all :)

    Hi all

    Hope you are all well. I'm new to this forum but looks like a good place to gain and share advice.

    I've been training on and off for about 20 years but became quite serous in the last four or five.

    I have a few questions for anybody who would take the time to answer them: I'm considering a steroid cycle of testosterone -Enanthate . I am a complete novice to steroids and may come over extremely naive so please forgive me. I must add though that three weeks ago I began hgh but I have been getting hard welts at the injection site and believe it may be due to fake GH.

    Okay so questions:
    What are your thoughts for a first cycle?
    Could I just so one cycle of around 12 to 16 weeks and see enough results not to do another, and would I lose the gains I made if I stopped?
    I'm 40 years old in quite good health although I do suffer with slight hypertension (unmedicated) is this an issue?
    also, is it a must to have bloods taken prior to a cycle, as I fear this could be very difficult.

    Again sorry guys for the naïveté.

    Thanks again

    Take care


  2. #2
    chris_columbia's Avatar
    chris_columbia is offline Associate Member
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    You can do a cycle for 12-16 weeks, but if it's going to be your first cycle I would recommend 12 weeks to start off with ,its good that your choosing just test enth because that is going to be the base of all cycles ( or should be) you may do in the future, and after your first cycle, even though you say you don't want to do another , the results are addicting , a good first cycle would be as follows
    test enthanate 500mg a week( 250mg) injections twice a week (Monday and thursday) ran with an aromatase inhibitor like arimidex @ 0.25mg eod (every other day) to help reduce possibility of gyno and your e2 levels while on cycle, also hcg which is Human chorionic gonadotropin and what that does it trick you testes In to producing natural testosterone because when your on your levels are going to be so high your going to halt your natural production and keeping it going while on cycle will make your pct (post cycle therapy ) a hell of alot easier and when your 12 week cycle is up I would strongly suggest running a pct of clomid @ 100/100/50/50 and nolvadex @ 40/40/20/20 not just one or the other because they both work synergistically to help with a much better recovery after your cycle there fore maximizing gains kept, as far as gains kept it varies upon the individual but it's ususually anywhere from 10-18 lbs over 18 would be excellent after cycle is over and anything under 10 would be a major disappointment. I'm not to sure about the hypertension you may want to wait for a more experienced vets input and the bloods would be a very good idea but if you don't have access to them its not that bad, youre just gonna be in the dark as far as what's happening to your body and your going to have to Make certain decisions depending on how you feel when on cycle, and as long as your eating to maintain what you gained I see no reason why you would lose your gains, although steroids are not the MAGIC PILL and you cant just take them GET BIG , get off and stay that way, your going to have to be able to maintain whatever you gain.
    Last edited by chris_columbia; 10-29-2014 at 02:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Inked medic1's Avatar
    Inked medic1 is offline Junior Member
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    Hi Chris

    Thanks for your post, mate, appreciate you taking the time. Real informative! Still early stages for me as regards steroids but hope to gain enough info to begin a cycle within the next month. I will keep you posted.

    Thanks again

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    derekkpapa1's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum.

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    Welcome to the forum. Post your Q in the anabolic Q&A start with this

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